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) I never wanted to be the group leader since I am already occupied with a lot of papers to write in other subjects. I was planning on assigning a freshman to be the leader, but being one of the two males in the group, I was given the task to become the leader.

2.) I did not have the high level of personal drive at first, but after reflecting, I am now flattered that people wanted me to lead. They probably see something in me that is worth of being a leader and it has motivated me to do my best in order to make the best output possible for this class.

I am also proud that in my whole academic life, I have not been accused of plagiarizing and cheating, the reason being that I am an artist, and as an artist, I want to be credited for the work that I have done. I do not steal other people's ideas and use them as my own. Personal integrity is very important in order for your group mates to follow you.

To be a leader, it is also important to be empathic of other people's feelings. I have been leading the music ministry of the Youth For Christ for years now and I think I have a great experience in relating with my members. I can easily flex our schedules in order for everyone to be able to participate, but not to the point where I spoil my members.

3.) If I were to base my leadership style from Blake and Mouton's Managerial Grid, I would have to say I am in the 8,8 management area. I make sure that I balance the relationship of productivity with the people who produce. I try my best to motivate them for maximum efficiency. I put myself on the 8th because I think I am still young and I can still learn a lot more through time.

4.) The people in my group, even though most of them are freshmen, have become my friends. I have built great relationships especially with Thea, the girlfriend of my blockmate and Richard, who was my friend since 1st year college so this assures me that the task can be and will be done. The task structure is easily agreed upon by our group and if there are comments, we listen and see what we pickup from that. Leader position power is always established and we all know how to comment on each others'

2 works in the most proper way, which helps us lessen the chances of getting mad at each other.

5.) No, I do not plan on changing styles. I have seen my group work together and it is pretty good. I will just have to know more about my other groupmates, so that I may be able to grasp on their personalities and be able to make those other members to their full capabilities.

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