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Justin Postell 4/17/13

English Enrichment


More than one-quarter of American adults (28%) have left the faith in which they were raised in favor of another religion - or no religion at all. Thats why I believe that people shouldnt be born into a religion; they should have the choice to make up their mind when they get old enough. A person can grow up confused and have second doubts about the religion they were brought up on. Statistics show that 44% of American adults switched religions, or became Agnostics or either Atheist. Agnostics believe that the existence of God is unknown and doesnt take a side. An Atheist doesnt believe in God at all.

From my personal experience I know how it feels to question the religion that you have been brought up in. When I was younger the religion that I was growing up around only made sense because its the only religion I knew. Growing up, I was oblivious to other religions because I havent learned or havent read about any other them. Some kids can grow up brainwashed to that certain religion that wont fit their beliefs when they are mature enough to think for themselves. I started to question my religion when I was about 13. The reason why I started to question my religion was because it wasnt making sense to me anymore. I grew up and started having a mind of my own and realized that my religion wasnt all what it was hyped up to be.

Justin Postell 4/17/13

English Enrichment

I never thought I would question my religion. I think it was the people around me that made me start to question it. Some people would say and preach that they are Christians but they would preach one thing but act a whole different way. Those acts `made me think different of my religion. I notice that more and more people start to question their religion when they get around the age that I am now. The statistic show that people start to change their mind or think otherwise when they are old enough. There would be some days me and the people I hang with will just sit and talk about religion and how we really see it. Most of my friends would have the same mind set I have about religion, and thats when I realized that when you are mature enough thats when you should start to find a religion that suites you.

My take on religion is that you should wait to choose your religion when it starts making sense and youre mature enough. If you are born with a religion it can get confusing growing up because you have other people who doubt your religion and can help change your mind about it. Also you can have your family who brought this religion upon you that can act different from their beliefs. That can defiantly change your mind about your religion. Being born into a religion is something I strongly disagree with. I believe that it will badly confusing someone to the point of not believing in a god at all. So therefor I believe that parents should bring religion on any child unless they are sure they are mature enough, Also parents shouldnt bring on a certain religion to their child they should let them find their own religion, because then they would be most comfortable.

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