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Elthorne Park High School


Teacher guidance for KS5 Scheme of Work

This must be a useful document Longer doesnt equal better It must be accessible to new members of staff (both to the school and the course) Each row shows a sequence of lessons- does not have to be one row per lesson. A sub topic may take a number of lessons to teach. Further explanation. Key objectives must be linked to the exam board's assessment objectives. Most exam boards have around 4 objectives. State which one(s) you are tackling in this particular unit of work. Mode of assessment could be an essay; an experiment; an investigation; a portfolio of work; a research presentation; a video/podcast; a performance. RWCM (Reading, Writing, Communication and Maths) must be considered for Ofsted, for example reading could be addressed through choice of texts, key words/terminology, glossary sheets, website articles. Writing could be addressed through criteria for different text types (e.g reports, evaluations, scripts), key word list, exemplars. Communication could be addressed through planned discussion, debates, students leading starters/plenaries, question and sentence stems handouts for students, listening to podcasts/videos of debates/speeches, working in groups. Maths could be addressed through presenting information in different visual forms such as graphs/venn diagrams/charts/tables, looking at statistics/data, creating timelines, identifying patterns/sequences. Flipped learning opportunities might be listing websites, youtube videos, online texts, journals, podcasts or activity ideas where students can generate content in these formats! The ideal situation would be when students go away and use technology to learn content/concepts and come back to the class ready to apply, evaluate or create something new with the new knowledge they have gained. Assessment opportunities these are not just big end of topic/unit tests or essay but include mini plenaries, questioning techniques or peer/self assessment.

Achieving Excellence in a Learning Community


Elthorne Park High School


Unit and topic: Approximate teaching time for this unit: [6 hours] Key objectives for this unit: To understand the significant changes in Tsarist Russia Unit outcomes: Knowledge and understanding of 1. Social conditions 2. Economic conditions 3. Political conditions Mode of assessment:
Syllabus focus [topic heading showing the sequence of lessons] Key Question [one per topic] Outcomes What are the first ideas/concepts students have to know? What connections will students make between the ideas/concepts? How will the students show they understand the bigger picture and apply their new learning in different contexts? Flipped learning opportunities Assessment opportunities

Social, economic and political conditions in Tsarist Russia [3 lessons]

How difficult was the Romanovs job?

Aims of Tsars prioritised and problems associated with each

Inferences from social, economic and political data on Russia

3D map of Imperial Russia created applying their knowledge Peer assess maps cD8KvXFE made using Grafio Inference exam Teacher video on Frog: question answered History/AS/Russia using Socrative Prioritisation shown Students to upload a powerpoint similar through exam style to the one linked (Introduction to essay Tsarist Russia) with audio commentary Mindmaps made to Frog using Popplet

Achieving Excellence in a Learning Community

KS5 Elthorne Park High School RWCM (Reading, Writing, Communication and Maths) for this unit/topic:


Achieving Excellence in a Learning Community

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