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LAW OF KARMA In the beginning all spirits know that they are a part of the whole and there

were no desires, so they got all their ability intact and their vision and voyage is not restricted to any particular plane. They got access to all planes and all frequencies. There is awareness that all beings are One and the whole. Now the Creator wants some experience so he gave mind or thought whatever you can call to the spirits and sent them to different planes. The spirits were broadly divided into two categories. One is Intellectual Zone spirits and the other is Free Will Zone spirits. In Intellectual Zone, the spirits were more evolved scientifically and due to their advancement in science they started thinking that they are equal to the God or Creator. Their powers are enormous. They can control and put rather thrust their views on other zonal beings to get the experience. Since the law of nature states that unless one undoes his Karmic debt by his own deeds, he will not clear his karma. them for their ultimate purpose. Now we will concentrate on Free Will Zone. We are mostly concerned with Free Will Zone. So, we will try to make a clear picture of Free Will Zone. The Earth planet comes under Free Will Zone. First you should understand that not only the Earth plane, but also many more planes are coming under Free Will Zone. The Astral and some Mental planes also come under Free Will Zone. The other Free Will Zones are not of much importance for time being. How the Wheel of Karma started? Why we are trapped in Wheel of Karma? What is its law? How to pay Karmic debt? How to get free from Karmic wheel? Each question is very important and one should go in deep to know the things. So let us start one by one. The Wheel of Karma: How it started? Before entering how it started first we will see the different conceptions. The concept given in Hindu religion: Unless one goes through the Wheel of Karma completely, there is no enlightenment. There is no bliss. Miseries will not go away until one has gone through his complete Karmic chain. The abode of God is waiting for those who crossed the Chain of Karma. Buddhism: Unless otherwise you leave your aversion and craving which comes out of your karma, there is no way to attain Nirvana. Nobody can take you out of Karmic chain. You yourself have to come out of it. Islam: There is no karma. If you follow the right path you will go to Heaven; otherwise Hell is waiting for you. Christianity: You surrender all your sins and keep faith in God, you will get Heaven; otherwise you have to undergo Hell. Take the life of Krishna. His love blinded lakhs of Gopikas and devotees. At the same time when Arjun was under full of love energy during the starting of Mahabharata war, He taught him, rather lead him to light, Knowledge so Hence they are very slow in progress. Slow progress in spiritual whereas they are vastly improved in scientific terms. There are also some seers developing and they will guide

Law of karma


Medium: M.Desabandhu

that he can perform his karma. He is a great Master. If he had tried he would have easily stopped the war. But he never interfered with others karma and Free Will. He is a great example for Love and Light. Same in the case of Buddha also. Buddha used to tell - You could never bring a person out of misery unless he wants to come out of it. Hence he taught Dhyana Meditation to the people. Unless, one knows about his ownself, one can never free from misery. Is he not having love? No, he possesses great love in his heart. Love and compassion is his fort. Still he never went for miracles completely knowing that miracles will misguide the people. Hence for giving help, a permanent solution, he taught meditation. He is a superb Master of full Wisdom and future vision. Now, coming back to our question, how the Wheel of Karma started? At first in the Free Will Zone there was brotherhood and love. Each and every individual soul was in full of peace and harmony. But slowly, due to familiarity with the zone, some souls started craving for things. Pleasures and desires started pouring on some souls and they started vying for possession. These souls because of their activity slowly started going away from their spirit nature. Because of their amassed wealth, they started to lead life in a luxurious way. Seeing their style and luxury, other weak souls started following the same path. Now the competition started. At first the competition was fair one. Slowly cheating, beating, baiting started. Now the Creator amended a law. Whoever goes against the nature of law, should undergo this new law called Karmic law or Wheel of Karma. To put this Wheel of Karma in a perfect shape, Akashic records started. From this, you can get one point cleared. i.e., the Akashic records started only after the souls have forgotten their spirit nature These Akashic records are made available to all those who are willing to pay their Karmic debts. One more point to be cleared at this stage is that not all the souls who leave this Earth plane verify his Akashic records in a correct way. The majority of souls, which leave the Earth plane, go to the first Astral world, which is a desire plane. Here those who have more desires and less Knowledge spend their time satisfying their mean desires. Here also, teachings and guidance is needed for most of the souls. But most of the souls never care for this Knowledge. Due to fulfillment of their desires in a quick succession, these souls get bored and turn for the teachings. Since these souls are not evolved much, once they know about the Akashic records they rush and verify their record. Due to more ignorance these souls not giving much importance how to tackle the Karmic debt without creating new Karmic debt, return to Earth plane with some hasty decision. This hasty decision some times rather many times instead of helping the soul to clear the Karmic debt makes it to accumulate more Karmic debt. First what is Karma? Any action or thought, which connects the individual with desire and senses, brings him some debit or credit in his life circle which he has to clear in the same life or consequent lives. The debts and credit vary as per their intense. You started the life cycle with NIL balance or blank karma. So unless or otherwise it goes to NIL balance again, one cannot attain full enlightenment. As the Karmic balance becomes smaller and smaller, the individual soul starts understanding the law of nature. While the understanding starts flowing, one should have real Knowledge and Wisdom to see the ultimate. Otherwise again there is every chance for the soul to retrace in its mission. Hence to overcome karma both Knowledge and Wisdom play a greater role. Now concentrating on karma, the karma is mainly divided into two karmas:

Law of karma


Medium: M.Desabandhu

1) Nitya karma (day to day life karma) 2) Satya Karma (advanced karma or final karma) Nitya karma: This Nitya karma can be divided into two groups: (i) Bad karma (ii) Good Karma Bad karma: If your thoughts and deeds interfere with other souls progress, evolution and daily life situation causing them disturbance and harm to their freedom, then it is called Bad karma. Here both thought and deeds are equally important. Both thought and deeds bring same Karmic effect. In fact, a continuous bad thought can accumulate more karma than few bad deeds. A bad deed on most occasions is eruption of emotion by few moments and the individual on many occasions feel that he should have not done like this, also he feels sorry for that deed and tries to be careful in future. Whereas bad thoughts always creep in your mind and you are not bothered since it does not bring any action. Actually these thoughts though they are not bringing action from the soul concerned, give strength to some other souls' thought in a like manner and brings out a bad deed. Hence if a person wants to get rid off bad karma he should watch both his thought patterns and actions. Good Karma: How doing good can become karma. Yes, doing good also can become karma. If a good deed done with an intention or knowing that it is good and it will bring fruits for its action, then definitely it will bring Good Karma. Good Karma is useful in your present and future lives. But karma is karma, either it is good or bad it brings you back to the life chain and there is every possibility that you may accumulate fresh karmas during every life. So everyone should be above good or bad to overcome the Karmic cycle. How to overcome Good Karma? If you are doing a good deed, which brings peace and happiness to other living things you should tell and feel yourself - O.K. this is a good thing, I know; it brings peace and happiness to other living things but this I my nature. Doing good, feeling good is the nature of all beings hence I should not feel proud and I should not expect anything from it. In this way if you start thinking sincerely, then you will not accumulate Good Karma. Otherwise the good deeds, which you have done, will bring lot of fruits in the way of wealth, position and fame, and you will not be in a position to handle it properly without accumulation of fresh karma. On the other hand, if you say as mentioned above, after doing every good act though you amass wealth, position and fame, always there will be a strong Wisdom that these things will be utilised for good, for betterment of the Universe, for the evolution of soul and you will lead your life in a peaceful way by not accumulating fresh karma and your journey to self realisation will be shortened. Satya Karma: - It starts once the soul got more Good Karma than Bad. In fact more the Good Karma more the severeness of Satya Karma. But one time or other every soul has to face this challenge. The great advantage when entering this Satya Karma is - the soul knows its position, its whereabouts, its goals, its potential and purpose. So it chooses the right place, right time and right environment for its testing. Even at this stage also in the initial part of its life (during this particular testing life) it does not know its strength but the huge Good Karma sees it not to turn away from the path. As the individual starts growing, he sees that he is not belonging to this particular zone. He is something else, wandering for identity. His search for identity not with the society but with the whole Universe starts taking place. As his

Law of karma


Medium: M.Desabandhu

search goes deeper and deeper, he finds more truths; he encounters more hidden strength. He comes to know that he is multidimensional. Here starts the Satya Karma. Once the soul started getting Knowledge it should be very cautious to learn Wisdom also; otherwise it thinks that it learns very fast and the things it sees from its Extra Sensory Perception are the ultimate truth. There is no necessity that all you see and come in contact is correct. In the whole Universe there are lot of things and activities going on continuously without any break. The thing or activity you see today may not be the same tomorrow. So for judging your Knowledge you have to know every possibility is there to be cheated by Knowledge. Knowledge is like an ocean. If you have taken just some bucketful of water from it and think that you know the whole of ocean, it shows your non-Wisdom. Of course, you know something about the ocean and whatever your perception, it is correct to some extent but not to the complete extent. So once you are grasping, acquiring, accumulating Knowledge you should always be careful not to make a decision unless you arrive with the final truth. You can discuss, guide and advise people to the point you know. If you met a question for which you do not know the answer you should simply say sorry - I dont know about it, I will also try to get answer for it, instead of telling some fake answer from your Knowledge without any verification. There is no right for any individual soul to shatter others belief. The False Belief System is to be shattered by the individual concerned. You can tell, elaborate, even demonstrate your belief, findings and truth but you should never command or force others to follow your path. The correct path got its own Power, Vibration and Attraction, so it will attract others to follow your path automatically. So dont try to convince others, just tell the advantages and correctness of the path. Here I want to give you a small example, which you all already are familiar with. The story of four blind people trying to understand the shape of an elephant. Each person touches a particular part of body of the elephant and comes out with different opinion. No doubt, each is correct upto that particular part of body, but the reality with the whole no one has touched. Same is the case of different Masters. Each Master saw some portion of truth and thought that is the whole. Hence many of them become rigid and not accepting others. So for knowing the full truth one has to be with an open mind. Unless otherwise one gets in touch with truth by himself, all hearings and teachings should neither be taken into account fully nor to be thrown away. Did we wander away from the subject of karma? Are we discussing some other points, which are not connected with Satya Karma? No these are all part of Satya Karma. Learning to know about oneself, learning to know about the ultimate truth, acquiring Knowledge, Wisdom is all a part of Satya Karma. But how we acquire and how we use it decides the freedom from the chain of Satya Karma. How to free ourselves from Satya Karma and what are the testings of Satya Karma? Due to continuous good efforts and Meditation, at one stage the soul gets tremendous Knowledge. This

Knowledge if not used in a proper way, drags the soul out of the path without its knowing. The souls get some false perceptions. If the person doesnt have open mind, then, he searches ways to get convinced in his finding. For the one who searches to give reasons for his finding, there is lot available. So he goes on finding the things, which will help him

Law of karma


Medium: M.Desabandhu

to get satisfied with his finding. So, here he starts wasting his time and energy. Also, he finds pleasure to share his finding. Sharing and discussing is not a false thing. But once you try to put your views and findings in a rigid manner, saying that this is the only way and we are the superiors, then ego once again comes into picture. For proving your point you take the support of lies. Since you have learned a good deal it is very easy for you to satisfy others with your speech and deeds. So unless otherwise one knows, not only knows but also feels the complete truth he should never argue that his is the final path. He can tell and guide people upto the point where he actually traveled. Beyond that he should not put his imagination. This is how the false perceptions started. One individual with some sheer hard work and perseverance attained some level and came in contact with the realities pertaining to that level. The realities at that level were so beautiful and pleasant, he starts thinking that this is the ultimate. He feels joy telling himself that he reached the Final Truth. At this stage one has to be careful. The Final Bliss is something above joy, some thing incomparable. The final stage is Oneness. Feeling, seeing and knowing the entire Universe at the same time. Everything is instant and continuous. So unless one reaches the final stage he should be full of awareness. Whenever you come across with some reality you should tell yes this is one of the realities and let me see what other realities are awaiting in my search for eternal truth. In this way you go on improving and elevating yourself from false perceptions. So once you have started giving false perceptions and guarding it with your acquired Knowledge, you are not only deceived of your progress, you are blocking others who believe in your way; also, of their right to know, to learn above your level. So to learn your position, to learn not to give false perceptions, you are again taking birth and taking much pain to elaborate the finer truths. Since the perception you have already created among some minds had grown up as mountains you are finding it very difficult to blow it. Unless you clear the doubt among the people in the same number you planted the seed, your Karmic cycle will not leave you. So always try to tell the truth. Just by adding something to get familiar with some group will lead you nowhere. You have to know that by adding your imagination with truth you are not only misguiding people but you are cheating yourself. There are three things connected with spiritual growth knowing, seeing, and feeling. At certain stage you will know what is correct and what is wrong; afterwards you are able to see the realities by yourself but unless you feel the truth, you feel the realities, dont think you have reached the final goal. Whatever you learn try to tell others also but dont get into argument. Each and every individual will get different experience. So everything is helpful for the growth of the soul. Just listen to all the things and keep an open mind so that you can see, feel and learn what is truth. At no stage get proud of your Knowledge. This Knowledge what I acquired from this spiritual path if it helps someone who is in need I will be happy, this should be your motive and intention all the time. After attaining some level, some feel that it is necessary for them to go to a confined place so that their progress will be very fast. No doubt the place which is free from worldly affairs will help in self-search. But he should make a point that after learning or after considerable progress, he will return to the ordinary world and help others in their search for truth. Otherwise his Knowledge is of no use. After attaining greater heights, ones heart becomes full of love and

Law of karma


Medium: M.Desabandhu

compassion and it starts flowing like a perennial. So he wants to help others. The joy, peace and bliss he is going through, he wants all the living things in the Universe also should get. So he starts talking, starts advising without any after thought. There were some great Masters in the past but why they differed. After overcoming the chain of life in the Earth plane also, there is spiritual growth for the soul in the other planes. One reaches higher planes as per their spiritual growth. So the Masters lived in the past were of different spiritual growth. Whatever they told were upto their learning. We dont get into argument with who is great among the Masters. Instead, we will see how some of the false perceptions put lot of confusion and inconvenience among the soul masses. Dont think that we are dragging away from the subject. Each and every detail so far we discussed pertains to karma. The Masters who lived in different social conditions told and preached according to the condition prevailed during that period. This we should keep in our mind while going through the following facts. From the starting of Kaliyuga till crucification of Jesus, many Masters lived in the Earth plane. In one point, each was clear i.e., God is one and God is in all living things. But in other points they deviated from others, which caused confusion and sects. No Master has started a religion. The followers of the Masters started the religion mainly for their benefit. The teachings of the Masters are not understood fully. The followers manipulated, changed, and even imagined the teachings to get more power among the masses. Their main intention was to command the masses; thereby they can derive their wants, fulfill their desires, and get unchallenged authority. So in no way we can find fault in the Masters. Still, why the Masters preached in such a way that it can be interpreted in totally a different way? This is a question, which often gets into the minds of intellectuals. First, among all the doubts whether there is Heaven and Hell. As per the teachings of most of the Masters except Buddha we find that every Master almost affirmed regarding Heaven and Hell. How far it is true? Actually God or the Great Creator never created Heaven or Hell. First we will see about Hell. Actually, all the Masters preached that if you do good deeds it will lead you to a better plane wherefrom you can get better Knowledge for your further progress, otherwise you would be in trouble after leaving this physical plane. This is the original teaching. Once they used to deliver their findings their Wisdom saw people to understand this perception clearly. After their departure from this Earth plane their followers preached the Masters findings. In the beginning they are also able to preach exactly in the same way of Masters without any confusion. But after some generations change, the disciples or the followers themselves does not know the full meaning of the Masters due to lack of sincerity and direct contact with the Master. During this period, people started asking the disciples about details of different planes. How in Gods creation one plane is good and other bad? Due to ignorance we are making mistakes then how God can punish us for our ignorance? These questions led to the imagination of disciples, who, for holding their supremacy

Law of karma


Medium: M.Desabandhu

among masses, told them that there exists Heaven and Hell. Once you do good deeds you will be in Heaven and once you do bad deeds you will enter Hell. Now you have to understand the exact social condition prevailed during that period. Those times the people are divided by their nature of work. Most of the people didnt have the chance for education. Only some elite and some others who called themselves as Higher Class got the privilege of education. So most of the masses are uneducated. They dont know what exactly the Masters preached. They have to depend on the Knowledge of others and those others got some vested interest and spoiled the minds of masses with Heaven and Hell perception. To give more thrust more weightage to their findings, they started idol worship and temple building. They also created more number of Gods from their imagination. Those who got more orating talent easily made the people to dance with their tune. At certain length, the followers or the chain of chellas/disciples themselves started believing in their findings due to tremendous faith and thought power created by the masses. These disciples though they created confusion, due to their hard work and disciplined day to day life, reached some higher plane. This plane, by its nature and beauty, seems to be very wonderful and they thought this is Heaven and searched God to their liking. So they never bothered about their future growth. They just spent their time in Illusionary Bliss and when their period ended in that plane for their reincarnation, they felt very sorry and realised their mistake but it was already late. So they returned again but their prolonged stay at that particular plane was overwhelming and they got some glimpses in their present life also. Because of their desire to something, which is more beautiful, which is more comfortable and more pleasant, they are unable to break the chain and holding the faith still with them. The other group, which has done some mistakes knowingly or unknowingly always worried about their misdeeds, is always thinking of entering into a Hell. During that period, there were lots of stories about Hell and the human mind got tremendous amount of imagination. So they started imagining different ways and means of punishment in Hell. So, these souls after their journey at Earth plane reached some Higher plane and saw their imagination coming true. Actually there is no Hell. The lowest Astral plane is also good but the imagination made it rotten. For example if a yogi of higher order enters this lowest plane with Knowledge that there is no Hell, he can create his own Heaven in that plane also. So the main thing is our belief. So dont give way for false belief. In this plane the lowly evolved rather un-evolved souls are going under tremendous pain by their own doings and imagination. It is everyones duty to teach these souls, of their ignorance. They can lift themselves from this chain just coming out of their False Beliefs. The False Beliefs instead of helping the souls tracked them away to a long distance. Now so many evolved souls with the help of Great Masters try to erase these unwanted memories and beliefs from the masses. The Masters of Higher plane are very eager to help one and all. Though the Masters were not responsible for this havoc still they had not tried to stop it in the beginning due to their inability at that time, to force the masses in the Free Will Zone. Now they evolved further more and their energy level and Wisdom is very vast and powerful, they are trying to eradicate the false beliefs which are created unintentionally by them. Here they find the usefulness of the other zone beings (the Intellectual Zone). They are using this zone volunteers to spread the truth in Earth plane.

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Medium: M.Desabandhu

The perception/conception of Heaven is much more dangerous much more harmful to the souls growth than the Hell conception. In the Hell perception, at least the soul got some awareness that this is not final, once he paid his dues he will be free from it; Whereas, Heaven perception leads it to more illusion, making the soul to believe and take comfort in that plane. Also in Heaven (the created one by the masses) the souls are much more progressed, have much more Knowledge, hence their vibration of thought is so strong that every soul starts thinking that this is real. There is no other place to go. There is no more work to do. The truth is the otherway. Once you are evolving further and further you become busier. Your work is increasing but you take your work as play. You find joy in working. There is no idleness. Whereas in Heaven, there is more idleness. Hence slackening takes place. There is no desire to learn more, there is no desire to get out of the chain unless you complete the period of your stay. So once you reach the Heavenic plane, due to your Good Karmas you should think O.K. this is also a path I have to cross for further evolution. Let me see what good is here and how can I make it use for my further evolution. In this way you not only can cross the plane but take all the good rather learn all the good which is available in that particular plane. To stress again to tell the truth it is one of the most wonderful planes with lot of comfort, peace and love, but it is not your destination. Staying here for more than wanted period means you doesnt want to come out of the pleasures of different kind. The pleasure and desire may be good, bad or excellent. It gives you some effect; some bonding in the life cycle which you have to work it out again in the lower planes. So store this Knowledge in a chip of your mind Yes I know a plane, which is very pleasant, and by far above comparison; but that is not my ultimate goal. This Knowledge, this chip will activate you at the time of need. These souls who immersed in the pleasures and protection of this plane, always come back with some Knowledge of this plane and start preaching about Heaven. They are so strong in their belief. They think that this is the final reality. The masses that always lounge for something good, something beautiful, and something more comfort takes this very seriously and works for it. So, one who wants to know the Ultimate Truth should always remember the Hell and Heaven concept. The New Age Religion, the New Age Masters are full of Wisdom and their one sentence carries more meaning than many dogmas and preaching. The sentence which I like the most and which tells lot about the truth than what it contains by a mere look is Each and every individual creates his own reality. Yes every one creates his own reality. We cant convince any soul unless otherwise it is ready to take it. Thats why repeatedly we are telling that show the path, clear the doubts and ask the individual to try his way on his own strength. With all the power we got, we cant lift even a single soul if he is not interested to come out of his ignorance. Unless otherwise one knows about Wheel of Karma there is no chance to get out of it unscratched. So, whenever one feels to describe his findings in the path one has to be very careful to tell the things, which he knows which he countered in his path. You should not mix your imagination with your findings you can coat the literature but you should be careful to add that this is what experienced and explained by so and so in so and so literature. In this way you are not leading a poor soul which expects some guidance from your experience out of the way. Though you got good intention, dont try to elaborate things, which you dont know yourself. In this way, we can eradicate false perceptions. Moreover, this will make lot of effect on the listener. First of all, he will get confidence by knowing the fact that this person is true, he tells only the things he knows perfectly correct and tested by him. So I can get guidance from him. He will not drag me to some unknown destiny. The above mentioned points are to

Law of karma


Medium: M.Desabandhu

be very well understood to get away from Satya Karma. Since Satya Karma puts others in darkness by your false preaching, teaching and guidance, it takes you back to try and do the correct, unless and otherwise you know your mistakes. Before going to the next question - Why we are trapped in the Wheel of Karma? Let me give some clarification of the points connected with the message taken so far. Why God created two zones? The Prime Creator is full of love. He wants the spirits which are a part of him to learn, to create, to know the Ultimate Law as he knows. So to understand the truth the souls have to undergo emotions and desires. These emotions and desires if played in excess, ignorance is bound to come. But to know the real love, real bliss, real Knowledge and Wisdom one has to undergo the tests. Like a true parent he gave full freedom to all souls to start the experiment. He decided that he would never interfere with their growth. Then how the souls growth can be measured? For that, he framed some Universal Law and Wheel of Karma. The Universal Law is always available once the soul progressed to a certain level. This law will give necessary Knowledge and Wisdom to the one who seeks with full sincerity and Wheel of Karma sees that no one can get undue advantage. Each and every soul should work for their progress. So with freedom, desire and emotion the Free Will Zone has started operating. The Prime Creator foresaw that at certain stage due to desires and emotions, the souls journey to ultimate would be blocked by ignorance and darkness. So to help them he created another zone called Intellectual Zone. In this zone, the Knowledge is more, the advancement is too fast, the Creative power is extraordinary but they are missing the other side of evolution, which is connected with love and emotions. These souls due to their creative power become ego centered and think themselves equal to the Creator. But the Great Masters who reached great heights from the Free Will Zone and who have no desire, want to help this plane due to their unending overflowing love and compassion. Also, they felt that these intellectually evolved souls would be of great help to Free Will Zone where ignorance become predominant. So with great power and patience, they tried to bring some souls to see the other side of evolution. They waited for correct time, correct soul, and correct place to lend their Knowledge. Since their effort was free of any desires for their own it started working and some souls slowly turned to their path. At present the Intellectual Zone also is undergoing great changes. These souls who learned that there is another side of truth to be experienced for fast growth decided to take birth in Free Will Zone. Here also, one should understand that change of zone is available to one who wishes to try for his betterment. These souls once entered in Free Will Zone found a sea change atmosphere to the one actually known. Due to their advanced Knowledge they are able to put their views in the minds of masses without great effort. For some time this arrangement worked well. Slowly two or three Intellectual Zone souls come in contact with close quarters. This led them to competition and egoism. Since their brilliancy is above par, they want their supremacy. They found this game rather more interesting. In their zone they made many creations. But each time one thought that he created a supreme thing

Law of karma


Medium: M.Desabandhu

others will come up with further advanced specimen of the one created earlier. So the competition was severe with full of hard work than fun; whereas in Free Will Zone, they found their game more interesting with full of fun. They know that both souls are formed with equal potential by the creator. The souls in Free Will Zone are living with great ignorance due to their own fault. Making these souls dance to their tunes by telling false perceptions and half-truths they found enormous joy. By commanding these souls they availed great comfort and luxury. These souls garnered highest posts in temples, churches and Mosques. But these souls after leaving Free Will Zone due to physical death find the Law of Karma in its full view. Since they got Knowledge and intelligence in plenty, they accepted and realised their faults and want to make amendments for their misdeeds. Now, once again, these souls started returning to Free Will Zone either as Walk-ins or as Extra Terrestrial beings with the sole aim of helping the Earth planet. Most of the souls preferred their place of presence in Western countries due to the fact that they can describe their findings quickly, fearlessly and effectively. The social, economical and environment condition of West are more suitable for these beings to spread their views in a quicker way. Hence the New Age religion is making waves in West and spreading over the globe. Now, again you may ask what is the need of two zones? Why not both beings (Intellectual and Free Will) allowed in the same plane so that understanding and evolving might have been fast? If in the beginning, both beings were allowed in the same zone, then, one might have treated the other as aliens due to their different nature of thinking. To avoid chaos and greater confusion there were two different zones in the beginning. But as of now, slowly there is a mingling without much knowing started taking place. Now why we are trapped in the Wheel of Karma? In the beginning, the Free Will Zone was only experiencing love and sorrow. Each and every individual loved each other and they become sorrowful once their beloved ones left them from the plane, due to physical death. Since everyone cared for each other, if some one lost his near and dear, others consoled him and brought him back to normalcy. Slowly the soul population started raising due to more preference for Earth planet due to its beauty, source and abundance. Instead of sharing and living together, possession started. First these possessions were initiated solely to protect their loved ones from starvation. But after some time some greed started. Greed leads to jealous, anger, fear, frustration, selfishness and cruelty. These all feelings are mainly due to desires. So once you are above desire then you are free form all the things. But you have gone so deep and you have matured more in worldly affairs. You started defending each of your desire with fullest satisfaction. So your trapping started along with your desire. Desire brings the greatest enemy for your soul growth called fear. This fear is never understood clearly. Each and every action almost connects the individual with fear. For example, if a person got enormous wealth and still he is spending all his time in making more wealth - What is the reason? He thinks that the wealth is not permanent. In due course due to some misfortune he may loss it. So the fear of loosing some of his wealth in the future makes him to forget his present and he works like a bull with the sole aim of amassing more and more money. Another example: Why most of the couples who are very intimate and loveable to each other in the beginning of their married life start quarrelling afterwards. The lady who finds more comfort and more loveable in the presence of her

Law of karma


Medium: M.Desabandhu

husband in the beginning slowly starts fearing whether he will love her till the end? Whether he will take care of her and her children till the end? Whether after some time when she becomes less attractive, he will care for her love? So many fears started coming to her mind. So she wants to control her husband by commanding and criticising. Love never comes by command. This simple truth she forgets and the husband instead of removing her fear starts quarrelling due to his manly ego. Where it leads? It leads to Karmic chains. To understand, to love, to give comfort to each other you are again coming back to the Earth plane with erased memories. You are facing the same situation in different place with different and added colour. Unless you both correct your understanding with each other the cycle moves on. Once you clear it, then you are ready for a new experience. So you should know that every incident, every relation and every solution is for a purpose for your learning. So dont get carried away try to analyse it. While analysing it be a true judge and dont take sides. In this way you can learn a lot in a single life span and you can eradicate your Karmic chain in a very short time. So there is no need to analyse each and every character of your life. All your main drawbacks like anger, selfishness, greed, jealous are mainly due to your desires. So if you are able to control your desires everything will fall in line. This desire is the main enemy trapping you in Nitya karma. The other thing one should be careful is passion. When passion crosses a limit it leads to possession. Here we will leave about material possession since all material possession derives from various desires. Possession of other human being, this is very dangerous. Most of the people think that his wife and children are their possession. The wife and children should listen what they tell. They are not treating them as individuals with their own identity. By ignorance they call possession as deep love. Due to this possessive love many times many people do a lot of unwanted things which are connected with karma. For example a person says he loves his wife too much and for her sake, for her needs, for her comfort, he wants to earn more. He is not interested in the means of earning just he wants to satisfy his wife through the comforts derived from unlawful earnings. In the name of possessive love he justifies his action. This person doesnt know what is pure love. Pure love never demands anything. It satisfies with the available not wanting more. If he gives true loves to his wife she will never demand anything else. She will co-operate with him and she always wants his pure love and affection only. So never cheat yourself with the imaginary love towards your wife and children. Secondly some parents when their children become adult also prefer that their children should always listen to their advice. In this way they are blocking their childrens right experience and they put lot of stumbling blocks on their way. No doubt every adult got responsibility to afford the aged ones, but just for giving respect there is no need to take their ill advise and false perception. It is the duty of every grown up le to see that his or her parents, the aged ones, learn the meaning of life in its correct way. This is a difficult task not an impossible task. So always love your relations but never try to possess them. Give them freedom, independence. Hear their voice, their thinking, take the good, correct the false, dont argue, discuss, discuss freely, openly and with a heart full of love. Many of the problems and misunderstandings will leave once you start discussing the matter with an open heart to the person concerned. Why most of the houses witness frequent clashes. The clashes are mainly due to different level of understanding. If you find some one near and dear to you who does not understand the truth and who is more ignorant dont go to his level and fight for your views. Instead feel sorry for him, feel love and compassion towards him. Remember he has not come up to your level, so slowly try to bring him upto your level of understanding so that he can realise his mistake. Many of you can tell

Law of karma


Medium: M.Desabandhu

in the present fast moving life, where is the time to explain these things with so much patience. There is no need to go on hammer your views. Just tell him that from my experience and from my Knowledge I feel this is the correct way. May be you are right on your own way. But why dont you try the other method and see what happens. Give it a fair deal and try sincerely. It works many wonders. Actually you people are wasting more time than you think, so time is not a matter. Just the intention is missing. The feeling of understanding, love and the relation is more valuable than your duties, by taking shelter in some entertainment giving false excuse that you need some entertainment for your peace of mind. Most of you never want a final and ultimate solution for your problems. You want to drag it. You are finding some pleasure with problems. So get out of this attitude. Unless you solve your problems bound for this life, you will face the same situation with a doubled intensity in the future life. The other thing, which is trapping you in karma, is fame. This fame is rather connected with Satya Karma than Nitya karma. Lot of Good Karma sees that you reach some higher position so that you can be of help to other beings in the Universe. But the fame got its own NASHA which is more effective than the ordinary pleasures. This fame once achieved by a person wants to hold it permanently. If you are in a position and you are truly devoted to the well being of others then the fame and position will automatically stay with you. But once you reached a top position with full of fame you dont want to fall back. So all the methods whether it is good, bad or cruel, you are taking for protecting your position. Here not only you are creating more karma; you are interfering in the progress of masses by your decision. So the Wheel of Karma is very severe for this act. So to get out of this once you are in a good position with lot of fame and followers you should always follow the path of truth without getting worried about your position. If you have to sacrifice your position for the good, for the truth then you should never hesitate a moment to get rid of the position. The same thing holds good for spiritual people also. By your hard work and Good Karma if you learned something, teach others with love but dont go for fame. Once you are trapped for name and fame then you will do all mischievous things, which will lead lot of people to ignorance and misconception. To avoid this type of karma one should always speak truth and act what he preaches. So many saints and religious leaders used to give excellent discourses on any subject which is absolutely correct but they never used to follow their own teaching. These people used to think that they are delivering good to the people hence they will be benefited in their spiritual life. But what happens actually is if one comes to know that the leader who preaches himself not following his path, others take more freedom in going out of the way with justification that the leader himself is not following the way, so what is the necessity to follow his teaching. In this way the Masters are encouraging people to do misdeeds by their own conduct. Preaching is very easy; you can gives number of advice to people. But before giving advise first you try to follow your own teachings and advice. Let your life become an example for others to lead a life which takes them to truth. Once you put your theoretical knowledge into practical day to day life your life itself becomes a dogma, a Geeta, a Koran or a Bible. So never go for fame intentionally. What is its law?


Law of karma


Medium: M.Desabandhu

Its law is very simple. Whatever you have sown you have to harp it. Suppose you planted a neem seed and expect a mango from it, will it happen? Same is the case of law of karma. You have Conscious, Sub-conscious and Super Conscious minds to help you, to guide you, to take you to your victory platforms. What is lacking is ones own will. So we cant blame anyone for our failures, for our misdeeds and for our misfortunes. Once you learn that you are undergoing each and every incident as per your plan to seek some experience to clear some Karmic debts then you will be with more clear state of mind. Whatever harm or evil you do or think brings you some Karmic debt which you have to nullify either by some good deeds or by going thorough the same tortures you created by your thinking and deeds to others. To help you to know your misdeeds and Karmic balance you are provided with guidance by means of Akashic records. If one learns how to read or get in contact with Akashic records during his physical life itself he gets immense courage and facility to clear his most of his dues. To understand and to overcome Law of Karma, everyone should have some Knowledge about it. The constant thinking that for every action there is a reaction and every good or bad deeds will bring its fruit keeps you in alert all the time minimising your debt. There is a big question in the minds of people whether a harm done unintentionally will bring same amount of karma? No, if you dont think of hurting anybody by some of your action still it has done some harm to some one it wont fetch any karma. But you have to understand the word unintentional clearly. For example you are doing a good thing knowing that it will benefit you and others without hurting others. In the middle of your job you came to know that this would affect a few, so you find other method so that it cannot affect the others. You are satisfied and you are proceeding with your job. After completion of your job you find that though you have taken all precautions, one or two persons affected by your deeds. Now there is nothing to worry about karma. Instead you can go and clear your position to the affected one or even you can try to help them to overcome the harm you have done unintentionally. Even if you are unable to help the person concerned due to sincere reasons there is no need to think about accumulating karma. Once you feel that you have done harm unintentionally and felt sorry from the core of your heart the karma doesnt work. If you are able to pray for the victim to overcome his shortfall due to your act it is still better. So there is no need to worry unduly about karma. Also one more thing is to be stressed here. Think you are doing a good deed, which is going to help lot of people, or you are doing your duty with full devotion, someone comes and tells you that this good deed or your sincerity towards your work brings him some misfortunes. In this case you have to see this persons intention. If he wants this work to be stopped only for his personal gain, then you have to proceed with your work. If he is genuinely affected, then you have to search a way so that you do full justification to your work and also to that person. If for some evil reason, some one gets in the middle of your good deed, you should never tolerate it. You should have real courage to challenge the evil to get out of your way so that you can carryon with your good work connected with others living. Teaching and doing good without expecting anything wipes karma. Guarding good deeds from evil also wipes karma. Same way if some thing evil takes place in front of your eyes and you are not trying to stop it then you are bound to affect by karma. At this juncture most of the people get confusion. So let me explain more clearly.


Law of karma


Medium: M.Desabandhu

Suppose a person wants to hurt, injure or even kill another person what should be our intention in regard with karma? Some people may say the person who is going to be the victim might have done the same harm to the person who is trying to commit the act now. So why should we interfere? Are we not interfering with their karma? No you are not interfering. First of all, you do not know whether the action going to take place is going to give fresh karma or it is a Chain of Karma. In anyway, if due to some great urge of emotion this person wants to commit some sin you have got every right to stop it. In this, you are not allowing the person to accumulate fresh karma. If you let him carry his action then it will go on repeat unless one of them or both of them come in to senses. By the time they come to their senses, hundreds of lives may be wasted. So you are bringing a chain to halt there by helping him. Same is the case of the victim also. Though he might have done the same act in his previous life, though he might have preferred a similar situation to wipe out his karma, your intervention gives him some more lease of life, which he can utilise for wiping out some other karma. If he lives long enough after that incident definitely there is every possible chance for him to become wiser. Once he becomes wiser, he will rectify his karma by doing a good act rather going through the same bad act he had done in his previous life. Each and every day in Earth plane gives more opportunities to clear our karma. More experience to gain, more Knowledge to acquire and more love to share. Also, if you stop a person doing a harm at the correct juncture every possibility is there for him to overcome his emotion. Most of the people who are doing a harmful thing are doing this act in a moment of emotional eruption. Once they crossed that particular moment they used to feel sorry for their act. So actually you may be helping both the persons. Also in a way you are also getting rid of some of your karmas. To elaborate further, I want to give one more example. Before that, you all have to know that at this particular juncture of Earth, there are so many clever people. Out of them, many were very clever but only a very few got Wisdom. Because of less Wisdom and more cleverness they can argue from different angle to defeat the Law of Karma. But they should know that truth could never be conquered by shear cleverness. If you want to know or if you want to be with truth you need Wisdom. Pure Wisdom. Now coming to the next example, suppose lady is raped. What is to be done by the lady and what we have to do with the person who committed this act? First the lady should never think that this is her end of journey. Of course, some harm was done to her. It is a misfortunate thing but she has to overcome it. For overcoming from her grief, everyone around her should give encouragement. Here there is no need to discuss about her karma. Whether she had done a similar type of action previously or not. This will never help. She should take the incident in her stride. O.K. something bad had happened but I will overcome it. I know life means facing challenges and I will take it as a challenge. This is not the end of my life. This should be her way of thinking. Suicide is not at all a solution. The one thing which never helps in soul's growth is suicide. If a person commits suicide he has to face the same situation again to overcome it. God gives the life for our experience and evolution and we are no way authorised to shorten it. One has to live his full life until natural death comes to him/her. When she is morally weak everyone near to her has to give courage and encouragement. The Earth plane advanced a lot in scientific field but it lacks still in social condition and moral condition. If a person is courageous enough to give her the needed company, needed partnership in the life in spite of the prevailing social condition, we have to appreciate them. We have to help. Others should mingle with them giving full respect and love. In this way the life of the lady will see great things and she can continue her life learning knowing and loving for her soul's growth.


Law of karma


Medium: M.Desabandhu

Now let us see the person who committed the sin. What we have to do with him? Shall we leave him thinking it is all part of karma? Again No! Here, how the law of land helps a person to wipe out his karma is to be seen. In some countries, the Law of land is very severe. And in some other countries, it can be manipulated to the benefit of the wealthy one. A person can pay part of his karma, by an action done by him in undergoing the punishment of law of land. This is possible only, when he feels for his sin and with full heart, takes the punishment, repeatedly thinking that he will never do such an act in future. Just undergoing the punishment and coming out with more vengeance or with same aggressiveness will never help him to pay his Karmic debt. The law of the land should be made in such a way that if a person harms another person he should work hard to nullify the effects brought by his act. For example if a person in a quarrel has beaten another person and that person become handicapped. Now what about the dependents they have to suffer for no fault. So the sinner is to be put to hard work and the money earned by him is to be channeled to the affected family members. The miseries brought by his act are to be shown to him. In this way, he can pay maximum part of his Karmic debt to that particular sin. Just by sentencing him to a few years in jail will never help him unless and otherwise he really feels for his guilty. So going back to our person who committed sin it is always better to hand him over to law of the land, In this way you are giving him a chance to pay some of his Karmic debt. If he comes out of the trial as innocent with his wealth and position he multiplies his Karmic debt. Both his sin and his misconduct to prove him innocent used to give him more Karmic debt. Since most of the sinners are roaming freely in the world, people lost faith in the Law of land. The people who framed the Law of land framed it with a very good intention. But the learned ones and wealthy ones exploited it to their advantage. So many of the people lost faith in the Law of land. Still we have to follow this law as afar as possible so that the society can improve. We cant blame Law of land only; since most of us are not co-operating with it, it became weak. You can make it strong if you work together. Since the law of land if used properly can help the person to wipe his karma to a greater extent for that particular sin in the Earth plane itself. If the guilty has not felt for his guilt then even if he undergoes law of land, he has to pay for his sin by the way of karma. Now let us see another case. A person who is innocent proven guilty and undergoes some punishment by Law of land. What is the reason? How he has to react? This case is more interesting and worthier to understand. Some souls even though they got good Knowledge commit some sins during their physical life. These souls after the expiry of physical life enter Astral world and verify their Karmic record. Since these souls got sufficient Knowledge they are not taking a hasty decision. Instead, for clearing their Karmic debt at the Earth plane they plan a safe way so that it is not adding fresh karma. These souls know that they have to undergo some hardship but they also know that by creating some other sin, if they get punishment, then there will be fresh karma. So they put themselves in a position whereby though they are innocent, undergo some punishment through Law of land. These particular souls use the time in punishment for betterment of their character with courage. Though most of the prisons are not having good environment for further growth of soul, if the soul prefers and makes himself strong to undergo and develop his nature in that environment also, it not only gets benefited it also helps some other souls to know the reality.


Law of karma


Medium: M.Desabandhu

The innocent victim can pay his karma in another way also. Suppose he is framed guilty though he is innocent. He can struggle legally or in some other way without creating any crime for his freedom from law. He can prove himself innocent before the law of land by proper way. In this way also the karma gets nullified. Since he is undergoing some agony and Mental tension to prove him innocent, the karma is rectified. After proving himself most properly, he becomes wiser. Some other souls instead of going through Law of land punish themselves by accidents, by chronic diseases etc. This is also a way of paying Karmic debt. So it can be seen from the above examples how the Law of Karma works. But there is another direct and more effective way to pay our Karmic debts. This path is simple and easier to follow. What is the path? Instead of punishing yourself you can choose to help others who are in need and who are undergoing severe punishment in the hands of karma. You can put your energy and Knowledge to make these people happy and peaceful. In this way, you are not only wiping out your karmas but you are also helping others to know about love and compassion. But your acts and thoughts should be above any self-motive. Once you start working for others peace and comfort you are paying your debts in double quick time. So these are the main laws governing karma. We can go on give example after example but this is enough to know it to a greater extent. The main thing one needed to understand law of karma fully is Wisdom. If you interpret Law of Karma just with your cleverness then instead of understanding it fully, you may see loop holes. Actually there are no loopholes in the Law of Karma. But you can find lot of excuses. So please leave your cleverness; or mix your cleverness with Wisdom and go through it, then you can find its actual meaning. Now how to pay our Karmic debt without accumulating fresh karmas? Each one living in Earth plane has already gone through hundreds and thousands of lives. Still most of them never saw the end of life chain. Why it happens? Whether we are not clearing our debts? Before taking each birth most of the souls deciding to pay two or three Karmic debts only. No soul is ready to test himself fully in one life. Also it is not possible for a soul to undergo all his Karmic debts in a single life. Unless and otherwise you gather lot of Knowledge in Earth plane itself, you will never find your courage enough to test you fully in one life. So first you should acquire some Knowledge regarding what is life? What is death? What waits after death? How you can use your stay in Astral plane? What is Wisdom? How to acquire it? How to contact your ovserself during your life in Earth plane? So much to understand and so much to learn from Earth plane. You may ask what is the necessity to learn these things in Earth plane. These things will be found to be automatic in Astral world. So why should I undergo so much strain to learn these things? First of all, why should we learn these things in Earth plane itself? Unless you learn these things, you will never know about different Astral planes. I already mentioned that almost all the Astral planes are coming under Free Will Zone. So without much Knowledge if you reach Astral plane you will be the same enjoying more pleasure and fulfilling more desires giving no importance to your souls growth. The Knowledge and know abouts has to be started from Earth plane and developed in Astral planes. No doubt the Astral pane got more avenues to know about the truth for further evolution. But you should be ready to undergo the teaching you should be aware to know that such things exist in Astral plane. Otherwise, it is just an improvement of Earth plane with more pleasure and more desire.


Law of karma


Medium: M.Desabandhu

Secondly you should know one thing very clearly. There are many Astral planes and each one is highly advanced from the one below it. So your entry to a particular Astral plane depends upon your Knowledge and Wisdom. The higher you reach, you become wiser. The higher the Astral plane, the desire becomes less. Thirst for Knowledge starts in Higher plane and you are able to get lot of guidance and advise from the higher planes. Also the life in Higher Astral planes is more evolved and you can find yourself among highly evolved souls which are ready to help the new entrant in all possible manner. So your aim should be to reach as high as possible. For that, you should know some basic Knowledge and some Good Karmas which can be acquired from Earth plane. To be frank, the opportunity to learn and gain Knowledge in Earth plane is more suitable than in the lower Astral planes. The qualities and the Knowledge acquired from Astral plane will be erased once you take birth in Earth plane. Here understand the word erased. It doesnt means it is completely taken away from you rather you are not remembering your experience and Knowledge of Astral plane in the Earth plane, due to your false beliefs, desires and other distractions of Earth plane. Once you want to know about your true identity and work for it sincerely, you are able to remember all that you have learned in Astral plane, which will give you lot of help and guidance for your further growth. So the important thing one has to learn is that your growth, your soul evolution starts in Earth plane and further developed in Higher Astral planes. For not getting trapped in karma you should be ever watchful in your thoughts and deeds. Cultivation of good thoughts and acts found to be difficult in the beginning. But once you take care that you will never deviate, slowly it becomes easy and you will find there is no need to watch your thoughts and acts. It simply becomes automatic. Once you start living in simple and earnest way, you will find everything is loveable every moment is enjoyable. There wont be any guilty feeling; there wont be any Mental tortures. Instead, you will be always with peace of mind. The mind, which is put to peace by your effort, is able to think clearly and deeply and the answers you get for your problems were absolutely correct and free from any fresh karma. Also, a day spent in full happiness and selfrealisation wipes out tremendous karma. After some time, you are able to realise what is your purpose of this particular life and nothing can stand in your way in accomplishing it. So the best way to pay your Karmic debt without accumulating fresh karma is to lead a content life, to take everything in your stride in a positive way. Always be watchful of your thoughts and acts searching for your innerself, try to understand your hidden potential. Always be with love and enjoying every moment of life. If you follow these things then you can pay your Karmic debts in a very quick time and you can reach Higher planes where other works are waiting for you for your further growth. Before concluding answer for this particular question, I want to advise you dont get worried about other works, which are waiting for you in other planes. Just concentrate upon what is needed to be done in Earth plane and dont get carried away by the mention of other works. Actually, as one evolves further and further he gets more work to do. But he treats his work as play. He finds joy in doing work - thats the difference. Here in Earth plane, everybody wants to avoid work or taking great pains to do a work; whereas in Higher planes you will find the work is worshipped and it gives lot of joy to be in work. There nobody wants to be lazy and idle. So you can also start loving your work. Lazy and idle mind will create lot of unwanted things so always keep yourself busy with some good and prosperous work. Here, I want to mention that doing meditation is also a work. A work for your future growth, a work which can bring you in a correct path, a work which can show you your

Law of karma


Medium: M.Desabandhu

inner strength, a work which can work for peace and love of the Universe, a work which can take you to your origin. So do sincere meditation. Now for our last part of the question - How to get freedom from Karmic wheel? Or how to make our balance sheet nil? Why most of the Eastern Masters gave much importance to karma? Why dont they teach just good ways and leave out karma? Because, they learnt that, unless and otherwise you are out of Karmic wheel you are bound to take one more birth. One more birth means every chance to get mingled with worldly affairs, every chance to side step from the path of truth. This Earth plane got thousands of attractions and motives, which can easily divert you from your path. Once you are nearing the completion of Karmic chain, you have to face the testing and temptations with its full vigour. So you have to be in preparation for the tests. If you started living some lives with full of love, correct Knowledge, help to others and treating everyone at par, then these life patterns become a habit and it is deeply engraved in your mind. So during testing time also you will not be flattened you will start laughing at your misfortunes and miseries and you will find easy and quick solution for your misfortunes and miseries. The easiest way to come out of Wheel of Karma is to lead a simple and content life, life with full of love, compassion and understanding. You should draw yourself away from petty desires. Being family holders there are lot of responsibilities you people have to face and you should demarcate your essential needs and unwanted desires. You should always be above emotions. One emotion leads to other so in every walk of your life you should be alert, watchful and in constant vigilance. Also, you should be able to know and understand your emotions so that you can be above the emotions. Here I want to give a simple example how even love when not understood properly, brings lot of karma to a person. Suppose a person loves a lady. If he loves her deeply and truly, he will only think good for her. If he mixes love with selfishness then what will happen. This person may think that he loves her deeply, she may also love this person. But for some unfortunate happening, which she has no control she marries another person. Then the first person becomes angry, he becomes furious, and he is unable to think clearly. He thinks that this lady cheated him. He wants to teach her a lesson. So he creates many hurdles in her life. He becomes cruel. And cruel mind can create tremendous hazards. Now you think where is the love? Where it has gone? He is making all the nonsense in the name of love, whereas he not even knows what real love means. If he really loved her, then he would have prayed for her peaceful life with the other person. Love means to give, to give whatever you have without expecting anything in return. Some people used to ask a silly question - if bad things are to be avoided, then why God created them? To understand this, you have to know about God. God is like a true parent. He loves you; He gives you all strength and Knowledge. Also He gave you full freedom. See if a parent asks his children not to do this and that then the child used to become curious and he wants to try it in the absence of his parent. A true parent is one who gives his children full

Law of karma


Medium: M.Desabandhu

freedom to do whatever he wants; Also, he gives his Knowledge about what is wrong and what is right. Some way God has given everything. He possesses you with full of love; Also he gave you full freedom to do anything which you feel good or bad. He gave Knowledge, power and a mind, which can easily identify good and bad. It is you, not caring for knowing your real strength, not caring for Higher self, you are so involved in the illusions that you are not at all ready to hear your inner voice, the Gods voice. So get out of the dream. Already you have wasted so much time and you have gone so far away from your real self. At least now onwards, try to change your path for your ultimate freedom. You have completely taken a 180-degree turn from the right path; you are going exactly on the opposite way, which will never take you to your destiny. So change your path now itself, dont wait for tomorrow. Thinking of future will never help. The present, which is always in your hand and in your control only, can help. Try to live in the present knowing its value and utility. To come out of the Karmic chain is very easy, but you need practice. If you practice your life as mentioned in this message with full devotion and sincerity for a considerable period, then it will become automatic and easy. Leading a simple and harmonious life is much easier than your artificial living. Everything, which is natural, is beautiful, easy, peaceful and happy. So try to live in a natural way. All you need is great courage. To accept the reality and to tread on the path with full determination every one needs courage. Since the bindings, the attractions, the illusionary happiness become so strong by your attitudes towards it, in number of lives, you will find it very difficult to unshackle it. But the constant effort will bound to bring fruits. The happiness, the bliss, the Knowledge and the strength, which is awaiting you from the beginning, is unthinkable and indescribable. It is beyond all your imagination. Once you get a glimpse of it you will know what it is and you will never feel for the worldly desires. You will become a completely changed personality and karma will retract from your way. To conclude the message here are the ways to come out of your Karmic chain. i) Lead a simple life. ii) Always love and care for others. iii) Become a Master of your mind. iv) Learn the real Knowledge, which leads to Wisdom. v) Try to know your hidden strength and vast Knowledge try to contact your overself for your guidance. vi) Come out of desires. vii) Take everything and every happening of your life with a balanced mind knowing every thing is for a change and learning. viii) Be courageous, be determined, be a hard and relentless worker in your search for truth. ix) Try to bring out others from ignorance. x) Dont propagate false beliefs. My blessings to all of you. Wishing you all success in your spiritual path..


Law of karma


Medium: M.Desabandhu


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