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Jeffrey Lopez, Joe Dunton and Zac Whatley

INT. SCENE - DESCRIPTION Establishing shot of school entrance (CB enters from out of shot) MID SHOT OF PROTAGONIST CB (NARRATOR) Thats me, [actors name]; I get a lot of stick for having a huge interest in what other people see as unusual photography. CB PLAYS MUSIC ON PHONE WHICH STARTS OFF BEING DIEGETIC THEN TURNS INTO NON-DIEGETIC. THROUGHOUT THE TWO MINUTES THE MUSIC GETS QUIETER WHEN THE NARRATOR SPEAKS [Protagonist walks into class late] CHARACTER NAME [TEACHER] [Music goes quieter when speech starts] Where have you been?!?, youre 5 minutes late! [Freezes to a still of the teacher]

[Narrator] Thats my teacher; he too doesnt understand the photography that I am in to. Close up of protagonist with the ticking of the clock becoming louder and louder as it zooms in closer to him until the bell rings. Everyone then rushes out whilst the protagonist slowly gets up and walks out the door [shot changes to midshot and tracks the protagonist as he leaves the classroom.]

2 Music changes to set the mood for the rest of the short film. Shot then changes to point of view shot which is seen shaky. [then changes to a tracking shot from behind the character for 2.5 seconds then switches to front for another 2.5 seconds] [mid shot of protagonist for 2.0 seconds, once the protagonist enters the room the light goes on and the camera movement emphasizes the change in the light turning on. [It then cuts to a shadow of the protagonist but only using the side of his face.]

[Camera then goes into a steady point of view shot and tracks the photograph that the protagonist has left to develop towards when he puts it in the drying rack] [shows a mid-shot of character coming out of the dark room and light is turned off. In the same shot another character is introduced, who is the bad guy, at this point the music changes]

[Shot then just shows a different hand take the photograph]

[next shot is then point of view, there is a brief pause when the villain turns the photograph around to get an idea of what the photography is about. After this he then rips the paper up and the camera shot changes. It films the photograph being ripped up, although this will be slowed down for effect.]

3 [By this happening it creates dramatic irony as only the audience and the villain knows what has just happened.

It then ends with a close up of the ripped up photograph on the ground which then reveals the title of the short film.

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