Johnkwon and The Terrible Twist

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Nick Murati #207 th It was Thursday, April 12 2012, the day that little Johnny was born.

He was only 5.5 pounds, but when little Johnny was born, he couldnt breathe. So, they handed him to a suspicious looking young nurse. The nurse was named Leo who rushed the baby off to a special machine. Five months later, late into the night, there were sightings of a U.F.O, and a break-in at the hospital. The police rushed to the hospital, got inside, and found an alien muttering the same words over and over again, Quople deep loshi, quople deep loshi. The alien noticed the police and scurried off to a dark corner and disappeared. The next day, while little Johnnys parents were visiting him in the hospital, a fire broke out. While the detectives were searching the place, they oddly found no sign of little Johnny and the intern Leo. The police thought that the alien started the fire, but what they didnt even know is that the alien actually saved little Johnny. Over the past few years, the alien has been taking care of little Johnny. The alien revealed his name too little Johnny at the age of five. And his name was Quagnark. He renamed little Johnny Johnkwon. Johnkwon was five years old when Quagnark taught him how to use ridge push. Johnkwon was trained to control the force of gravity in the oceanic lithosphere, but he cant fully control it. So, he pulls it as far down as he can and then it launches up like a slingshot causing very intense damage on who he wants or what he wants. During the beginning of the training he couldnt control where it would slingshot up, and a lot of the time he would hit himself. Once he mastered the power, he learned a new skill called convection. It is where he would control the hot rocks under the earths surface. He could pull them out of the ground, lift them high up into the air, and then launch them at his target. A lot of the time, he couldnt keep the rocks going in a straight line so they would hit each other and turn into tiny little pebbles. He was determined not to give up on this skill, but Quagnark told him that they would post pone the skill to a later date. Finally, Johnkwon was going to learn his ultimate power, slab pull. He was taught to channel all the energy he had so he could pull the plates apart so far that when they came back into place sharp, jagged, and knifelike mountain peaks would shoot up and pierce the enemy. While Johnkwon was in the middle of mastering slab pull, he heard large crashing sounds coming from Quagnarks room. He went to investigate it. He heard Quagnark yelling, Give it up Lekonarse, this is why I threw you out. It was because you always used your powers for your own good, not for others! Quagnark, all I wanted was to be my mothers favorite. Ever since little Johnny came along, I have been just a shadow!

Quagnark noticed Johnkwon standing at the door and yelled, Johnkwon, use what I taught you. You must combine all of your powers into one. He is the one who killed your parents. He is your brother! Johnkwon was filled with rage towards Lekonarse, but he was also hesitant to listen to Quagnark. In a couple minutes, Quagnarks room exploded, and Johnkwon was knocked out! After a couple hours, Johnkwon woke up noticing Lekonarse shaking the ground, making buildings fall, and also using the tides to wash away hundreds of people into the gulf. Johnkwon knew he had to do something. So, he listened to Quagnark, channeled all his energy, and combined all of his powers into one. Lekonarse became terrified when he saw a gigantic crack in the ground, flaming rocks in the sky, and a gigantic chunk of earth all aimed at him. In a matter of minutes there was a gigantic explosion!

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