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Introduction to the play: Target audience: young people who have read the play and are searching

for a different point of view on the script. Purpose: We want to emphasize that the friendhip of Romeo and Mercutio make the play a comic one and Mercutio's death changes it into a tragic one. Approach: We will use pirates because we want to show that the story can happen regardless of the place and the time. Setting: on the ships because sea could represent infinity, which is also the number of places and timelines where this story could happen in. The script: we chose to present three scenes that, we think, reflect the best the ideea we want to support SCENE NUMBER ONE Mercutio: A sail,a sail. Benvolio: Two,two;a pirate and his jade. Nurse: Ahoy,gentleman. Mercutio: Good afternoon,fair lady. Arrrr... Nurse: Is it now afternoon? Mercutio: It's not earlier than that, I tell you. The lusty hand of the clock is now pricking noon. Nurse: Get out of here? What kind of ship are you sailing? Mercutio: I'm a parrot,my lady, for which God decided to sink with his ship. Nurse: I swear you speak the truth. 'For to sink with one's ship' it says.Gentleman,can you tell me where I can find the all-known Romeo? Romeo enters and trips Romeo: I can tell you but young Romeo will be older when you find him than he was when you started looking for him.I am the youngest by the name, because there is no younger or worse. Nurse: You speak well. Mercutio: Is the worst well? Very well taken, I belive,very wise. Nurse: If you are Romeo I'm looking for sir, I wolud like to have a confidence with you. Benvolio: She will indite him to some dinner party. Mercutio: A pimp!A pimp!A pimp! I've found it out! Romeo: What have you found out? Mercutio: She is not a prostitute unless she is using her ugliness to hide her promiscuity. (walking by them he sings):

Old rabbit meat is good to eat, If you can't get anything else. ( lifting her skirt) But if it is so old, That it goes bad before you eat it, Than it was a waste of money. Romeo, are you going to your father's for lunch?Let's go there. Romeo: I'll follow after you. Mercutio: Goodbye, old lady. Goodbye, lady,lady,lady. SCENE NUMBER TWO Juliet: Now, good sweet NurseOh Lord, why do you look so sad? Nurse: I am tired. Leave me alone for a minute. Oh my, my bones ache so much. Ive been running all over the place. Juliet: I wish you had my bones, and I had your news. Come on now, I beg you, speak, good Nurse, speak. Nurse: On Barbarossas name,youre in such a hurry! Cant you wait for a moment? Dont you see that Im out of breath? Juliet: The excuse you make to delay the news is longer than the news itself. Is the news good or bad? Nurse: Well, you have made a foolish choice. You dont know how to pick a man. Romeo? No, not him, though his face is more handsome than any mans, and his legs are prettier, and as for his hands and feet and body, theyre not much to speak of, and yet theyre beyond compare. Hes not the most polite man in the world, but, believe me, hes gentle as a lamb. Well, do what you want. Be good. Have you had lunch yet? Juliet: No, I havent had lunch. Everything you told me I already knew. What does he say about our marriage? Nurse: Your love says, like an honorable gentleman, who is courteous, kind, handsome, and, I believe, virtuous where is your mother? Juliet: Where is my mother? Why, shes inside. Where else would she be? Your answer is so strange! Your love says, like an honorable gentleman, 'Where is your mother?' Nurse: Oh holy Mary, mother of God! Are you this impatient? Come on, youre being ridiculous! Is this the cure for my aching bones? From now on, take care of your messages yourself. Juliet: Youre making such a fuss. Come on, what did Romeo say? Nurse: Do you have permission to go out and take confession today?

Juliet: I do. Nurse: Then hurry up and rush over to Friar Lawrence cell. There a husband who waiting to make you his wife. Now I see the blood rushing to your cheeks. You blush bright red as soon as you hear any news.Go to the church. I must go by a different path to get a rope ladder. Your love will use it to climb up to your window while its dark. I do the drudge work for your pleasure. But soon youll be doing a wifes work all night long. Go. Ill go to lunch. You go to Friar Lawrences cell. Juliet: Wish me luck. Thank you, dear Nurse.

SCENE NUMBER THREE Benvolio: I bey 'ye,dear Mercutio, let's find some place else. It is hot and the Capulets are nowhere to find and if we meet we won't be able to avoid a fight. Mercutio: Youre like one of those guys who walks into a bar, slams his sword on the table, and then says, I pray I never have to use you. By the time he orders his second drink, he pulls his sword on the bartender for no reason at all. You can be as angry as any pirate of the sea when youre in the mood. When someone does the smallest thing to make you angry, you get angry. And when youre in the mood to get angry, you find something to get angry about. Your head is as full of fights as an egg is full of yolk, but your head has been beaten like scrambled eggs from so much fighting and yet youre the one who wants to teach me about restraint! Benvolio: If I were in the habit of fighting the way you are, my boat would have sank so long ago. By my head,here comes the Capulets. Mercutio: By my claw, I care not. Tybalt: Good afternoon, fellows. Were you expecting me? Id like a word with one of you. Mercutio: Is that so?Make it a word and a blow,than. Tybalt: You shall find me apt enough for that if I am given a reason. Mercutio: You can find a reason your own if you need one.I'll make you dance with my sword. Benvolio: If you are looking for a fight go in a private place. Tybalt: Romeo,you are the one who have harmed me.Drow your sword and fight like a man. Romeo: Tybalt,I have a reason enough to love you and I disagree. I've nver done you harm.I love you more than you can understand until you know the reason for which I love you. And so,good Capulet-which is a name I love like my own-you should be satisfied with what I say. Mercutio: This calm submision is dishonorable and vile.The trust of a sword will end this surrender( poops on Tybalt's head) .Will you fight me, you rat-catcher?

Good king of cats, I will take one of your nine lives nd I may beat the other eight,too. Romeo: Noble Mercutio,calm down. (Tybalt shoots the bird) Romeo: Have courage, it can not be that bad. Mercutio: No,it is not as deep as a weel or as wide as a church door but it will do the job. Ask for me tomorrow and you shall find me a grave bird.I'm done for this world,I belive. May a pleague strike both your ships. Romeo: I thought it was the right thing to do.... Mercutio: Take me inside , Benvolio, or Ill pass out. May a plague strike both your ships! Theyve turned me into food for sharks. Im done for. Curse your families! Romeo: This gentleman Mercutio, a close relative of the Prince and my dear friend, was killed while defending me from Tybalts slanderTybalt, who had been my cousin for a whole hour! Oh, sweet Juliet, your beauty has made me weak like a woman, and you have softened my bravery, which before was as hard as steel. Benvolio: Oh Romeo, Romeo, brave Mercutio is dead! His brave spirit has floated up and now he is swimming with the fish, but it was too early for him to leave life on earth. Romeo: The future will be affected by todays terrible events. Today is the start of a terror that will end in the days ahead. Benvolio: Here comes the furious Tybalt back again. Romeo: Hes alive and victorious, and Mercutios dead? Enough with mercy and consideration. Its time for rage to guide my actions. Now, Tybalt, you can call me villain the way you did before. Mercutios soul is floating right above our heads. Hes waiting for you to keep him company on the way to the depths. Either you, or I, or both of us have to go with him. Tybalt: Wretched boy, you hung out with him here, and youre going to go to the depths with him. Romeo: This fight will decide who dies. Benvolio: Romeo, get out of here. The citizens are around, and Tybalt is dead. Dont stand there shocked. The Prince will give you the death penalty if you get caught. So get out of here! Romeo: Oh, I am fortunes fool! Character's key features,key lines and costumes: 1) Romeo-Corina the son of the captain of the Monteague ship he is the romantic type( has dreams in which he falls in love with the marmaids) seeks for peace opposes his destiny of being a pirate

friendship with his parrot, Mercutio the kind of confused teenager that does not know what he wants from his life a bit piratey looking, but still soft clothes in which you can not fight as a pirate 2)Benvolio-Madalina Romeo'scousin so he is a nobel pirate and a member of the Montegue crew tries to take the spotlight from Mercutio likes fights, quick to anger Key lines: Two,two;a pirate and his jade. a pun about pirates where the nurse is called 'jade' She will indite him to some dinner party. the chance of the word here is used the word 'indite' instead of invite to be more funny I bey 'ye,dear Mercutio, let's find some place else. It is hot and the Capulets are nowhere to find and if we meet we won't be able to avoid a fight. here he has a foreshadowing. he is aware what the consequences may be and he wants to avoid them If I were in the habit of fighting the way you are, my boat would have sank so long ago. tries to prove Mercutio that what he said is not true that showing he tries to make a good impression and that he cares about what people think when it comes to him If you are looking for a fight go in a private place. he is,again,aware of the consequences and tries to avoid them Romeo, get out of here. The citizens are around, and Tybalt is dead. Dont stand there shocked. just the same 3)The nurse-Teofana servant on Capulet's ship primitive,stupid she thinks high of herself and tries to impress remais unchanged after Mercutio's death,alike the others ( owns a box naned Peter) white,simple dress( and some teeths are missing) 4)Tybalt-Bogdan angry,quick- tempered

vain,considers himself superior seeks for fight always preocupied of his choice of clothes,alike the other pirates and wears soft clothes 5)Mercutio-Iarina (leads Romeo)gives advice has the best puns and so tajes the spotlight a ( green/red) parrot 6)Juliet-Madalina Capult's daughter Fights her destiny Opposes her parents will Loyal to both her family and Romeo( later her husband) which makes her have second thoughts wears desses and soft clothes, but they are simple ( for example white with little drawings) which shows her purity and simplicity key lines: I wish you had my bones, and I had your news. Come on now, I beg you, speak, good Nurse, speak. in a hurry Youre making such a fuss. Come on, what did Romeo say? her primary goal is to know whta 'her love' is doing, that being the most important thing for her at the moment Music First scene when Romeo enters- (the pirates of the caribbean) When Romeo trips - (sad trombone) Romeo and Mercutio leave - (they see me trolling) Jokes - (bad dum tss!)

Second scene During the whole scene - (Taylor Swift love story)

Third scene When Tybalt enters - (Voltaire when youre evil) When Tybalt says Id like a word with one of you" - v=DJ5r3oNFVeE (Dramatic) When Tybalt challenges Romeo - (skyrim theme) When Mercutio dies - (lux aeterna) Mercutio and Tybalt talk - (the parrot) Lighting and setting On the ships we will use grey, green and blue to create an appropriate atmosphere for the sea When someone dies we will use a calm, almoust inexistent light on them to show the importance of the the fight is on the ships as the main action Nurse and Juliet in the castle Nurse and parrot on the beach Blue is the main coluor we use. It reflects the calm before the storm. When someone dies it becomes red to symbolize the fact that it becomes a tragedy

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