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Bloodborne Pathogen Quiz

Click on the grey button beside the correct answer 1 If you are exposed to potentially infectious materials on the job, you may request a vaccine for which bloodborne disease? HIV Syphillis Hepatitis B Brucellosis 2 Which of the following materials could contain bloodborne pathogens? Bloody saliva Semen Vaginal secretions All of the above 3 If you wear gloves when cleaning up an accident site, it is not necessary to wash your hands afterwards. True False

4 Bloodborne pathogens may enter your system through: Open cuts Skin abrasions Dermatitis Mucous membranes All of the above 5 You should always treat all body fluids as if they are infectious and avoid direct skin contact with them. True False

6 You should never eat, drink, or smoke in a laboratory or other area where there may be potential exposure to bloodborne pathogens. True False

7 If you have blood or potentially infectious materials splashed into your eye, you should flush your eye with clean, running water for 2 minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes 8 Uncontaminated sharps may be disposed in regular trash bags. True False

9 A quarter cup of household bleach to one gallon of water provides a strong enough solution to effectively decontaminate most surfaces, tools, and equipment if left for 10 minutes. True False

10 Needles should never be recapped. True False

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QUIZ Stain Clean Pickling Paste contains acids, which are classified as toxic and corrosive. What is the potential harm to your health if this chemical became smelly at your workplace because someone ? Suppose, the workplace has no adequate ventilation and proper respirator has not been used and still work is being continued. A. Damaging neck and ear. B. Damaging mouth and throat. C. Mental disorder. D. Burn Who is responsible to prepare the PPE for the visitors

Dear employees, Please take this quiz after completing your self-reading for EHS Induction Training. The passing rate of this quiz is 80%. It takes about 10 minutes to complete. Thanks, EHS

Question Excerpt From Quiz for EHS Induction Training Q.1) EHS Policy applies to all of our company employees as well as to our visitors, service providers, suppliers and subcontractors. A . B . True False

EHS Policy which approved by CEO forms foundation of our EHS Programs. It is applicable to all of our company employees as well as to our visitors, service providers, suppliers and subcontractors. We operate a comprehensive EHS Management System to ensure: (a) Compliance with legal and company requirements (ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certified) (b) Management accountability (c) XAP community involvement


1. ____ is the concentration of a material to which nearly all employees may be exposed for a normal 8 hour workday and 40 hour work week without harmful effects. A. OSHA B. NIOSH C. PEL or TLV 2. Another word for "exposure" is ________________. A. Routes of entry B. Dose C. Reactive 3. Acids and caustics are said to be _________ chemicals. A. Flammable B. Corrosive C. Reavtive 4. _______ chemicals are those that are capable of causing health effects or diseases. A. Flammable B. Reactive C. Toxic 5. When a chemical enters the body throught the skin, it's called ________. A. Absorption B. Ingestion C. Inhalation 6. The presence of chemicals in the workplace is detected by sight, taste, and ________. A. Smell B. Pressure C. Hearing 7. ______ health effects occur a short time after exposure. A. Chronic B. Acute C. Toxic

8. The _______ for chemical tells you the name of the chemical, how to identify it, what it's hazards are, and how to work with it safely. A. Label B. MSDS C. TLV 9. A label tells you the hazard with the use of colors, numbers, words, and _______. A. PEL B. Flammable C. Symbols 10. What section of the Material Safety Data Sheet would you use to determine the protective measure to use? A. Section VIII - control measures B. Section V - Reactivity Data C. Section I - Identity

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