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LAB 3 3.2.a. What message is returned? Printer operation complete to the default printer device file 3.4.a.

Which of the four basic screen types is this? 3.4.b. To reach this screen directly, without taking the menu path, what would you do? enter command WRKUSRJOB 3.5.a. What does the value * mean for the USER parameter? Change the USER parameter to * for this example. 3.5.b. Every job has a particular status at any time, depending on whether its waiting to run, in process, or fi nished. Use contextual 3.8.a. Generally speaking, what are job status attributes? (Use Help.) 3.8.b. The system assigns a unique serial number to every job as it starts. What number has been assigned to your job? 3.8.c. How is the job name assigned to an interactive job? (Use Help.) 3.8.d. At what date and time did your job start? 3.8.e. In which subsystem is your job running? 3.12.a. What value is assigned to the Device parameter under Printer Attributes? (Youll need to Page Down.) 3.12.b. What value is assigned to the Spooled output queue under Spooling Description? You should have found that for both parameters, this printer fi le defers to the job description. You could create a printer fi le with specifi c values for these and other parameters, and in most installations, there will indeed be customized printer fi les for special print jobs. However, QPSUPRTF is a general-purpose print fi le, so it points back to the controlling job for any changes to the device or output queue. 3.14.a. Which job description was used to defi ne your interactive job? 3.14.b. Which printer device was assigned? 3.14.c. What is the value for the Default output queue parameter? 3.16.a. What is the menu option of this command? 3.17.a. What value is given for Printer device? 3.17.b. What value is given for Output queue? 3.17.c. What is the last attribute of the job description listed, and what value is used? 3.17.d. How might it be possible to have a tailored library list for any user that would take effect as soon as that user signs on? (Hint: The answer requires at least two steps. Keep in mind that all user profi les do not necessarily use QDFTJOBD.)

3.19.a. Use fi eld Help to learn what *DEV means for Output queue. What does it indicate? 3.19.b. Use fi eld Help again to fi nd out about the Print device value. Which system value specifi es the default system printer? 3.20.a. Which printer device is currently assigned to the system value? a. When you sign on, your user profi le specifi es a job description to be used: QDFTJOBD. b. In the process of assembling job attributes, QDFTJOBD points back to the user profi le for Printer and Output queue attributes. c. The user-profi le default values for Printer and Output queue point to the workstation where the job starts. d. If the Print device and Output queue values for the workstation device description have not been changed, they both, in effect, point to the system value QPRTDEV. e. Finally, the value assigned to system value QPRTDEV is what is used to defi ne the Printer and Output queue attributes for the job.

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