Es 742

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Combining beauty and practicality, the Endgame Study is one of the unique and subtle wonders of the Royal

Game. is pleased to present, on a weekly basis, a selected endgame study for your enjoyment. Unless specifically designated otherwise, it is always White to move. Unlike problems, studies usually do not require a solution in a pre-determined number of moves. Simply look for the best moves and replies to work out the win or draw. And don't be discouraged if at first you don't succeed working out the solution will be satisfying even instructive! All endgame studies are available for download in the Archives.

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ECE: Rook Endings by Chess Informant

Endgame Study #742

Y. Afek Tidskrift fr Schack 1972 White to Play

ECE: Queen Endings by Chess Informant

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[FEN "5r2/8/1R6/ppk3p1/2N3P1/P4b2/1K6/ 5B2 w - - 0 1"]

This week's endgame study is brought to you from the fourth edition of Harold van der Heijden's endgame study database. With 76,132 entries, it is the most comprehensive collection of endgame studies available. If you are interested in endgame studies, look into the premier international endgame study magazine EG. The complete PDF archives of EG Volumes 1-152 are available online.
ECE: Minor Piece Endings by Chess Informant

Solution to This Week's Endgame Study 1.Rxb5+! [1.Ne5? Kxb6 2.Nd7+ Kc6 3.Nxf8 Bxg4 4.Nh7 Bd1 5. Nxg5 b4] 1...Kxb5 2.Ne5+ Ka4 [2...Kc5 3.Nd7+ Kd6 4.Nxf8 Ke5 (4...Bxg4 5.Nh7) 5.Bh3 Kf4 6.Ne6+ Kg3 7.Nxg5 Be2 8.Kc3 Bb5 (8...Kh4 9.Ne6) 9.Nf7 Kxh3 10.g5 Bc6 11.g6 Bd5 12.Nh6] 3.Nd7! Be2! [3...Rb8+ 4.Nxb8 Be2 5.Bg2 (5.Bxe2?) ] 4.Bxe2 Rb8+ 5.Bb5 +! [5.Nxb8?; 5.Ka2? Rb2+ 6.Kxb2; 5.Kc3? Rb3+ 6.Kc4 Kxa3; 5. Kc2? Rb2+ 6.Kd3 Kxa3] 5...Rxb5+ 6.Ka2 Rd5 [6...Rb7 7.Nc5+; 6...Rb3 7.Nc5+] 7.Nb6+ 1-0

Calling all endgame study composers! BCPS 2012 TOURNEY, SECTION G: STUDIES Win or draw, free theme. No more than three entries per composer. Please note that a joint composition counts once for each composer. ...

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