Thesun 2009-03-30 Page13 Wise To Keep Teachers in The Loop

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theSun | MONDAY MARCH 30 2009 13

speak up!
We believe that the young
should have a say in how
things are run, because
they have everything at
stake in our future. This col-
umn creates that space for

Wise to keep
our panel of bright young
sparks to debate a whole
range of issues that they
feel strongly about.

teachers in the loop

by Ng Tze Yeng presentations, I began to accumulate grains of
self-doubt. Despite my dry-runs before lectures,
HISTORY and feminism are two pleasures nightmares of my students failing their exams
of mine. Studying World History in Form 4 haunted me. Though I did a good job projecting
brought me close to the greatness and fallacies the exact opposite as I stood in the lecture hall,
of humankind. I revered the thought that ideas my self-confidence begin to trickle away each
and actions are interconnected across time and time I thought I didn’t do a good job. No longer
space. I don’t recall my history teacher being was I aspiring to inspire them, I had lowered
particularly enthused with the sub- the bar, hoping against hope that
ject, nevertheless, I left secondary I would not fail them as a person
school with a fondness for history, who was meant to guide and
left in the backburner. impart knowledge. I was discour-
My infatuation for the subject aged. I was prepared to quit after
simmered until my last year at the first year.
university where I took a module Thankfully, pep talks and
in history. My history professor guidance from an experienced
infectiously spread so much delight lecturer reversed the downward
in the sharing of every morsel of spiral. Marking the occasional
historical fact, interpretation and brilliant exam script also restored
anecdote that it was impossible snatches of confidence, which
not to be moved by the marvel Freespace swung back to disheartenment
of history that he held so dear. I when an atrocious script passed
sometimes wonder what my aca- Where young views rule through my hands. Nevertheless,
demic path would’ve been if I had I went back for a second year, this
a teacher like him when I first discovered the time, preparing a little more by reconnecting
joys of history. with the academic level of Bahasa Malaysia.
An offshoot of taking his class was the dis- The experience was more enjoyable. And now,
covery of feminism and subsequently joining I am looking forward to my third year.
the Malaysian feminist movement. Although The debates on teaching science and
I’ve never been formally schooled in feminist mathematics are very much shrouded in the
theory, the invaluable philosophy of working discourses of language politics. Some quarters
towards a just and equitable society breathes argue for the preservation of language, others
life into me. The teachers for me are the activ- the “logical” acceptance of English as the lingua
ists, some of whom are academics as well, who franca of these two subjects, and some argue for
selflessly guide me, spurred by their own faith the language that will serve the students best.
in the work that they are doing. Teachers to me – with their concerns and abili-
So, when I was offered the chance to share ties – seem to be left out of the public debate.
lectures on the independent feminist movement Some have argued that it is the teacher’s
in Malaysia at a local university, I jumped. I was duty to carry out whichever policy is adopted.
overwhelmed and yet excited about the idea of Others sweepingly blame the weak delivery
the opportunity to pass on what has inspired on the current crop of teachers who are as-
me. “I know the material, I’ve successfully sumed to have pursued the noble profession
delivered it in English, I did pretty well in my as an occupation of last resort. Frankly, either
Bahasa Malaysia paper in SPM, all I need is view does a disservice to those who sincerely
some translation, so it shouldn’t be a problem,” signed up to serve. I was fortunate enough to
or so I thought. Only when I took the plunge I have been schooled in both languages and yet
realised how out of my depth I was. I found it a challenge – what more for those
Most of my intellectual development post- who have been trained in one language and
SPM has been in the English language. Antici- callously thrown into their new role? What
pating some difficulties easing back into Bahasa will be the impact, not only in their quality of
Malaysia, I translated the points into Bahasa teaching, but also their self-confidence? Which-
Malaysia to supplement the notes in English. ever policy the Education Ministry decides to
I was prepared. But what I wasn’t ready for adopt, it should be done conclusively with the
was the psychological and emotional aspects of assessment, training, monitoring and caring
teaching, when communication is a barrier. for the wellbeing of those whose ultimate role
My brain was severely taxed by two hours of is to illuminate the minds of the nation – lest
constant translation. Often, towards the end of we forget.
the first hour, I find myself looking searchingly
at the more pro-active students to throw me a
word that I have just uttered in English to sup- Tze Yeng is blessed to have had wonderful teach-
plement my broken Bahasa Malaysia. ers in her life. Comment: letters@thesundaily.
Not accustomed to the choppiness of my com

Earth Hour the first step letter

AS A conservationist, I am proud and thankful that ing, WWF-Malaysia hopes that Malaysians, and the
so many of my fellow Malaysians have voiced their people of the world, will continue to demonstrate
concern about climate change. By supporting Earth their concern about climate change by taking steps
Hour 2009, we are all sending a clear message to towards achieving energy efficiency.
the governments of the world that we want them to Among the simple steps that everyone can take
take urgent action to mitigate climate change. Each to help save energy are: switch off unused lights;
supporter’s signature matters, especially as 2009 switch unused appliances off standby; switch to
is a critical year in determining the future of our energy efficient light globes; reduce use of hot
planet. In December this year the world’s leaders water; and minimise the use of air-conditioners.
will meet at the United Nations Climate Change Businesses that would like to explore methods
Conference in Copenhagen to write and potentially of developing and implementing more environmen-
sign a successor to the Kyoto treaty. Earth Hour tally-friendly and energy efficient business practices
2009 aimed to provide a platform for 1 billion people are most welcome to contact us at corporaterela-
from around the world to express their desire for
unified and urgent action on climate change in the WWF-Malaysia sincerely thanks every person
lead up to Copenhagen. who has taken the important first step in the fight
With reference to the letter “More to saving the against climate change by signing up and pledging
planet” (March 23), WWF-Malaysia is not presenting to switch off at Hope-
Earth Hour as a long-term solution to mitigate cli- fully, we can all continue to take action towards
mate change; this global effort is an important first energy efficiency and mitigating global warming
step in the fight against global warming. People will – not only on March 28, 2009 but every day of the
only be motivated to take effective action against year.
environmental threats like climate change if they are
first made aware of the issue through campaigns Datuk Dr Dionysius S.K. Sharma
like Earth Hour. After Earth Hour has raised public Executive Director/CEO
awareness about the need to combat global warm- WWF-Malaysia

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