Thesun 2009-03-25 Page01 Relook Quota System Says Najib

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No. 4723 PP 2644/12/2009 (023092)

March 25, 2009

» MB sues Gerak chairman pg4 » US details toxic asset plan, Wall St rallies pg9 News without

Sizzling pg18
hot affair

Najib Abdul Razak yesterday
called for a change in the way
Umno chooses its leaders,
including re-examining the
two-decade-old quota system, as part
of initiatives to transform the coun-
Relook quota
system, says Najib
try’s biggest political party to reclaim
its position as a party of choice for all
“This move will be able to put
to an end the problems of money
politics and abuse of power. This is
the path we must take if we are to re-
gain our strength by returning to the
grassroots the mandate for choosing
party leaders,” the party’s deputy
president said at the opening of the
joint assembly of wanita, Youth and

Puteri at Putra World Trade Centre
He said currently, the deciders are
a delegation of some 2,600 delegates
from 191 divisions whose choice
“cannot correctly reflect the prefer-
ences of more than three million
grassroots members”.
The quota system, introduced
after the bitter party elections in
1987 which split the party, had been
criticised in the long run-up to this
week’s party polls as it favoured
incumbents and made it difficult
for new leaders to rise. It also bred
money politics, which the party had Najib, Prime
been trying to eradicate. Minister
Najib’s speech will come under Datuk Seri
scrutiny as delegates to the assembly Abdullah
will use it as a guide to elect the lead- Ahmad
ers who will work with him when he Badawi, and
become president tomorrow to face Umno vice
the challenges ahead for the party president
and the country. and
Trade and
» On the team Industry
he wants Tan Sri
Give me a line of leaders who are Yassin pose
strong and able. Present to me a team as they
that has the traits of loyalty, integrity, arrive for
ability and dedication to duty. the Umno
assembly at
» On change Putra World
Trade Centre
There is now a perception that the yesterday.
aspirations of Umno are far removed
from the aspirations of the masses.
To those having this perception, they
feel that what Umno wants is very dif-
ferent from what the rakyat expects. abandon negative behaviour in favour and followers alike can make light of our younger generation must master
As such we must correct this percep- of praiseworthy attributes. Change it with humorous remarks like “ beri the English language. Not only that
tion and we must not get trapped in from being aloof to being friendly and salah, tak beri kalah” (To give would we must be proficient in at least three
our own cocoon. We mustn’t get too approachable. Change from always be wrong, not to give would result in major languages in order to be able to
caught up in the internal processes thinking of our self interest to instead defeat). This is no laughing matter. truly shine in the global arena. Learn-
of the party. We must never be too putting the interest of the people We must resolve to eradicate money ing another language does not dimin-
preoccupied with winning positions above our own. Change from laziness politics right down to the roots. If not, ish who we are as Malays. Instead it
in the party, to the extent that we to diligence. Change from doing the we will all be collectively responsible will make us stronger and increase our
forget that the real measure of suc- required minimum to embracing a for the demise of this beloved party of self confidence in facing the challenges
cess of a democratic political party is passion for service. ours. of a globalised world. Let us not waste
whether or not it can win elections. any more time. Stop these pointless
Indeed, what is the point of winning polemics. Put an end to the ridiculous
party positions within a party that is » On money politics » On learning politicising of this issue.
bereft of authority and is no longer English
in power?” Umno, or for that matter any party or
If indeed we have floundered from organisation, will be destroyed if its The special position of the Malay lan- » On engaging the
the soul and spirit of the origins of
Umno’s struggles, then let us change Who’s contesting leaders are enshrouded in the evils of
money politics. Leaders of good stand-
guage will always be upheld no matter
what happens. However, I would also
and go back where we were before.
Let us put Umno back on track. To in the Umno ing who do not indulge in corruption
will be sidelined in favour of those
like to remind all of us, that if a people
perishes what good is the language of
Umno cannot afford to be seen as
a party that is resistant to new ideas
do this, we need leaders who are able
and are themselves enablers, leaders Youth, Wanita who bribe. The party will be led by
those who will bring their culture of
that people? The crux of the matter lies
in strengthening the people or race,
and new people or a party that does
not welcome the young. We must
who dare to change and are accept-
ing of change; who dare to criticise and Puteri corruption in the way they lead.
Clearly, if this evil is not halted and
first and foremost. To do this, we must
first master knowledge and wisdom,
ensure that we cease and desist from
the deplorable acts of eliminating and
and are willing to accept criticism.
We must dare to change and elections – pg3 is allowed to grow and fester, it will
become so commonplace that leaders
much of which is today documented
in the English language. Therefore, » Turn to Page 2

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