216 Interview Questions

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Seattle Central Community College PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (BUS 216) Instructor/Facilitator: Marlene M.



Here are some questions you might use when you talk to people about their jobs--about what they do and how they feel about their work. From the many questions, select two or three from each category that are appropriate to your needs in order to get the most useful information within the time limit set for your interview. Keep in mind when you talk with people about careers and occupations, you also gather their biases. Each person likes or dislikes certain things about the job. You must weigh those messages against your good feeling and reasoned judgment. QUESTIONS ABOUT THE GENERAL NATURE OF THE OCCUPATION (CHOOSE 2 OR 3): * * * * * * * * * * * * * Describe the general nature of the work, the duties performed, etc. What are your major responsibilities in this job? What specific projects and activities are involved in this occupation? What is your work environment like? (physical and psychological) What equipment, tools and materials are used? What are the physical requirements, if any? (i.e., lifting, reaching, sitting or standing for long periods, eye/hand coordination, bending) Could you give me an example of a typical work day? (or week) What are the usual working hours? (i.e., overtime, night shifts, weekends, holidays, flexible vs. rigid schedule, seasonal/layoffs, seniority) Describe the working conditions/environment. (i.e., lighting, condition of equipment, crowded working space, location, indoors/outdoors, quiet/noisy, interruptions, pressure/deadlines, dress code, travel) Tell me about the working contacts, such as clients/customers, co-workers, and supervisors. How do you interact with these people? Describe the kinds of responsibilities of the people with whom I might be working. How would an entry-type position relate to other departments within this company? (or agency, organization, shop, etc.) What results would you like to see produced by a worker in an entry position?


What do you consider the most difficult task involved in this type of work? QUESTIONS ABOUT REQUIREMENTS/QUALIFICATIONS (CHOOSE 2 OR 3):

* * * * * * * * * * *

What kind of education or experience qualifies a person for this kind of work? Are there any specific courses a student might take that would be particularly beneficial in this field? What additional training is needed as one progresses in the field? Are there licensing requirements (tests, competitive examinations)? What about unions and professional affiliations? If you were hiring a graduate for an entry position, what qualities would you look for? What do you feel is an ideal background for entry jobs in this field? How are people typically hired for these positions? (for Women) As a woman, would I have any special problems in a career in this field? What attributes, skills, abilities are needed to be successful in this field? (or, What does it take to be successful in this field?) Do you have copies of job descriptions and specifications for some of the positions in this field that I might read? QUESTIONS ABOUT EARNINGS AND PROMOTIONS (CHOOSE 2 OR 3):

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What is the salary range for an entry-level position? How are wages paid? (i.e., salary, commission, both, hourly) What is the income potential? What are the opportunities for advancement? How does that best happen? What are some salary ranges for various levels in this field? (e.g., some field have high starting salaries but level off early in the career path; others start lower but have much higher top-level salaries) Are there other areas of this field to which people may be transferred? What are they? What is the top job you can have in this field?



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What is the average length of time a person spends as a trainee? What amount of time should I be prepared to spend as a trainee? How long does it usually take to move from one step to the next in this career path? How long have you been doing this kind of work? What were the jobs you had that led up to this one? What led you to choose this career? (or, How did you get into this work?) What factors or information did you consider as you were choosing this occupation? QUESTIONS ABOUT THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF AN OCCUPATION (CHOOSE 2 OR 3):

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What do you like about your job? What are the most interesting aspects? What don't you like about it? What are the frustrations? Clarify the common stereotypes and misconceptions about this occupation, if any. What aspects of this occupation are not covered in a job description? What are the pressures experienced in this type of work? Are the hours unusual? What are some typical kinds of problems a person in this type of work might experience? What part of your work do you consider dull and repetitious? What percentage of your time do you have to devote to this? What kind of lifestyle does your occupation offer you? If you could do so, what changes would you make in the way the job is done?



* * If you could re-design your job, what parts would you keep and what parts would you get rid of? If you had it do all over again, what would you have done differently in your career? QUESTIONS ABOUT JOB OUTLOOK--TRENDS AND OPPORTUNITIES (CHOOSE 2 OR 3): * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Is there a demand for people in this field? What is the supply of workers for this type of work? Is the field competitive? What entry-level jobs qualify one for this field? What types of training do companies give to persons entering this field? What is the best way to obtain a position which will start me on a career in this field? Do you view this field as a growing one? What impact has technology had on this occupation? Who's hiring? Who's not? What organizations do the most interesting work in our field of interest? How do you see the jobs in the field changing over the next ten years? What can I do to prepare myself for such a change? In what other settings do people in your occupation work? What factors should be considered by a person who is contemplating entering your field of work? What special advice would you give a young person entering this field?



WHERE TO FIND FURTHER INFORMATION: * * Is there anyone else in this field that you can recommend I talk to? May I use your name? Who would you recommend that I interview for a different perspective? Name/Title Company/Department Phone/Extension * * * (optional) Do you have suggestions of people or organizations willing to talk to student groups? (optional) Do you know of companies to visit or tour? (optional) What might I get written materials about this field? IDENTIFY THE STEPS YOU MUST TAKE TO PREPARE FOR EMPLOYMENT IN YOUR CHOSEN FIELD: * * * * * * * * What courses are relevant? What are the most advantageous schools/colleges at which to apply? Majors or degrees recommended? Related summer jobs to gain experience? Volunteer work? Clubs, organizations and/or affiliations which are advantageous? Helpful skills or general background knowledge needed? How to be most "marketable?"


January 1999


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