Thesun 2009-03-27 Page08 Dissolution May Have Been Illegal Panel

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8 theSun | FRIDAY MARCH 27 2009

news without borders

Dissolution may have

been illegal: Panel
by Tan Yi Liang “The quorum is more than just numbers. One has to see the mem-
bership of the people in the quorum,
SHAH ALAM: The dissolution of whether they are all valid members.
Balkis, the wives of Selangor elected If they put in people who are not
representatives charity and welfare members, does that make it a valid
Because organisation, in March last year may quorum? It is not. You have to ex-
those have been illegal because there was amine (the membership),” he said.
no quorum, a member of the Selan- Teng said the change in the
present state government after the March 8
gor State Assembly’s Select Commit-
(at the tee on Competency, Accountability general election had to be taken into
dissolution and Transparency (Selcat) suggested account.
meeting) yesterday. “On March 8, you knew that the
previous ruling party had lost and
were not Azmin Ali (Bukit Antarabangsa)
that 34 seats had changed hands.
ordinary said that according to Article 15(I) of
the Balkis constitution, the organisa- That means 34 members (of Balkis)
members, tion cannot be dissolved without the had lost the right to be members.
the approval of at least two-thirds of its That means out of the 70 who
decision to ordinary members. attended (the meeting), 34 were
“Because those present (at the dis- ineligible. That means there was no
dissolve the quorum,” he said.
solution meeting) were not ordinary
organisation members, the decision to dissolve Azmin then told Tairah: “You tes-
was against the organisation was against the tified that at the time, the new mentri
the law.” law,” he said. besar (Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim) had
Azmin made his remarks when not taken his oath of office yet. That
– Azmin Ali the select committee was question- means there was some consideration
ing state Registrar of Societies officer (by ROS) at the state level.
Tairah Yusoff in its inquiry into ex- “If you could think that the
cesses by Balkis. members (of Balkis) were valid as
“Why did ROS not take the Tan Sri Khalid had yet to be sworn
responsibility to advise Putrajaya in, that means that a consideration
(the head office of ROS)?” he asked was made.”
Tairah. He said the consideration was not
“This is your function and respon- the right one and that the question
sibility as a ROS state officer, as the of whether the new mentri besar
constitution of Balkis was approved had been sworn in was a matter of
by the state ROS.” procedure.
State Assembly Speaker Teng Azmin described the action of the
Chang Khim, who chaired the com- Selangor ROS as “political”, to which
mittee, also questioned Tairah on the Tairah disagreed.
matter. “We do not go to that level of
“If the state office knew that sev- detail,” she said. “We do not check
eral provisions were breached in the for the validity of members. I really
dissolution, why did the state ROS did not go to that level of detail and I
not advise the head office accord- really did not know.”
ingly? he asked. She said the state assistant regis-
“The members who attended the trar knew such details.
meeting on March 11, 2008, were Teng then asked Tairah to provide
illegal members. Why did the state the details of the assistant registrar,
office keep quiet on this?” who would be called to testify on a
Tairah replied: “This was the later date.
process and we did not know the The other members of the select
rest. We looked at the constitution committee are Taman Medan assem-
and the quorum. We don’t know the blyman Haniza Talha, Ulu Kelang
rest.” assemblyman Shaari Sungib, Bukit
Teng pointed out that it was Gasing assemblyman Edward Lee,
insufficient to merely assume quo- Dusun Tua assemblyman Ismail
rum was constituted based on mere Sani (BN) and Permatang assembly-
numbers. man Sulaiman Abdul Razak (BN).

Reports lodged against Samy and son

KUALA LUMPUR: Two reports were lodged to any individual or political party. Hence, it
with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Com- was not suitable for the MIC to acquire it.
mission (MACC) yesterday against MIC “We want Samy Vellu to do the right
president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu and thing by returning the balance of three
his son Vell Paari over allegations in two acres originally alienated for Effingham
separate cases. Tamil School to the people,” he said.
At about 3pm, Subang MP and PKR vice “It was good of him to acknowledge
president Sivarasa Rasiah led a group of that it was an administrative error that had
20 to the Selangor MACC in Shah Alam, resulted in his name being listed as the
where a second report was lodged against beneficial owner of half of the land but it has
Samy Vellu for allegedly naming himself as been almost six months since he apologised
beneficiary to part of a plot of land allocated and we now want him to rectify the mistake
for Effingham Tamil School in Damansara and put things right.”
Utama. He said the school, which has about 600
The complainant, P. Krishnan, a resident student, has plans to build a kindergarten
representing the parents of children who at- on the additional land, otherwise they may
tend the school, said he had made a report need to take up the playing field.
in December 2007, but since it appeared At the Kuala Lumpur MACC, Kapar MP
that the MACC had not pursued the case, he S. Manikavasagam and lawyer N. Surendran
decided to lodge another report, this time lodged a report against Vell Paari, a former
with “more proof”. head of Maika Holdings, over his testimony
According to Bernama, Sivarasa said the at an inquest into the death of actress
case involved three acres (1.2 ha) of prime K. Sujatha, in which he said he paid towards
land originally alienated for the school. the purchase of a car and house for her and
He said the land was designated for pub- also for the education of her brothers.
lic use and should not be sold or transferred

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