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@ 1pm on the 25th April 2013 (via Skype)

ACCESS would like to invite all interested parties to attend a national virtual meeting of Planeteers. The meeting is being held to discuss the formation of local (by institution) Planeteer groups and for the election of a national committee. We therefore invite all interested parties to join us in a Skype meeting at 1pm on 25thth April 2013. The meeting will be held by Instant Message (IM) not voice, to accommodate those with low bandwidth. We also invite nominations for Planeteers to serve on the national committee. More details below and overleaf.
To join the meeting: You will need a computer or smart phone with internet access and speakers. No microphone will be needed as the meeting is held by IM. 1. Sign up for a Skype account (its free, just go to or visit your phones app store) 2. Add access_hpw as a contact 3. Sign into Skype 15 minutes before the start of the meeting.

ACCESS Secretariat: Dr Neville Sweijd (Acting Director and Operations Manager) Mr Edgar Neluvhalani (Education and Training Manager) Dr Carl Palmer (Curriculum Development) Ms Leshion Tholo (Administrator)

To nominate someone to serve on the national committee: If you wish to nominate someone to serve on the national committee please send an e-mail to me ( stating your name, your institution, the name of the person you wish to nominate and their contact details.

DRAFT AGENDA 1. Welcome and review of meeting aims - Carl Palmer (Chair) 2. Establishment of National Committee a. Discussion of roles and responsibilities group discussion It is proposed that the role of the national committee would be to oversee all schools projects, to coordinate the local committee, to raise funds (from ACCESS and elsewhere), to manage a national bank account for the Planeteers, to coordinate the dispersal of these funds and to produce a Planeteers newsletter. b. Discussion on makeup of committee (numbers/geography) group discussion c. Review of nominations Steve Arowolo d. Vote for committee members secret ballot 3. Formation of Local Planeteer Organisations a. Discussion of roles group discussion It is proposed that the role of the local committee would be to organise local climate change related events, to advertise and help students apply for ACCESS events (and others) and to oversee the running of Planeteer schools programme in their region. b. Note of committee volunteers by institute Steve Arowolo Committee chairs to be elected locally offline and report to the national committee. 4. Discussion of Funding group discussion 5. Date for next meetings group discussion a. National Meeting b. National Online Events c. 1st Committee meeting 6. AOB

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