Armageddon, The Real Place

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Study to reveal the real place of "Armageddon"

Is "Vatican" the meant by "Armageddon" ?

"Armageddon" - Is it Literal name of a place or Descriptive place name?

Many Bible studies try to literally correlate between place of historical "Megiddo" located in Israel as
mentioned in Chronicles 2:

"22 Nevertheless Josiah would not turn his face from him, but disguised himself, that he might fight
with him, and hearkened not unto the words of Necho from the mouth of God, and came to fight in the
valley of Megiddo." (2 CH 35)

And Between futuristic "Armageddon" as mentioned in Revelation book :

"16 And he gathered them together into a place called in Hebrew tongue Armageddon"
(Re 16:16)

The objection to this approach arises due to topographical difference between the historical
"Megiddo" which is a plain valley in contrary to the futuristic "Armageddon" which is Mountainous.

Because of this conflict, another thinking approach could be considered which deals with
"Armageddon" as Descriptive rather than literal place.

By adopting this analysis approach then we can describe futuristic "Armageddon" place as being
understood from its meaning as a Hebrew word.

The Hebrew meaning of "Armageddon"

The root word is Gad ("troop"); Gen. 30:11; Gen. 49:19; Megiddo is "gathering of troops," and the
final "n" means "the place of…." Hence Megiddon is not a name but a generic term for a battelfield,
"the place of the gathering of troops".
Arm is transliterated from "har" (mountain) thus the complete meaning of word is :
"battlefield's mountain"

Now, Back again to our question:

Could the vatican mountain be the place meant by Hebrew word "Armageddon"?

To answer this question we have to put these historical facts into our consideration:

1- The place of "Vatican" mountain was located outside old Rome boundaries during the time
of Apostles.

2- The known name of "Vatican" was not determined yet at that early time of Apostles.

3- During Apostles time the place of "Vatican" was holding "Fighting Arena" used by gladiators to
perform their shows in front of Roman Caesar and crowd.

4- The Roman were the first who invented such kind of fighting places, so there were no linguistic
terms defined yet in other languages to describe such places.

5- Saint Peter was executed also in this place during "Nero" Emperor rule.
One and important result that can be concluded from above facts is :
"Armageddon" is linguistically describing mountain of "Fighting Arena" that was located above
"Vatican Mountain" during Apostles period.

Reasons behind particularly choosing "Vatican mountain" to be correlated with


1- From Revelation Book we read that final war will be against the "Lamb" who is our savior "Jesus
Christ" the KING OF KINGS, and LORD OF LORDS sitting on white horse as being described in the
next paragraphs:

"11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful
and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written,
that no man knew, but he himself.
13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white
and clean". (Rev 19:11)


"19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war
against him that sat on the horse, and against his army"
(Rev 19:19)


"14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords,
and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful."
(Rev 17:14)

Such a war is symbolically representing a war against Jesus Church and its followers and it
shouldn't be understood literally, even its final result will be miraculous in a way reminds us
with the God promise to saint peter:

"18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the
gates of hell shall not prevail against it." (Mt 16:18)
Notes on above verse:
+ The impression of “higher place than surroundings” sensed from the word “rock”
+ The impression of “close blockade and indoor siege” sensed from the word “gates”
+ Thus the hole impression sensed from the above verse is “The hell will not overrun the rock even
when it is knocking at its doors”

2- Such a war against Rome is also mentioned in Islam (Religion of Anti Christ) prophecies about end
times as in followings places :
Book 041, Number 6927 and
Book 041, Number 6930 from next Islamic english links :

Islamic Hadith And Signs of Last Hour

Third Vision of Fatima revealed to the world On Saturday, May 13, 2000,
"After the two parts which I have already explained, at the left of Our Lady and a little
above, we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out
flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact
with the splendour that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand: pointing to
the earth with his right hand, the Angel cried out in a loud voice: 'Penance, Penance,

And we saw in an immense light that is God: 'something similar to how people appear in
a mirror when they pass in front of it' a Bishop dressed in White 'we had the impression
that it was the Holy Father'. Other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious going up a
steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a
cork-tree with the bark; before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city
half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he
prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the
mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers
who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the
other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious, and various lay people of different
ranks and positions. Beneath the two arms of the Cross there were two Angels each with
a crystal aspersorium in his hand, in which they gathered up the blood of the Martyrs and
with it sprinkled the souls that were making their way to God."
Notes on above vision:
Although the vision ends with the killings of Holy father with other Bishops, Priests, men
and women Religious which seems to be a crushing victory of evil, but it will be very
short life victory as both of beast and false prophet immediately after will be cast alive
into a lake of fire. (Rev 19:17-20)
Map Legend
1- The 10 horns represent the ten Kings (Re 17:12) coming from the east (Re 16:12)
2- Kingdom of the Beast "Anti Christ/Islamic MAHDI" in Iraq/Middle East
3- Kingdom of False Prophet "JEWISH Messiah/Islamic Jesus" in Israel
4- The witnesses (Re 11:3) "Islamic Dajjal (One of them)" and 144,000 Jewish followers
in Jerusalem (Re 7:4) and (Re 14:3)
5- The movement of the troops (200 million) (Re 9:16) is taking place over dried
Euphrates river

Notes :
- Such path represents the only shortest way from south east to the Vatican in north
- The Euphrates river dryness is prophesied in both of revelation book (Re 16:12)
and in Islamic hadith as you can read from the following links :

Islamic Prophecies And Mountain of Gold

6- "Armageddon"/"Vatican" the destination of the troops where the last battle of the
"Beast and False Prophet" Coalition (Re 19:19)

AGAINST ATHEISM - Closing the gap between Science and Christianity
666 Interpretation as Number, Name and Mark Altogether
Study to reveal the MYSTERY, BABYLON
The holy Jerusalem (A city shaped in Cross)
Third Vision of Fatima Revealed

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