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SanUSB The transfer application firmware for microcontrollers is usually accomplished through a specific hardware programmer. Through the SanUSB tool, executable in Linux, Mac OSX and Windows operating systems, it is possible the discharge of application firmware for microcontrollers directly via USB, as well as generating a virtual serial communication port using the USB interface. The SanUSB tool allows to program application .hex into the chip using the standard USB connectivity of PIC microcontrollers. This tool is composed of software and a circuit based on the microcontroller with USB interface for the development of embedded systems [1], i.e., systems that manipulate data inside another larger system [2]. To facilitate the tool application, the software is free and available from the archives at [3]. Using this tool, students of IFCE were consecutively three time champions of the IFCE Robotics Competition (2007, 2008 and 2009), champions of the Brazilian Fair of Science and Engineering (FEBRACE09) in the University of So Paulo in Engineering Category (2009), obtained the Innovation Award for Technology Application at the 2009 Feria Explora Medellin in Colombia and became Champions in the International Forum of Science and Engineering 2010 in Chile in the Supranivel Category [4-8]. Using the SanUSB tool, it also is possible to suppress the following items in the development of embedded systems: (a) (b) A specific device for microcontroller memory programming; TTL/RS-232 interface for bi-directional serial communication protocol emulated by

USB communication device class (CDC); (c) (d) Power supply, since the power source is derived from the PC USB channel; Externally analog-digital converter (ADC), because the microcontroller has

internally 10 ADC of 10 bits. Using externally ADC increases the cost of data acquisition cards; (e) Simulation software, whereas the simulation program and hardware can be made quickly and effectively in their own development circuit. Besides all these advantages, modern laptops and computers of today no longer have parallel and serial EIA/RS-232 communication interfaces, only USB.


The SanUSB tool enables user-friendly programming and also real debugging directly through the virtual serial emulation. This can be created quickly and effectively at the very moment the microcontroller is connected directly to a PC, through the USB interface. Figure 1 shows an illustration of the SanUSB tool programming process. Figure 1. Illustration of the SanUSB tool programming process.

To enable all these features, compatible with Linux, Mac OSX and Windows operating systems, is necessary to burn previously only once an USB manager gerenciador.hex file with a specific microcontroller hardware or with the simple programming circuit described at the end of this tutorial. The application firmware is sent directly from the PC to the USB microcontroller with the programming interface. Initially, the microcontroller pin 1 must be connected to Gnd via a push button while the USB cable is connected between PC and microcontroller, then the compiled application firmware .hex file can be selected in Open button of the programming interface shown in Figure 2 and the microcontroller is programmed by pressing the Burn & Reset button.


Figure 2. SanUSB tool programming Interface.

It is possible to download this software tool at the following link:

For application programs in C can be written to the microcontroller via USB, it is necessary to compile and to turn them into machine language .hex. There are several compilers that can be used by this tool, including the SDCC, the C18, Hi-Tech and CCS. At the end of this tutorial there is firmware models to use the SanUSB tool with mentioned C compilers. The basic mounted SanUSB circuit on a breadboard with 28 and 40 pins microcontroller are shown in Figures 3 and 4:


Figure 3. Basic SanUSB circuit with 28 pins microcontroller.

Figure 4. Basic SanUSB circuit with 40 pins microcontroller.


The basic circuit components are: a PIC microcontroller USB family (18F2550, 18F2455, 18F4550, etc.). a crystal of 20MHz; two 22pF capacitors; two 1uF capacitors; a 2k2 pull-up resistor and a button for programming at pin 1; a diode; and USB cable.

Note that this multi-platform can also be implemented in any development PIC microcontroller board because it uses the reset button at pin 1 as the programming button via USB. When you connect the USB cable with pin 1 on the Gnd (0V, the microcontroller enters in programming state via USB (LED at pin B7 on) and after the reset, with pin 1 on the Vcc (through the fixed 2K2 pull-up resistor), the microcontroller comes into operation state of the application firmware that was compiled. The figure 5 shows a photo of the SanUSB tool mounted on breadboard following the previous circuit and also the position of each terminal on the USB connector to be connected to the PC.

Figure 5. Basic SanUSB circuit with 40 pins microcontroller.

The figure 6 shows the PCB, available in the Archives of SanUSB Group, and the circuit for this tool with input for external power supply. .


Figure 6. Basic SanUSB PCB.

If you prefer to make the card, you can also print on glossy paper black PCB shown in Figure 7 is already in full size, corrode, stick (brown spots) and solder the components. More information available at: Figure 7. Basic SanUSB PCB circuit design.


During the C program development just insert at the beginning of the program in C, the library SanUSB header (# include <SanUSB.h>) contained within the Examples and Library CCS folder you should have added, along with the other libraries in this folder within the Drivers located in the installed folder of the compiler (C: \ program Files \ PICC \ Drivers). This library contains the instructions for the USB PIC operating system settings. The program example 1 below contained in the folder Examples, switch a led connected to pin B7 every 0.5 seconds.
#include <SanUSB.h> void main() { clock_int_4MHz();//Function necessary to enable the dual clock (48MHz for USB and 4MHz for CPU) while (1) { output_toggle(pin_B7); // comuta Led na funo principal delay_ms(500); } }

The program below blinks three 3 leds connected to pins B5, B6 and B7.
#include <SanUSB.h> main(){ clock_int_4MHz();//Funo necessria para habilitar o dual clock (48MHz para USB e 4MHz para CPU) while (1) { output_high(pin_B5); // Pisca Led na funo principal delay_ms(500); output_low(pin_B5); output_high(pin_B6); delay_ms(500); output_low(pin_B6); output_high(pin_B7); delay_ms(500); output_low(pin_B7); } }

The Compiled files. hex as well as the firmware source are available in the folder Examples available at: .


Serial Emulation
In this topic is shown a method of bi-directional serial communication channel through the USB PIC18Fxx5x. One of the simplest ways is through the protocol Communications Device Class (CDC), which is standard on Linux and Mac OSX and emulates a virtual COM port RS-232 through the USB channel. Thus, it is possible to communicate with ASCII characters via USB by software serial monitor RS-232 as the Cutecom, minicom or other software with serial interface. The application firmware must heve the CDC library (# include <usb_san_cdc.h>), responsible for this virtual RS-232 port emulation via USB. The serial emulation is widely used also to debug by printing variables via USB during actual program execution. Thus, the programmer can find possible errors in the firmware programming. For the compilation of a serial emulation application program, such as exemplo_emulSerial.c. The CDC library (# include <usb_san_cdc.h>) should be in the same folder as the firmware or installed into the folder of the compiler (C : \ program Files \ PICC \ Drivers). The firmware exemplo_emulSerial.c below commands the state of a led on pin B7 with the L and D keys on the PC keyboard. The CDC functions most commonly used for communication with virtual COM are: usb_cdc_putc () - microcontroller sends ASCII characters emulated via USB. Example: printf (usb_cdc_putc, "\ r \ nEndereco to write:");

usb_cdc_getc () - retains an emulated ASCII character via USB.

Ex: data = usb_cdc_getc () / / retains a character in data variable

gethex_usb () - holds a hexadecimal number entered from the keyboard.

Example: value = gethex_usb ();// holds a hexadecimal in the value variable

usb_cdc_kbhit () - Warn to TRUE (1) to get a new character in the USB PIC receive buffer.


Example: if (usb_cdc_kbhit ()) {data = usb_cdc_getc ();}

#include <SanUSB.h> #include <usb_san_cdc.h> BYTE comando; main() { clock_int_4MHz(); usb_cdc_init(); // Inicializa o protocolo CDC usb_init(); // Inicializa o protocolo USB usb_task(); while (TRUE) { if (usb_cdc_kbhit( )) { comando=usb_cdc_getc(); if (comando=='L') {output_high(pin_b7); printf(usb_cdc_putc, "\r\nLed Ligado!\r\n");} if (comando=='D') {output_low(pin_b7); printf(usb_cdc_putc, "\r\nLed Desigado!\r\n");} } output_high(pin_B6); delay_ms(300); output_low(pin_B6); delay_ms(300); }}









video: .


For serial microcontroller programming of the gerenciador.hex is necessary only three resistors of 10 k, a DB9 serial cable (RS-232) and an 5V external voltage supply, which can be obtained from the USB port. The circuit and the photo below show the simple connecting pins scheme.


This circuit seen from the PC DB9 COM port can be viewed in the figure below.

This circuit works with the programming software PICPGM (detected as JDM Programmer) or WinPIC (detected as COM84 Programmer). The Winpic appears more stable, because after the microcontroller detection, the microcontroller can be programmed, even pointing ERROR: Programming failed, the file gerenciador.hex proved to be programmed correctly in the microcontroller to manage programming via the USB port on Windows , Linux and Mac OSX operating systems. The software Winpic can be downloaded from or


After installation, run the program. In "Device, Config" select the microcontroller. Once the microcontroller is connected to RS-232 PC COM port, go to "Interface", select "COM84 programmer for serial port", and press "Initialize." If the software indicated that the boot was "Success", then the program is prepared to program the gerenciador.hex in microcontroller. For the programming, select File and then Load & Program Device and then select the file gerenciador.hex. As previously mentioned, even after the programming and verification appear "Programmed Failed", it is likely that the gerenciador.hex has been programmed correctly.


Firmware Header file for CCS C Compiler

SanUSB.h header File:

#include <18F4550.h> //This library 18F4550.h is valid for the whole family USB PIC18Fx5xx #device ADC=10 #fuses HSPLL,PLL5, USBDIV,CPUDIV1,VREGEN,NOWDT,NOPROTECT,NOLVP,NODEBUG #byte OSCCON=0XFD3 #use delay(clock=48000000)// USB standard frequency (cpu and timers 12 MIPS = 4/48MHz) //#use delay(clock=4000000) // internal Oscillator Clock of 4MHz #use rs232(baud=9600, xmit=pin_c6, rcv=pin_c7) //SanUSB program memory allocation #define CODE_START 0x1000 #build(reset=CODE_START, interrupt=CODE_START+0x08) #org 0, CODE_START-1 {}

void clock_int_4MHz(void) { //OSCCON=0B01100110; //with dual clock -> cpu and timers #use delay(clock=4000000) while(read_eeprom(0xfd)); }


Firmware Modification for Microchip C18 compiler



#include "p18F4550.h"

void low_isr(void); void high_isr(void);

#pragma code low_vector=0x1018 void interrupt_at_low_vector(void) { _asm GOTO low_isr _endasm } #pragma code #pragma code high_vector=0x1008 void interrupt_at_high_vector(void) { _asm GOTO high_isr _endasm } #pragma code

#pragma interruptlow low_isr


void low_isr (void) { return; }

#pragma interrupt high_isr void high_isr (void) { return; } void main( void ) { ...; }

Firmware Modification for SDCC

Example Format



#include <pic18f4550.h> #pragma code _reset 0x001000 void _reset( void ) __naked {


__asm EXTERN __startup goto __startup __endasm; } #pragma code _high_ISR 0x001008

void _high_ISR( void ) __naked { __asm retfie __endasm; } #pragma code _low_ISR 0x001018

void _low_ISR( void ) __naked { __asm retfie __endasm; } void main() { }


Firmware Modification for MikroC

Example Format for Bootloader



#pragma orgall 0x1000 void interrupt(void) org 0x1008 { ; } void interrupt_low(void) org 0x1018 { ; } void main() { } ......;

Hi-Tech C Compiler
step1:goto Build option step2:linker tap step3:set offset : 1000


Firmware Modification for Microchip ASM compiler

/* processor PIC18F4550


#include"" org 0x1000 goto init org 0x1020 goto int_isr init ... loop ... goto loop int_isr ... retfie end ; interrupt code ; code ; initialization

REFERENCES Grupo SanUSB (2011). Arquivos do Grupo SanUSB. Retirado em 05/01/11, no World Wide Web:


Jornal O Povo (2011). Da escola pblica para o mundo. Retirado em 05/01/11, no World Wide Web: nal,2086691/da-escola-publica-para-o-mundo.shtml. Juc, S. et al.(2011). A low cost concept for data acquisition systems applied to decentralized renewable energy plants. Retirado em 05/01/11, no World Wide Web: . Juc, S. et al.(2011). Gravao de microcontroladores PIC via USB pelo terminal do Linux. Retirado em 05/03/11, no World Wide Web: Jornal O Povo (2010). De Maracana para Eslovquia. Retirado em 05/01/11, no World Wide Web:,489,109.html?i=2051467 . Dirio do Nordeste (2010). Rob cearense. Retirado em 05/01/11, no World Wide Web: TV Dirio (2010). Feira do Empreendedorismo SEBRAE. Retirado em 05/01/11, no World Wide Web: TV Verdes Mares (2009). Estudantes competem com robs. Retirado em 05/01/11, no World Wide Web: TV Cidade (2009). Projetos Comsolid/Setapi IFCE. Retirado em 05/01/11, no World Wide Web: Juc, S. et al.(2009). SanUSB: software educacional para o ensino da tecnologia de microcontroladores. Retirado em 05/01/11, no World Wide Web: . Dirio do Nordeste (2007). Alunos estimulados a construir robs. Retirado em 05/01/11, no World Wide Web:

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