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LEVEL-I: TERM I & II Objectives: To make students understand the three basic passive elements in an electrical circuit namely, resistors, capacitors and inductors, and to solve the circuit equations to obtain the voltages and currents as a function of time. Starting with DC circuits, Ohms Law, Kirchoffs voltage law and current law are solved and the concept of impedance is introduced. Thevenins and Nortonss equivalent circuits are obtained and the concept of power consumption and the maximum power transfer theorem is introduced. Then larger circuits are solved using mesh and nodal analysis. Time constant of RL and RC circuits is explained. Then AC sources are introduced and AC circuits are solved for steady state in single phase and 3 phase.

Topic Description UNIT - I

No. of Lectures

DC circuits, Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors, Ohms law, KVL, KCL

Active and passive elements, voltage and current sources, Ohms law, series and parallel elements, star-delta transformation, power, dependent and independent sources, linearity and linear networks, superposition theorem, Kirchoffs voltage and current laws 14

UNIT - II Thevenins, Nortons equivalent circuits, mesh and nodal analysis

Thevenins and Nortons equivalent circuits, maximum power transfer theorem, mesh analysis, nodal analysis, supernodes 10

UNIT - III Transient analysis, steady state AC circuit analysis, 3 phase AC

Basic RC, RL circuit time constant, phasor diagrams, steady-state AC circuit analysis, power factor, resonance conditions, series and parallel resonance, bandwidth, quality factor 16

Learning outcomes: By the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Solve DC circuits to obtain voltages and currents for each element 2. Reduce a portion of a circuit with many elements into an equivalent circuit 3. Perform a source transformation using Thevenins and Nortons equivalent. 4. Obtain an equivalent impedance for AC elements. 5. Solve AC circuits to obtain the complex representations of voltage, current, power consumption, power factor for a given AC circuit in steady state. 6. Obtain frequency response of AC circuits

Books and references: 1. Basic Electrical Engineering by I.J. Nagarath, Tata McGraw Hill 2. Engineering Circuit Analysis by W.H. Hayt & J.E. Kemmerly, Mc Graw Hill 3. Basic Circuit Theory by Charles Desoer & Ernest Kuh, Tata McGraw Hill


Exp. No.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Verify Kirchoffs laws

Experiment Description

Verify superposition, Thevenins & Nortons theorem Measure lead and lag at different frequencies for different RC, RL and RLC combinations using the ocilloscope and draw phasor diagrams Verify maximum power transfer theorem for DC and AC loads Obtain frequency response of series and parallel resonance circuit Measure power and power factor for AC circuit containing inductors and capacitors and study methods to correct power factor Use two wattmeter method to measure power in a 3-phase AC circuit and obtain power factor Test basic low pass and high pass behaviour of simple RC and RLC filter.

QUESTION BANK FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS (EEE-101) B.TECH. LEVEL-I: TERM I & II 1. An electrical network with 6 independent nodes will have a)10 loop equations b)3 loop equations c)5 loop equations d)7 loop equations 2. Three resistors each of R ohm are connected in star. When they are transformed into delta connections the resistance of each arm will be a)2R ohm b)3R ohm c)4R ohm d)R/2 ohm 3. The voltage drop in a resistor will be taken as _______ if we are tracing the circuit direction of flow of current. 4. If impedance Z1=10/_20 and Z2=20/_10, the value of Z1Z2 will be a)200/_10 b)5/_10 c)1/5/_30 d)200/_30 5. A pure inductance when connected across 230V, 50Hz supply. It consumes 40W.This consumption is due to a) reactance of inductor b)due to current flowing in the inductor c) due to big size of inductor d)statement is false 6. Q factor of a series RLC circuit possessing resonant frequency of 10Hz and 5Hz is a)0.5 b)2 c)2.5 d)50 7. When Q-factor of a circuit is high, then a) power factor of the circuit is high b) impedance of the circuit is high c) bandwidth of the circuit is high d) none of these 8. A three phase delta connected symmetrical, load consumes P watts of power from a balanced supply. If the same load is connected in star to the same supply, then what is the power consumption ? a)P/3W b)PW c)3PW d)3PW 9. For a 3-phase star connected balanced circuit having inductive load, the angle between the line current and the corresponding line voltage is equal to a) 30 b) 30 c) 30 + d)none of the above 10. Ideal voltage source should have a) zero internal resistance b)infinite internal resistance c) large value of emf d)low value of current bandwidth of in the

11. A constant current of 2.8A exists in a resistor. The rms value of current is a)2.8A b)about 2A c)1.4A d)undefined 12. A boiler at home is switched on to ac mains supplying power at 230V,50Hz. The frequency of instantaneous power consumed is a)0Hz b)50Hz c)100Hz d)150Hz 13. Two Current waves are represented by i1=Imax1 sin t, i2 = Imax2Sin(wt +30). The current wave i1 is a)Lagging the current wave i2 by 30 b) Leading the current wave i2 by 30 c) In phase with current wave i2 d) None of these 14. The power absorbed by a choke coil is 280W. A current of 7A is flowing through it on application of 180V at 50Hz. Its resistance and inductive reactance respectively are a) 40 , 25.71 b) 25.07 , 5.71 c) 5.71 , 25.07 d)None of these 15. The instantaneous value of current in a.c. circuit is represented by 150 (sin317t+30). The amplitude and frequency of the wave respectively are equal to a) 150 ; 30 b)150; 60 c) 150 ; 30 d) 150 ; 60 16. If the operating power factor of the circuit is 0.8 lagging, current flowing can be expressed as a) (10-j0)A b) (8 j6)A c) (8 + j6)A d) (-j10)A 17. A series RL circuit is placed in parallel with a capacitor C. At resonance the impedance of the circuit is a) inductive b) capacitive c) resistive & equal to L/CR d) resistive & equal to LC/R 18. RMS value of a signal is 10V. The peak to peak value will be a) 6.37V b)14.14V c) 141V d) 28.28V 19. The term admittance of ac parallel circuit implies a) reciprocal of reactance b) reciprocal of impedance c) reciprocal of resistance d) none of these. 20. The phase shift between v=6+j8 V and i=8+j6 A is ______________.

21. The sharpness of resonant curve increases if Q- factor a) increases b) decreases c) may increase or decrease d) no effect 22. At D.C. supply pure inductor behaves as _________ .

23. The average power consumed for a cycle in a pure capacitive circuit is a) zero b) slightly more than zero c) very high d) none 24. What is meant by Q-factor of a tuned circuit? Derive an expression for resonant frequency and impedance at resonance of a circuit consisting of an inductor L having resistance R and connected in parallel with a capacitor C. 25. The 3 arms of a three phase load each comprise of an inductor of resistance 25ohms and inductance of 0.15H in series with a 120F capacitor. The supply is 415V,50Hz.Calculate the line currents and total power in watts when the three arms are connected in i)star ii)delta. 26. Discuss the two wattmeter method to determine the total power in a three phase balanced star connected system. When does the wattmeter give a negative reading and how is it corrected? 27. A 3-phase delta connected induction motor operates from a 400V ,50Hz supply. The full load output is 10KW at a pf of 0.85 and an efficiency of 0.909 per unit. Calculate input power to the motor, line current, full load KVA input, total KVAr input 28. Determine current thro 5 resistance.

29. Find current I delivered by the battery

30. Using mesh equation, find the current in R1 of the N/w

31. In the following circuit when R= 0 the current in IR equals 10A. Find the value of R which absorbs maximum power and also find maximum power.

32. Find the value of RL to transfer maximum power to it. Also calculate Pmax.

33. Calculate the current in 6 resistance using Nortons theorem.

34. Determine current and voltage in 2 resistance

35. Find Rab

36. Find RAC

37. Calculate the value of C which results in resonance for the circuit shown, when frequency is 1000Hz and find Q factor for each branch.

38. A resistance of R = 100 is connected in parallel with an inductance of 638mH. Find expressions for instantaneous values of currents in two branches & also for total current if a voltage, v = 200 Sin 100 t is applied across the circuit. Find also the power consumed.

39. For the circuit shown in the fig. find the current and power drawn from the source.

39. Calculate the resistance, inductance and capacitance in series for each of the following impedances at frequency 60Hz. (i) Z = 12+j30 (ii) Z = 0-j60 (iii) 30 60 40. A delta connected load draw a current of 15A at lagging P.F. of .85 from 400V, 3phase, 50Hz supply. Find R & L of each phase. 41. A balanced 3-phase star connected load of 100 KW takes leading current of 80A,when connected across 3-phase, 1100V, 50Hz supply. Find component of load per phase. 42. Each phase of star connected load consists of non-inductive resistance of 50 in parallel with a capacitance of 63.6F. Calculate the line current, total power absorbed, total kVA and the power factor when this load is connected to a 381 V (line voltage), 3-phase, and 50Hz supply.

43. Three equal star connected inductors take 8kW at power factor 0.8 when connected to 460V, 3 phase, 3 wire supply. Find the line currents if one inductor is short circuited. 44. A 3 wire 3 phase supply feeds a load consisting of three equal resistors. By how much is the load reduced if one of the resistors be removed (a) when the load is star connected (b) when the load is delta connected? 45. Three identical impedance of 30/_30 ohms are connected in delta to a 3-phase, 3-wire, 208 V abc system by conductors which have impedances of (0.8+j0.63) ohm. Find the magnitude of the line voltage at the load end. 46. The two wattmeters A and B, give readings as 5000W and 1000W respectively during the power measurement of 3-phase, 3-wire, balanced load system. (a) Calculate the power and power factor if (i) both meters read direct and (ii) one of them reads in reverse, (b) If the voltage of the circuit is 400V, what is the value of capacitance which must be introduced in each phase to cause the whole of the power to appear on A. The frequency of supply is 50Hz. 47. Derive the relation between resonant frequency and edge frequencies (showing that resonant frequency is the geometric mean of the edge frequencies). 48. For the circuit shown, determine a) Resonant frequency b) Total Impedance of the circuit at resonance. c) Band width d) Quality factor

49.Two wattmeters are used for measuring the power input and the power factor of an overexcited synchronous motor. If the reading of the meters are (2.0kW) and (+7.0 kW) respectively, calculate the input and power factor of the motor. 50. Calculate the value of form factor and peak factor for a half wave rectifier output waveform of voltage having amplitude of Vo. 51. Determine the sum and difference of the following A.C quantities using phasor diagram method I a=10 sin wt + 5 sin(wt+30) and Ib= 5 sin (wt-45) + 10 sin(wt + 90). 52. Using first principle show that the current in a pure capacitive circuit leads the voltage by a quarter of cycle and hence also prove that the average power demand in this circuit is zero .

53. A resistance of 20 ohm and an inductance of 0.2 H and capacitance of 100 micro farad are connected in series across 220 V , 50 Hz mains . Determine the followinga)impedance (b) current (c) voltage across R ,L and C (d) power in Watts 54. A 20F capacitor and a parallel 200 resistor draw 4A at 60Hz. Find power components. 55. Explain with the aid of phasor diagram the phenomenon of resonance in a circuit containing an inductor, a capacitor and a resistor in series. 56. Explain with the aid of a diagram how the rms value of an alternating quantity is obtained? 57. An alternating current is represented by i=10 sin 942t. Determine 1. frequency 2. time period 3. time taken from t=0 for the current to reach a value of 6A for the first time 4. energy dissipated when the current flows through a 20ohm resistor for 30 minutes. 58. Power transformed by a source is maximum when RL=RTh but the efficiency is only 50%. Explain. 59. Discuss why the power consumed in a purely capacitive circuit is zero. 60. What is voltage triangle draw and explain and hence discuss apparent power, reactive power and active power. 61. Why is three phase system preferred over single phase system? 62. What do you understand by the following terms: a) three phase balanced supply b)three phase unbalanced supply c)three phase unbalanced load d)single phasing 63. Compare three phase star and delta connected systems. 64. While measuring power in a three phase balanced load using two wattmeter method, one of the meters gives zero reading. Explain this condition with the help of suitable phasor diagram and derivation. 65. What is meant by phase and phase difference? When are two phasors said to be a) in phase b) out of phase c) in quadrature. Explain with diagrams. 66. Define form factor, peak factor, alternation, peak to peak value, rms value, average value.

67. Derive the relationship between phase and line voltages and currents for a balanced 3 phase star connected system. 68. Derive the relationship between phase and line voltages and currents for a balanced 3 phase delta connected system. 69. Explain three wattmeter method for a three phase power measurement. What is the necessity of using three wattmeters? 70. Explain with diagrams the methods to measure power in 3-phase circuits. 71. Derive an expression for Q-factor of a series resonant circuit. 72. Derive an expression for Q-factor in terms of bandwidth and resonant frequency. 73. Under what conditions does a series RLC circuit behave as a resonant circuit? Derive an expression for series resonant frequency. 74. Why is a series resonant circuit called an acceptor circuit whereas the parallel resonant circuit is called rejector circuit? 75. Draw and explain resonance curve for series circuit and hence explain the importance of bandwidth and selectivity. 76. Show that the resonant frequency of a series RLC circuit is the geometric mean of the lower and upper half power frequencies. 77. Derive the relationship between bandwidth, Q factor and half power frequencies of a series RLC circuit. 78. What is meant by dynamic impedance of a parallel resonant circuit? Derive its expression.

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