The Regulator 2

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9th Division MiTT advisors salute the US flag on Thanksgiving Day.

In recognition of the true meaning of our US Thanksgiving Day federal holiday our eleven souls stood at the base of a make shift flagpole as I read the words of Abraham Lincolns Thanksgiving Proclamation from October 1873. In a time of conflict far from those we love Lincolns words were laden with truth and penetrated to the heart of what we were gathered to do.

To recognize the hand which has staid the Liberty we experience as Americans.. To ask forgiveness for taking for granted such great freedom.. to thank God for our families, friends, health, wealth, security to understand and acknowledge that our Heavenly Father is the source of all our blessings as a Nation. Upon conclusion of the proclamation I said a prayer that asked God to heal remove the violence from this land. To ask for wis-

dom to help this Nation build its Army and establish peace that our soldiers may return home. Our prayer complete.. We unfurled the Nations color and hoisted them up a make shift flag pole underneath a perfectly tempered blue sky...a light breeze extending at full length this powerful image of the sacrifice that was required for all we have as Americans. Cont. on page 6.


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Merry Christmas and Seasons Greetings from Taji, Iraq home of the Iraqi 9th Division and the advisor teams who support these soldiers. As expected, we have been very busy these last couple of months with our Iraqi counterparts. Being this busy though, does help the time go by a little quicker and keeps us always on our toes around here. As you probably already know, all of the advisors have become very good at being multi-functional and multipurpose kind of guys. From warriors outside the camp to quelling riots because of poor Iraqi chow inside the camp, we have seen it all. I guess this is par for the course when you are standing up a new unit as large as an Army division. Not sure if we can add too much of what we are experiencing to a resume but it will make for great war stories when we all finally get home. Speaking of home, we are at the point in our deployment where some of the team members are starting their much deserved leave back to the States. This is exciting for all of us knowing that we are at the stage in our deployment where our vacations are finally starting. I can tell you we all talk about leave around here like it was the Super Bowl. And to us, it is. Comments like: How long do you think it will take us to get home? Im going to kiss the ground when I hit the first US airport, Cant wait to hug the wife and kids, and Im going to eat at McDonalds everyday, etc are just a few of the late night conversations amongst us all. I included cant wait to see the family and just relax a little for a change. To read the paper, have a casual conversation with my wife, and play with my kids..ring in my mind everyday. The big news on our end is the arrival of some of the newest tanks and armored personnel carriers (BMPs) the Iraqi Army will ever receive. A gift from NATO, they arrived on our doorstep about a month ago. The Iraqis have been hard at work training on them and getting them ready to fight the terrorists. We think these 77 additional tanks and 36 BMPs will be just what the doctor ordered in helping the Iraqis defeat this insurgency. We also finally got the Division Headquarters a new place to live. If you ever watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with the three grandparents sharing a bed because their was only one to go around, you have a good picture of what we have been dealing with these last five months. The small headquarters the Iraqis have been sharing is shall we say, quaint. This all ended yesterday with their brand new headquarters finally being turned over to them. I would venture to say it is probably the nicest headquarters for any Iraqi Army Division. Now, the big chal-

The 9th Division MiTT Team lenge will be where to get all the furniture?? I think I can speak for all of the team members, when I say we thank you all for your support. The morale and motivation continues to stay high knowing that all of you are praying for us and cheering us on. I can honestly tell you, if it werent for the support I receive from the home front, this mission would be much tougher than it already is. We also know that Christmas should be spent together with families and friends. This year unfortunately many of us will have to say those magical words Merry Christmas via email or over the phone. We wish our situation was different but in the end, our year in Iraq and the work we are trying to do to get the Iraqi Army back on its feet we hope will mean one Gigantic Merry Christmas when we step back in the United States for good. Have a great Holiday Season and God Bless all of you for supporting all of the Men and Women overseas deployed in support of our Nations war on terrorism. Col John H. Hort 9th Division Senior Advisor


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As mentioned in the previous Regulator, Tajis land and buildings were ravaged by the previous war. The end result was a severe shortage of office and sleeping areas. For the 9th Division this equaled the majority of the Divisions officers living and working out of the same office. Some times as many as four to five Iraqi officers lived together in a one man room! We must have received a free pass straight to go, because some of these problems may soon end. Some clever scouting by some of the 9th Division MiTT Leadership led to the discovery of an area big enough to accommodate this new growing force. This new area contains an abundant amount of buildings with more than enough space for

the divisions cramped problems. Facilities like the medical clinic and multiple billets, essential to the health and welfare of Iraqi soldiers will now be closer and more accessible. It even contains structures large enough to perform heavy maintenance on the tanks and other vehicles assigned to the Division. The area is being refurbished but, with a little work and a lot of paint, Iraqi soldiers will soon reek the benefits of this new location. No more will soldiers have to use their work desk as dinner tables and their beds as work stations. Things are looking good for the away team. The new Division Headquarters

New living quarters for the division


History was made on 10 November 2005. The day the 9th Division received its fleet of new tanks and armored personnel carriers (BMPs). They came as a gift from our NATO friends and landed in Kuwait. Because of the current restriction against Iraq military traveling to Kuwait, the download of these vehicles from the ship became a job for the advisors. You talk about some multi functional Americans! SSG Baker got this mission and was personally responsible for training a team in the basic operations of the T-72 (a Russian tank) and how to maneuver this huge vehicle. Their initial duty was to go to Kuwait and upload 77 T-72 and 36 BMPs on huge trucks called HETTs. Sounds easy right? Not the case Sergeant Baker says. The team had to deal with first the fear of driving this massive vehicle. Secondly they were under extreme time constraints by only being able to work at night. Fortunately the team was able to effectively communicate and solve problems quickly, resulting in a job well done, well except for maybe one boo boo.

Tank driving isnt as easy as it seems


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It was the 13th day before Christmas, when all through the hooch. You could hear the snores of soldiers sounding like moose. All were tired and sleeping in bed. Dreaming of division and whats ahead. Thoughts of Friday that half day off Darn its Sunday my dreams are lost. Im up and cant sleep what should I do? Go to the PX oops its past curfew. Out in the hall, whats that sound. A loud thump like a mortar round. I opened the door and what did I see. Red and White stocking for everyone and me. I shot a back azimuth trying to locate the POO (Point of origin). When I saw a big belly but couldnt guess who? These stockings were mysteriously hung on each of the team members doors. An area search was conducted he must have got away. He vanished like Santa on a slay. I gathered everyone to ask the question. Who is suspect of bring these blessings. Still to this day no one knows who. Is the bringer of these mystery stockings and how he disappeared without a clue.


The Secretary of the Army flew into Camp Taji to visit the soldiers of the 9th Division on 24 November. His goal was to gather information on the progress the MiTT teams have been making in the rebuilding stages of this new fighting force. It always feels great when all the hard work the teams here in Iraq have been doing gets attention

from the higher echelons in our government. In his remarks to the troops he acknowledged the current situation here in Iraq and his gratitude for all the efforts that have been made by all the soldiers. It was truly a spiritual lift to all division advisors seeing our secretary of the Army engaged with the progress of the Iraqi Army. The Secretary of the Army and the 9th Division Leadership


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As if the war on terror in Iraq was not bad enough, the 9th Division has raged a new campaign here on Camp Taji. Through the halls of the MiTT Headquarters building you can hear numerous loud zaps and LTC. Turner screaming another KIA (killed in action)! You can also hear the enthusiasm in SGM Herberts voice as he cheers on the rally against one of Iraqs most notorious insurgents. Who are these new insurgents you might ask? Well ladies and gentlemen, we are currently at war with flies. Thats right, Iraq is home to some of the most aggressive flying critters on Earth. Im surprised the Crocodile Hunter has not featured these insects on one of his episodes. They are everywhere, in your room, the bathroom, even in your vehicle. Some how, one of the team members were able to acquire a new device thats been our preferred weapon in our attack against these vicious creatures. Its an electric fly swatter in the shape of a tennis racket. The flies are really a nuisance, but this has turned out to be a new sport and a great form of entertainment. for the team.

SSG Pettigrew wielding the FS-22 (electric fly swatter)

SSG Smith preparing for a Magical Journey. Radio. troubles become nonexistent. Who said war was easy? Soldiers have to overcome the daily pressures of being without family and friends. We try to remain focused while accomplishing our individual duties and multiple taskings. We realize the importance of our work and what it means to be a soldier of the United States. Some days feel like a South West Airline commercial. When something goes wrong your waiting for the commentator to say Want to get away? Dont worry about it though, soldiers are some of the most resourceful people on Earth. Like myself, I happen to be the driver of a huge 25 passenger bus. It has a few scratches in the paint, and the rear is dented. Some of the team members laughed at the condition of the vehicle, but shes ok with me. She serves as my personal home away from home. When dead lines and the pressures of work start to get too tough, one start of the engine and a click of the A couple of weeks later, more and more people began ridding the bus to chow and realized the wonders of what one bus trip could do. Its sort of like therapy, and a great pressure release valve. In fact its not just a bus ride to chow any more, we call it the magical joy ride where work is forgotten and our war torn camp left behind.


Remember safety first.

What do you mean a parking ticket?

Relationships are stronger than ever

Vote Pettigrew for governor

This traffic is horrible.


We played the Star Spangled Banner and paid respects with our salutes. This complete, the Flag was taken down, folded with respect, and saluted for the last be encased as a reminder of this single Thanksgiving a land far from home....and our blessings as Americans. This is one afternoon in a soldier's life Thanksgiving Day, the 24th day of November, 2005....

The 9th DIV team members watch as Col. Hort steadies the flag while SGM Herbert attaches it to the flag pole

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