PPITT 041813 Meeting Minutes

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Pikes Peak Interagency Meeting notes-April 18, 2013 Andrea Reeves, the owner of Sign Language Network, presented

d information on her history and being active in the deaf community for 35 years. Sign Language Interpreters are provided throughout Colorado and the nation. Video Interpreters are offered, with Interpreters in all the cities. Kim Gleeson from S.W.A.P. gave the information that starting on April 22, 2013, there will be a new Waitlist in DVR. If a person already has a plan, services will still be offered, and everyone is still encouraged to apply in order to get on this Waitlist. S.W.A.P. is a Cost Neutral Program, in which DVR reimburses the school district for the S.W.A.P. employee. The school pays for the office, lights, and utilities for that S.W.A.P. employee. It was reported that the Achieve with us Colorado Film Festival hosted by The Arc of the
Pikes Peak Region was excellent and a great success.

Marsha Unruh from TRE presented upcoming changes in the state of Colorado that will affect the community for individuals with developmental disabilities. Colorado Choice Transitions is a program that will transition people from nursing homes into the community with the state providing waiver services and supports. Transition Coordinators from TRE will transition individuals with DD into the community. (Note: The Independence Center will transition those with TBI, MI or who qualify for the EBD waiver.) If Governor Hickenloopers budget is approved, another change is for those on the Childrens Extensive Support (CES) waitlist to be offered a resource starting July 1, 2013 (in a staggered fashion); this would affect 80 children in the Pikes Peak Region (218 years of age). More agencies are needed to provide services for these programs. The Colorado definition of developmental disabilities will change to move closer to the federal definition. What this means is that individuals would be eligible for TRE services based on FSIQ or based on adaptive behavior as a result of a developmental disability. This change is set at this time to roll out on August 1, 2013. Updates from the upcoming Fair include: 1. 86 agencies are signed up to attend. 2. 88 are listed in the directory, i.e. Metro Mobility. 3. Some name tags were saved from last year, with some changes made. 4. Braille is provided on the name tags for the agencies at the tables. 5. Goody bags are needed, with Sign Language Network bringing 100, some possible left over from the Independent Center. 6. Set up will begin at 3 p.m. 7. Vendors will set up at 4 and 20/25 pizzas will be provided for the workers.

8. Doors open at 5 with Entrance and Exit doors with supervision provided to insure that the people know where to go. 9. Surveys-150 copies so far. 10. Clipboards will be needed, with suggestion that names be put on them for identification and retrieval afterwards, to use with the surveys. 11. Directories will be sent ahead of time to those who signed up to make copies, and will email out electronically the day after the Fair to everyone else. 12. A Banner will be provided. 13. Discussion included the need for traffic direction, as the 2cd level of the parking garage was not used last year, with flyers going to be put on poles. Wendy Sawtell volunteered to assist with this process. 14. Discussion included that the snow date was May 30 if the district was closed, as the other dates were already booked at DHS. 15. Confirmation was made that the Sign Language Interpreters will be paid as opposed to having them volunteer. 16. On the night of the Fair, no credit cards can be accepted, only cash or check for the tables. 17. Public service announcements will be on 4 local T.V. stations, including KKTV and KRDP, with flyers being placed in doctors offices commonly used by those who have developmental disabilities. Notices are also in newspapers including the Compass, Courier, Gazette, and the Independent.

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