2bac Reading-Quiz1 Sciences (B)

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Quiz n1: (Semester 2)

FULL NAME: ________________________________________

2nd year BAC Physics ____


___ _

20 Meriem and her friends, while washing their families clothes in a river near their rural homes, used to dream about having a romantic wedding someday. Her fairy tale would turn into a nightmare when she was 14 years old, however, when her father decided to give her away in marriage. In spite of her young age, she thought that her fianc was better than everything she had ever imagined. He was not too much older only 25 and capable of starting a new family. While her family was poor, he could also provide well for them. Her rosy dreams quickly faded. He thought he had acquired a maid, Meriem said. She continued, Although Im illiterate, I had tender feelings and emotions. I thought I would live in love with my husband, in whose eyes I saw looks of admiration. But less than two months after our marriage, I started to suffer from his bad treatment, with no regard for my slim body. I had to serve his peasant parents as they were providing us with food and housing. I had to do all the household jobs and perform my married life duties towards him and his family at any time they wanted. Meriem endured that for a while. Later, when she escaped to her parents house, she was surprised to find out she was expecting a baby. However, as her marriage was not registered in a civil contract, the father easily denied fathering the baby she was carrying. Meriem now lives in uncertain conditions. She is neither married nor divorced, and she is taking care of her child all alone. Cases similar to Meriem are numerous in our country, especially in rural areas. Most of the girls who get married despite their young age are forced to do that. This breaks one of the principles of the Moroccan Family Code (Modawana) which puts women on a more equal footing with their husbands, notably raising the age at which girls can legally marry from 15 to 18 and giving wives joint responsibility with their husbands in family matters. Regardless of what the reasons of underage marriage are, it must be stopped. The whole society should reject such a behaviour which can bring about difficult problems for the Moroccan family. But a question still remains: will Meriem and her child be able to enjoy the rights the code has made possible for her and thousands of other girls in our country? Its not enough to have a new family code. What we need is a new and a right implementation of it. I- Comprehension Questions (15 pts.) N.B. BASE ALL YOUR ANSWERS ON THE TEXT.
(3 points)

A. Are these sentences true or false? JUSTIFY

1. At first, Meriem had a positive impression about her fianc. .... ... 2. Meriem was ill-treated by her husband. .. ... 3. Meriems husband admitted that he was the father of her son. ... ...

B. Answer these questions: (6 points) 1. How did Meriem expect her married life to be? . ... 2. Why didnt Meriems dream come true? .... ... 3. Why was Meriem obliged to serve her husbands parents as well? .... ... 4. In what way does Meriems case break one of the principles of the new Modawana? ... ... C. What do the underlined words in the text refer to: (3 points) 1. He (paragraph 2) _________________________ 2. such a behaviour (paragraph 6) _________________________ 3. it (paragraph 7) _________________________ D. Find in the Find in the text words or expressions which mean the same as: (3 points) 1. responsibilities (paragraph 3) _______________________ 2. disappeared (paragraph 3) _______________________ 3. looking after (paragraph 4) _______________________

II- Communication/ Functions: (5 pts.)

A- Match each sentence with the appropriate function it expresses: (3 points) 1. What do you mean by brain drain? 2. Sorry, I dont share this view with you 3. You look very tired. You should have some rest. B- What would you say in this situation: (2 points) You want to improve your level at English. You: (ask your teacher for advice) .. Your teacher: (gives advice) .. ... You: (respond to his advice) ... A) B) C) D) Advice Apology Disagreement Asking for clarification

.. .. .. .. Good luck

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