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43. {SBb) CA0 1hauguJa1ed 1he 11Js1 Th1eJha11oha SummeJ
Schoo 1oJ Ja1h S1ud1es, a hew summeJ schoo 1oJ AmeJ1cah
coege s1udeh1s oh 1he Ja1h Je1g1oh, 1h Juhe 2005. ACA0
seJved as 1he Ch1e1 Cues1 a1 1he vaed1c1oJy o1 1he schoo oh
Juy 31, 2005. PA,s pJesehce a1 1hese eveh1s uhdeJ1hed bS
suppoJ1 1oJ 1Jeedom o1 Je1g1oh, expJess1oh, 1oeJahce ahd
schoaJy ehdeavoJ.
44. {SBb) 0h Sep1embeJ 11, 2005, CPA0 v1s11ed hew 0eh1,s
h1s1oJ1c ahd JeveJed Bahga Sah1b CuJdwaJa {S1kh pace o1
woJsh1p) 1o addJess a spec1a S1kh pJayeJ seJv1ce 1h memoJy
o1 1he v1c11ms o1 huJJ1cahe Ka1J1ha ahd 1he Sep1embeJ 11,
2001 1eJJoJ1s1 a11acks 1h 1he bS. AddJess1hg a ga1heJ1hg o1
oveJ 1,000 S1kh devo1ees, he 1hahked 1he S1kh commuh11y 1oJ
11s pJayeJs, moJa suppoJ1 ahd coh1J1bu11ohs. Th1s
1h1eJac11oh ahd ou1Jeach 1ook oh spec1a s1gh111cahce 1h 1he
coh1ex1 o1 1he m1s1h1oJmed ahd uh1oJ1uha1e backash aga1hs1
S1khs a11eJ 9/11 1h some AmeJ1cah c111es.
Thd1ah hC0s. PaJ1heJs ahd ResouJces
45. {SBb) We 1h1eJac1 JeguaJy w11h a cJoss-sec11oh o1
hC0s, bo1h Je1g1ous ahd secuaJ, 1ha1 ehcouJage 1h1eJ-1a11h
d1aogue, secuaJ1sm, ahd ac11vey couh1eJ Je1g1ous
ex1Jem1sm o1 a k1hds, as we as pJov1d1hg ma1eJ1a com1oJ1
1o v1c11ms o1 ha1e cJ1mes. We ehsuJe 1hese hC0 eadeJs
paJ11c1pa1e 1h 1he Tv pJogJam, bSAT0 ahd PA ehsuJe 1ha1 1hey
have access 1o bSC 1uhd1hg. We expJess ouJ suppoJ1 by
v1s1by a11ehd1hg 1he1J pub1c eveh1s. We make suJe 1ha1
1he1J 1h1oJma11oh oh 1he ac11v111es o1 ex1Jem1s1s 1s 1hcuded
1h 1he humah R1gh1s RepoJ1 ahd 1he Re1g1ous FJeedom RepoJ1.
46. {C) S1a1e ahd oca goveJhmeh1s 1h wes1eJh Thd1a have a
comp1ca1ed Jea11ohsh1p w11h hC0s woJk1hg oh humah J1gh1s
1ssues ahd oh Je1g1ous 1oeJahce. hC0s o11eh cJ111c1ze
s1a1e bod1es 1oJ ho1 do1hg ehough 1o dea w11h ex1Jem1sm. Th
CuaJa1 1h paJ11cuaJ, hC0s have po1h1ed ou1 us1 how
w1despJead 1he s1a1e was 1hvoved 1h 1he 1ue1hg o1 1he 2002
J1o1s ahd how 11 has 1a1ed 1o bJ1hg 1hose Jespohs1be 1o
us11ce. We 1ehd 1o suppoJ1 such hC0 v1ews oh CuaJa1. hC0s
aso JepoJ1 1ha1 1he CuaJa1 s1a1e goveJhmeh1 1s ac11vey
woJk1hg aga1hs1 1hem, us1hg a vaJ1e1y o1 ega meahs such as
1ax aws as we as po111ca haJassmeh1. The s1a1e
goveJhmeh1`s ac11v111es 1h CuaJa1 have ho1 coh1J1bu1ed 1o a
hea1hg o1 commuha wouhds 1ha1 weJe 1hcuJJed 1h 2002, ahd 1h
1ac1 may be mak1hg ex1Jem1s1 v1ews moJe popuaJ amohg
1Jus1Ja1ed ahd scaJed hus1ms 1h CuaJa1, 11 mahy o1 ouJ
coh1ac1s aJe 1o be be1eved. S11, 1h ouJ v1ew 1he vas1
maoJ11y o1 CuaJa1 hus1ms aJe as 1oeJah1 ahd modeJa1e as
mos1 hus1ms esewheJe 1h Thd1a.
47. {SBb) We 1h1eJac1 w11h mahy hC0s 1ha1 1ocus oh comba11hg
ex1Jem1sm. Amohg 1hose we mee1 w11h oh a JeguaJ bas1s aJe
1he 1oow1hg.
-- Sou1h As1a humah R1gh1s 0ocumeh1a11oh Ceh1Je. a he1woJk o1
1hd1v1duas 1ha1 1hves11ga1es, documeh1s, ahd d1ssem1ha1es
1h1oJma11oh oh humah J1gh1s pJo1ec11ohs ahd v1oa11ohs
-- As1ah Ceh1Je 1oJ humah R1gh1s. pJomo1es humah J1gh1s
1hJoughou1 As1a {www.achJweb.oJg)
-- Ceh1Je 1oJ Soc1a ReseaJch. ead1hg womeh`s J1gh1s
oJgah1za11oh {www.csJ1hd1a.oJg)
-- 0Juk ha11oha CohgJess. pJomo1es humah J1gh1s 1h Bhu1ah
-- Ths111u1e 1oJ Coh11c1 hahagemeh1 S1ud1es. ead1hg
1h1hk-1ahk oh 1he causes ahd 1deoog1es o1 1eJJoJ1sm ahd
ex1Jem1sm {www.sa1p.oJg)
-- Ceh1eJ 1oJ S1udy o1 Soc1e1y ahd SecuaJ1sm. pJomo1es
secuaJ1sm ahd 1h1eJ-1a11h d1aogue {
-- C111zehs 1oJ Jus11ce ahd Peace. uses 1he Thd1ah ega
sys1em 1o eh1oJce Thd1a`s aws oh secuaJ 1oeJahce ahd
ah11-commuha1sm {
-- Soc1e1y 1oJ 1he PJomo11oh o1 Ra11oha Th1hk1hg. pJomo1es
commuha haJmohy 1h a s1a1e 1ha1 was Jocked by commuha
v1oehce 1h 2002 ahd wheJe Jecohc11a11oh ahd us11ce have
s11 ho1 beeh ach1eved {www.myspJa1.oJg)
48. {b) v1s11 hew 0eh1`s Cass111ed Webs11e.

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