Plan Your Day The Prophets Way

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Flan Your Day

the Frophets Way

Shaykh Omar Subedar
Author: 8haykh Omar 8ubedar
lditor: ''ishah bint mrs
lroolreaders: 8haykh Yusul ladat, kizwan Ahmed 8yed, }uthi }amila
cover designer: Lmair lrlan
8asma|an calligrapher: 8ehar 8hahzad
lictograph designer: uimitrios Alexis
Arabic typesetter: Ahsan Naseer
8asma|an calligrapher: 8ehar 8hahzad
may Allh reward mathabah lnc. with knayr lor graciously providing opportunity and
lslamic loundation ol 1oronto lor ohce space and amenities. min.
copyright C 2012 mathabah lress
lages 1 to !! and pages 16 to 12 ol this book are licensed under the creative
commons Attribution and Non-commercial !.0 Lnported licence. You are lree to
share, copy and adapt those pages lor non-commercial purposes il you acknowledge
mathabah lress.
l8lN: 98-0-988144-0-9 (rst edition)
n tnc namc cj A||n, tnc ntirc|y Vcrciju|, tnc spccia||y Vcrciju|
lart One: uaily labits
waking up.....................................................................................
ooing to the bathroom...............................................................
1aking a lull shower or bath (nus|).........................................
lerlorming your ablutions (wu(u`)...........................................
oetting dressed............................................................................
lerlorming the pre-dawn prayer (sa|t a|-tanajjuJ)...............
ooing to the mosque lor the dawn prayer (sa|t a|-jajr)........
laving a meal...............................................................................
laving a drink..............................................................................
orooming yoursell......................................................................
larning a living............................................................................
uoing business.............................................................................
lerlorming the midday prayer (sa|t a|-zunr).........................
keciting the 1hrone Verse (yat a|-kursi).................................
oreeting people...........................................................................
lnteracting with people..............................................................
lerlorming the late alternoon prayer (sa|t a|-asr)...............
keciting the Qur'n.....................................................................
kemembering and mentioning Allh (Jnikr)...........................
Arriving home..............................................................................
lnteracting with lamily..............................................................
lerlorming the sunset prayer (sa|t a|-manriu).....................
8eeking entertainment...............................................................
lerlorming the night prayer (sa|t a|-isn`)............................



ketiring lor the night..................................................................

ooing to bed.................................................................................
lart 1wo: lvents
Attending the lriday prayer gathering (jumuan)..................
celebrating the lestival ol lreaking last (iJ a|-j(r)..............
celebrating the lestival ol 8acrice (iJ a|-a(n4)...................
uonating to charity.....................................................................
making love to your spouse.......................................................
laving a baby...............................................................................
ooing shopping............................................................................
uoing physical exercice..............................................................
Appendix A: lhysical discipline laws in canada
Appendix l: 1raditional kohl products in canada
olossary ol Arabic terms
Attaining Allh's pleasure and happiness is the greatest success any
human can achieve. lt's what ensures internal satislaction in this
world (Juny) and guarantees a lile ol eternal bliss in the herealter
1he way to reach this success is not ambiguous: a simple set ol
guidelines have been sent to humanity centuries ago. 1hese practical
demonstrations have been carelully documented and preserved
through generations ol scholars and practising believers. 1he basic
principles on pleasing the Almighty are lound in the Qur'n, while
their explanation are lound in the lile and teachings (sunnan) ol
Allh's linal messenger, muhammad . As muslims, we love Allh's
messenger and aspire to emulate him.
Allh announced:
8ay, [O muhammad to the people],
ll you should love Allh, then lollow me,
Allh will love you and lorgive you ol your sins.
And Allh is lorgiving and mercilul."
8ay, Obey Allh and the messenger."
lut il they turn away,
1hen indeed Allh does not like the disbelievers.
(5urat |i mrn !:!1-!2)
1here has certainly been lor you
ln the messenger ol Allh
An excellent pattern [ol conduct]
lor anyone whose hope is in Allh and the last uay

And who remembers Allh olten.

(5urat a|-Anzu !!:21)
Allh has promised the believing men and women
oardens beneath which rivers ow,
wherein they abide eternally,
And pleasant dwellings
ln gardens ol perpetual residence,
lut approval lrom Allh is greater.
lt is that which is the great attainment.
(5urat a|-1awuan 9:2)
while we olten hear the above verses in sermons and speeches, the
question many ask is, low do l lollow Allh correctly and obey
Allh's messenger in today's context7"
1his book ohers a handy set ol guidelines that:
address our daily issues and habits,
are in plain lnglish, accessible to the average muslim,
are easy to apply and implement, and
clearly cite each source and relerence.
1his book covers the most common events ol your lile as a muslim.
lor each situation and context, we provide prophetic directives in
point lormat, sourced lrom the Qur'n and lrom traditional
narrations (anJitn) that are:
authentic (sanin),
reliable in themselves (nasan |i-Jntini), or
reliable due to external lactors (nasan |i-nayrini).
1his book has been prepared to motivate the reader to take the rst
step in gaining Allh's pleasure and proximity.
|an Ycur uay tnc rcpnct`s way is not a technical relerence on
lslamic law (jn), nor does it encompass the complete teachings ol
our beloved lrophet . lt is simply a beginner's guide to adopting
the prophetic traditions (sunnan) in your lile.
lssues such as how to pray and last are not addressed in this book.
1heir specics vary lrom one school (maJnnau) ol lslamic law to
another. As such, contentious issues have been avoided altogether,
so this book can benet muslims ol every era, regardless ol their
philosophy or methodology. ln some parts ol the book, content has
been repeated as a convenience lor the reader.
ln rendering the Arabic in lnglish, sometimes a contextual
translation is used rather than a literal one. 1his is to preserve the
ow ol the lnglish text.
we pray that Allh accept this humble ehort and that Allh make it
a source ol guidance lor all ol humanity lor generations to come.
Omar 8ubedar
1oronto, canada
kamadn 1!, 14!! Al (August 2, 2012 cl)
Fart One:
Dally Hablts
Waklng up
Lpon waking up, say:





a|-namJu |i||ni |-|aJni anyn uaJa m amtan wa-i|ayni

lraise be to Allh who gave us lile alter giving us death. 1o
Allh is the resurrection.
look to the sky and recite:






` .

inna ji kna|i s-samwti wa-|-ar(i wa-knti|j |-|ay|i wa-n-nanri

|a`yti| |i-u|i |-a|uui.
lndeed, in the creation ol the heavens and the earth and the
alternation ol the night and the day are signs lor those ol
1 ludhaylah (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, when the lrophet
wanted to sleep, he would say, 'ln Your name, O Allh, l die and live.' when he got
up lrom his sleep, he would say, 'lraise be to Allh who gave us lile alter giving us
death. 1o Allh is the resurrection.'" ($anin a|-8uknri 6!24)
2 lbn 'Abbs (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, l spent the night at
maymnah's (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn ncr) house while the lrophet was with her,
so l could observe how Allh's messenger prayed at night. Allh's messenger
spoke to his wile lor a while and then went to sleep. when it was the last third ol
the night or a portion ol it, he sat up, looked at the sky and recited 'lndeed, in the
creation ol the heavens and the earth and the alternation ol the night and the day
are signs lor those ol understanding.' (5urat |i mrn !:190). le then got up,
Colng to the bathroom
lelore entering, remove any items that bear Allh's name.
8ay uismi||n.



A||numma inni auJnu uika min a|-knuuutni wa-|-knau`itni.
O Allh, l seek Your reluge lrom loulness and the loul ones.

8tep into the bathroom or washroom with your lelt loot.

perlormed his ablutions (wu(u`), brushed his teeth, and prayed 11 units (rakat).
lill (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) then gave the call to prayer (aJnn), and [the
lrophet ] prayed two rakat. 1hen he went out and led the people in the dawn
prayer (sa|t a|-jajr)." ($anin a|-8uknri 42)
! Anas lbn mlik (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, Allh's messenger
would remove his ring [which bore the inscription 'muhammad is Allh's
messenger'] whenever he entered the washroom." (jmi a|-1irmiJni 146)
4 'Al (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) related, Allh's messenger said, '1he screen
between the jinn and the private parts ol the descendants ol dam (pcacc uc upcn
nim) is to say, 'ln the name ol Allh.'" (5unan un Vjan 29)
Anas (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, when the lrophet would enter
the washroom, he would say, 'O Allh, l seek Your reluge lrom loulness and the loul
ones [i.e. demons (snay(in)].'" ($anin a|-8uknri 142)
6 ''ishah (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn ncr) reported, Allh's messenger prelerred
using the right [side] to attain purity when he cleaned himsell and also when he
combed his hair and put his shoes on." (5nam`i| a|-1irmiJni) lrom this, scholars have
deduced that when engaging in a dignied act, you should begin with the right side.
when ready to answer the call ol nature, expose as little ol
your body as possible.

8it down to urinate (even lor men).
Vcn: ll standing is required due to an exceptional
circumstance or health issue, then be extremely carelul not
to splash any urine on your clothes or body.
losition yoursell on the toilet, such that you neither lace
the prayer direction (iu|an) nor turn your back to it.

when perlorming an undignied act, such as entering the bathroom, you should
begin with the lelt.
Anas (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, when the lrophet intended to
relieve himsell, he would not lilt up his clothing until he was close to the ground."
(jmi a|-1irmiJni 14)

''ishah (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn ncr) said, ll anyone tells you the lrophet
urinated while standing, do not believe them. le only urinated sitting down." (jmi
a|-1irmiJni 12)
9 lbn 'Abbs (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, 1he lrophet [once] passed
by two graves and expressed, '1hese two are being punished, but they are not being
punished lor something [that was] dihcult [to avoid]. 1he rst one would not shield
himsell lrom urine. 1he second would tattle on people.'" ($anin a|-8uknri 218)
10 Ab Ayyb al-Ansr (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, 1he lrophet
said, 'when you go to delecate or urinate, do not lace the iu|an or turn your back to
it. [.]'" ($anin a|-8uknri !94)
Always use the lelt hand to touch your private parts.
using the right hand.
while answering the call ol nature, avoid communicating
with anyone, whether talking in person or using a mobile

Lsing the lelt hand, wipe away all impurities with toilet
1hen pour some water over the private parts to
clean them.
11 ''ishah (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn ncr) related, 1he right hand ol Allh's
messenger was used lor attaining purity and lor eating, whereas his lelt hand was
used lor the washroom and unclean ahairs." (5unan Auu uwuJ !!)
12 Ab Qatdah reported, Allh's messenger said, 'when any ol you urinate, do
not hold your private parts with your right hand nor clean yoursell with your right
hand [.]'" ($anin a|-8uknri 14)
1! Ab 8a'd (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) said, l heard Allh's messenger say,
'1wo men should not go out to delecate in a manner that they expose their private
parts and engage in a conversation [while relieving themselves], lor Allh loathes
this.'" (5unan Auu uwuJ 1)
14 ''ishah (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn ncr) reported, lndeed Allh's messenger
said, 'when any ol you go to delecate, you should take three [clay] stones to clean
yoursell with, lor they should be enough lor you.'" (5unan Auu uwuJ 40)
1 Ab lurayrah (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, 1he lrophet said,
'1his verse was revealed about the people ol Qub', 'within it are men who love to
purily themselves [.]' (5urat a|-1awuan 9:108). 1hey used to wash away [their
impurities] with water, hence this verse was revealed about them.'" (5unan Auu
uwuJ 44)
wash your hands.
8tep out ol the bathroom or washroom with your right loot.

[O Allh, l seek] Your lorgiveness.



a|-namJu |i||n ni||aJni aJnnaua anni |-aJn wa-jni.
lraise be to Allh who has taken discomlort away lrom me
and provided me with reliel.
16 Ab lurayrah (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, when the lrophet
would visit the washroom, l would provide water lor him in a pot or dipper. le
would clean himsell up and wipe his hand on the ground. Alter that, l would bring
him another jug, and he would perlorm his ablutions (wu(u`) with it." (5unan Auu
uwuJ 4)
1 see lootnote 6
18 ''ishah (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn ncr) reported, when the lrophet would exit
[the lavatory upon] relieving [himsell], he would say, '[O Allh, l seek] your
lorgiveness.'" (5unan Auu uwuJ !0)

Anas ibn mlik (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, when the lrophet
would exit the lavatory, he would say, 'lraise be to Allh who has taken discomlort
away lrom me and provided me with reliel.'" (5unan un Vjan !01)
Taklng a full shower or bath (ghusl/
wash both hands.
wash your private parts with the lelt hand.
ll any impure bodily uid is lound, wash it away. 1hen wash
your hand.
1o leave the state ol major ritual impurity (januan), gargle
some water and clean out the nose with water.
lerlorm your ablutions (wu(u`).
lour water on your head three times.
20 maymnah (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn ncr) said, l poured water lor the lrophet
lor [his] bath. le poured water onto his lelt hand with his right hand and washed
them both. 1hen he washed his private parts and then rubbed his hand on the
ground and washed it. le then rinsed his mouth and cleaned his nose out with
water. Alter that, he washed his lace and poured water on his head. 1hen he moved
to one side and washed his leet. le was then given a towel [to dry himsell], but he
did not use it." ($anin a|-8uknri 29)
21 maymnah (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn ncr) reported, 1he lrophet [once] took a
bath [to exit the state] ol major ritual impurity (januan). le washed his private
parts with his hand and then rubbed his hand on the wall. le then washed the hand
and perlormed wu(u` as he would lor sa|n. when he nished taking a bath, he
washed his leet." ($anin a|-8uknri 260)
22 ibid.
2! see lootnote 20
24 see lootnote 21
2 ''ishah (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn ncr) related, when the lrophet would take
wash the entire body. 1his is required to become lree lrom
ll the bathtub is slow to drain and water accumulates, then
wash your leet separately alter leaving the bathtub or
1here is no need to perlorm wu(u` separately alter taking a
lull shower or bath (nus|).
Never urinate in the bathtub.
a bath to exit the state ol major ritual impurity (januan), he would begin by washing
his hands and would then perlorm wu(u` as he would lor sa|n. le would then put
his ngers in the water and massage the roots ol his hair with them. Alter that, he
would pour three handluls [ol water] on his head and would then pour water over
his entire body." ($anin a|-8uknri 248)
26 'Al (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, Allh's messenger said, 'whoever
misses a spot the width ol a hair [when bathing] lrom major ritual impurity
(januan) and lails to wash it, such and such will be done to him in the lire.'" (5unan
Auu uwuJ 249)
2 see lootnote 20
28 ''ishah (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn ncr) reported, 1he lrophet would not
perlorm wu(u` alter taking a bath." (jmi a|-1irmiJni 10)
29 'Abdullh ibn mughahal reported, Allh's messenger instructed, 'None ol
you should urinate in his bathing area and then bathe there or perlorm wu(u` there,
lor the majority ol devilish insinuations are due to this.'" (5unan Auu uwuJ 2)
Ferformlng your ablutlons (wudu/
lrush your teeth
with a natural twig toothbrush (miswk).
8ay uismi||n.
wash your hands three times.
kinse your mouth out three times.
!0 ''ishah (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn ncr) reported, lvery time the lrophet
would sleep during the night or day and then wake up, he would brush his teeth
belore perlorming wu(u`." (5unan Auu uwuJ )
!1 ''ishah (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn ncr) reported, 1he lrophet said, '1he
miswk cleans the mouth and pleases the lord.'" (5unan a|-Nasa`i )
!2 Allh's messenger said, 1here is no wu(u` lor the person who does not
mention Allh's name upon it." (jmi a|-1irmiJni 2)
!! 'Amr reported lrom his lather (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn tncm) who related, l saw
'Amr ibn Ab lasan ask 'Abdullh ibn 2ayd (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) about the
lrophet's ablutions. lor this purpose, 'Abdullh asked lor a pot ol water and
demonstrated the wu(u` ol the lrophet to them. le poured the pot [ol water]
over his hand and washed his hands three times. le then put his hand into the pot
[to draw water lrom it] and rinsed his mouth. le snihed water to clean out his nose
with three handluls ol water. Alter that, he put his hand in the pot [to get more
water] and washed his lace three times. le then washed both ol his arms up to his
elbows twice. 1hen he dipped his hand into the pot and wiped his head by passing
both hands lrom lront to back and lrom back to lront once. le then washed both ol
his leet up to his ankles." ($anin a|-8uknri 186)
!4 Ab layyah reported, l witnessed 'Al (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) perlorm
wu(u`. le washed both ol his hands until they were clean. 1hen he rinsed his mouth
three times and cleaned out his nose with water three times. le washed his lace
three times and his arms three times. le then wiped his head once and washed his
clean out your nose with water three times.
wash your lace three times.
wash your right
lorearm (including the elbow) three times,
then the lelt three times.
8lide any rings to wash the covered area.
llace your lelt hand above your right hand, palms lacing
down. 8lide the ngers ol the lelt hand between the ngers
ol the right. 1hen repeat with your right hand on top.
wipe your head by running both hands along it, lrom lront
to back, then back to lront.
leet up to the ankles. Alter that, he stood and took the remainder ol his [clean]
water and drank it while standing. le then said, 'l wanted to show you what the
ablutions ol Allh's messenger were like.'" (jmi a|-1irmiJni 48)
! ibid.
!6 ibid.
! ''ishah (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn ncr) reported, 1he lrophet liked beginning
with the right [side] as much as possible in all ol his ahairs: when attaining ritual
purity, combing his hair and putting on his shoes." ($anin a|-8uknri 426)
!8 see lootnote !4
!9 Ab k' (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, Allh's messenger would
move his ring when perlorming wu(u`." (5unan un Vjan 449)
40 laqt ibn $abirah (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) related, 1he lrophet said,
'when you perlorm wu(u`, pass the ngers [ol one hand between the ngers ol the
other].'" (jmi a|-1irmiJni !8)
41 see lootnote !!
clean your ears, using your index ngers on the inside and
your thumbs behind.
Vcn: uraw the ngers ol your right hand through your beard
below the jaw and chin.
wash the right loot three times, then the lelt three times.
with the baby nger ol your lelt hand, clean between the
Avoid washing the lace, hands and leet more than three
times each.
42 lbn 'Abbs (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, Allh's messenger
perlormed wu(u`. le took a handlul ol water and rinsed his mouth and cleaned out
his nose. le then took another handlul ol water and washed his lace. Alter that, he
took another handlul ol water and washed his right arm. le then took another
handlul ol water and washed his lelt arm. le then wiped his head and then [wiped
his] ears: the internal portion with [his] index nger and the external portion with
his thumb. 1hen he took a handlul ol water and washed his right loot and then took
a handlul ol water and washed his lelt loot." (5unan a|-Nasa`i 102)
4! Anas ibn mlik (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, when the lrophet
would perlorm wu(u`, he would take a handlul ol water and [gently] splash it below
his chin and pass his ngers through his beard. le [once] expressed, '1his is what
my lord ordered me to do.'" (5unan Auu uwuJ 14)
44 see lootnote !4
4 mustawrid ibn 8haddd al-lihr (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) related, l saw the
lrophet rub between his toes with his baby nger when he would perlorm
wu(u`." (jmi a|-1irmiJni 40)
46 'Amr ibn 8hu'ayb reported lrom his lather, who reported lrom ['Amr's]
grandlather (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn tncm), who related, A ledouin came to the
Avoid wasting water.
8tand up and drink some water.



= ` .'







asnnaJu a|| i|na i||a||nu wanJanu | snarika |anu wa-
asnnaJu anna VunammaJan auJunu wa-rasu|unu. A||numma
ja|ni min at-tawwuin wa-ja|ni min a|-muta(annirina.
l testily that there is no god but ood (A||n), who is One and
without any partner. l testily that muhammad is Allh's
servant and messenger. O Allh, make me ol those who
repent olten. make me ol those who keep themselves pure.
lrophet to ask him about wu(u`. 1he lrophet demonstrated wu(u` to him [by
washing each part] three times. [Alter the demonstration,] he said, '1his is how you
perlorm wu(u`. whoever does more than this has committed an error. 1hey have
exceeded and done something unjustied.'" (5unan a|-Nasa`i 140)
4 'Abdullh ibn 'Amr (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, Allh's messenger
passed by 8a'd (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) while he was perlorming wu(u` and
expressed, 'what is all this wastage, 8a'd7' 8a'd asked, 'ls there wastage in wu(u`7'
1he messenger replied, 'Yes, even il you are by a running river.' (5unan un Vjan
48 see lootnote !4
49 'Lmar ibn al-lhattb (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, Allh's
messenger said, 'whoever perlorms wu(u`, does it well, and then recites, 'l testily
that there is no god but ood (A||n), who is One and without partners. l testily that
muhammad is Allh's servant and messenger. O Allh, make me ol those who
repent olten. make me ol those who keep themselves pure," then lor that person,
Cettlng dressed
Vcn anJ wcmcn:
when putting on clothes, start with the right side.



a|namJu |i||ni a||aJni kasni nJn wa-razaanini min nayri
naw|im minni wa-| uwatin.
lraise be to Allh, who clothed me with this garment and
provided it to me without any strength or power ol mine.
ll the garment is new, say:



the eight gates ol paradise (jannan) shall open. 1hey may enter lrom whichever door
they please.'" (jmi a|-1irmiJni )
0 Ab lurayrah (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, when Allh's
messenger would put on a shirt, he would begin with the right side." (jmi a|-
1irmiJni 166)
1 mu'dh ibn Anas reported lrom his lather (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) who
related, Allh's messenger said, 'whoever eats some lood and then says, 'lraise
be to Allh, who led me this lood and provided it to me without any strength or
power ol mine,' his past and luture sins shall be lorgiven. And whoever puts on a
garment and says, 'lraise be to Allh, who clothed me with this garment and
provided it to me without any strength or power ol mine,' his past and luture sins
shall be lorgiven.'" (5unan Auu uwuJ 402!)
a|namJu |i||ni a||aJni kasni m uwri ui-ni awrati wa-
atajamma|u ui-ni ji nayti.
lraise be to Allh, who clothed me with something l can
cover my private parts with and adorn mysell during my
wear clothes that reect your social and nancial standing.
Avoid wearing clothes that display arrogance. uo not make
extravagant purchases.
Avoid wearing clothes lor the sake ol showing oh.

Avoid wearing garments typically associated with people

2 'Lmar ibn al-lhattb (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, Allh's
messenger said, 'whoever puts on a new garment and says, 'lraise be to Allh,
who clothed me with something l can cover my private parts with and adorn mysell
during my lile,' and then takes the worn-out garment or the discarded garment and
donates it [to charity], he shall be in Allh's care, protection and shelter throughout
his lile and alter he dies." (5unan un Vjan !)
! 'Amr ibn 8hu'ayb reported lrom his lather who reported lrom ['Amr's]
grandlather (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn tncm) who related, Allh's messenger said,
'Allh likes to have the signs ol Allh's bounty visible upon Allh's servant.'" (jmi
a|-1irmiJni 2819)
4 'Amr ibn 8hu'ayb reported lrom his lather who reported lrom ['Amr's]
grandlather (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn tncm) who related, Allh's messenger said,
'lat, give donations, and wear [what you please] without any extravagance or
pride.'" (5unan a|-Nasa`i 260)
lbn 'Lmar (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, 1he lrophet said,
'whoever wears a garment [to attract] lame [in this world], Allh shall make them
wear a similar garment on the uay ol kising [.] 1hen they shall burst into ames.'"
(5unan Auu uwuJ 4029)
outside the muslim community.
Avoid wearing garments designed specically lor the
opposite gender.

lt's best to wear a white
, loose and long-sleeved
make sure the hem or cuh ol your pants lalls above the
Avoid wearing clothes that are completely red.

6 lbn 'Lmar (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, Allh's messenger said,
'whoever imitates a community, they are [considered to be] one ol them.'" (5unan
Auu uwuJ 40!0)
Ab lurayrah (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, Allh's messenger
cursed the men who wear women's outts and the women who wear men's outts."
(5unan Auu uwuJ 4098)
8 8amurah (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, 1he lrophet said, 'wear
your white garments, lor they are more pure and pleasant. lnshroud your dead in
them.'" (5unan a|-Nasa`i !24)
9 Asm' bint Yazd (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn ncr) reported, 1he sleeves ol Allh's
messenger used to reach the wrists." (jmi a|-1irmiJni 16)
60 Lmm 8alamah (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn ncr) reported, 1he long shirt (amis)
was the most beloved garment to Allh's messenger ." (jmi a|-1irmiJni 16!)
61 Ab lurayrah (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, 1he lrophet said,
'whatever portion ol the sarong (izr) is below the ankles, it shall be in the lire.'"
($anin a|-8uknri 8)
62 'Abdullh ibn 'Amr (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, A man wearing two
red garments passed by and greeted the lrophet with sa|m, but the lrophet
Avoid wearing silk and gold.
wear a skullcap (a|ansuwan).
1ie a turban (imman), prelerably black, over your skullcap,

such that its corner hangs down your back.
You may wear a silver ring
on the ring nger
ol either
hand. 1he stone should prelerably lace the palm.

did not respond to him with sa|m." (jmi a|-1irmiJni 280)
6! Ab ms al-Ash'ar (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, Allh's
messenger said, 'wearing silk and gold has been prohibited lor the men ol my
community (umman) and has been permitted lor its women." (jmi a|-1irmiJni 120)
64 lbn 'Lmar (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) related, Allh's messenger used to
wear a white skullcap (a|ansuwan)." (Vajma a|-7aw`iJ 80)
6 kuknah (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) related, l heard the lrophet say, '1he
diherence between us and the idol worshippers (musnrikun) is [the tying ol our]
turbans on [our] skullcaps.'" (5unan Auu uwuJ 408)
66 lurayth (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, l saw the lrophet on the
pulpit wearing a black turban whose corner he had dropped between his shoulders."
(5unan Auu uwuJ 40)
6 Anas (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, 1he lrophet's ring was made ol
silver, and so was its stone." ($anin a|-8uknri 80)
68 Anas (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, 1he lrophet's ring was here,"
and he pointed to the ring nger ol the lelt hand. ($anin Vus|im 489)
69 Anas (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, Allh's messenger wore a silver
ring on his right hand which had an Abyssinian gemstone. le would position the
stone towards his palm." ($anin Vus|im 48)
wear clothing that is loose, modest and concealing. uo not
wear clothing that is skin-tight or revealing.
wear an opaque headscarl.
0 ''ishah (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn ncr) reported that Asm' bint Ab lakr (may
A||n uc p|cascJ witn ncr) entered the company ol Allh's messenger wearing a thin
garment. Allh's messenger turned away lrom her and said, Asm', when a girl
reaches womanhood, it is inappropriate that anything ol her be visible except lor
this and this." le pointed to his lace and hands. (5unan Auu uwuJ 4104)
1 'Alqamah ibn Ab 'Alqamah reported lrom his mother, who related, lalsah
bint 'Abd al-kahmn visited ''ishah (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn ncr), the wile ol the
lrophet . lalsah was wearing a thin scarl. As a result, ''ishah (may A||n uc
p|cascJ witn ncr) tore it up and dressed her with an opaque scarl." (Vuwa((` |i-a|-
mm V|ik 901)
Ferformlng the pre-dawn prayer (salat al-
lerlorm 8 units ol prayer (rakat), in two groups ol lour.

Alternatively, you may perlorm 12 rakat in six groups ol
ll observing 12 rakat in groups ol two, make the rst
two rakat short.
2 Ab 8alamah ibn 'Abd al-kahmn reported that he asked ''ishah (may A||n uc
p|cascJ witn ncr), low was the prayer ol Allh's messenger during kamadn7"
8he explained, Allh's messenger would not perlorm more than 11 rakat during
kamadn or at any other time. le would pray lour rakat, do not ask about their
beauty or length. 1hen he would pray lour more, do not ask about their beauty or
length. 1hen he would pray three. l [once asked him], 'Allh's messenger , do you
actually go to sleep belore perlorming sa|t a|-witr7' le replied, '''ishah, my eyes
sleep but not my heart.'" ($anin a|-8uknri 114)
! 2ayd ibn lhlid al-}uhan (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) [once] committed,
1onight l will denitely watch the prayer ol Allh's messenger ." [le reports,]
lence Allh's messenger prayed:
two short rakat, lollowed by
two long, long, long rakat, lollowed by
two rakat which were shorter than the previous two, then [.]
two rakat which were shorter than the previous two, then
two rakat which were shorter than the previous two, then
two rakat which were shorter than the previous two.
le then concluded with sa|t a|-witr [with one rakan]. 1hat was a total ol 1! rakat."
($anin Vus|im 1804)
4 ''ishah (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn ncr) reported, when Allh's messenger
kecite the Qur'n in a moderate tone, i.e. not too loud and
not too solt.

Alter sa|t a|-tanajjuJ, perlorm the odd-numbered prayer

(sa|t a|-witr).
Alter the call (aJnn) to the dawn prayer (sa|t a|-jajr),
perlorm two short rakat.

Alter completing the prayer, lie down and get some rest.
when the time lor sa|t a|-jajr draws near, proceed to the
mosque (masjiJ) to join the congregation.
would rise during the night to pray, he would begin his prayer with two short
rakat." ($anin Vus|im 1806)
Ab lurayrah (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, 1he lrophet's
recitation during the night was such that at times he would raise his voice and at
times he would lower it." (5unan Auu uwuJ 1!28)
6 see lootnotes 2 and !
''ishah (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn ncr) reported, Allh's messenger would
pray 1! rakat during the night. Alter that, he would pray two short rakat when he
heard the call to sa|t a|-jajr." ($anin a|-8uknri 110)
8 ''ishah (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn ncr) reported, 1he lrophet would lie down
on his right side alter nishing the two [sunnan] rakat ol jajr." ($anin a|-8uknri
9 lbn 'Lmar (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, Allh's messenger said,
'[1he reward lor] a man's prayer in congregation is 2 times more than il he had
prayed alone.'" ($anin a|-8uknri 64)
Colng to the mosque for the dawn prayer (salat
lut on your shoes, beginning with the right loot.
lxit your home with the lelt loot and say:

= _



uismi||ni tawakka|tu a|a-A||ni wa-| naw|a wa-| uwwata i||
[l begin] with the name ol Allh. l have relied on Allh. 1here
is no power or strength except with Allh.
calmly walk to the mosque (masjiJ), taking short strides.
80 Ab lurayrah (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, Allh's messenger
said, 'when any ol you put your shoes on, begin with the right. when [you] take
them oh, begin with the lelt. 1he right loot should be the rst to have the shoe put
on it and the last to have it removed lrom.'" ($anin a|-8uknri 86)
81 Anas (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported that Allh's messenger said,
when a person leaves their house and says, '[l begin] with the name ol Allh. l
have relied on Allh. 1here is no power or strength except with Allh,' that person
is told, 'You have been guided, spared and saved.' 1he demons (snay(in) step away
lrom him, and another snay(n says, 'low can you access a person who has been
guided, spared and saved7'" (5unan Auu uwuJ 09)
82 Ab lurayrah (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn nim) reported, Allh's messenger
asked, '8hall l not guide you to something through which Allh will erase [your] sins
and raise [your] ranks7' 1he companions replied, 'Ol course, messenger ol Allh .'
le explained, 'lerlorming ablutions in a complete lashion despite unlavourable
conditions, [taking] many steps [when going] to the masjiJ and waiting lor [the next]
prayer upon completing the prayer. 1hat is the band [that will tie you to Allh's
ll driving, enter your vehicle and recite:




uismi||ni a|namJu|i||ni suunna ||aJni saknknara |an nJn

wa-m kunn |anu murinina. wa-inn i| rauuina |amuna|iuuna.
[l begin] in the name ol Allh. lraise be to Allh. lxalted is
the One who has subjected this [means ol transportation] to
us, and we could not have [otherwise] subdued it. And indeed
to our lord shall we return.
Alter that, say a|-namJu |i||n three times lollowed by A||nu
akuar three times. 1hen conclude by reciting:





obedience].'" ($anin Vus|im 8)

8! 'Al ibn kab'ah related, l watched 'Al [ibn Ab 1lib] (may A||n uc p|cascJ witn
nim) when a riding animal was brought to him. when he put his loot in the stirrup,
he uttered, 'ln the name ol Allh.' when he sat on the animal's back he said, 'lraise
be to Allh.' Alter that, he recited, 'lxalted is the One who has subjected this to us,
and we could not have [otherwise] subdued it. And indeed to our lord shall we
return.' le then said, 'lraise be to Allh,' three times lollowed by, 'Allh is the
oreatest,' three times. le then supplicated, '[O Allh,] You are lxalted. lndeed l
have wronged mysell so lorgive me, lor only You can lorgive sins.' le then
chuckled, so someone asked, 'leader ol the lelievers, what are you chuckling over7'
le ['Al ibn Ab 1lib] explained, 'l saw Allh's messenger do as l have [just] done,
and then he chuckled. 8o l asked, 'messenger ol Allh , what are you chuckling
over7' le replied, 'lndeed your lord marvels over Allh's servant when they
express, 'lorgive me ol my sins.' [Allh says], '1hey are aware that apart lrom me,
no one can lorgive sins.'''" (5unan Auu uwuJ 2602)
Appendlx A: Fhyslcal dlsclpllne laws ln Canada
uisc|aimcr: we only provide a general summary ol the canadian
sources available as ol 2012. lor better inlormation, please contact
your local social worker, youth hotline, police ohcer or lawyer.
criminal code ol canada, section 4!
canadian loundation lor children, Youth and the law v.
canada (Attorney oeneral), 2004 8cc 4, [2004] 1 8ck 6
lamily Violence lnitiative: 1he criminal law and managing
children's lehaviour
Appendlx B: Tradltlonal kohl products ln Canada
uisc|aimcr: we only provide a general summary ol the canadian
sources available as ol 2012. lor better inlormation, please contact
your local physician or your nearest lroduct 8alety Ohce at
lealth concerns about lead in 1raditional lohl
lublic Advisory: 1raditional lohl lroducts contain lead
consumer lnlormation: lealth concerns about lead in
1raditional lohl
Clossary of Arablc terms
the rst call to ritual prayer (sa|n)
an| a|-kitu
leople ol the look, those who lollow scriptures revealed to
earlier messengers ol Allh, i.e. }ews and christians
alterlile, the herealter, the next world
moral character
a|-namJu |i||n
praise be to Allh, hallelujah, an expression ol gratitude
ood, the uivine, according to 5urat a|-kn|s, Allh is the
Oneness, the lternal 8helter, neither produces a child nor is
born, and is beyond comparison
A||nu akuar
ood is the oreatest, an expression ol excitement
an expression used to end a supplication (Ju`)
ansri, pl. ansr
lelper, a muslim in madnah who hosted the lmigrants
lrom makkah
sacrice ol an animal on the occasion ol a baby's birth
as-sa|mu a|aykum
peace be with you
as-sa|mu a|aykum wa-ranmatu-||ni
peace be with you and also Allh's mercy
as-sa|mu a|aykum wa-ranmatu-||ni wa-uaraktunu
peace be with you, and also Allh's mercy and blessings
as-sa|mu a|aykum wa-ranmatu-||ni wa-uaraktunu wa-manjratunu
peace be with you, and also Allh's mercy, blessings and
l seek Allh's lorgiveness
intimate parts, private parts (ol the body), nudity
yat a|-kursi
the 1hrone Verse (5urat a|-8aaran 2:2)
blessings, abundance ol divine benets in something
the phrase uismi||n a|-ranmn a|-ranim
lalse accusation, slander
remembering and mentioning Allh
way ol lile, religion
personal prayer, supplication, calling out to Allh lor our
this world, worldly items
grace, bounty, unmerited lavour ol ood
jain, pl. juan`
jurist, an expert in lslamic law (jn)
natural disposition
lslamic law, the endeavour to understand the shar'ah
the criterion or standard that separates between truth and
backbiting, gossip
lull ritual wash, shower or bath
naJitn, pl. anJitn
narration, a traditional report ol something the lrophet
muhammad did, said or approved ol
greater pilgrimage to makkah
allowed, lawlul, permissible
not allowed, lorbidden, sacred, inviolable
migration, e.g. ol the muslim community lrom makkah to
madnah to ee persecution
iJ a|-a(n4
lestival ol 8acrice (10
day ol the month ol uh al-lijjah)
iJ a|-j(r
lestival ol lreaking last (1
day ol the month ol 8hawwl)
laith, beliel in the Oneness (tawniJ) ol Allh, the angels, the
prophets, the scriptures, }udgment uay, the herealter
(kniran), and uestiny
in sn` A||n
il Allh wills it, used when declaring a luture action
a type ol kohl
second call to prayer
sarong, a man's lower garment wrapped around the waist
ignorance, not knowing about lslam, pre-lslamic period
jamrat a|-aauan
last place ol ritual stoning during pilgrimage (najj) where the
uevil appeared to lbrhm (pcacc uc upcn nim), located in
min, 8audi Arabia
state ol major ritual impurity
the oarden, paradise
jazk A||nu knayran
may Allh reward you with good
struggle, striving, mission
a woman's loose outer garment that covers the body lrom
head to toe
jinni, pl. jinn
a type ol invisible being created by Allh lrom smokeless
re, some are muslim, some are not, they are not ghosts
a man's long, loose garment
gathering, congregation on lriday
disbeliever, laithless person, rejector ol lslam
successive authority, deputy, next one in charge, trustee
address, sermon
disbeliel, ingratitude
maJnnau, pl. maJnniu
marital gilt, given by the groom to his bride
non-marriagable kin, a close relative ol the opposite gender
eating mat
m sn` A||n
Allh has willed it, an expression ol joy lor something good
that happened or a new acquisition
masjiJ, pl. masjiJ
place lor sajJan, prayer hall, mosque
masjiJ a|-narm
the 8acred mosque in makkah
our master, a title ol respect lor a scholar
natural twig toothbrush
muezzin, the person who calls to prayer (sa|n)
blessed, inlused with uarakan
a scholar with the authority to issue non-binding religious
munjir, pl. munjirun
lmigrant, a muslim who ed persecution in makkah and was
hosted in madnah
dominion, sovereignty, ultimate control
hypocrite, one who pretends to be a muslim
naui, pl. anuiy`
prophet, one who receives divine revelation pertaining to
the snarian
light, radiance
making up a missed ritual
a long shirt
prayer direction
rakan, pl. rakat
unit ol prayer
interest, usury, increased amount
provision, sustenance, what Allh provides
voluntary donation
ritual prayer, ritual worship prescribed ve times a day
sa|at a|-asr
late alternoon prayer
sa|t a|-jajr
dawn prayer
sa|t a|-isn`
night prayer
sa|t a|-manriu
sunset prayer
sa|t a|-tanajjuJ
pre-dawn prayer
sa|t a|-witr
odd-numbered prayer
sa|t a|-zunr
midday prayer
companion, a person who saw the lrophet muhammad in
a state ol imn and died with imn
prostration, position ol bowing lace down on the ground
sa|awt wa-a|-tas|im
prayers and greetings ol peace to the lrophet
sa|| A||nu a|ayni wa-sa||am
peace and blessings ol Allh be upon him
intercession, pleading on another person's behall lor
lorgiveness or lor a better result
the levant, oreater 8yria
divine code, a path ol religious conduct revealed by Allh,
the nal one is dened in the Qur'n and demonstrated in
muhammad's legacy (sunnan)
elder, master, a title ol respect lor a scholar
snay(n, pl. snay(in
demon, an evil jinni
the uevil, 8atan, leader ol the demons (snay(in), committed
to the destruction ol humanity
prayer direction
the kecital, the nal scripture revealed to humanity alter
the 8crolls ol Abraham, the 1orah, the lsalms and the oospel
messenger, a prophet or angel sent by Allh to convey a
increased amount, interest, usury
suunn A||n
glory be to Allh, how pure is Allh, an expression ol
eating mat
generally, the legacy and tradition ol the lrophet
muhammad , technically, an action the lrophet
practised consistently, did not abandon without a valid
excuse, and did not admonish his companions lor omitting
exegesis, commentary and explanation ol the Qur'n
the phrase A||nu akuar
ood-consciousness, being mindlul ol Allh
Oneness ol Allh
lesser pligrimage to makkah
uswat nasanan
excellent example, paragon
the 1orah, revealed by Allh to the messenger ms (pcacc uc
upcn nim)
wa-a|aykum as-sa|mu
and with you be peace
divine revelation
ablutions, washing ol the hands, lace, lorearms and leet and
wiping ol the head belore worship
yawm a|-a(n4
uay ol 8acrice
yawm a|-j(r
uay ol lreaking last
solar noon
lornication, adultery, casual sexual encounter outside ol

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