Thesun 2009-03-24 Page03 What Next For A Much-Bruised Umno

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theSun | TUESDAY MARCH 24 2009 3

news without borders RUN-UP TO

UMNO elections

Stop dirty tactics,

says Abdullah
dates, their capability to be lead-
What next for a
much-bruised Umno?
KUWAIT CITY: Datuk Seri Abdul-
lah Ahmad Badawi has called for ers and the roles they had played
a stop to the use of dirty tactics, over the last several years.
including circulating libellous Said Abdullah: “I hope that
SMS messages as well as defam- when the time comes for vot-
ing people, in the run-up to the ing, matters such as commo-
Umno elections this week. tions, ridicule, slander, sending
The prime minister and Umno of libellous SMS messages and Tan Sri Muhammad Muhammad Taib
president said this should not be absurd talk would not be taken after Malacca Chief Minister Datuk
into account. What they should Seri Mohd Ali Rustam was barred
the way to defeat any candidate
consider is whom they regarded from contesting for having violated
of the party elections.
as the best of the candidates the party’s code of ethics.
“Those who have become vic-
and who could lead the party The senator may just benefit from
tims of such tactics can report to
... who could be in the top party
the police for action to be taken,” the so-called backlash to the decision
he told Malaysian journalists cov- to bar Mohd Ali and also from those
Abdullah said he believed
ering his official visit to Kuwait, out to spoil Muhyiddin’s chances to
that Umno delegates would not
here on Sunday night. become deputy president and the
be influenced by money in arriv-
Among those said to have ing at their decisions. “I know. I country’s deputy prime minister.
become targets of such tactics is have been long in this party.” Of the three vice-president slots,
Wanita Umno chief Tan Sri Rafidah Abdullah was asked to Minister in the Prime Minister’s De-
Aziz who had expressed disap- comment on the statement by partment Datuk Seri Dr Zahid Hamidi
pointment with the widespread Umno deputy president Datuk seems the favourite to fill one of
circulation of libellous SMS mes- Seri Najib Tun Razak on Sunday them. The other seven hopefuls are
sages in the run-up to the wing’s which implied that the party Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal, Datuk Seri
elections on Wednesday. constitution might be amended Rais Yatim, Tan Sri Mohd Isa Samad,
Rafidah was reported to have as one of several important Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar, Datuk
said the SMS alleged money poli- strategies for Umno’s renewal Mohamed Khalid Nordin, Datuk Seri
tics had taken place, linking her and rehabilitation. Rahim Thamby Chik and Datuk Seri
with several of her supporters. “It’s good. Many things have Hishammuddin Hussein.
“These dirty tactics should to be done for Umno. So long as Shafie, a Sabahan, hopes to sail
be avoided. Defaming and slan- what’s to be done is beneficial into the second slot with solid sup-
dering friends are not the way for the party. I believe all quarters port from Sabah and his friends from
to garner votes and defeat any will extend their support.” the other states who want East Ma-
Workers comment by Zainon Ahmad them well? Or will they be swayed laysia to be represented at the top if
candidate in the (party) elec- Najib said, among other
moving a by emotion and vote in people with- Foreign Minister Rais, a former Negri
tions,” Abdullah said. things, that change must take
place in Umno to erase the nega- billboard out regard to their capabilities and Sembilan mentri besar, is unable to
He felt that Umno members
tive perception the people had at Dewan NEVER before will a speech by an leadership qualities? get solid backing from his state and
would make their choice based
of the party. – Bernama Merdeka. Umno deputy president be so closely No doubt, times being hard and elsewhere.
on how well they knew candi-
scrutinised as when Datuk Seri Najib with so much money in circulation, it It has happened before but it is
Abdul Razak speaks at the joint open- must have been difficult for some to unlikely to happen this time that two
ing of the Wanita, Youth and Puteri reject them. Still, according to many hopefuls, much less three, from one

Making sure things go assemblies tonight. Umno members, there is nothing to

As the incoming president of a prevent them from joining those who
once powerful party but which was had refused inducements of any kind
state – this time, Johor – become vice-
presidents. Thus, the third slot could
be filled by one of the two young
much-bruised, factionalised and ma- to vote with their head.
without a hitch
ministers, Khalid (higher education)
ligned following the March 8 general These loyal diehard Umno mem- and Hishammuddin (education), or a
election last year, his speech is likely bers know the party needs fixing senior one, Syed Hamid (home).
to give some hints of the prescrip- and they realise that only a strong A total of 51 hopefuls, including
by Tim Leonard » VENDORS: Some 400 stalls and booths tions he has in mind to cure Umno in supreme council, filled with men nine ministers, nine deputy ministers, time for the next general election. and women of integrity with strong five mentris besar, an array of former
will be operating at the concourse area
KUALA LUMPUR: Putra World Trade of PWTC throughout the five-day event. It may also indicate who he wants resolve to reform and strengthen the ministers, deputy ministers, mentri
Centre – the venue of the Umno General “We will also be monitoring outside as members of his team to help him party, will be able to do it. besar and has-beens with varying
Assembly, the country’s biggest political traders and businesspeople and pre- rally Umno, win back those Malays Najib needs a strong panel of degree of credibility problems – if
gathering that kicks off today – was yes- venting them from entering. Previously, who had deserted it and make leaders to counsel and guide him they matter at all to the delegates
terday the scene of last-minute tweaking we used to have a problem whereby changes to attract those young and to debate with him so that the – are vying for the 25 ordinary council
and fine-tuning to ensure all proceedings outsiders would come in and ply their people who are policies that emerge seats.
go without a hitch. trade, claiming that they are also Umno not too enchanted These loyal diehard will be those that According to some delegates,
Datuk Yaakob Mohammad, chief members,” said Yaakob. with the party at will benefit Umno, most of the ministers, especially the
executive officer of Putrade Property » SIGNAGES: Seven backdrops and 120 the moment. Umno members know the Barisan Nasional younger ones, and some popular
Management Sdn Bhd, the building man- signboards will be placed at the venue, He is banking the party needs fixing and everyone in the seniors like Domestic Trade and
agers, said he had met Tenaga Nasional which includes Dewan Merdeka, Dewan on this team to country. Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk
Bhd officials to ensure there are no Tun Dr Ismail, and Dewan Tun Hussein help him write new and they realise that Never has it been Seri Shahrir Samad and Agriculture
blackouts or power disruptions during Onn. approaches to win only a strong supreme so important for and Agro-based Industries Minister
the proceedings. » MEDICAL AID: Three doctors and 25 back the non-Ma-
council, filled with men Umno to come out Datuk Mustapa Mohamed stand a
“We have also stationed 1,200 se- medical assistants will be stationed at lays, who for a long with policies that good chance of being elected and to
curity personnel throughout PWTC to Level Three to provide first aid. There will time until the great and women of integrity are popular, accept- be part of Najib’s cabinet.
ensure no untoward incidents happen,” also be six ambulances on standby. victory of 2004 had with strong resolve to able and effective Also, according to them, Datuk
he said. » TOILETS: A total of 120 workers will be trusted the party to win back public Seri Shahrizat Jalil may just be suc-
He said 920 workers have been stationed at 36 toilets to ensure a clean with the national reform and strengthen confidence in it so cessful in edging out Tan Sri Rafidah
involved in preparations for this annual environment. stewardship of the party, will be able to that with time, much Aziz, who has been Wanita chief for
event that draws thousands, including Today, Umno president Datuk Seri the country, and of the negativity that most of the last two decades, while
some 2,500 delegates, from all over the Abdullah Ahmad Badawi will brief to prevent Umno do it. surrounds the party Datuk Mukriz Mahathir may be hailed
country. delegates at a pre-council meeting at from sliding into and its new leader as the new Youth leader.
These are the statistics: 3.30pm at Dewan Merdeka, followed by total oblivion. will eventually be eclipsed by a sense But last-minute surges in fortunes
» FOOD: Some 100,500 servings will be the opening of the Youth, Wanita and While conceding that Najib has to of achievement, goodwill and trust. can take place as everything is still in
dished out for delegates; 113,750 sets of Puteri wings’ AGM by his deputy Datuk say what he has to say, some Umno Thus, to these Umno loyalists, a state of flux in view of rivalling loy-
cutlery to be used. Seri Najib Abdul Razak at 8pm. members are hoping that it will not whether the party rises again or be alties and resentment against the lat-
steal too much thunder away from relegated to the junk heap of history est decisions of the party disciplinary
outgoing president Datuk Seri Abdul- will depend on the delegates – regard- board, especially after supporters of
lah Ahmad Badawi when opening the less of whether they have accepted those disciplined say that they are
main party’s meeting on Thursday. money or not – rising above petty campaigning for delegates to reject
In his sixth and final opening loyalties to vote with their head. candidates favoured by the top.
speech, Abdullah is expected to International Trade and Industry As to whether the hints pro-
defend his record of achievements, Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin vided by the leaders in their opening
such as it is, and dole out some ad- has been for a long time seen as speeches could actually help the can-
vice but he may have some pointers the natural choice for delegates to didates, one of the delegates recalled
of his own too for the delegates who choose to be deputy president and what happened in 1981 when finance
will vote shortly after the ceremony. deputy prime minister to comple- minister Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah,
The campaigning by the 63 candi- ment Najib. an expected shoo-in, was challenged
dates for the various positions in the After all, reasoned some Umno by Education Minister Datuk Musa
Workers party’s supreme council is still in full members, he could have been cho- Hitam for the deputy presidency.
putting swing as most of the delegates have sen to be deputy prime minister in Such was the stress on education
the final already arrived in the city and the 2004 instead of Najib. But whether it that out-going president Tun Hussein
touches on horse trading is expected to continue was to raise his profile that he asked Onn made in his address that Kelan-
the Umno till the very last minute. Abdullah to step down or he genu- tan delegates looked crestfallen and
logo ahead Uppermost in the minds of inely believes that Abdullah is not the upset as they walked out of the Hilton
of the party Umno members are who the 2,500 man to reform and strengthen Umno, ballroom after the opening shortly
general delegates will vote into their party’s attempts to oust him were soon in before they even cast their votes.
assembly supreme council on Thursday. Will place. One of them remarked: “It’s over,
yesterday. they vote in those who have paid It is now either him or Senator Musa has already won.”

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