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REFRIGERATION SERVICE ENGINEERS SOCIETY m™@ Appendix Glossary of Terms UL % CURDRORORORORORE (© Cepynigh 2008 by ne Reigcaton Serica Engiers Sosay. = : = Appendix -— Glossary of Terms A absolute humidity Moisture content per unit volume of air—e.g., grains of water per cubic foot of air or pounds of water per cubic foot of air. absolute pressure Pressure measured from absolute zero rather than from normal atmospheric pressure. Absolute pressure is defined as the sum of atmospheric pressure and gauge pressure. absolute temperature Temperature measured from absolute zero (—460°F or 273°C), See also Rankine scale and Kelvin scale, absolute zero The temperature at which all molecular activity theoretically ‘ceases (zero on the Rankine and Kelvin temperature scales, corresponding to ~460°F or -273°C), ACH Refer to air changes per hour. accumulator A storage tank installed in the suction line that receives liquid refrigerant from the evaporator during the “oN” cycle and prevents it from flowing into the compressor. adiabatic process Any thermodynamic process that is accomplished without the transfer of heat to or from the system while the process is occurring, air The elastic, invisible mixture of gases that separates the earth from the vacuum of space. It is composed of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and 1% rare gases, including carbon dioxide, krypton, neon, argon, ozone, helium, and ammonia, Dust and micro-organisms are also present, 700-298

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