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Infinitive Be Beat Become Begin Bite Break Bring Build Burn Buy Catch Choose Come Cost Cut

Dig Do Draw Dream Drink Drive Eat Fall Feed Feel Fight Find Fly Forbid Forget Forgive Freeze Get Give Go Grow Have Hear Hide Hit Hold Hurt Keep Know Leave Lend

Simple past Was Beat Became Began Bit Broke Brought Built Burnt Bought Caught Chose Came Cost Cut Dug Did Drew Dreamt Drank Drove Ate Fell Fed Felt Fought Found Flew Forbade Forgot Forgave Froze Got Gave Went Grew Had Heard Hid Hit Held Hurt Kept Knew Left Lent

Past participle Been Beaten Become Begun Bitten Broken Brought Built Burnt Bought Caught Chosen Come Cost Cut Dug Done Drawn Dreamt Drunk Driven Eaten Fallen Fed Felt Fought Found Flown Forbidden Forgotten Forgiven Frozen Got Given Gone Grown Had Heard Hidden Hit Held Hurt Kept Known Left Lent

Translation Etre Battre Devenir Commencer Mordre Casser Apporter Construire Brler Acheter Attraper Choisir Venir Coter Couper Creuser Faire Dessiner Rver Boire Conduire Manger Tomber Nourrir Sentir Battre Trouver Voler Interdire Oublier Pardonner Geler Obtenir Donner Aller Grandir Avoir Entendre Cacher Frapper Tenir Blesser Garder Savoir Quitter Prter

Infinitive Let Lie Lose Make Mean Meet Pay Put Read Ride Ring Run Say See Sell Send Shake Shine Shoot Show Sing Sink Sit Sleep Smell Speak Speed Spell Spend Spoil Spread Stand Steal Sweep Swim Take Teach Tell Think Throw Understand Wake(up Wear Win Write

Simple past Let Lay Lost Made Meant Met Paid Put Read Rode Rang Ran Said Saw Sold Sent Shook Shone Shot Showed Sang Sank Sat Slept Smelt Spoke Sped Spelt Spent Spoilt Spread Stood Stole Swept Swam Took Taught Told Thought Threw Understoo Woke (up) Wore Won Wrote

Past participl Let Lain Lost Made Meant Met Paid Put Read Ridden Rung Run Said Seen Sold Sent Shaken Shone Shot Shown Sung Sunk Sat Slept Smelt Spoken Sped Spelt Spent Spoilt Spread Stood Stolen Swept Swum Taken Taught Told Thought Thrown Undestoo Woken Worn Won Written

Translation Laisser (s)allonger Perdre Fabriquer Signifier Rencontrer Payer mettre Lire Chevaucher Sonner Courir Dire Voir Vendre Envoyer Trembler Briller Tirer Montrer Chanter Couler (s)asseoir Dormir Sentir Parler Acclrer Epeler Passer Gter Etendre Se lever Voler Balayer Nager Prendre Apprendre Raconter Penser Jeter Comprendr Rveiller Porter Gagner Ecrire

THE PAST SIMPLE USES For activities which occurred at a known time in the past. The past time is usually specified by the context or by the following adverbs and expressions: Yesterday( morning / afternoon/ evening) last night last Monday / Tuesday / last January /.. last week / month / year on Monday / Tuesday / .. in January / February / .. in 1985 / minutes / days / months /ago When ( I was young / we were at School /.) In association with the past progressive. In conditional type 2 (with if, unless)


I met him five years ago. We didnt go away last year. She wasnt at work on Monday. They arrived yesterday evening. He went to university in 1990. He lived in Rome when he was young. I didnt sleep at all last night. They moved to this town in March.

It was raining when we left the cinema. I met him while I was studying abroad. If he had a car. He would drive to Spain. They wouldnt come unless you invited them. He wishes he had a car. Its time we went home. Id rather you didnt do that. He said he was hungry.(Im hungry, he said) They told us they spoke Arabic.(we speak Arabic, they said. ) Its ages since I (last) saw him. Its a long time since we (last) went to the cinema.

With certain expressions : Wish. / If only.. Its (high) time Would rather When reporting in the past, the present simple may change to the past simple.

With the expression: { ages} Its {a long time} since {two days/} How long is it since.?

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