An Experimental Evaluation of The Greenhouse Effect in R22 Substitution

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Energy Convers. Mgmt Vol. 39, No. 9, pp. 877887, 1998 # 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved Printed in Great Britain S0196-8904(97)10058-9 0196-8904/98 $19.00 + 0.00



di Salerno, via Ponte Don Melillo, 84084 Fisciano, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica, Universita Salerno, Italia 2 degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, P. le Tecchio 80, 80125 Napoli, Italia DETEC, Universita (Received 1 May 1997)

AbstractThe problem of R22 phase-out in a vapour compression plant is analysed. A comparison is performed between R22 and R407C. Attention is paid to the global evaluation of the environmental impact in terms of greenhouse eect. The analysis has been performed on the basis of the experimental results obtained from a vapour compression pilot plant. The contribution to the greenhouse eect has been taken into account by evaluating the TEWI values (Total Equivalent Warming Impact) corresponding to dierent experimental conditions. # 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Vapour compression plant Greenhouse eect R22 substitution TEWI

COP=Coecient of performance GWP=Global warming potential (kgCO2/kg of refrigerant) H=Annual operating hours (h/years) ODP=Ozone depletion potential PL=Accidental refrigerant leaks (%refrigerant charge/year) PR=Recycling rate (% refrigerant charge) Q =Heat transfer rate (kW) RC=Refrigerant charge of plant (kg of refrigerant) T=Temperature (8C) TEWI=Total Equivalent Warming Impact (kgCO2) TMT=Thermodynamic mean temperature (8C) V=Plant useful life (year) a=CO2 emission from power conversion (kgCO2/kWhe) DTEWI=(TEWI of R407C)(TEWI of R22) (kgCO2) Subscript co=condensing con=condenser ev=evaporator in=inlet out=outlet ref=refrigerating w=water wg=water-glycol mixture


The development of vapour compression refrigerating units was strictly related to the characteristics of the working uid from the beginning of their commercial diusion. Initially, natural substances were employed, such as ethyl ether, methyl ether, dimethyl ether, carbon dioxide, ammonia, sulphuric anhydride and methyl chloride. Potential users of the refrigerating equipment were somewhat dident because of their toxicity and/or ammability. Apparently, all safety problems were overcome with the appearance of the rst, non-toxic non-ammable chloro-uoro-hydrocarbon. Further chloro-uoronated compounds followed, originating either



from methane or from ethane by partial (HCFC) or total (CFC) substitution of the hydrogen atoms. In the seventies, the harmful action of CFC and of HCFC toward atmospheric ozone was recognised. Overall, the stratospheric ozone layer decreased by 1% between 1976 and 1991. A further 23% reduction occurred in the last two years at northern latitudes. This catalytic disruption of ozone was attributed to chlorine. ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential), dened for any given substance as the ratio between the ozone consumption per unit mass released in the atmosphere and that consumed by R11, accounts for this eect [1]. The continuous depletion of the ozone layer that shields the earth surface from UV radiation has produced a series of international treaties demanding a gradual phase-out of the halogenated uids. CFCs have been banned since 1996. Partially halogenated HCFC's are bound to be prohibited, as well, in the near future. Indeed, their ODP, though lower than that of the CFC, is dierent from zero [2]. The HFCs are a new family of substances that are candidates for the substitution of both CFCs and HCFCs. HFCs, in fact, are entirely harmless towards the ozone layer, since they do not contain chlorine. Now a further problem must be considered, the so-called greenhouse eect, stemming from the capture of infrared radiation by some components of the atmosphere [37]. Human activities have increased substantially the concentration of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, CFCs, HCFCs, nitrous oxide). As a result, a substantial warming of the earth surface and atmosphere occurred that might adversely aect the natural ecosystem. Over the last hundred years, the mean temperatures have increased by 0.30.68C. Doubling the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is likely to yield a further temperature increase by 1.5 4.58C. If no action is taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the rate of growth of the average temperatures is likely to exceed that which occurred in the last 10,000 years [8]. The impact that greenhouse gases have on global warming is quantied by their GWP (Global Warming Potential). The GWP is dened as the mass of CO2 that would result in the same net impact on global warming as the release of a single unit (kg) of the atmospheric component in question. Most national legislations strictly control vapour compression uids as regards ozone depletion. On the contrary, the greenhouse eect, though equally relevant from the environmental point of view, seems to be somewhat neglected, perhaps because, in the light of the massive carbon dioxide production due to combustion, any control of the contribution of vapour compression uids to the greenhouse eect might appear irrelevant. Recent estimates, however, indicate that the overall contribution, both direct and indirect, of HCFC and CFC exceeds 24%. Even though their average life is really lower than CO2, they should be taken into account [9]. Therefore, the choice of vapour compression machine operating uids must be governed by both the absence of chlorine atoms in the molecule (ODP = 0) and a low contribution to the greenhouse eect (low GWP, high energetic eciency). In this study, the substitution of R22 with R407C is analysed from an environmental point of view. The latter is the only known substitute that might be regarded as a drop-in. The HFC R407C is a non-azeotropic blend of R-32/125/134a (23/25/52% in weight), with an ODP equal to zero and a GWP lower than that of R22 (GWPR22 = 1700; GWPR407C = 1600) [10]. Experimental runs have been performed on a vapour compression pilot plant. The contribution to the greenhouse eect has been taken into account by evaluating the TEWI values (Total Equivalent Warming Impact) [11].

The experimental apparatus consists in three loops: the refrigerant loop, the condensing water loop and the evaporating water-glycol loop [12, 13]. The refrigerant loop is a vapour compression plant consisting in a semihermetic compressor, a plate condenser connected to a liquid receiver, a thermostatic valve and a plate evaporator.



Measurements are performed of the pressure (by piezoelectric transducers P) and of the temperature (by platinum resistance thermometers T) at the inlet and at the outlet of each device. Other measurements are of the mass ow rate (by a Coriolis eect mass ow meter M) at the outlet of the liquid receiver and of the electrical power supplied to the compressor (by a Watt transducer W). The water loop is used for cooling the refrigerant owing in the plant. It consists in the condenser, a circulation pump, an inertial tank, an air operated cooling exchanger and three plate heat exchangers. The refrigerant duty consists in a water-glycol mixture (70/30% in weight) continuously heated in the three intermediate plate heat exchangers by means of the water condensing loop. Whenever required, additional heating is provided by three electrical resistances inserted into an inertial tank (maximum power 12 kW). The waterglycol loop consists in the evaporator, a circulation pump and the inertial tank. As regards the two secondary loops, measurements are performed of the temperature (T) at: the inlet and the outlet of the evaporator and of the condenser, the intermediate heat exchangers and the inertial tanks. The volumetric ow rates of the water and water/glycol mixture have been measured by turbine owmeters (t1, t2) at the inlet of the two tanks, as well. The electrical power supplied to the resistances has been determined by a Watt transducer (W). A complete ow-sheet of the apparatus is reported in Fig. 1.

According to Tables 1 and 2, dierent experimental situations are determined by varying the operating conditions. Table 1 reports Tw,in,con/Tw,out,con (the inlet and the outlet temperature at the condenser water side), and TMTwg (the mean thermodynamic temperature of the water-glycol mixture). Table 1 reports 3 dierent set of runs. In each set of runs, the values of the inlet and outlet temperature at the condenser water side have been kept constant, whereas TMTwg has been varied. The tests conducted at 30/35 and 35/408C refer to a refrigeration plant, whereas the tests at 45/508C refer to a heat pump.

Fig. 1. Flow-sheet of the experimental apparatus.


APREA and GRECO: EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION OF THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT Table 1. Evaporator TMTw-g (8C) 7.9 4.9 6.2 9.8 13.2 5.7 5.2 7.5 10.2 12.1 7.2 11.1 12.1 14.3 Condenser Tin,w (8C) 30 Tout,w (8C) 35





Table 2 reports TMTwg and Tco, i.e. the condensing temperature of the refrigerant uid (as regards R407C, i.e. a non-azeotropic mixture, a mean temperature between dew and bubble temperature has been considered). Table 2 reports three dierent sets of runs. In each set of runs, the values of the TMTwg and the refrigerant duty have been kept constant, whereas Tco has been varied.

The TEWI provides quantitative information on the greenhouse eect of vapor compression plant working uids. This parameter is dened as the sum of the direct chemical greenhouse gas emission eect and of the indirect energy related carbon dioxide emissions of the systems in which they are used. The TEWI expression is the following: TEWI CO2Ydir CO2Yindir  ! 1 PR V GWP CO2Ydir RC PL V CO2Yindir a ref Q HV COP kgCO2 kgCO2 kgCO2

The direct global warming eect of CFC's and HCFC's, stemming from their absorption power of long-wave radiations, depends on their GWP and on the fraction of refrigerant charge released in the atmosphere. The last is mainly due to leakages during the operational life time of the plant (PL) and the residual amounts which, according to the state of technology, are not recyclable and, thus, are released to the atmosphere when taking the plant out of operation (1-PR) [14]. The indirect contribution to TEWI consists in the so-called energy related contribution. In fact, an electric refrigerator requires electrical energy from a power plant that typically burns a fossil fuel and, thus, releases CO2 in the atmosphere. The amount of CO2 emitted is a function of the refrigerator COP, of the power plant eciency and of the fuel used in the conversion plant that aects the emission per unit energy converted. The universally available power plant
Table 2. Condenser Tco (8C) 41.8 42.1 44.7 45.9 47.3 49.4 50.8 52.9 42.7 44.2 44.8 45.9 46.5 48.3 51.7 53.3 43.7 44.0 44.6 46.0 47.2 48.0 50.2 53.0 Evaporator TMTwg (8C) 8 10 13

APREA and GRECO: EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION OF THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT Table 3. Parameter H PL PR V a Value 950 h/year 5%/year 25% 10 years 0.6 kgCO2/kWhe


technology varies from one country to another. In the literature, are available some indicative average CO2 release levels for various countries around the world per kW/h of electricity energy [15]. Table 3 reports the parameters adopted for the TEWI evaluation.


The direct contribution This contribution has been evaluated, referring to the experimental plant, on the basis of the measured charge of the plant pertaining to R22 and to R407C and by assuming refrigerant leaks in terms of fraction of refrigerant charge. The direct contributions to the greenhouse eect pertaining to R22 and to R407C during the plant useful life corresponds to the same net impact on global warming as the release of 6375 and 5400 kg of carbon dioxide, respectively. The R22 direct contribution is about 15% greater than the R407C one, a direct consequence of the greater GWP and charge pertaining to R22. The indirect contribution The thermodynamic parameter that aects this contribution is the coecient of performance of the plant. In the following Figs 24, is shown the behaviour of the COP for dierent experimental situations. Those gures are referred to the test conditions pertaining to dierent inlet and outlet water temperatures in the condenser (30/35, 35/40, 45/508C), and then to dierent refrigerant condensing temperatures. The rst two diagrams refer to a refrigeration plant, whereas the third diagram accounts for a heat pump. The results are in good agreement with those obtained by other research groups, even with quite dierent experimental layouts [1625]. In all instances, COP increases with water glycol mean thermodynamic temperature.

Fig. 2. Coecient of Performance vs mean thermodynamic temperature of waterglycol mixture. Tin,w,con = 308C, Tout,w,con = 358C.



Fig. 3. Coecient of Performance vs mean thermodynamic temperature of waterglycol mixture. Tin,w,con = 358C, Tout,w,con = 408C.

Indeed, with increasing water glycol mean thermodynamic temperature, both the refrigerating duty and the mechanical power consumption at the compressor increase. The relative increase of the former, however, exceeds that of the latter. As a consequence, COP increases. For all the experimental runs conducted, the performance coecient of R407C is lower than that pertaining to R22. Therefore, the indirect contribution to the greenhouse eect of R407C is always higher than that of R22. The broken line reported in the diagrams 2, 3 and 4 estimates a theoretical COP value for R407C (COP* R407C) that might compensate for the higher direct contribution of R22 to the greenhouse eect for this plant in the same operating conditions. Indeed, if the R407C COP* were about 5% lower than that of R22, the greater direct contribution of the latter would be balanced by employing the former in the summer cycle (refrigeration). Unfortunately, as shown in Figs 2 and 3, the actual value of the COP pertaining to R407C is lower than that corresponding to this theoretical value (COP* R407C). Therefore, under these experimental conditions, R407C has a greater greenhouse eect than R22. At this stage, however, the dierence can not be determined quantitatively. In runs performed with water inlet and outlet temperature of 30 and 358C, respectively, the COP of R407C is lower than that pertaining to R22 by 811%. For the runs with water inlet

Fig. 4. Coecient of Performance vs mean thermodynamic temperature of waterglycol mixture. Tin,w,con = 458C, Tout,w,con = 508C.



and outlet temperature of 35 and 408C, respectively, the COP of R407C is lower by 1619%. Therefore, the dierence between the actual COP value and COP* of R407C is remarkable, especially in the 35/408C runs. On the contrary, the best performance is achieved with inlet and outlet water temperatures of 45 and 508C, respectively, corresponding to a winter cycle (heat pump). In this case, the COP* pertaining to R407C that might compensate the higher direct contribution of R22 were about 3% lower than that of R22. Indeed, the actual COP of R407C is always about 3.2% lower than that pertaining to R22, except for the run at TMTwg = 7.48C. In this case, it is 6.6% lower. The dierence between the actual COP value and COP* of R407C is, in this case, lower. The less satisfactory situation corresponds to the run with water inlet and outlet temperature of 35 and 408C, respectively. A set of runs have been conducted by keeping the mean thermodynamic temperature of the water-glycol mixture and the refrigerant duty constant and by varying the condensation temperature of the refrigerant uids in order to better clarify the reason of this behaviour. The results of the runs obtained with TMTwg = 108C are summarised in Fig. 5. Similar results are obtained in all the experimental runs performed with the other water glycol mean temperatures reported in Table 2. For both uids, the COP decreases with the condensation temperature Tc. The shape of the two curves, however, is such that the maximum COP dierence is achieved at intermediate values of the condensation temperatures (46488C). The value of the condensation temperature pertaining to the corresponding run performed with water inlet and outlet temperature of 35/408C fall in this range. The general behaviour of the experimental results can be explained in the light of the dependence of the compressor duty on the compression ratio. The compressor duty increases nonlinearly with the compression ratio. The compression ratio increases with the condensing temperature at equal mean thermodynamic temperature and, therefore, at equal evaporating pressure. Therefore, COP decreases with increasing compression duty at equal refrigerant duty. Overall evaluation The TEWI has been evaluated as a function of the mean thermodynamic temperature of the water-glycol mixture at the evaporator. The results are summarised in Figs 68. According to the previous discussion, in Figs 6 and 7, the TEWI pertaining to R407C is greater than that corresponding to R22. The dierence ranges from a minimum of 2.3% to a maximum of 4.3% in the runs performed at 30/358C. The eect is even more marked in the runs performed at 35/408C (about 11%). This yields an

Fig. 5. Coecient of Performance vs condensing temperature of the refrigerant uid.



Fig. 6. Total Equivalent Warming Impact vs mean thermodynamic temperature of waterglycol mixture. Tin,w,con = 308C, Tout,w,con = 358C.

Fig. 7. Total Equivalent Warming Impact vs mean thermodynamictemperature of waterglycol mixture. Tin,w,con = 358C, Tout,w,con = 408C.

Fig. 8. Total Equivalent Warming Impact vs mean thermodynamictemperature of waterglycol mixture. Tin,w,con = 458C, Tout,w,con = 508C.



Fig. 9. Total Equivalent Warming Impact vs mean thermodynamic temperature of waterglycol mixture for the reversible pump working for the whole year.

increased CO2 emission of about 320 kg/year for the plant under consideration when working as a refrigerant with R407C as compared to R22. On the contrary, the two uids are virtually equivalent in terms of greenhouse eect, when the plant acts as a heat pump, in the winter cycle (45/508C runs, Fig. 8). Figure 9 reports the overall results for the reversible heat pump working for the whole year (both in winter and summer cycle). It can be seen that the TEWI pertaining to R407C is slightly larger than that of R22 (2.74.7%). This corresponds to an increased CO2 production of about 87 kg/year. These results are in agreement with those provided by other authors on the basis of a theoretical analysis [29]. In Fig. 10, the TEWI dierence (DTEWI) between the two uids is reported as a function of condensation temperature for three dierent values of the mean thermodynamic temperature of the refrigerant duty (8, 10, 128C, respectively). The DTEWI attains a maximum in the intermediate range of condensation temperatures. On the contrary, for high condensation temperature, DTEWI becomes negative.

Fig. 10. Dierence between R407C and R22 TEWI vs condensing temperature of the refrigerant uid for three dierent values of the mean thermodynamic temperature of waterglycol mixture (8, 10, 128C).



In the condensation temperature range explored, the DTEWI decreases with increasing mean thermodynamic temperature of the refrigerant duty.

The problem of R22 substitution in terms of global warming eect has been examined, since this transition substitute is bound to phase-out in 2010. Indeed, chlorine is the major cause of ozone depletion in the higher levels of the atmosphere, and it is still present in the HCFCs, though in lower amounts as compared to those pertaining to the CFCs. True substitutes, such as R407C are harmless as far as ozone is concerned (ODP = 0). They yield, however, a negative contribution to the greenhouse eect, both directly (GWP = 1600) and indirectly, because of the lower energetic eciency that results in higher CO2 emissions. Experimental runs have been performed on a vapour compression pilot plant. The contribution to the greenhouse eect has been taken into account by evaluating the TEWI values. The analysis of the experimental results leads to the conclusion that the R22 direct contribution to the greenhouse eect is greater than that pertaining to R407C (+15%). The COP corresponding to R407C is 3.319% lower than that pertaining to R22. The indirect contribution of the former is, therefore, always higher than that of the latter. Therefore, the nal result depends on the operating conditions adopted in the experimental runs. The most unfavourable conditions are reached for the water inlet and outlet temperature at the condenser of 35408C, respectively. This situation corresponds to a condensation temperature in the range 43478C and to an evaporation temperature in the range 126 78C. Under these conditions, the TEWI pertaining to R407C exceeds that of R22 by about 11%. Therefore, the substitution of R22 with R407C should be unacceptable in this situation if specic reference is made to the greenhouse eect. On the contrary, the most favourable conditions are met for the water inlet and outlet temperature at the condenser of 45508C, respectively. This situation corresponds to a condensation temperature in the range 53588C and to an evaporation temperature in the range 26108C. In this case, the two uids behave in a similar way as regards the greenhouse eect. For high evaporation temperatures, the TEWI of R407C is even slightly lower than that of R22. As a consequence, the substitution of R22 with R407C is favourable, since no harm is produced to the ozone layer and no increase in CO2 emission is made. As a nal, general remark, the substitution of R22 with R407C is convenient from the point of view of the greenhouse eect for high condensation (over 508C) and evaporation temperatures of the refrigerant uid.
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