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A Monthly Newsletter

2013 M Street, Belleville KS

MAY 2013 issue, Page 1

Emily Meckley, Pastor Cell Number: 785-577-1752 Email: Virginia Smith, Youth and Family Ministries Coordinator Office: Monday and Thursday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm email:

Church Phone: 785-527-5608 email address: web page: Church Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday 8:00 am to 1:00 pm Closed Friday

Food Bank Hours: Monday thru Thursday 9:00 to 11:30 am Closed Friday Adult Sunday School 9:30 am Ages 3 years thru 6th Grade Sunday School 10:00 to 10:40 am

Worship Service Sundays at 10:45 am UMYF Watch for details on upcoming activities. YATT May 12, 26 7:00 pm Sanctuary

May will certainly bring warmer temperatures and sunshine. It also marks the shifting of seasons in our lives. There is graduation. We will be celebrating our graduates on May 12 at our Worship Service. They will be attending a breakfast in their honor. It is always so fun to look at these young people and think about the places that God will lead them in their lives. Many of us look at them and have memories of the things we have done since we were their age and perhaps some things we havent done. We have graduation moments all through our lives. We move from one phase, to another. We have those times when we reflect back on where we have been and times when we anticipate what the future holds. Let the graduates of all ages and stages remember that God holds us throughout our life, remembering us and planning for our futures. Dont forget moms this month! Even more, take time to remember all those women in your life that have nurtured you along the way. Honor the women who have made a home for you. Memorial Day ends our month. Take time to remember those who have served our country in times of war and in times of peace. Thank those around you that serve our country today. Perhaps pray for times of peace.

Lastly, prepare for the summer season. There will be many adventures and travels with family. There are sports and Vacation Bible Schools and camps. Remember your church, pray for the church, remember your financial support and let me know of your travels. I like to keep you in my prayers when you are away. May your graduations and new season be blessed. Pastor Emily

Confirmationclassesareoverfor theSpringseason.Theprocessof confirmingcontinues.These studentswillcontinuetoservethe church,andattendservicesas oftenastheycanduringthe summer.Youmayhavenoticed thattheconfirmandshavebeen assistingwithCommunion,they havealsobeenassistingJaniswith CareFacilitydistributionof Communion. WehavebeenmeetingonSunday nightsandlearningwaysthatGod hasshapedusthroughtheOld Testamenthistoryandstories. Therehavebeenmanyquestions, afewanswersandmanythoughts. Theywillbecontinuingtolookat theOldTestamentstoriesontheir ownthissummer. Mostly,Ijustwanttosaytheyare aGREATgroupofyoungpeople. Pleasecontinueyoursupportof theminprayerandbyyourwords tothem.PastorEmily JusticeAnderson LasondraAurand PaulRundus NicholasPiroutek RileyWoodward

Pastors take vacation. I will be on vacation May 16th through May 21st. I will be traveling to Ohio to have time with family. Please keep me in your prayers as I travel. If you need pastoral care while I am away, I will have a pastor covering for me. Please call Marty at the church office or contact your Lay Leader, Kim VanNortwick. They will contact someone for you. You are welcome to call to update me or email me when I am on vacation. Most times calls do go to voicemail and I answer them at a later time.

Pages 2 & 3 by Virginia

Sunday School is for LIFE!

-Lifelong -Life-giving -Real life discussions & topics -Connected to the Source of life

Children During May, children are finishing up their Spring unit of Grow, Proclaim, Serve where they will be learning about what Gods word has to say about friendship. This summer, children will be going on a Galactic Blast to discover the wondrous nature of the God we love & serve. Your kids wont want to miss this! Seekers Class (Adults of All Ages) Janis Houdek is a leading a DVD-based study called The Story by Max Lucado & Randy Frazee. They will be journeying through the New Testament, with an emphasis on trying to see God's "upper plan" and man's "lower plan" for creation and our lives here on earth. Questers Class (Senior Adults) This faithful group is working through a unit entitled A Call to Holy Living. during the month of May. They use a curriculum called the Uniform Series, & during this unit they will be studying 1st & 2nd Peter. Each Sunday will focus on a different way to experience hope.

May 12th
Join Us...
for a of Graduates!

9:30 am Senior Breakfast

All Sunday School classes & the Congregation are invited to have breakfast with our graduates & their families. A special slide show will feature pictures of seniors & their involvement in the church through the years. Scholarships will be announced at this time as well.
(A few food items are still needed for the breakfast, so contact Carol Monsanto if youd like to help.)


10:45 am Worship Service

This will be a special service as it is both Senior Sunday and Mothers Day. Seniors will be recognized during worship & presented with their graduation Bibles.

togoona missiontriptoservewithTreeofLifeMinistries ontheRosebudReservationinMission,SD! $125 Deposit Due May 12th

Our two trainings in April were a great success! We had a good turnout and made some progress toward getting all of our volunteers Safe Gatherings certified. Those who havent taken Safe Gatherings training yet and still need to do so may obtain instructions for completing the process at home from the church office. If you dont have a home computer or would like help in getting started, appointments can be scheduled during office hours to receive assistance. Please contact Virginia or Pastor Emily for more information about Safe Gatherings or to schedule an appointment.

We Care Card Team Disaster Relief Coordinator Nursery Attendant

(get on a rotation to serve once every 2-3 months) Childrens Summer Sunday School (choose either a 6 or 12 week commitment) Vacation Bible School (sign up early to volunteer in your preferred area)

StartingMay 5th,a newsystemfor nursery careduringworshipwill beimplemented. Our wonderful youthneedanopportunity tobeintheservicemorefrequently,& in order to meet theSafeGatheringsrequirements wewill no longer beabletoleave youth alone with children. Youth & adults will be needed to volunteer as Nursery Attendants,&thenewscheduleshouldallowthem toserveonceevery 23months. Nursery Attendantswill wear badges & sit in the back of the sanctuary during the service.Atanytime,a parentdesiringchildcarewill delivertheirchildtothe attendantswhowill then take thechildupstairs tothenursery.Duetothe sporadicuseofthenurseryduringworship,thenew systemprevents volunteersfrommissingall oftheservicewaitingforchildrenwhonevercomeupto the nursery. Ideally, this allows young children toparticipate some in worship with their parents &hearthechildren'ssermonaswell.

*Edna Mitchell from Harold Mitchell *Melvin Keller *Vern & Ellen Fisher from Kevin Johnson Family and Grace Keller *Jim & Marilyn Haase from Jennifer Haase Morris and Paul Morris *Neal & Donna Eickman from John & Kandy Eickman

MAY 26
WEDNESDAY, MAY 22 4-H BUILDING at 6:30 am - HELP UNLOAD & SACK! at 8:00 AM - HELP LOAD BOXES into vehicles delivering TO OUTLYING AREAS! Strong backs needed.

MAY 26

MAY 26

MAY 26

May 18 - 19, 2013 Take the Change the World CHALLENGE! Get OUTSIDE the church walls and help others! Everyone Serve Sunday is a GREAT opportunity!

May 26, 2013
On this special Sunday, our congregation will dedicate the memorials we have received this year. The names of those honored and the gifts given in their memory will be listed in the bulletin.

Peace with Justice Sunday celebrates the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and witnesses to Gods demand for a faithful, just, disarmed and secure world.
Your generous financial gifts on this Special Sunday of the United Methodist Church will support: Peace with justice ministries in the conference, overseen by the conference Board of Church and Society Peace with justice work in the United States and around the world, related to the General board of church and Society


To my Church Family, Please join me in celebrating my high school graduation with a Dessert Bar on Saturday, May 18, 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. at my home, 1511 170 Road, Belleville Kelby Johnson

Once again, our church will be given the opportunity to make a special offering honoring Memorial Sunday. Church friends and members are invited to give a donation in memory of a loved one. Names of remembered person(s) will be posted by a wreath, which will be displayed in the Foyer on Memorial Sunday, May 27th. Donations will go to fund our

On behalf of our church, a group of individuals send a variety of cards for a variety of reasons expressing how much WE CARE! Special THANKS to the members of the Card Team: Arlene Baloun, Janis Houdek, Carolyn Rauch, Kaye Ray and our newest members, Linda Young & Joan Grover Our Card Team ROCKS!

Mission & Ministry

(apportionment) giving. Please have the name(s) of those memorialized and your contribution to the church office by noon on Wednesday, May 22 so names can be printed for posting by the Memorial Wreath.


The Trustees would like to inform you that the Kiosk reconstruction has begun. Preparations for the reconstruction with the removal of the bushes around the new Kiosk and remaining debris cleared for the footing were done by Rich Schintler. Larry Khene was on site to direct how much was needed to be removed, he stated that he would order materials and start as soon as possible. The new display has been ordered, delivered and is 100% paid for and waiting to be installed. Other donations continue to come in and funds should be close to seeing the project completed, also multiple families have pledged funds as needed to finish this project. Many Thanks to all who have given generously to the project, including LT, UMW and our church families. Jay Kallman, Trustees Chairman

S/PPRC met on Monday, April 22 with all members present. Our devotion time was based on Philippians 1:3-6 which revealed that Paul was excited about the work going on among the Philippians. We too are excited about the work going on in our church with our Pastor and staff. We all appreciated the staffs help in fine tuning their job descriptions. Most of the job descriptions are in place (or in process) with only a few minor additions or corrections. Committee members reported that they have been in touch with their staff liaison at least once since our last meeting. Members were encouraged to make a frequent contact with their liaison to ascertain their joys and concerns. Pastor Emily shared what her schedule looks like which included her residency requirements and her leadership class. She has been elected as President of the Republic County Ministerial Association. Pastor Emily was selected to participate with 72 other chosen pastors to attend classes this fall on preaching. She will be finishing up her first year of residency this spring and will have another year of requirements starting in the fall. We viewed the Kansas conference generated introduction video on Pastoral and Staff Care for our learning time. We will continue viewing these videos and discussing how we as a committee can facilitate care and support of healthy pastors and staff at future meetings. Pastor Emily will be gone May 19 to attend a wedding shower for her daughter and in July for her wedding. We will be finalizing plans at our next meeting to celebrate both staff and volunteers that serve our church on a weekly basis. Please add our staff, both paid and unpaid, as well as Pastor Emily to your prayers. We are so grateful for their dedicated service to our church family. Our next meeting is July 10 at 7:00 p.m. in the Overflow Room. Susan Childs, S/PPRC Chairwoman

Members and Friends, We never thank you enough for helping deliver Meals on Wheels. This is a service that is needed and you are so good to help. Thank you so much. Golden Bell Haven Site Council

Thank you. Appreciate the trimming done at my residence before and on March 17th. Everyone did a great job and it looks nice. I knew a lot of you; some I did not, but I want you to know I really liked each of you that helped me. Marge Ekstrome Dear Kevin, Kerry, Mikel, Erica, Gary, Paul & Nick Thanks for all your help cleaning up my flower beds, trimming the evergreen bush and hauling if all off. Once it warms up, I should have some pretty flowers ready to grow and bloom. I really appreciated your help, too bad it was so cold and wet. Thanks again! Sincerely, Emma B.

Dear First United Methodist Church Family, We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your hospitality and graciousness during the time we spent with you. We are confident God did awesome things during the service on Sunday morning and the concert in the afternoon. We really loved getting to know the congregation. Thank you for the fabulous meal we shared at the church. The food and fellowship was wonderful! The offering that we received from your church was a blessing to this ministry. We are very grateful for the opportunity we had to minister with you all. Please extend our appreciation to the people who keep this ministry going through their financial gifts. We hope you have a very blessed year. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue to minister in word and song this uncompromising message. May God richly bless you! In His Service, Allen Seaman - Eternity Focus Music


From Carolyn Rauch, our UMW President...

I would very much like to say thanks a million for everyone who helped with the Eternity Focus dinner & refreshments. The girls said to tell everyone they very much enjoyed the meal and had a great time. We had a little over 100 at each service.


An Invitation: Wednesday, May 1 at 6:30 pm Harmony UMC, Mankato Program: Dyed Silk" by Donna Silsby

Two Ki

ty! u a e B f nds o

We have two kinds of beauty...our outward appearance - our inward appearance.

Dont be concerned about the outward beauty that depends on jewelry, or beautiful clothes, or hair arrangements.Be beautiful inside, in your hearts, with the lasting charm of the gentle and quiet spirit which is so precious to God? 1 Peter 3:3-4

May 5 Message: Pastor Emily Worship Leader: Marcy Johnson Ushers: Janis Houdek, Eloise Ray Susie Arbuthnot, Carolyn Rauch Candle Lighter: Lynell Kallman Greeters: Joan Molzahn, Tandy Rundus


RUTH Saturday, May 4 10:00 am Coffee Hostess: Huetta Derowitsch Overflow at the church!

SUSANNAH Tuesday, May 7 There are still many reading books from the "prior year" in the 6:00 pm UMW District Library. Remember, you can still read back Hostess & Program: Shirley Tallent through 2009 books. We also have The Greatest Gift, Overflow at the church! "Sister Dorothy Stang" story by Binka LeBreton (an Educ. for Mission book in our district library from 2009) here in NAOMI our UMW library at the present time. Please contact Jeanne Wednesday, May 22 Meeker if you would like to get any of the past years' books 7:30 pm from the district library to read for this year's credit in the Program: Emma Berggren program. Below are books available to you for reading that Hostess: Audrey Elyea I personally purchased. Thanks, Janis Houdek Co-Hostess: Wilma Dove How Coffee Saved My Life: And Other Stories of Stumbling to Grace In May, Every Day is a a Good Day: Reflections by Contemporary Indigenous Women Naomi Circle Plain Wisdom: An Invitation into an Amish Home and the Hearts of Two Women is responsible for checking kitchen supplies, When Christians Get It Wrong cleaning both kitchens The Power of Half: One Familys Decision to Stop Taking and Start Giving Back sharpening pencils in the Sanctuary

Permission to Speak Freely: Essays and Art on Fear, Confession, and Grace

visiting members at Care Homes


Wednesday, May 1 9:00 am - Bible Study, Parlor 10:30 am - LTC Bible Study 6:30 pm - UMW Spring Salad Supper, Harmony UMC, Mankato 7:00 pm - Leadership Team, Overflow Thursday, May 2 National Day of Prayer 6:00 pm - Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall Friday, May 3 May Friendship Day Saturday, May 4 10:00 am - Ruth Circle, Overflow Sunday, May 5 6th Sunday of Easter 9:30 am - Adult Sunday School 10:00 am - Childrens Sunday School 10:45 am - Worship Service, Communion, UMW Sunday May 6 - 10 Meals on Wheels Week May 6 - 12 Christian Family Week Monday, May 6 10:30 am - Staff Meeting, Parlor 3:30 pm - Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall 6:30 pm - Boy Scouts, Fellowship Hall Tuesday, May 7 10:00 am - BHC Bible Study 6:00 pm - Susannah Circle, Overflow Wednesday, May 8 9:00 am - Bible Study, Parlor 3:30 pm - Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall 7:15 pm - Praise Team, Sanctuary Thursday, May 9 Ascension of the Lord 9:30 am - Church Chat, CPSL Thursday, May 16 6:00 pm - Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall May 16 - 21 Pastor Emily on vacation Saturday, May 18 Change the World Weekend Graduation Reception, Fellowship Hall Sunday, May 19 Day of Pentecost Heritage Sunday Change the World Weekend 9:30 am - Adult Sunday School 10:00 am - Childrens Sunday School 10:45 am - Worship Service Monday, May 20 10:30 am - Staff Meeting, Parlor 3:30 pm - Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall Wednesday, May 22 Articles due for the June Newsletter 6:30 & 8:00 am - Commodities, 4-H Building 9:00 am - Bible Study, Parlor 7:15 pm - Praise Team, Sanctuary 7:30 pm - Naomi Circle April 22 - 24 KS West Annual Conference, Hutch Friday, May 24 Aldersgate Day

May 1 - Tyler Kasl, Lexia Aurand May 3 - Doreen Beneda May 4 - Lori Scofield, Mike & Lela Knedlik May 5 - Don Anderson, Joel Skinner, Jillian Spreckels, Rex & Rhonda Bird, McKinzie Frybarger May 6 - Marsha Esslinger May 7 - Chris Rice, Lillian Keilers May 8 - Audrey Sheets May 10 - Ursula Bachofer, Shaun Keilers May 13 - Jerry Stump May 14 - Russ & Stacia Piroutek May 15 - Jennifer Scrivner, Ashton Holmes May 16 - Pecky Stafford, Megan Lewellyn May 17 - Natosha Scrivner May 18 - Olive Shulda, Blake Bird May 20 - Libby Wurdeman May 21 - Nicholas Walker May 22 - Betty Anderson, Bert Nelson, Tom Williams May 23 - Steve & Emily Breeden May 24 - Barry Childs May 26 - Keaton Rudolph May 27 - Audrey Elyea, Terry & Sherry Skinner May 28 - Allen & Marcy Johnson May 29 - Janet Heyka May 30 - Alexus Skocny, Clay Aurand May 31 - Ross Wurdeman

Friday, May 10 8:45 am - MOPS, Fellowship Hall/Nursery Sunday, May 26 1st Sunday after Pentecost Saturday, May 11 Trinity Sunday 10:00 am - 3:00 pm - VIM Leader Training Peace with Justice Sunday (offering) Memorial Sunday Sunday, May 12 9:30 am - Adult Sunday School 7th Sunday of Easter 10:00 am - Childrens Sunday School Festival of the Christian Home 10:45 am - Worship Service Senior Sunday/Mothers Day 7:00 pm - YATT, Sanctuary $125. deposit due for Mission Trip 9:30 am - (All Church) Senior Breakfast Tuesday, May 27 10:00 am - Childrens Sunday School Memorial Day 10:45 am - Worship Service, Communion 10:30 am - Staff Meeting, Parlor Senior Recognition & Bible Presentation 7:00 pm - YATT Wednesday, May 29 9:00 am - Bible Study, Parlor Monday, May 13 8:00 am - 5:00 pm - Food Preservation 10:30 am - Staff Meeting, Parlor Class, Fellowship Hall & Kitchen 6:30 pm - Boy Scouts, Fellowship Hall 7:15 pm - Praise Team, Sanctuary Wednesday, May 15 9:00 am - Bible Study, Parlor 11:30 am - Rep. Co. Ministerial Assoc. 6:00 pm - Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall 7:15 pm - Praise Team, Sanctuary Thursday, May 30 6:00 pm - Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall Friday, May 31 METour begins

Please have your articles into the Church Office by Wednesday, May 22 for inclusion in the JUNE Newsletter!


First United Methodist Church 2013 M Street Belleville, KS 66935 MAY 2013 Newsletter

Our Mission is to prayerfully: SEEK God GROW in faith LOVE and SERVE others For the transformation of lives!

PASTOR Emily Meckley WORSHIP LEADERS 5/5 - Marcy Johnson 5/12, 19, 26 - TBA PRAISE TEAM Praise Team: Pam Scofield, Director Sid Scofield John Surber Stacia Piroutek Waylon Sheetz Kevin & Kelby Johnson Molly Hug Molly Williams Susan Childs Jillian Couture (flute) Sean Meckley (violin) ACCOMPANISTS 5/5 - Marge Waring 5/12 - Pam Scofield 5/19 - Tana Trost 5/26 - Pam Scofield BUS DRIVER Carolyn Rauch

USHERS 5/5 - Janis Houdek, Eloise Ray, Susie Arbuthnot, Carolyn Rauch 5/12, 19, 26 - Barry & Susan Childs Steve Scofield, Bob Arbuthnot GREETERS 5/5 - Joan Molzahn, Tandy Rundus 5/12 - Alan & Jeanette Sheets Family 5/19 - Lynn & Kim VanNortwick 5/26 - Gene & Tandy Rundus Family CAF DEL SOUL HOSTESSES 5/5 - Deanna White 5/12 - Tandy Rundus Refreshments - Jaclyn Sheets 5/19 - Jewelda Scofield Refreshments - Jaclyn Sheets 5/26 - Susie Arbuthnot AV TECHNICIANS Kurt Childs Mikel Hadachek Gary Hadachek Rich Schintler Annette Bredthauer Ross Wurdeman CANDLE LIGHTER 5/5 - Lynell Kallman

MULTI-MEDIA Janet Heyka, Pam Scofield COMMUNION STEWARDS 5/5 - Pastor Emily, Janet Heyka, Don & Marty Westphal 5/12 - Kerry & Kale Johnson, Tandy & Paul Rundus


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