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Fun Preschool Games and Stories Hetty and the Lion

Hetty and the Lion

1. Story text two versions 2. Story Lesson Plan Ideas

Revision: Hello, how are you? I'm fine thanks. Revision Nouns: lion, milk Revision Other: little New Nouns: orange, apple, banana, pear, ice cream New Verbs: ate, drank New Phrases: Would you like some..? Oh, yes please.

p. 2 p. 4

3. Eight Story Illustrations 4. Bingo 5. Vocabulary Flashcards Separate Downloads

p. 9-16 p. 17

Lion from story 1, milk from story 8 New: Orange, apple, banana, pear, ice cream A4, A5, Small Size for bingo and other games, Black and white for colouring

6. Story Texts to stick on back of Illustrations 7. Order the full resource & other resources
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p. 18-24 p. 25-28

Fun Preschool Games and Stories Hetty and the Lion

9. Hetty and the Lion Story

Picture 1 "Hello lion, how are you?" "I'm fine thanks Hetty, how are you?" "I'm fine thanks, would you like some milk?" Picture 2 "Oh yes please", said the lion, and the lion drank all the milk, and Hetty had none. "Lion, would you like some oranges?" Picture 3 "Oh yes please", said the lion, and the lion ate all the oranges, and Hetty had none. "Lion, would you like some apples?" Picture 4 "Oh yes please", said the lion, and the lion ate all the apples, and Hetty had none. "Lion, would you like some bananas?" Picture 5 "Oh yes please", said the lion, and the lion ate all the bananas and Hetty had none. "Lion, would you like some pears?" Picture 6 "Oh yes please", said the lion, and the lion ate all the pears and Hetty had none. "Lion, would you like some ice cream?" Picture 7 "Oh yes please", said the lion, so Hetty gave lion just a little ice cream. Picture 8 And Hetty ate all the rest!
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Fun Preschool Games and Stories Hetty and the Lion

9. Hetty and the Lion Story Version 2

Version 2 with more language Extra words: tea party, house, friend, invited Adjectives: big, surprised, shocked, annoyed, cross. Picture 1 This is Hetty. She is having a tea party at her house and she has invited her friend the lion to come. "Hello lion, how are you?" "I'm fine thanks Hetty, how are you?" "I'm fine thanks, would you like some milk?" Picture 2 "Oh yes please", said the lion, and the lion drank all the milk, so there was none left for Hetty. Hetty was sad. The lion had drunk ALL the milk! But then Hetty thought about how cats like milk, and lions are just big cats; EXTRA big cats, so they need a lot of milk! Hetty asked the lion; "Lion, would you like some oranges?" Picture 3 "Oh yes please", said the lion, and the lion ate all the oranges, so there were none left for Hetty. Hetty was surprised. She didn't think that lions really liked oranges all that much, but this lion certainly did! "Lion, would you like some apples?" Picture 4 "Oh yes please", said the lion, and the lion ate all the apples, so there were none left for Hetty. Hetty was shocked! The lion liked apples too, and he was still so hungry! "Lion, would you like some bananas?" Picture 5 "Oh yes please", said the lion, and the lion ate all the bananas so there were none left for Hetty. Hetty was annoyed because she really liked bananas. "Lion, would you like some pears?" Picture 6 "Oh yes please", said the lion, and the lion ate all the pears so there were none left for Hetty and she was cross! There was only one thing left on the table for tea, and Hetty wanted some of it! "Lion, would you like some ice cream?" Picture 7 "Oh yes please", said the lion, so Hetty gave the lion just a little ice cream. Picture 8 And Hetty ate all the rest! Top

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Fun Preschool Games and Stories Hetty and the Lion

9b. Hetty and the Lion Activities

Picture Flashcards Provided
Orange, apple, banana, pear, ice cream, milk, lion

Key vocabulary
Revision: Hello, how are you? I'm fine thanks. Revision Nouns: lion, milk Revision Other: little New Nouns: orange, apple, banana, pear, ice cream New Verbs: ate, drank New Phrases: Would you like some..? Oh, yes please. Th e re a l H e tty lik e s to d re s s u p to o !

Pre-story activities
1. Listening games for the first three fruits Introduce the first three fruits and play Run and Touch. First lay out the picture flashcards, or the fruits themselves and tell the children to touch the fruit you name. After a few minutes spread the pictures out over the room and tell the children to run over to the picture you name. Next have the children make the shape of the fruit you name with their bodies. If your children are doing well introduce the other three food words and play the above games again either with the three new words or with all six words if you have children who are fast learners. Only through observation can you know exactly how fast to go. Next play Show me, variation 3. In this game you hand out different picture cards to the children who secretly look at their card and place it face down on the floor or hold the picture into their chests. Play some music for ten seconds or so and have the children move around the room. When you stop the music name one of the fruits and the children with that fruit must show the picture to everyone. Add an element where when the music stops everyone must freeze and only those children with the picture you have called out can move. After you have called out all the fruits and vocabulary swap the pictures around and play again, or move onto another game. 2. Greetings Revise greetings by rolling the ball again. Seat the children in a circle and take a ball. Ask the whole group, "Hello, how are you?" and have the group answer back with, "I'm fine thanks." Have the children repeat this back to you three or four times in unison.& Now roll the ball to one child and say, "Hello, how are you?" Help the child reply to you with, "I'm fine, thanks". The child rolls the ball back to you and you repeat with each child. Only do this with a group of 8 or it gets boring. Top
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Fun Preschool Games and Stories Hetty and the Lion

With a bigger group put the children into pairs in the circle. Seat the two in a pair close together and have them hold hands, then leave a clear gap between the next pair. Now roll the ball to a pair of children and they can reply together, which cuts down the whole exercise by half. 3. More listening games and the rest of the food words Now introduce the remaining food words and play some more listening games. For a listening game that also revises colours name the fruit and the children call out the colour of that fruit. For example you say, "banana" and the children say, "yellow", etc. If you have been following the stories in order your group will know the colours. 4. Musical fruits Lay out the colours of the fruits, and the milk on the floor. With a large group you will want several of each colour. Use the coloured feet (found with the vocabulary flashcards) or the Twister sheet, or whatever you have. Play music while the children dance around. Then call out a question such as, "what colour is a banana?"& The children must jump on the colour yellow. This listening game allows the children to hear the words named several times in preparation for saying them, and it also allows for the revision of colours. Remember to include, "what colour is milk?" as well as the fruits. Another way to play without using colours is to just name the fruits and food vocabulary in turn and let the children jump on the correct pictures. You will need several pictures of each so that you do not have the whole group converging on one small picture. You want to be sure the children have enough space and pictures to move around and play without bumping into each other. 4. Speaking games You may decide to leave these speaking games until after you have read the story or for another lesson it just depends on your group. If you feel your children are not ready for these games then skip ahead to more listening games where you introduce the question, Would you like some..? a. Mystery box When the children are ready for some speaking play some games such as mystery box where you cut holes in a cardboard box, turn the box upside down and place real fruits inside. The children have to feel inside the box and name what they can feel. Cut several holes in the same box to give more than one child a go at a time, and if you have a big group you will need more than one box. I suggest two to four children feeling in one box at any one time so if you have eight children one box is enough as the children can wait one turn. However if you have 12 children I recommend two boxes as you do not want half of the children sitting around doing nothing for more than a minute or two or you may start to have discipline problems. Top
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Fun Preschool Games and Stories Hetty and the Lion

Play a variant of this where you place three objects in the box. Two are matching and one is the odd one out. For example you place two oranges and one banana in the box. The children feel inside and name the odd one out. b. Hide and Guess game Play a guessing game such as Hide and Guess where a child picks up a fruit while hiding behind a blanket, and the other children have to guess which one the child picked. If you do not have a blanket let the child pick out a picture card secretly and hold that card behind his or her back while the other children guess which item it is. 5. Listening games to introduce would you like some? Moving on now from simple vocabulary words to the key phrase in the story, Would you like some..? At this stage it is enough to play a few listening games so that the children understand the meaning of this phrase so that they can follow the events in the story. Explain the meaning of the question first and with the children in a circle ask them each if they would like some ice cream, or some apples, etc. Let the children answer yes or no and if they answer yes hand them the fruit or a picture of the fruit and the children can pretend to eat it if they like. Play All Change In this game, hand out the fruit and food words. Hand out pairs of words so that two children have the same item. You then ask the question, would you like some apples? The two children with an apple or a picture of an apple change places. Continue through all the vocabulary. Then you jazz the game up by putting one child in the middle. This time when the two children change places the child in the middle must try to jump into one of the spots in the circle, leaving a different child to take the place in the middle. There are six food words in this story, which would mean that you could play with thirteen children one being in the middle. If you have more than thirteen children and you have a helper consider forming two groups and let the helper look after the second group. If that is not possible then you will have to have up to three children holding the same cards. If the group gets too large this game can lead to chaos so more than 15 children and you must have two groups and a helper. If you have less than thirteen children then instead of handing out two bananas, two apples, and so on. Hand out all the vocabulary and ask, would you like some apples and bananas? Then the child with the apples changes places with the child with the bananas. At any time during the lesson, when you want to calm the children down or give them a break, hand out the black and white version of the vocabulary pictures and allow the children to colour them, or play a quiet game such as find the pairs.

Ideas to use during the story

Count up how many apples, oranges or items the lion is eating in each picture.
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Fun Preschool Games and Stories Hetty and the Lion

Have the children mime the lion eating the different items, either individually, in small groups or as a whole. Have half the group miming the lion eating and half miming Hetty.

Post-story activities
1. Tasting game If you are fortunate enough to have the real fruits easily available then bring them in and play a blindfold tasting game. Be careful to wash the fruits and your hands carefully beforehand and cut the fruits into small pieces. Give the children the black and white pictures to be colouring in while you are doing that, or have the fruits pre-prepared which would actually be a lot better. Blindfold one child and feed them a piece of fruit on a spoon. The child must guess what fruit it is. This is only suitable for small groups of course otherwise you would need an assistant to help you get through the children faster. 2. Make a fruit salad Again if you are fortunate to have the facilities to do this making up a real fruit salad is always a popular activity with the children. Make sure there is plenty of naming of the fruits as you put them in the bowl and eat them afterwards. You could play a game once the fruit salad is made where each time a child has a go they are allowed a spoon from the salad bowl. You will have to serve them yourself in a separate dish as these days everybody is paranoid about germs, and you can't be too careful with other people's children. 3. Hot Potato Seat the children in a circle and hand out the different fruits at intervals around the circle. Play music while the children pass the fruits around. When you suddenly stop the music the children holding fruits stand up and call out the name of the fruit they are holding and sit down again. You start up the music again and repeat until you feel you have had enough. 4. Chanting game Have the children chant or sing these simple words: Apples and oranges, nanas and pears four times in a row. If you prefer to be strictly accurate, because the word nana is a fun short form but is not the real word then you could use: Bananas oranges apples and pears four times in a row. The trick is to say these four lines in a sing-song type way, with the intonation going up at the end of the first and third lines and down at the end of the second and in particular the fourth line. It is better if make up a simple tune, or use a tune that you already know and put these words to it. 5. Revisit the idea with ice cream cones and velcro from story 2 Top
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Fun Preschool Games and Stories Hetty and the Lion

Seat the children in a circle with eyes closed. One child stands outside the circle holding one of the fruits. The whole group sing or chant the four lines while the child with the fruit walks round the outside of the circle and at some point secretly puts the fruit behind another child's back. When the song or chant is over all the children feel behind their back, and the one with the fruit must jump up and run round the circle and try and catch the other child. The other child will never be caught and will run round the circle and sit down in the place of the child now holding the fruit. Repeat until everyone has had a go. If you have a big group cut the chant down to two lines and have a little chasing session every two lines instead of every four to let more people have a go. 6. Would you like? Play question and answer dance. See the game for how to play. First say, "Would you like some milk?" in unison a few times. Count the children in with a one two. Then hold up a picture of the apples and count the children in. They must ask, "Would you like some apples?" Have one go with each food picture until the children have more or less got it. This should take you two minutes. Now you are ready to spend another 3-4 minutes on the game. When you stop the music hold up a picture card of one of the food items from the story. Count the children in and ask the question with them. If the children can do it on their own so much the better, then answer them with, "yes I would", or "no thank you". 7. Role play This is something to play once the children are very familiar with the story and are ready to start using more language than just naming individual words. Sit your group down on the floor and tell them to pretend to be in a restaurant where they are to order. One of the children is a waiter. If possible give them a tea towel and tray as props. The waiter comes up to the group and asks them, "would you like some milk", "oh yes please" say the group, and the waiter goes off, selects the correct flashcard and brings it back to the table. Now swap the waiter over and let another child have a go. If possible have the real fruits available for the waiter to take over to the table. 8. Shopping race Divide your children in to two teams and give each child a picture flashcard of a fruit or food item that he or she must buy. At the other end of the room are two shops, one for each team. Place your two best children in each of the shops. On the word go the first two children from each team run down to the shops and the shop assistant must ask them what they would like, for example, "would you like some bananas?" The child doing the shopping must say, "oh yes please" if his or her picture is of bananas and "no thank you" if it is of any other item. Vary how you play with this idea. For example you could allow the shop assistant to see the flashcard so that all the shopping is done very quickly, and this is the best way with the three year old children anyway. Or you could allow the shop assistant three guesses, and if none of those guesses are of the picture in the flashcard then the shopper has to go back to his or her team empty handed. Top

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Fun Preschool Games and Stories Hetty and the Lion

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Fun Preschool Games and Stories Hetty and the Lion

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Fun Preschool Games and Stories Hetty and the Lion

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Fun Preschool Games and Stories Hetty and the Lion

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Fun Preschool Games and Stories Hetty and the Lion

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Fun Preschool Games and Stories Hetty and the Lion

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Fun Preschool Games and Stories Hetty and the Lion

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Fun Preschool Games and Stories Hetty and the Lion

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Fun Preschool Games and Stories Hetty and the Lion


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Fun Preschool Games and Stories Hetty and the Lion

Story Texts to stick on back of Illustrations

Picture 1

"Hello lion, how are you?" "I'm fine thanks Hetty, how are you?" "I'm fine thanks, would you like some milk?"

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Fun Preschool Games and Stories Hetty and the Lion

Picture 2

"Oh yes please", said the lion. The lion drank all the milk, and Hetty had none. "Lion, would you like some oranges?"

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Fun Preschool Games and Stories Hetty and the Lion

Picture 3

"Oh yes please", said the lion. The lion ate all the oranges, and Hetty had none. "Lion, would you like some apples?"

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Fun Preschool Games and Stories Hetty and the Lion

Picture 4

"Oh yes please", said the lion. The lion ate all the apples, and Hetty had none. "Lion, would you like some bananas?"

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Fun Preschool Games and Stories Hetty and the Lion

Picture 5

"Oh yes please", said the lion. The lion ate all the bananas and Hetty had none. "Lion, would you like some pears?"

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Fun Preschool Games and Stories Hetty and the Lion

Picture 6

"Oh yes please", said the lion. The lion ate all the pears and Hetty had none. "Lion, would you like some ice cream?"

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Fun Preschool Games and Stories Hetty and the Lion

Picture 7

"Oh yes please", said the lion, so Hetty gave lion just a little icecream.
Picture 8

And Hetty ate all the rest!

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Fun Preschool Games and Stories Hetty and the Lion

Order the full preschool games and stories here:

As well as this preschool games book, teaching twos report and series of ten stories, of which Hetty and the Lion is a part, I have other useful teaching resources. Here is a list, some of which go with this preschool series, or follow-on from it, and others which may be useful if you teach a variety of ages or class sizes.

1. Fun Preschool Games and Stories

A fun and practical games book for preschoolers, ideally between 3 and 5. Most games are easily played with no materials or flashcards. Use them to teach any language. Ten stories covering basic language themes 94 colour story illustrations in A4 size Colour flashcards for all vocabulary included in the stories Black and white flashcards for colouring Extra colouring provided for some stories Super Teaching Twos report compiled with teaching ideas from 250 teachers

Sto ry One : He llo , h o w a re yo u? I 'm fine th a nk s , b ut I 'm h ung ry...

Sto ry Tw o : Anna a nd h e r d a d d y a re a t th e zo o ...

Sto ry Th re e : Arc h ie jum p s ro und te n jum p s , a ll d iffe re nt c o lo urs , b ut no t w ith o ut s o m e inte re s ting inte rlud e s !
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Fun Preschool Games and Stories Hetty and the Lion

Sto ry Fo ur: Bird a nd Gira ffe p la y h id e a nd s e e k ...

Sto ry Five : Te n a nts g o m a rc h ing d o w n a p a th ...

Sto rie s Six a nd Se ve n: Ad ve nture s w ith Luc a s a nd h is a d o ra b le d o g g y...(find th e h id d e n d uc k in e a c h p ic ture !) Sto ry Eig h t: Be a r h a s tro ub le g e tting h is te d d y b e a r to g o to s le e p . Sto ry Nine : He tty a nd th e Lio n s e e a b o ve ! Sto ry Te n: Ge ra rd th e Gira ffe is h ung ry, b ut is h e e a ting th e rig h t th ing ?

Order this resource from

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Fun Preschool Games and Stories Hetty and the Lion

2. Teaching English Songs 1 CD or Download

This CD or download contains sixteen songs to match the vocabulary taught in the stories. It is the perfect compliment to stories 1 to 10, helping you to reinforce what you are teaching while bringing cheerful music to the classroom. A songs activity book is included with lesson plan ideas for introducing and teaching each song. The ideas in there may be used with any songs and not just the ones on CD. In addition masks of all the characters in the story are included in black and white, to cut out, colour and wear, and pre-coloured. The two shown are not to scale.
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Fun Preschool Games and Stories Hetty and the Lion

3. Follow-on Stories 11 to 20
More stories covering actions, family members, rooms of the house, nature, light and dark, verbs, farm animals, body parts, clothing and other useful vocabulary.

4. Teaching English Songs 2 CD or Download

More songs to go with stories 11 to 20 with the songs, karaoke version and masks of the characters.

5. Plays and Skits

Plays and skits for small groups up to 15 students, also for use one on one. For beginners aged 4 to 10.

6. Primary games book, flashcards and lesson plans

Games book for children aged 6 to 12, handling all class sizes. If you have very big preschool groups and you need more games for large classes this book would help. Over six hundred printable flashcards in vocabulary themes, in three sizes, and being added to all the time. Elementary lesson plans to help get teachers started using games.

7. Teen/Adult Games book

This includes games and activities for higher levels. Printable board games and game cards are provided to keep preparation to a minimum.

8. One to One Games and Video

Games for private tutors and parents for ages 4 to 12 With video demonstrations

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