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8 theSun | MONDAY MARCH 30 2009

news without borders

N. Korea may launch

mid-range missile too
TOKYO: North Korea is preparing to launch a missile is launched, Sankei said, quoting uni-
close- to mid-range ballistic missile separately dentified Japanese government sources.
from the long-range rocket that Pyongyang Japanese public broadcaster NHK reported
has said it will launch next month, the Sankei yesterday that Japan’s Air Self-Defence Force
Japanese daily newspaper reported yesterday. had started to deploy units capable of shoot-
The report comes as Pyongyang is poised to ing down a rocket to the northern prefectures
launch a communications satellite between of Akita and Iwate.
April 4-8 that regional powers believe will Units carrying Patriot Advanced Capabil-
actually be a test of a long-range missile, the ity-3 missiles left a base in central Japan early
Taepodong-2, which is already believed to be yesterday and are expected to arrive at the
on its launch pad. northern prefectures today, NHK said.
North Korea has given international agen- A spokesman for Japan’s Ministry of
cies notice that the rocket’s planned trajectory Defenc said he was not immediately able
should take it over Japan, dropping booster to comment on the reports. Japan deployed
stages to its east and west. Any attempt to two ballistic missile destroyers to the Sea of
shoot the rocket itself down would be an act Japan on Saturday to intercept any danger-
of war, it has said. ous debris in the event that the controversial
The reclusive state may fire the short- to missile launch planned by North Korea goes
mid-range missile shortly after the long-range wrong. – Reuters

Hongkong teens build ‘terror’ bomb

HONGKONG: Three teen- injured 13-year-old had bomb disposal squad were
agers have been arrested for caused the explosion by ig- sent to detonate the explosive
possessing explosives of the niting a tissue fuse attached materials.
type used in the 2005 suicide to two plastic bottles contain- Another 13-year-old class-
attacks in London, police said ing triacetone triperoxide mate was also arrested.
yesterday. (TATP), the Sunday Morning Police suspected the trio
The three were arrested Post reported. learned how to make TATP
after one of them almost had The boy had two frac- bombs online and bought
his hand blown off when he tured fingers and sustained the necessary chemicals
set off a homemade bomb in injuries to his face and eye from local hardware stores
his family’s wholesale food from the blast but was in sta- and pharmacies, the Post
store on Saturday. ble condition, a government said.
“The three teenagers have spokesman said. The explosive white
been released on bail while Police later seized a powder was favoured by Is-
we are investigating the computer and found six lamist terrorists and used in
case,” said a police spokes- more bottles of TATP in the 2005 London transport
man. the home of his 14-year-old bombings that killed more
Police found that the classmate. Officers from the than 50 people. – AFP

any previous year, despite the deepening economic

downturn, official figures showed yesterday.
The increase, due largely to a rise in spending
briefs on private teaching including English-language
learning, indicated South Koreans were reluctant
to cut back on education despite a dramatic
economic slowdown. Household spending on
Indonesia dam death education reached an all-time high of 39.8 tril-
lion won (RM108 billion) in 2008, up 7.7% from a
toll rises to 97 year earlier, the Yonhap news agency said, citing
JAKARTA: The death toll from a burst dam in a Bank of Korea figures. – AFP
Jakarta suburb rose to 97 yesterday as hundreds
of rescue workers continued to search for more
than 100 people still missing, an official said.
Portuguese bishop
Hundreds of buildings collapsed when a wall contradicts Pope on condoms
of water broke through the man-made earthen LISBON: A Portuguese bishop on Saturday
dam early on Friday as residents slept in their openly contradicted Pope Benedict XVI’s
beds. About 700 rescue workers, police and controversial stance on condoms, saying
military personnel joined forces yesterday in a people with AIDS were “morally obliged” to
third day searching for 102 people still listed as use them if they had sex.
missing. – AFP A person with AIDS “who cannot avoid
having sexual relations is morally obliged
Thai premier hits back to avoid passing on the disease by using a
condom,” Monsignor Ilidio Leandro wrote in
at Thaksin rallying call a message published on the website of the
BANGKOK: Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Viseu diocese in central Portugal. Benedict
Vejjajiva yesterday accused fugitive former drew criticism last week for saying that con-
leader Thaksin Shinawatra of stoking unrest, dom use could be aggravating the AIDS crisis,
as protests that have plunged the kingdom in comments he made to reporters while on
into fresh turmoil entered a fourth day. his way to Africa. Thousands of people are
Thousands of demonstrators loyal to the infected with the HIV virus in Africa every
exiled Thaksin have surrounded Abhisit’s day, according to the United Nations. – AFP
office in Bangkok since Thursday, listening
to their leader deliver fiery video addresses
against the government each night.
Sudan’s Beshir in Doha for
“He is trying to arouse people in an effort summit, defying ICC warrant
to gain benefit for himself,” Abhisit said. DOHA: Sudan’s President Omar al-Beshir flew
Some 1,500 so-called “Red Shirts” kept in to Qatar yesterday for an Arab summit, in his
up the vigil at Government House for the fourth foreign trip since an international arrest
fourth day yesterday. Numbers have swelled warrant for alleged war crimes in Darfur.
in the evening to up to 30,000 as people State television showed Beshir being greeted
gather to listen to Thaksin. – AFP by Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-
Thani and Arab League chief Amr Mussa.
South Korea spends Speculation had been rife in Doha that Beshir
could stay away from the summit to avoid em-
record sum on education barrassing Qatar, although the Gulf state is not
SEOUL: South Koreans spent nearly US$30 billion bound by the rules of the International Criminal
(RM109 billion) on education in 2008, more than in Court which indicted the president. – AFP

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