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Resulting from launch mtg 26/09/12 Ideas from Hall Green Neighbourhood Forum Launch event

Arts & Crafts Festivals, Local produce/food markets, Promotion of local shops/traders, Linking in with local pubs and restaurants, promoting HG as an area for people to visit, promoting local history and cultural links with partner organisations eg councils, funders, linking local organisations in cross cultural activities, linking younger with older locals in projects. Definitely farmers market now that Shirley market has gone, Craft fairs are always good especially seasonal, Summer fayre with performers, music and stalls Socials - encourage community participation, encouraging residents to be more aware of their environment (clean and tidy etc), Street garden competition, community awards, (bursaries), art/crafts exhibition of residents work. Would be interested in an educational group (creative software, Apple Mac, web design) Events etc for Hall Green area, Keep it local for HG residents only - it worked for us. Farmers market, craft fair. Yes excellent around the Bull pub or outside the so called Sun alliance building next to the Mail Sorting Office. Research feasibility of market - venue, traders, parking, planning etc. Arts Festival - again research venues, performers etc. Core of a wider event celebrating HG. Children/young people activities but aware of other local groups who may see it as a threat. Youth programmes. More events to bring community together. Seasonal crime prevention advice on web site. Local police team contact details, Councillor surgery dates and events details. Youth club (presently there is nowhere for young teenagers to meet up. Would like to encourage an interest in the history and topography of Hall Green (part of the former Yardley Parish). Much history concentrated along the River Cole - many watermill sites and Sarehole obviously. Guided walks and publishing trails - talks etc An arts festival would be great. Celebrating local creative talents Linking existing clubs and groups together 'branding' HG in a positive way. Supporting cycling routes and encouraging people to cycle to school/shops. Could be an interesting link to food. We have some great places to eat in HG - pop up 'cafes' in peoples' homes. Good to hear about the advisory group. is it possible for small 'working groups' of people to get together to move ideas forward? Maybe a list of ideas from the mtg could be posted and people invited to join a 'working group' to make something happen. Have an event celebrating 'ordinary' Hall Green gardens and other green spaces. Celebrate the green verges ' On the verge'... Acknowledge and celebrate the variety of local peoples' interests and hobbies - HG hobbies. Have a 'Tools for Self-reliance' group. Link in with voluntary work on the river/in the Shire Park. Rangers etc. Surely Hall Green Parade should have a parade.... An arts festival would be wonderful. Wondering what positive things there are in Hall Green that also begin with HG 1

Resulting from launch mtg 26/09/12 - Happy Gardens .... Healthy Growing...Homely Gatherings...Hearty Greetings.. Link with existing groups and events: tennis Club...Bonfire Night @TC....groups at Library A river festival/project celebrating its role in Hall Green, bringing people together e.g What has the river meant to people since 1950? - inter generational project. Tie it in with Diwali - a lantern festival. Audio project - housing, commercial, background, age, faith - the Sounds of Hall Green. Blogging Hall Green. Story telling project. Working to build relationships with isolated people. More venues for teenagers to participate in activities. A park for children and parents to enjoy. Social evening for all ages. Farmers market Choir

Seasonal monthly events: Markets, arts and crafts fairs, cultural events, food fairs, sports competitions, music, dancing, theatre. Hall Green Music Festival, Mums and children group at HG Junior School - spreading the idea. Arts group for children and younger people and general activities for these as they do not seem to be catered for. Table top food market/ Art fair Hall Green, More emphasis on Hall Green Theatre. Hall Green in the past, celebrate the architecture/houses, Roundabouts with hobbits and Tony Hancock, Welcome to Hall Green (Hobbiton) sign Farmers Market, More use of the library upstairs facility for gatherings, events etc for local people especially youth Hall Green market/craft fair both excellent ideas to bring community together Sports clubs for teenagers to adults possibly hiring out school/college venues. Better community links with local schools e.g. Key events involvement engaging young people. There isn't anything cheap and free to do. At least 45 ideas. Thank you very much for everyone who contributed.

Resulting from launch mtg 26/09/12

Resulting from launch mtg 26/09/12






Christmas arts and crafts market Arts and crafts festival

Community awards (Bursaries) for young people Photographic competition for young people Farmers Market

Food festival

Promoting local history, businesses and cross cultural links Inter-generational project

Summer fayre with performers, music and stalls

Resulting from launch mtg 26/09/12






Social evenings for all ages

Street garden competition Happy Gardens

An educational group (creative software, Apple Mac, web design) Wider event celebrating Hall Green.

Youth programmes/ youth club

Guided walks and publishing trails re. watermills and history and topography of the River Cole.

Resulting from launch mtg 26/09/12 Supporting cycle routes and encouraging people to cycle to school and work Pop up cafes

On the verge celebrating green spaces and grass verges Celebrate Hall Green hobbies

Celebrate Hall Green collections

Tools for self-reliance group

Become a Fair trade area

Link in to Rangers and voluntary work on the river

Resulting from launch mtg 26/09/12

IDEA Have a Hall Green Parade Events beginning with HG Healthy Growing...Homely Gatherings...Hearty Greetings. What else? Hilarious giggles? Halloween ghosties? Link with existing groups e.g. bonfire night at the Tennis club A river project / festival celebrating the role of the River Cole in Hall Green linking in with Diwali Audio project The Sounds of Hall Green Film project started off by showing of the films of the Hall Green Film Unit of 1958 and perhaps guest speaker. A park for children and parents to enjoy Hall Green Choir Harmonious Glee/Grace/Gloria/Gig





Resulting from launch mtg 26/09/12

IDEA Blogging Hall Green and supporting the website Story telling project Building relationships with isolated people Regular social events e.g. sports competitions, Scarecrow weekend, cultural events, theatre, dancing, music, poetry reading, Hancock scripts, Tolkien readings The Stratford Road runs through Hall Green. Involve the Royal Shakespeare company. Putting more Green into Hall Green Hobbits and Gandalf on the roundabout nearest Sarehole Mill, a Tony Hancock sculpture outside the College. Lots of flowers up the Stratford Road Hall Green in Bloom





Resulting from launch mtg 26/09/12

IDEA Hall Green Music festival Mums (and dads?) and children group across the schools Arts group for children and young people Art fair Celebration of Hall Green Theatre Welcome to Hall Green (Hobbiton) sign Sports clubs for teenagers to adults possibly hiring out school/college venues Better community links with schools In all these events, how best to engage children and young people?





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