Lecture 5.1 Visual Modelling Languages - Flowcharts

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Lecture 5.

Visual Modelling Languages

M05EKM Business Simulation

Dr Ammar Al-Bazi

Lecture Outlines
Introduction Flowchart Definition Importance of Flowcharts Why We Use Flowcharts Flowchart Field of Applications Types of Flowcharts
Flowcharts Building Blocks Creating Flowcharts Flowchart Control Structures Visual Example Case Studies Comments

Flowcharts Definition
A graphical or symbolic representation of a process. Each step in the process is represented by a different symbol and contains a short description of the process step. The flow chart symbols are linked together with arrows

showing the process flow direction

An organised combination of shapes, lines, and text that graphically illustrates a process or structure

Importance of Flowcharts
Building a step-by-step picture of the process for analysis, discussion, or communication purposes. Defining, standardising, or finding areas for improvement in a process. Flowcharts are recognised as on of the most important ways to effectively communicate ideas between people who may differ in knowledge, education, and position Without flowcharts, you can spend a ton of energy explaining how the process is to be done!

Why We Use Flowcharts


visual maps of a process Help with planning a project Quality improvement tool Identify processes that need improvement Identify unnecessary/ problem steps in a process Good communication tool

Flowchart Field of Applications

Manufacturing Used to identify critical path

Curriculum flowcharts Student flow through process

Help visualize money flow

Patient flow Medical processes

Restaurants Real estate

Types of Flowcharts
That there are four general types of flowcharts:

Document flowcharts, showing controls over a document-flow through a system. Data flowcharts, showing controls over a data flows in a system. System flowcharts showing controls at a physical or resource level. Program flowchart, showing the controls in a program within a system.
Notice that every type of flowchart focuses on some kind of control, rather than on the particular flow itself. In addition, many diagram techniques exist that are similar to flowcharts but carry a different name, such as UML Activity Diagrams.

Flowchart Building Blocks

Flowchart Building Blocks (Cont)

Flowchart Building Blocks (Cont)

Flowchart Building Blocks (Cont)

Flowchart Building Blocks (Cont)

Creating Flowcharts

Common Rules for Flowcharts

Indicate and label all elements of the project Sequence of events is clear No gaps or dead ends Must be logical to the user Use correct symbols

Flowchart Control Structure

The Three Basic Control Structure are:

1. Sequence

2. Selection (a)

Flowchart Control Structure (Cont)

The Three Basic Control Structure are:

3. Selection (b)

4. Repetition

Flowchart Software
Some tools offer special support for flowchart drawing such as Microsoft Visio. Many software packages exist that can create flowcharts automatically, either directly from source code, or from a flowchart description language. On-line Web-based versions of such programs are available

Visual Example

Real Life Case Study

More details can be found in: http://itc.scix.net/data/works/att/w78-2008-7-05.pdf
Al-Bazi A. and Dawood N. (2008). Enterprise Simulation of the Precast Concrete Manufacturing Industry. CIB W78 2008 International Conference on Information Technology in Construction. Santiago, Chile.

Valuable and unique quality improvement tool Simple and effective way of visualising and understanding a process Entire organisation has an effect on the flowchart Everyone involved can take part in improving the process

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