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Electrostatic Precipitator




Ankit Kumar GIN/105334

~ Introduction ~ Basic principle ~ The precipitation process ~ Construction of ESP ~ Precipitator component ~ Advantages and Disadvantages ~ Uses ~ Conclusion ~ References

In the simplest terms, a Electrostatic precipitator is a large box. The particulate laden gases are drawn into one side of the box using perforated plate and diffusers to evenly distribute the gas. Inside, high voltage electrodes impart a negative charge to the particles entrained in the gas. These negatively charged particles are then attracted to a grounded collecting surface, which is positively charged. The gas then leaves the box, up to 99.9% cleaner than when it entered. Inside the box, the particles from the continuing flow of dust build up on the collection plates or tubes. At periodic intervals, the plates in a Dry ESP are rapped, and the tubes in a Wet ESP are flushed, causing the particles to fall into the collection hopper. In a Dry ESP the particles are usually removed from the hopper by a rotary screw arrangement. In a WET ESP the hoppers are designed to gravity drain or pump the flush water to designated treatment or disposal. Wet electrostatic precipitator ( ESP ) particulate control system designs can be either up flow or down flow relative to where polluted air enters the ESP during the particulate control process.

Basic Principle

Stage 1:~ Charging Particles suspended in a gas enter the precipitator and pass through ionized zones around the high voltage discharge electrodes. The electrodes, through a corona effect, emit negatively charged ions into the gas and to the grounded collecting plates

Stage 2:~ Collecting The ionized field around the discharge electrodes changes the particulate causing it to migrate to the positively charged surface of the collecting electrode.

Stage 3:~ Removal The charged particles agglomerate on the grounded collecting plates and their charge bleeds off. Rappers dislodge the agglomerated particulate, which falls into the collection hoppers for removal.

Precipitation Process
Electrostatic precipitation removes particles from the exhaust gas stream of an industrial process. Often the process involves combustion, but it can be any industrial process that would otherwise emit particles to the atmosphere.

Six activities typically take place: Ionization - Charging of particles Migration - Transporting the charged particles to the collecting surfaces Collection - Precipitation of the charged particles onto the collecting surfaces Charge Dissipation - Neutralizing the charged particles on the collecting surfaces Particle Dislodging - Removing the particles from the collecting surface to the hopper Particle Removal - Conveying the particles from the hopper to a disposal point Charging of particles Our typical ESP has thin wires called discharge electrodes, which are evenly spaced between large plates called collection electrodes, which are grounded. An electrode as something that can conduct or transmit electricity. A negative high-voltage, pulsating, direct current is applied to the discharge electrode creating a negative electric field. The region around the discharge electrode is where the particle charging process begins. Corona Discharge: Free Electron Generation Several things happen very rapidly (in a matter of a millisecond) in the small area around the discharge electrode. The applied voltage is increased until it produces a corona discharge, which can be seen as a luminous blue glow around the discharge electrode. The free electrons created by the corona are rapidly fleeing the negative electric field, which repulses them. They move faster and

faster away from the dis-charge electrode. This acceleration causes them to literally crash into gas molecules, bumping off electrons in the molecules. As a result of losing an electron (which is negative), the gas molecules become positively charged, that is, they become positive ions (So, this is the first thing that happensgas molecules are ionized, and electrons are liberated. All this activity occurs very close to the discharge electrode. This process continues, creating more and more free electrons and more positive ions. The name for all this electron generation activity is avalanche multiplication.

Construction of ESP

Precipitator Components
Discharge electrodes Collection electrodes High voltage electrical systems Rappers Hoppers Shell

Discharge Electrodes
Discharge electrodes emit charging current and provide voltage that generates an electrical field between the discharge electrodes and the collecting plates. The electrical field forces dust particles in the gas stream to migrate toward the collecting plates. The particles then precipitate onto the collecting plates.

Collecting Plates
Collecting plates are designed to receive and retain the precipitated particles until they are intentionally removed into the hopper. Collecting plates are also part of the electrical power circuit of the precipitator. These collecting plate functions are incorporated into the precipitator design. Plate baffles shield the precipitated particles from the gas flow while smooth surfaces provide for high operating voltage. Collecting plates are suspended from the precipitator casing and form the gas passages within the precipitator.

High-voltage equipment

Determines and controls the strength of the electric field generated between the discharge and collection electrodes. This is accomplished by using power supply sets consisting of three components: a step-up transformer, a high voltage rectifier, and control metering and protection circuitry (automatic circuitry). The power system maintains voltage at the highest level without causing excess spark over between the discharge electrode and collection plate. These power sets are also commonly called transformer-rectifier (T-R) sets. In a T-R set, the transformer steps up the voltage from 400 volts to approximately 50,000 volts. This high voltage ionizes gas molecules that charge particles in the flue gas. The rectifier converts alternating current to direct current. Direct is required for electrical precipitation. Most modern precipitators use solid-state silicon rectifiers and oil-filled, high-voltage transformers.

Dust that has accumulated on collection and discharge electrodes is removed by rapping. Dust deposits are generally dislodged by mechanical impulses, or vibrations, imparted to the electrodes. A rapping system is designed so that rapping intensity and frequency can be adjusted for varying operational conditions. Once the operating conditions are set, the system must be capable of maintaining uniform rapping for a long time. Collection electrodes are rapped by hammer/anvil or magnetic impulse systems. Rigid frame discharge electrodes are rapped by tumbling hammers and wires are rapped by vibrators. As stated previously, liquid sprays are also used (instead of rapping) to remove collected particles form both tubes and plates.

When the electrodes are rapped, the dust falls into hoppers and is stored temporarily before it is disposed in a landfill or reused in the process. Dust should be removed as soon as possible to avoid packing, which would make removal very difficult. Hoppers are usually

designed with a 50 to 70 (60 is common) slope to allow dust to flow freely from the top of the hopper to the bottom discharge opening.

The shell structure encloses the electrodes and supports the precipitator components in a rigid frame to maintain proper electrode alignment and configuration. The support structure is especially critical for hot-side precipitators because precipitator components can expand and contract when the temperature differences between the ESP (400C or) and the ambient atmosphere (20) are large.

~ High collection efficiency is obtained on particles as small as 0.01 micrometer and, with good maintenance, collection efficiency is greater than 99.5%. ~ Can collect all types of dust, gas mist, droplets, etc. ~ Can collect dust in both wet and dry conditions. ~ Can collect all sizes of particles, from microns to coursers. ~ Probably the most versatile collecting equipment ~ Offers the highest efficiency, can be designed in principle for any efficiency without excessive pressure drop ~ Operates with low operation cost ~ Can operate over a wide range of inlet conditions, i.e. temperature, pressure, dust burden, humidity, etc. ~ Offers negligible pressure drop (rarely crosses 10-15mm) ~ Can be built in multiple units, for almost any gas volume ~ Has a long life, comparatively free from abrasion effect due to low operating velocity. ~ The high recovery value of the dust collected offsets the cost of the equipment.

~ Have high initial investment costs ~ Have a risk of explosion when gas stream contains combustibles ~ Product ozone during gas ionization ~ Require large space ~ Require special precautions to protect personnel from exposure to high-voltage ~ Require highly skilled maintenance personnel

Precipitators are used in following industries: Power/Electric Paper mills Flue gas desulfurization Industrial and waste Heat boilers Coke production Power generation Petrochemical and oil refineries Cement plants Heating plants Metallurgical

~ Thus we can conclude that electricity can play an important part in the fight against pollution. ~ Through devices such as the electrostatic precipitator electrical engineers can protect the environment from harm.

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