Awful Egyptian Assembly LATEST

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Awful Egyptian Assembly. Lisa: The year is 1400BC. The great Pharaoh Edward Tehuti is resting in his temple.

Edward: (yawns) I am sooooo bored. Enter wise oracles. Chloe (Oracle 1):: How may we entertain you oh great Pharaoh? Edward: Perform a dance for me. Enter children and start doing the walk like an Egyptian music. Edward: Boooooring. That song is so obvious! Ethan (Slave 1): And hasnt even been invented yet! At least not for another 3000 years! Alex (Oracle 2): Pharaoh nuff! Julie: (Slave 2): (Laughs) Edward: SILENCE, Tell me my schedule today. Chloe (Oracle 1): Well, this afternoon you need to pray to the God Amen-Ra. Edward: Oh I hate having to pray to the Gods everyday. Alex (Oracle 2): Mighty Pharaoh, if you dont pray then your empire may lose its divine order and you would be held responsible. Edward: ok, what is my schedule for the evening? Chloe (Oracle 1): Well great Pharaoh, you have a meeting with the ambassador from a neighbouring land. Edward: What does he want? Alex (Oracle 2): He wishes to give you gifts from their king. Edward: Marvelous. Chloe (Oracle 1): This morning your mighty, you are scheduled to visit your Great Pyramids. Edward: Excellent! You know, Ramsees II had a vision for a huge monument in his honour. He was my great great great great great great grandfather. Alex (Oracle 2): Thats great! [Dream like music} William (Builder 1): Oh mighty pharaoh, we have made plans for your burial

Margot: Excellent Lawrence (Builder 2): So what we thought for the grave was this tudah! (Builder unveils the smallish tombstone) Margot: Gentlemen, I dont think you get the idea. Mimi (Builder 3): Really? Margot: I was thinking of something a little bigger William (Builder 1): Er, ok, no problem, we can get a bigger stone Margot: 2 and a half tonnes! Lawrence (Builder 2): Wow, thats pretty heavy. Margot: And not just one. Mimi (Builder 3): Dont tell me. Three? Margot: I was thinking 2 and a half million! William (Builder 1): What are you going to do with all those? Pile them on top of each other or something? (All builders laugh!) Margot: YES! Lawrence (Builder 2): Come on, wouldnt you rather have a nice gravestone? Margot: NO! I am the Pharaoh, I want a monument that is worthy of the Gods! Now, get on with it! (Pharaoh storms off) Mimi (Builder 3): What a pain! William (Builder 2): You know, in England they just cover people with big mounds of earth! [Dream like music again] back to modern times. (Pharoah goes over to the architect) and sees people building a temple Edward: So how is my pyramid going? Alec (Architect): Oh fine, fine. Weve got about 400 people building it at the moment so it shouldnt be too long. (Children pretending to make a pyramid) Edward: Brilliant. (rubs his hands together). So how long do you think its going to take?

Alec (Architect):: (thinks for 3 seconds.) About 20 years. Edward: 20 years!!! Youre kidding. Alec: Haha, yes, Im kidding. Its only going to take 19 years! Edward: 19 years! But Ive asked my friends round for a sleep over this weekend. Alec: Well, theyll have to wait a bit. Why dont you show them round the sights of Egypt while youre waiting. Edward: For 19 years! Alec: (demonstrating how to walk) Walk very slowly. [Pharaoh Edward walks back to his seat and relaxes] Ryan: Which of these facts is true about Ancient Egypt? Yuan: Asks various True / False Questions to audience. Yu Ning: Hands up if you think it is true. Hands up if you think it is false. Angeline (Narrator 1): Before a pharaoh was put into his pyramid, of course, he had to be dead. Julie (Narrator 2): The Egyptians had a special way of looking after their dead. They mummified them. Melanie (Narrator 3): This was a way of preserving the body so it stayed lifelike. Olivia (Narrator 4): They embalmed the body and wrapped them in strips of linen. (Eva (Rahotep) and his assistant come forward.. The dead body lies on a table in the middle.) Eva (Rahotep): Hello my name is Eva and my assistant Christy and I are going to show you how to mummify a body. (Eva walks over to the body.) The first thing you do is go and check that the body is dead. (Leans over and speaks to the dead body.) Are you dead? Russell (Dead Body): Yes Eva (Rahotep): Great. Lets get started then. Nicole Lo (READER): Rule no. 1: Wash the body with scented palm wine and then wash it off with water from the Nile. Angeline (Narrator 1): The Nile is the river that runs through the whole of Egypt and was very important to the Egyptians. Julie (Narrator 2): It was so important that they treated the river Nile as a living thing. (As the narrators have been saying this, the embalmers have been miming the washing of the body.

Melanie (Narrator 3): Now your body is ready for the next bit. We have to get all the organs out of the body. Olivia (Narrator 4): We need them later so dont throw them away. One organ we need to get out is the brain. Christy (Assistant): Do we cut out the brain? Eva (Rahotep): We dont want to spoil the way the pharaoh looks. Nicole Lin (Narrator 5): The method for taking out a brain was very simple. First, you put the tip of a small metal pole into the fire until its nice and hot. Eva (Rahotep): Then you get the red hot pole, shove it up the dead mans nose, waggle it about a bit and then pull the brains out. Russell (Dead body): (sits up.)Wait a minute! Youre going to do what!? Eva (Rahotep): Im going to shove a red hot pole up your nose. Is that a probl em? Russell (Dead body): A problem! A problem! Of course, its a problem. Thats going to hurt! Eva (Rahotep): But youre dead, you wont feel a thing. Russell (Dead body): Oh yeah, I forgot. Okay, carry on (lies down.) Eva (Rahotep): Alright, if there are no more objections, could I have the red hot pole, please. (Assistant Christy gives pole to Eva, which has been painted red at the end, (Rahotep). Eva grabs it by the painted end. She screams, dropping the poker, looks at her hand, screams again and then runs off screaming.) Nicole Lo (READER): Rule no.2: Grab the red hot pole by the right end. (Eva comes back on, blowing on her hand.) Eva (Rahotep): Oh, that hurt. (Picks up pole and mimes taking out the brains.) Nicole Lo (READER): Rule no. 3: we take out the organs: Eva (Rahotep) takes a knife and mimes cutting open the body.) First, the liver. Angeline (Narrator 1): The organs were placed in special jars called Canopic Jars. Julie (Narrator 2): These were sometimes put back into the body later or left inside the tomb in their jars. Eva (Rahotep): The lungs.. the stomach(next she takes out a teddy bear.)

Christy (assistant): A teddy bear. (looks confused.) A teddy bear? I wonder how that got in there? (Throws it away.) Eva (Rahotep): And finally, the intestines. Remember, dont take out the heart! That has to stay in the body. Nicole Lo (READER): Stuff the body with linen and then cover it with salt. Rule No.5: leave the body for 40 days. (They sit down and play cards) Christy (assistant): SNAP I win! Lisa holds up a sign that says; 40 Days later. Eva (Rahotep) and Christy get up. Nicole Lo (READER): Then Rule No. 6: we wash the body again using water from the Nile and then cover it in oils to make it look nice. Eva (Rahotep): Then all you have to do is wrap your body in linen bandages and your body is ready to pop into its tomb. Melanie (Narrator 3): Once the body had been wrapped, religious charms and prayers written on papyrus were placed in the body to help it reach the after life. Olivia (Narrator 4): The whole process was usually so expensive that only the rich could afford it. MUMMY SONG: Mummy gets off table and wanders around during the song Lisa: Facts about hieroglyphics Video showing children drawing hieroglyphics Hieroglyphics Song Ms. Kaos song Ethan: Thank you for watching our assembly

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