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2 theSun | TUESDAY MARCH 24 2009

news without borders

‘High Court must decide on
Perak constitutional issues’
PUTRAJAYA: The Federal Court here yesterday the order for the four questions to be referred to
ruled that issues involving the interpretation of the Federal Court under Section 84 of the Courts
Article 16 (6) of the Perak Constitution must be of Judicature Act (CJA) because that section was
heard and decided at the High Court and can only confined to the Federal Constitution and not the
be brought to the Federal Court by way of appeal. state constitution.
The five-member bench presided by Court of He then set aside all the orders made by the
Appeal President Tan Sri Alauddin Mohd Sheriff Court of Appeal on March 20, including that which
made the decision after allowing a preliminary ob- ruled that the four questions must be heard and
jection by Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamalud- decided by the Federal Court, and remitted the case Abdullah shakes hands with deputy
din’s lead counsel, Sulaiman Abdullah, that the to the High Court, before the same judge, Lau Bee director-general of the Kuwait Fund for Arab
Federal Court was not seised of jurisdiction to hear Lan. Economic Development in Kuwait yesterday.
the four questions to be referred to it for determina- On March 10, Justice Lau pronounced four
tion. constitutional questions to be determined by the
The court was to have heard the four questions Federal Court.
in Mohammad Nizar’s suit challenging the legiti-
macy of Datuk Zambry Abdul Kadir’s appointment
Mohammad Nizar, 52, who is also Perak PAS
deputy commissioner, had filed for a judicial
Developing human capital
as Perak mentri besar.
Both Mohammad Nizar and Zambry were
review seeking to declare that he is the rightful
mentri besar of Perak. the way forward: Abdullah
present. He has also filed an injunction to bar Zambry
In the unanimous decision, Justice Alauddin from discharging his duties as the mentri besar. KUWAIT CITY: Malaysia and Ku- discussed the situation in war-torn
said the High Court judge had no power to make – Bernama wait may draw up programmes to Gaza. “It’s a sad situation that calls
Company help backward Muslim countries for the Organisation of the Islamic

Component parties responsible

boost human capital development, Conference (OIC) countries to as-
paid for said Prime Minister Datuk Seri sist the Palestinians in Gaza,” he
Balkis’ Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. said.

for leaders they choose shopping

He said having a pool of
knowledgeable human capital was
important if Muslim nations were
He said the sufferings of the
people in the coastal enclave
should be brought to an end.
KUALA LUMPUR: Barisan Nasional (BN) component but he (Samy Vellu) has been elected by MIC members pg 4 to scale greater heights. He also said efforts to en-
parties must be responsible for the leaders they so we have to accept it and we have to work hard to “There is a need for Malaysia hance trade and investment links
choose to lead them, said Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak convince the Indian community that the BN is serious and Kuwait to think of ways to between the two countries also
yesterday. about their interests.” help less developed Muslim coun- featured prominently in the Kuwait
“We don’t interfere in the affairs of any BN compo- The deputy prime minister said BN had, in fact, tries move forward with training discussions.
nent party. We leave it to their members to elect the taken various measures towards this end, the latest programmes tailored for their The emphasis, he said, was on
leaders they think deserve their support through their being the aid given to repair Tamil primary schools as youths,” he said. the need to speed up the proposed
internal process. announced in the economic stimulus plan. Abdullah was briefing Malay- bilateral trade agreement between
“We hope that the election of leaders in the BN Asked whether Samy Vellu’s election would affect sian journalists here on Sunday Malaysia and Kuwait.
component parties will have an impact on the re- the BN’s chances in the April 7 Bukit Selambau by-elec- on the outcome of his talks with “Hopefully, all issues pertaining
spective parties ... they should be responsible for the tion, he said: “We’ll see the result then.” his Kuwaiti counterpart Sheikh to the crafting of the agreement
leaders they choose,” the deputy prime minister told “But for now we are working hard and we must Nasser Al-Mohammed Al-Ahmed can be ironed out in a meeting to
reporters after opening a bumiputra entrepreneurs go down to the ground and meet all the voters and Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Kuwait Fund be held in Kuala Lumpur so that it
symposium organised by Malaysian Industrial Develop- convince them that the BN has an agenda to fight for for Arab Economic Development can be inked as soon as possible,”
ment Finance Bhd (MIDF) here. the interests of all races,” he said. deputy director-general Ghanem said Abdullah.
He was asked to comment on the election of Datuk He also added that the voters in Bukit Selambau Al-Ghenaiman and Kuwait Invest- According to him, Kuwait
Seri S. Samy Vellu as MIC president for a record 11th could gauge how well their assemblyman from the ment Authority managing director backed Malaysia’s call for a free
consecutive term after more than 90% of the nomina- opposition had served them since the general election Bader Al-Saad. trade agreement (FTA) between
tions for his challenger, Datuk M. Muthupalaniappan, in March last year. The meetings were held in the Southeast Asian nation of 27
were rejected by the party’s presidential election The Bukit Selambau seat fell vacant after state conjunction with Abdullah’s official million and the Gulf Cooperation
committee during nominations yesterday. executive councillor V. Arumugan resigned last month. visit to Kuwait. Elaborating on his Council (GCC) comprising Bahrain,
Asked whether Samy Vellu’s election would further Nomination is on Sunday. talks with Sheikh Nasser followed Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, United Arab
hamper the BN’s efforts to gain the support of the In- The BN has named Kedah MIC deputy head, Datuk by the Malaysia-Kuwait delegation Emirates and Saudi Arabia. – Ber-
dian community, Najib said: “There are various opinions S. Ganeson, 49, as its candidate. – Bernama meeting, Abdullah said they also nama

Jawah Gerang PKR

candidate for Batang Ai briefs
Dundang said his party’s deci-
sion to skip the by-election was
part of its contribution to the op-
KUCHING: Former partnership of Bawin
Lubok Antu MP, Jawah and Gerang, PKR can position front in the state which
Gerang, 55 (pix) has wrest the Batang We’re not scared: wanted a straight fight in Batang
Ai. – Bernama
been named PKR’s Ai seat,” he told re- Snap president
candidate for the porters in a packed
MIRI: The Sarawak National Party Conference on
April 7 Batang Ai conference room.
(Snap)’s decision to stay out of the
by-election, PKR de Gerang, a gradu-
Batang Ai state by-election is due anti-corruption
facto leader Datuk ate in Economics
to its pact with other opposition KUALA LUMPUR: The Asian Strat-
Seri Anwar Ibrahim from University Ma-
parties to win the seat and not egy & Leadership Institute (Asli)
announced here yes- laya, said he would
because it fears Barisan Nasional and Transparency International
terday. work hard to deliver
(BN)’s might, Snap president Edwin Malaysia (TI-M) will jointly or-
Another leading the seat.
Dundang Bugak said yesterday. ganise an anti-corruption confer-
candidate, Nicholas “I believe we can
He said the party was willing ence on March 30 and 31.
Bawin, 51, who con- make a good start,”
to opt out of the by-election so Themed “Zero Tolerance For
tested on the Sarawak he said.
that Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Corruption,” the conference is
National Party (SNAP) ticket in the The Batang Ai seat fell vacant
could spearhead the opposition open to the public at Sime Darby
May 2006 state election and lost following the death of Parti Rakyat
challenge for the seat which fell Convention Centre, Bukit Kiara.
narrowly by 806 votes to incum- Sarawak (PRS) vice-president Dub-
vacant following the death of ASLI chief executive officer,
bent, the late Dublin Unting Ingot, lin on Feb 24 after being in coma
Datuk Dublin Unting Ingkot on Datuk Dr Michael Yeoh, said
was made director of operations following a stroke last May.
Feb 24. the conference was aimed at
for Jawah’s election campaign. Batang Ai is one of the two
“We are not scared of Barisan getting participants to agree
Anwar said Gerang, a five- state seats in the Lubok Antu
Nasional but instead, we want to on the need to fight corruption
term Lubok Antu MP, was chosen parliamentary constituency. The
make it tough for them,” he told intensively.
after much discussion between other is Engkilili.
Bernama here. Participation would come
supporters of the two proposed Gerang is up against Agricul-
Dundang was asked to com- from the government, private
candidates. ture Department engineer Mal-
ment on a remark by Pantai Damai sector, non-governmental or-
“I hope everybody will give their colm Mussen Lamoh, 49, fielded
assemblyman Dr Abdul Rahman ganisations and universities.
cooperation as PKR is confident by Barisan Nasional.
Junaidi yesterday, that Snap might For queries call CikAini Salwa at
in Gerang’s ability in solving the Expected to contest as an
be scared of Barisan Nasional, 03-20935393/210 or visit its
people’s problems and in looking independent candidate is Johnny
which led the party to skip the website at
after the interests of all communi- Chuat, 38, the publisher of a well-
by-election. – Bernama
ties in the state. known Iban cultural, educational
“I believe that with the strong and entertainment magazine.

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