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Gorgeous Geek Chapter 12: The Beauties vs the Brainies Part I

Chapter 12: The Beauties vs the Brainies Part I

Hello Mrs. Song, said Tiffany, greeting the middle-aged woman on her way out to her car. Tiffany was holding a container full of Chinese fried rice. Hello Tiffany, said Mrs. Song, eying the container. Oh no. Please. I can't accept that from your mother. Mother really wants you to try some, said Tiffany with a soft smile. Thank her for me then, said Mrs. Song, ashamed at the amount of fried rice she received. She noticed that Tiffany was staring at the front door. If you are looking for Jin, he is not home Tiffany. Is he running late? asked Tiffany, worried. No, he's sleeping over at Rin's house, said Mrs. Song, unlocking the car. Oh, is Jezebelle with him? asked Tiffany, narrowing her eyes slightly. Yes, she is, said Mrs. Song, nodding in confirmation. They are getting along better than I expected. Though I must say... I don't like the large amount of mochi ice cream and Slim Fast in the refrigerator. Jin's wasting too much money on that girl. I figured as much, said Tiffany with a sigh. At least, he's learning how to take care of someone besides himself, said Mrs. Song, opening the door and nodding back at Tiffany. If you need anything, please call my cell phone number. You're always welcome Tiffany. About the rice... May you please place that in the refrigerator for me? asked Mrs. Song with a pleasant smile. Tiffany nodded. Thank you Tiffany. You are such a nice girl. Watching the car drive away, Tiffany sighed and lowered her eyes down at the container full of fried rice that she helped her mother made. She wanted Jin to taste her cooking. Now, he was over at Rin's house and this was left in the refrigerator. Tiffany thought she should call Rin at first but dismissed the idea. Rin was smart enough to take care of the situation at hand. Leaving it up to Rin now, Tiffany unlocked Jin's house and went inside to deposit the food. ************************************************** Vance! said Rin, running down the stairs and throwing herself into Vance's arms. Vance stood up from his seat just in time. You're my lifesaver. I can't deal with these people alone. Thank you for saving me. Rin lifted her head up with a content look on her face. How did you get here so fast? I just sent you a text five minutes ago. There's a reason why I'm on Cross-Country, said Vance in his usual tone. No matter, said Rin, hugging Vance tighter. I'm glad you're here! In a matter of seconds, Rin found herself high in the air. Apparently, she was lifted from behind by two strong arms. Kristian licked his lips and held her to him as his prisoner. Vance did not know what to say. Rin was screaming for him to release her. No offense Vance but, said Kristian, licking the top of Rin's right ear. She's mine. Gross! Stop it you bastard! Looks like she's having fun with you, said Vance sarcastically. I know, isn't she? asked Kristian, smirking. Rin continued to struggle in his arms. Plus, I got the approval of her mother so you shouldn't interfere Vance. I respect you. You're cool and all. Mother, said Rin, in realization. Kristian finally placed her back in her feet. Mother! You have to come meet my friends! Well, some of them are...

Ms. Hamada came from the garage and beamed at the sight around her. Rin was surprised that she did not seem bother by any of the new faces despite their appearances. Her mother was always so easy-going. The older woman placed the groceries on the floor and beamed at everyone. Jin was the first one to run over to help put the groceries away despite no one saying anything. Oh my, said Ms. Hamada. There seems to be more people than I hope for. Meet Vance Gray Mother, said Rin happily, pulling Vance over to her mother. I know he looks scary on the outside but he's a nice person. He is also intelligent and a fast runner. He's my closest friend in Spanish class. Hello Vance, said Ms. Hamada, greeting the boy. Nice to meet you? asked Vance, unsure. Vance, said Rin, pouting at him. Be more polite. It's quite all right, said Ms. Hamada, smiling softly at him. Be yourself. Pretend this is your house. Everything will be fine. And who is this young lady? Oh, said Rin, rolling her eyes at Jezebelle, who did the same in response. This is Jezebelle Tilly. She's- Rin coughed uneasily. -Jin's girlfriend. How lovely, said Rin's mother, moving up to Jezebelle and shaking her hand. You are so beautiful, Jezebelle dear. You even know how to apply make-up correctly! That's such a wonderful skill for someone of your age! Mother, said Rin through gritted teeth. You shouldn't encourage her! You make such a perfect match for Jin, said Ms. Hamada, continuing to observe Jezebelle from top to bottom. Jin is such a nice boy. You must be a very nice girl as well. Kristian and Bo laughed at this from the background in which Jezebelle simply glared at them to shut them up. Even Jin, who was now putting away the vegetables, could not help but hold back his chuckles at those words. Vance did not care so he had no response. As for Rin, she was annoyed at how lightly everyone was taking Jezebelle. I'm not going to lie to you, said Jezebelle suddenly. I don't do nice. Nice are for losers. Nice people get bullied because they're weak. There's nothing good about being nice and that's the fact of life. Fi! cried Jin in shock. I'm sorry Ms. Hamada. She's always like this. Let's be friends, Jezebelle, said Ms. Hamada, giving Jezebelle a gentle look. I don't want to be your enemy any time soon. You sound like such a clever, devious girl. Hey, I like you, said Jezebelle in realization. You're nothing like Shortie, which is a relief. Why can't you be more like your mom, Shortie? Mother! cried Rin in exasperation. You can't be friends with Jezebelle! I think Jezebelle might be a good influence on you, said Ms. Hamada, clapping her hands together. She can teach you how to be more like a girl. You can start wearing skirts and dresses and look pretty for your mother. Mother! I hope I bought enough food for everybody, said Ms. Hamada, nodding at the rest of the boys. I hope you have a fun weekend, Rin dear. Ms. Hamada, said Jin, gaping at the sight of Ms. Hamada heading back out toward the garage. Where exactly are you going? I'll be staying over at Rin's Aunt's house for the weekend, said Ms. Hamada, waving at the rest of the gang. Have fun, kids. If the house is a mess when I come back on Sunday evening, I hope someone pay for the damages. At the sound of the door slamming behind her, no one said anything. However, the minute everyone heard the car driving around, they talked at once. Rin was complaining to Vance how her mother suddenly left her with insane people. Jezebelle was laughing happily and asking Jin why his best friend couldn't be more like her mother. Kristian and Bo

exchanged devious grins. Those two had the same thoughts in mind. Attention, said Rin loudly at the chattering group. Because Mother left the house to me, I must make sure that nothing bad happens to the house or the furniture. Party! said Jezebelle, waving at Rin from her seat. She really liked that chair. If you start a party, said Rin through gritted teeth. You're paying for the damages Jezebelle Tilly! Okay then, said Jezebelle, uncaring. She pointed at Jin. He'll pay for me. I never agreed to this, said Jin, dropping his jaw. But you said you would do anything to make me happy, gummy bear. That does not include destroying the Hamada's house! Besides Tilly, said Kristian, yawning. This house is way too small for a party. True, said Bo, grinning and nodding his head. This house does not have nearly enough rooms for group sex in the first place. There are only three rooms. Bo! shrieked Rin, running over and smacking him on the head. Don't give that bitch ideas! Stupid closet pervert! Bo simply grinned at her. It's a Friday night, said Jezebelle, pouting. And I'm bored. Entertain me. No one is here to entertain you, said Rin, glaring at Jezebelle. Last time I check, I'm a guest here, said Jezebelle, smirking. Everyone, let's calm down, said Bo, widening his grin. First of all, we must move our luggage to our rooms and then decide on our next course of action. You brought too much luggage, Fi, said Jin to his girlfriend. I'm not sleeping anywhere without my bag of make-up supply and other beauty products, said Jezebelle, rolling her eyes and flinging her hair back. Besides, I change clothes three to four times a day. I need enough clothes. No duh. By the way, said Rin, switching her glare to Jin. Why is she here? My parents wouldn't allow me to sleep over at your house without Fi. I see, said Rin, sighing. I guess it's understandable since they don't want her around either. I feel their pain. Say what you want, Shortie, said Jezebelle, laughing evilly. I'm at your house and I'll make sure you remember my stay. Sounds delightful, said Vance, taking out his cell to call his parents. He didn't exactly tell them he was staying over or that he would be needing a couple of clothes. In any case, said Kristian, interrupting anyone else. I'm calling the Master bedroom! Right then, Bo blocked Kristian's way to the bedrooms. Come on Bo. We're cool remember? Why are you doing this? This is Hamada-sama's house, said Bo gently. Hamada-sama decides. Spoken like her true knight. Of course, said Bo, allowing Rin to move up to him. What will it be Hamada-sama? How should we take care of the sleeping arrangements for the night? Just to let you know, Bo, said Rin, pointing at her senior friend. There is no way in hell you're sleeping in the same room as me. I forbid it. You're no fun like always, Hamada-sama, said Bo, sighing and grinning at the same time. How do you want this done then? Logically, said Jin, coming over to the rest of the group with Jezebelle. Fi and Rin-chan should sleep in the same room because they are both girls. No thank you, said Rin, turning her head from Jezebelle. Like I want to sleep in the same room as you, Shortie, said Jezebelle with a sneer. I'm afraid that ego of yours might be too much, said Rin in response. I'm afraid your nerdiness will rub off on me, said Jezebelle, sticking her tongue out mockingly at Rin.

How does this work then? asked Jin, frowning. If the two girls don't pair up, how can we sleep in the same house? Why are you three staring at me like I'm a ghost? Indeed, Bo, Kristian, and Vance were staring at Jin like he was a ghost because of his words. Bo grabbed the other two boys and huddled them in a circle. Vance did not know why he was chosen but he didn't care enough to walk away. Jin is an idiot, said Kristian in a low tone. Obviously, said Vance. Jin's like this, Vance, said Bo, reassuring the pale boy. He doesn't care for real life girls at all. And he's been molded so well by his parents that he is very chivalric and moralistic. He doesn't see the wonders of being in the same house as two girls. But we are normal men and normal men see the advantage in this situation. It's hopeless for you though, said Kristian, frowning sadly at Bo. Rin-chan is definitely not going to share a room with you. She said so herself. Who says that I'm aiming for Hamada-sama? asked Bo in surprise. Vance stared at the other two, bored. I'm trying to work this situation to my advantage in a way that I can share a room with Fi. Bo grinned proudly. Fi's hot. I don't care about her attitude or personality, she's still hot. I want to be with my Rin-chan, said Kristian, licking his lips. Bo lifted a brow. Did you know she has C-cups? I felt them. She does? asked Vance, trying to make sense of this. I know she does, said Bo, widening his grin at Kristian. I offered to help her mother with laundry once. That's smart, Bo. I respect you now. Does she wear frilly underwear? You think Hamada-sama does? Maybe she has a daring side to her? We decided, said Rin, breaking into their discussion. Bo and Kristian were stunned that Rin were talking it over with Jin over on the other side and so fast too. The other boy looked a bit overwhelmed for some reason. I'll be having my room to myself. Why Hamada-sama? asked Bo, disappointed. Shouldn't we split it evenly? That's the logical solution, said Rin, shaking her head. However, that is out of the question. I don't trust any of you guys in the same room as me. No offense Vance. You're not as bad as the rest of them but it's a girl issue here. I hope you understand. I understand, said Vance, nodding. Then how about Tilly? asked Kristian, lifting a brow at Jezebelle. You did not think I'll allow any of you guys to be with her do you? asked Rin angrily, placing her hands on her hips. As much as I hate this arrangement, it's the only one that works. Jin is with Jezebelle of course! They're going out after all! I hate you Jin, said Bo with a grin. Me too, said Kristian, glaring. Congrats, said Vance, shrugging. You know, said Jezebelle, waving at the other boys with a devious smile. I don't mind sharing a room with two boys. It's double the excitement. I'll love that. Slut, said Rin under her breath. No, Fi, said Jin, grabbing Jezebelle's wrist firmly. Everyone was shocked at how aggressive Jin suddenly became. It's one thing cheating on me behind my back. It's a whole different story if you cheat on me in front of my face. I told you, said Jezebelle, climbing the stairs with Jin. I'm a bitch, not a whore. I explained this to you a million times! Did I just hear that correctly? asked Kristian to Bo as they followed the other two up the stairs. Rin trailed behind with Vance.

I think he meant it too, said Bo with gleaming eyes. So we can cheat with his girlfriend on him as long as he doesn't know about it... Interesting... Bo! cried Jin from the top of the stairs, annoyed. No one can take a joke around here, said Bo, shaking his head. Rin, said Vance, sighing. I don't want to sleep in the same room as those two. I know, said Rin, frowning. Just bear with it for now. I'm sorry. I can sleep in a tree if I must, said Vance quickly. Rin laughed softly at the serious expression on his face. I just don't want to share a bed or room with... anybody. If you want, said Rin, thinking. I can pull out the bed from the couch in my living room. It's really dusty and uncomfortable though... I'll live, said Vance. Thanks. No problem. While Rin showed Vance around her room, Bo and Kristian went to the Master bedroom to unpack their stuff. However, Jezebelle managed to knock both of the boys out of the Master bedroom and dragged Jin inside with her at the same time. Bo and Kristian thought better of it to fight with a girl over bedrooms and simply went to the guest room instead. At least, they were both relieved to find out from Rin that Vance wouldn't be joining them. Three guys in the same room smelled trouble. Jin and Tilly are sharing the same room, said Kristian, sighing. Bo shook his head in agreement. And I can't even stay in the same room as my girlfriend? What the fuck is going on here? We are more passionate than those two! Passionate? asked Bo, gaping. Don't listen to him, Bo, said Rin, sticking her head in to check up on him. There's nothing 'passionate' going on between Kristian and I. We are as loveless as the other two. Then, Hamada-sama, said Bo, walking up to Rin with an interrogating look on his face. Why does Kristian tell me that he has touched your breasts before? I did not know you two have moved on to that level so fast. What? cried Rin, blushing bright red. Vance watched since he was curious as well. No! Kristian was being playful! We were playing a game! And I was ignoring him and he was trying to get me to not ignore him and that's all! It was just a game? laughed Bo. Yes, said Rin, relieved. To make it even, said Bo, lowering his head to her and grinning deviously. Let me have a feel too, Hamada-sama. Let's play this game too. No, said Rin, horrified and backing away from Bo. I'm stronger than you, Hamada-sama, said Bo, reminding her of this obvious fact. You touch me, said Rin, bumping her head against the nearest wall. You're dead! Kristian, shouldn't you do something? You're right, said Kristian, smirking and moving toward Rin with Bo. Let's both jump Rin-chan, Bo. You get top. I get bottom. You perverts! Knock it off, said Vance, sighing. The three stopped in their tracks and looked over at Vance. He was just minding his own business. You two had your fun. Leave Rin alone. Finally, someone who doesn't think with his body, said Rin, relieved. You should join us, Vance, said Kristian, motioning for Vance to come over. Rin stared horrified at him. With the strength of the three of us, we can easily jump Rin-chan. She's cute isn't she? You want a piece of her too? Listen to you, Kristian, said Rin angry. You're supposed to be my boyfriend! Yeah, said Kristian, glaring. The one you kicked out of your own room. Men shouldn't hold grudges.

I'm better than men, said Kristian, winking at her. I'm God. I'm Kristian. You're unbelievable, said Rin, gasping. I pass, said Vance at last. Kristian and Bo gave him questioning looks. Vance smirked. Sorry but... I don't like to share. Hey Bo, said Kristian, smirking. I like this guy. Same here. I can't believe these people... said Rin, moving past them and toward the Master bedroom. Let's check up on the other two who have been too quiet. That's a good sign, said Bo, grinning. That means they're not at it like animals yet. They are so quiet with their sex life. I'm pleasantly surprised you allow Jin to be with Fi after you went knocking on his house the other day. Change of heart, Hamada-sama? This is my house, said Rin, sighing. It doesn't matter if they're sharing the same room if I can watch and hear them from nearby... I don't mind seeing Tilly naked, said Kristian as the group stopped in front of the closed door. I just don't want to see Jin naked you get me? It'll be awkward. No one's naked Kristian! cried Rin angrily. They are not naked! Definitely not! I'm taking bets, Bo, said Kristian, smirking at his newfound friend. Who do you think will be on top? Jin or Tilly? Tilly, said Vance and Bo in unison. Wow! We must be triplets! Same thoughts! Would you be quiet Kristian? asked Rin with blushed cheeks. Why are you waiting her for? Give them time to dress up? asked Kristian, annoyed. Go on, brave one. Go in and see what's up. Like I said, I would rather not see Jin naked. Though, said Bo, rubbing his chin in thought. At the chance of seeing Fi naked, I might actually take that risk. It's worth it, don't you think? She'll be on top after all. Bo, you're like my new best friend, said Kristian, hitting his forehead with a laugh. Why didn't I think of that? You are the King of this stuff, Bo. I'm impressed. What can I say? asked Bo, grinning. I live for this stuff. What kind of porn do you watch? Hm... let's see... You two! shrieked Rin. Shut up will you? I'm trying to decide how to approach this! Should I burst in or walk in slowly on them? I don't even know why Rin-chan tries to hide it, said Kristian, sighing and patting Bo on the back. She so wants to see Jin naked. She just can't admit it because she's a woman and women are not supposed to be perverted on the outside. No, that's not it Kristian, said Bo with a shake of his head. Hamada-sama does want to see Jin naked and she's not hiding it, but she's contemplating if she wants to see Fi on top of Jin. You know how much she hates those two together. Good point, said Kristian, nodding. Is jealousy at work here? Rin couldn't take it anymore. You're both dead! If you can't do it, Rin, said Vance suddenly, interrupting them all. Rin was ready to destroy them and since Vance sensed it, he stopped her. I'll do it. Wait! By then, it was too late. Vance had already opened the door and went inside before the other three. Rin, Bo, and Kristian noticed that there were no obvious sexual noise so they rushed in after Vance to see what was going on with Jin and Jezebelle. The three gasped to find that Jin was climbing in from the tree outside the window with a giant teddy bear in his arms in which Jezebelle tried to hide from them unsuccessfully. What is going on here? asked Rin with her jaw dropped. I knew this plan wouldn't work, Fi, said Jin, falling to the ground with the teddy

bear on top of him. We should have brought Jezebelle junior in with the rest of your luggage. It would have made things easier. You fool! cried Jezebelle, removing the teddy bear from his back and sitting on Jin now. Stop lying! This teddy bear is definitely not for me and its name is definitely not Jezebelle junior. You need this teddy bear for yourself right peanut butter? Right, said Jin with an innocent grin at his friends. Wow, said Kristian, staring straight at Jezebelle. You of all people have a cute side Tilly? What in the world? Am I dreaming? This is not my teddy bear! Look at that, Hamada-sama, said Bo, pointing at the teddy bear in Jezebelle's arms. Doesn't Fi look so cute hugging that life-size teddy bear? Why can't you be as adorable as she for once, Hamada-sama? Why won't you people listen? shrieked Jezebelle, bouncing on top of Jin. It's not my teddy bear! It's my boyfriend's teddy bear! Really, said Vance, walking over to the stubborn girl. He tried to pull the teddy bear away from Jezebelle but she refused to release it. Then why are you holding onto it like your life depended on it? It's just your boyfriend's teddy bear right? I'm protecting it for him, said Jezebelle, nodding firmly. I want to touch it, said Kristian, running over. I want to see what's so special about this teddy bear, said Bo grinning and heading to Jezebelle as well. So cute, said Rin, poking the soft teddy bear too. So soft. Stop it! Stop touching Jezebelle junior with your filthy hands! cried Jezebelle hopelessly at last. She couldn't take it anymore. She hugged it closer to her. You fucking people are infecting it with your fucking germs! Leave my teddy bear alone you assholes! It's her teddy bear, said the three boys in unison. I told you it was useless to hide it, said Jin from under her. Shut up, said Jezebelle, running to the bed with her teddy bear in her arms. It's so embarrassing... my reputation... my pride... all went down the drain because- Jezebelle placed the teddy bear carefully on her bed and proceeded to stepping on Jin. you're too fucking slow to get it here two minutes earlier you turtle feet! Stop it Fi, said Jin, catching her feet by accidentally and sending her tumbling down on top of him. The other four watched, speechless. What the? You're so light Fi! Do you really weigh over a hundred pounds? I hate you! You dumb shit! Stop hitting me! You deserve it you lousy... lousy... jello! Jello?! That's right! You're gelatin! You suck that much! At the sight of Jezebelle in between Jin's legs in a mini-skirt and smacking Jin with her hands all over his chest and her chest against his stomach, the other boys could not help but stare and drool. Vance could not gather enough willpower to look away from them either. Rin wanted to run in and save Jin but at the moment, she was caught off-guard as well. Besides, Bo held her arm and wouldn't allow her to rescue him. He was having too much fun watching this. He would remember this image for a while. I said knock it off, said Jin in a dangerous voice. Somehow, he forced Jezebelle below him now. The pretty girl gaped up at him. It's no big deal! There's nothing wrong with you needing a teddy bear to sleep at night! This is not good, said Bo, tilting his head to one side. Jin rarely uses his outdoor voice with a girl.

That's cause you refuse to sleep in the same bed as me! said Jezebelle fiercely, glaring up at him. This mess would have never happened if you just sleep with me like the other day when we were handcuffed together! When were they handcuffed together? asked Rin to Bo, who shrugged. I did not think Jin even knows what that means, said Kristian admittedly. That was an emergency, said Jin in response. This is not an emergency! I respect you as a woman! I refuse to share the same bed as you Fi! I can't decide between respecting or disrespecting him, said Kristian awkwardly. I like to say that as a person, he's doing the right thing, said Bo, shaking his head. But as a man, he fails. He fails so hard. Are you're implying men are not people? asked Rin curiously at the other two. Yeah, said Bo and Kristian in unison. We're like animals really, said Bo, shrugging. Or at least until our hormones die down a bit, said Kristian with a nod. Are you two listening to yourselves? asked Rin, dropping her head. Vance patted her on the back, though he had the same thoughts as them. I don't need someone like you as a boyfriend then! shouted Jezebelle, knocking Jin off her and standing up straight. You're useless to me! I rather date a jerk and a pervert than you! I can't stand guys who has no manliness to them whatsoever! Wait Fi! The four bystanders watched Jezebelle left the room in irritation with Jin hurrying to a standing position and chasing after her. However, Bo grabbed onto Jin's collar on the way out to stop him from proceeding any further. What do you guys want now? asked Jin in a tired voice. She won't go anywhere, said Bo reasonably. Like at the grocery store yesterday, she has no sense of direction in this new town. Shouldn't I still chase after her because it's my duty as a boyfriend? No, Jin, said Kristian with a shake of his head. It's tiring and worthless. Women hate to listen to reason when they're angry. You have to give them time to cool down first and then explain things later. You still need a long way to go with women, Jin. I know that... said Jin, sighing. You do know that you fought with your girlfriend over a teddy bear right? asked Vance, lifting a brow. You are full of epic fails like always. Now, I remember why we don't get along, said Jin, narrowing his eyes at Vance. Yes, said Vance, amused. Because it means so much to get along with you. I don't know what to say really, said Rin sadly, intervening. I've always wanted you to fight and break up with that bitch but now, I don't feel so good. My Rin-chan is so cute, said Kristian hugging her from the side. Rin did not have enough energy to fight him off. She has a conscience. Isn't that so adorable? Makes up for your lack of one, said Rin at last. Look at that, said Kristian, helping her toward the door. Your ill remarks toward me are back again. And yes, I'm glad for that Rin-chan because that implies we are together. Couples need to look out and help each other right? Why do I even bother arguing with you? I know huh? asked Kristian, giving her a cocky look. Because you're always wrong and I'm always right. Oh look at that! Another contrast that fits so perfectly! Shut up, Kristian. I'm getting a headache. What a lively group, said Bo happily, passing by the group and heading downstairs. He stopped at the first few steps and glanced up. I'll be ordering pizza now for dinner. What toppings would everyone like? Bo was the master of changing the subject like

always. Mushroom, said Rin without a thought. Classic pepperoni, said Kristian with a bright smile. Chicken, said Vance with a nod. Anything is fine with me except peppers, said Jin with a shiver of fear. Oh and Jin, said Bo, returning to Jin's side and patting him on the shoulder in a friendly way. Use this time to set up the game systems. I'll take care of Fi. I knew Jin would bring video games, said Kristian, wrapping his arms around Jin's shoulders. Which system did you bring? All of them? The 360 and the Wii, said Jin proudly. My precious PS3 needs to stay home. We can play Brawl all evening then, said Kristian, smirking. I'll kick your ass in Brawl Jin! Watch yourself! You can't beat Mario and I, said Jin, determined. We're as one. Lame Jin. The video game talk again, said Rin with a sigh. Can we not play video games for once? Is that all you people think about? Yes, said Kristian and Jin in unison, still staring fiercely at each other. You don't play video games Rin? asked Vance softly. No, said Rin, shaking her head. It's too addicting and I don't have time. You? I play, said Vance, shrugging. But I'm more into computer games. I see. Meanwhile downstairs, Bo went on his merry way to the refrigerator where a list of phone numbers awaited him. He found the right number and started dialing the digits on his cell phone when he noticed that Jezebelle was sitting by herself in that same seat with her legs held up against her chest. Bo paused in his dialing. We're having pizza, Fi, said Bo, grinning at her and sitting down next to her. What toppings would you like? I'm not eating, said Jezebelle stubbornly. I know pizza has a lot of calories but it's just one night, said Bo with a reassuring smile. You can diet all you want tomorrow when I'll most likely be cooking instead. I'll make you whatever dish you want. I'll be fine, said Jezebelle with a sigh. I have no appetite. You'll run out of energy, Fi, said Bo warningly. I've gone three days without eating anything but bread before, said Jezebelle in a growl. I'll live one day without food! Plus, I need to lose some weight! Leave me alone! Fi, said Bo, placing his cell phone on the table and edging closer to her. Jezebelle did not back away. Why are you so mad at Jin? Is it because he's such a perfect gentleman? I would imagine most girls enjoying that. If you haven't noticed, said Jezebelle acidly. I am not like most girls. Oh, I've noticed, said Bo, grinning. Most girls would push their boyfriends off the bed if they try to make a perverted move. You, on the other hand, are encouraging him but he's the one who fights it off. Exactly, said Jezebelle, scowling. Is he really asexual? I wonder that myself, said Bo, nodding. Why can't I have a more normal boyfriend? Someone who is perverted enough and manly enough. Someone who doesn't play video games all day and has enough experience with girls to know how to satisfy me. Bo pointed at himself. Me? That's true, said Jezebelle with a sigh. Bo continued to grin. I would have an easier time if you were my boyfriend, Giant.

Most definitely. By the way, why are you so nice to me? Why are you here talking to me when you should be protecting your precious Queen? Vance is doing a wonderful job protecting her, said Bo, chuckling. I do more harm than good to her most of the time anyways. I noticed, said Jezebelle, smirking. And the reason why I'm being so nice to you is because you're my best friend's girlfriend, said Bo, nodding. But I guess I'm nice to girls in general. I hate seeing a girl by herself like this. Jezebelle pouted and turned away. Plus, I have yet to receive an answer from you regarding a pizza topping. I won't leave you alone until you give me one. I like ordinary cheese, said Jezebelle in a tired voice. But I'm not eating. I'll order it anyways, said Bo, picking up his cell phone again. Giant, said Jezebelle, gaining his attention again. If I ask you out... I'll be flattered, said Bo immediately, grinning. But I have to say no because you won't ask me out on the first place. That's not your style. Jezebelle kept her eyes away from him, trying to hide the cold truth to herself. And I hate to get in between your precious relationship with Jin. You two should get your own television show. We are not a comedy pair, said Jezebelle, annoyed. Comedy pair is Hamada-sama and I, said Bo in correction. Jezebelle lifted a brow. You two belong in... a drama show. That's it. What will it take for you to never mention this again? asked Jezebelle suddenly. Eat pizza with us and join us upstairs. I accept, said Jezebelle fiercely, standing up and strutting toward the stairs. Giant, make that pineapple and sausage instead! I'll need all the energy I can get to attack that slug for the night! I wonder if she knows how many jokes I can make out of that line, said Bo, amused at how his words affected her. How should I do this... so many toppings... Bursting into the Master bedroom, Jezebelle gawked to find that Jin and Kristan were playing a match against each other on some video game in front of the television. Rin was busy reading manga on the bed with Vance, who had his eyes on the television screen. This did not deter Jezebelle's determination however. She went straight up to Jin and kicked his leg. Immediately, Jin paused the game and beamed at the sight of her. Fi! You're back! I haven't forgiven you, rotten egg, said Jezebelle, kicking him some more to his side. I am here to tell you that just because I hate you, it doesn't mean I will sulk over you! You're not worth my time! When a woman say that to you, said Kristian, stretching his long arms. That means she really has forgiven you but she just wants to make herself sound cool. Shiratori, you think you're cool huh? asked Jezebelle, placing her hands firmly on her waist. But guess what? You're no better than my stupid boyfriend! You're here playing video games with him on a Friday night! This is the phrase in a woman's anger cycle when she is so in denial that she lashes out on every male in the room, said Kristian, patting Jin on the shoulder. Cool people don't play video games on a Friday night, said Jezebelle daringly. Says you, said Kristian, placing the controller on the ground and standing up to her. How much do you want to bet that if I throw a video game party, everyone in the school will participate? I mean, Kristian shrugged. It's me after all. Who would refuse an invitation by me? They might come but they'll think how lame you are, said Jezebelle in retort. You know what's so funny about video game haters like you? asked Kristian, holding

her chin in his hand. It's because you can't beat anyone for shit. Now, that is lame. I can beat you at video games, said Jezebelle fiercely. I can if I try! Right, said Kristian, sitting back down next to Jin. I can look prettier than you in a dress if I try too but it's not going to happen either! Get out of here you sore loser. Like anyone wants to see you in a dress, said Jezebelle, wrapping her arms in front of her chest and smirking at him. You'll just embarrass yourself further, Shiratori. Like anyone wants to see you suck at video games, said Kristian in retort. You'll just embarrass yourself further, Tilly. That's it! shrieked Jezebelle, running up and grabbing Kristian's silver Gamecube controller. I can play this shit. How hard can it be? It has like what? Four buttons? Six buttons if you don't count the start button, said Jin in correction. Who gives a fuck? said Jezebelle out of frustration. I just click buttons. I just move this stick thingy around. That's all right? Women should stick to looking pretty and leave the gaming to us men, said Kristian, licking his lips. Sexist, said Jezebelle, glaring at him. Then, Jezebelle whirled on Rin, who was watching the show now. And you seem awfully calm Shortie! My boyfriend's a sexist pig, said Rin, shrugging. Kristian beamed at her. I already knew that. But that still doesn't change the fact that he's good at video games. Wow, said Jezebelle, gaping. I lost all respect for you. You never had any for me in the first place, said Rin, irritated. Can you diss yourself any further? asked Jezebelle, amazed. Everyone in the world is sexist and everyone here is even more sexist, said Vance. Vance? asked Rin, surprised. And everyone here is acting childish, continued Vance. Give it a break. I'm only trying to prove a point here, Vance, said Kristian with a sigh. You can prove it without mocking her, said Vance, irritated. If you want to prove that you're better than Tilly, play her already. You people are so intelligent. Yeah, said Jin at last, smiling. Let's play this off. Let's make this even more interesting, said Bo, walking in the room with a grin on his face. I know a good video rental store nearby. We can watch a movie while eating pizza. How about the winner gets to pick the movie? Good idea, Bo, said Rin with an approving nod. Except Jin will win everyone... That is why we'll play in teams, said Bo, grinning. Everyone else paled. What is the point in a sleepover without bonding right? And I don't mean the other type of bonding for once. How about it? How should we play this out? Random then, said Vance, shrugging. Do you even know how to play? asked Jin to Vance in a harsher voice than he anticipated. Talk is useless, said Vance solemnly. Action speaks louder than words. In the end, Jezebelle found herself in the same team as Vance. Bo and Rin were on the same team. Unfortunately for the four of them, the two big-shots were together on the same team due to luck. As much as the rest of them wanted to complain, they remained silent. Thanks to luck again, the Rin and Bo team were against the Jin and Kristian team. Vance Gray right? asked Jezebelle in the corner with Vance. You can call me Gray, said Vance without hesitating. I have no idea what I am getting myself into, said Jezebelle through gritted teeth. And those two video game nerds are on the same team. We need to make a game plan ahead of time if we want to win. Interesting, said Vance, thinking. Is this what you call competitive?

I am a very competitive person, said Jezebelle, smirking. I noticed, said Vance, blinking at her. I got it, said Jezebelle, standing up and motioning Vance to follow her. The two of them went to Rin's room where the computer was on. You teach me how to play while I think of a master plan to win them. How about it? The buttons corresponding with the controls are simple, said Vance, clicking the mouse and typing quickly to an Internet page about the game play of Super Smash Bros. Brawl. But the hard part is the combination of moves you can execute. Wait a second, said Jezebelle, gaping at the screen and pointing at a screen shot. Are you telling me that the purpose of this video game is to beat other characters up until you successfully knock them off the screen? Yes, said Vance, confused. Why didn't you say so earlier? cried Jezebelle with fiery eyes. If there is one thing I'm good at, it's violence! Fuck yes! A fighting game to beat other people up! An all-out war! I'm going to so enjoy this. You are a very strange girl, said Vance at the sound of Jezebelle laughing diabolically. Here, I will run through the basic rules, the smashes, the dodging, and everything else. However, you need to pick a character. Pick for me, said Jezebelle, placing a firm hand on Vance's shoulder. Pick the strongest, most bad-ass character in the entire game. That's an obvious choice then, said Vance, clicking at the character's profile on the website. Is he who you're looking for? Perfect, said Jezebelle, impressed. You're good with this. I know everything you need to know about the Internet and more, said Vance, pulling up a file for Jezebelle to scan. I am a computer expert. A computer nerd, said Jezebelle, lifting a brow. You can call it that I suppose, said Vance, browsing through the page. What plan do you have in mind anyways? You'll see, said Jezebelle with a smirk, keeping her eyes on the tutorial on how to play. You don't have to be skilled at video games to win at one. Heh... Meanwhile, while Jezebelle and Vance thought of a game plan, Bo and Rin were losing badly to the Kristian and Jin pair. Unlike his usual self, whenever Jin was into a video game, he became a completely different person. Rin cringed as she lost her last life and started stamping her foot out of anger. You take care of Bo, Jin, said Kristian, dropping his controller and leaving his character immobilize. Kristian went over to Rin and threw his arms around her shoulders. It's okay, my lovely Rin-chan. You know you can't beat me so why even try? Shut up, said Rin, fuming. I'll give you a kiss to make you feel better. Hell no, said Rin, running around the room with Kristian on her trail. Leave me alone you egotistic bastard! Bo glanced one at the two once before he returned his eyes on the screen. It was sad that his partner Lucas had to die so early in the game but he must stay alive as long as possible in order to make his Queen feel better. During the time they played together, he wasn't too serious about his game play until now. As much as Bo loved Mario as a character, Bo hated it in Jin's hands. The boy was invincible with any character he picked. Jin was a true gamer if there ever was one. You are a hard opponent, said Jin in a deep, manly voice that he rarely used unless he was in video game mode. But the power of the plumber cannot be beaten by that

pathetic, fan service character that doesn't have a real Smash Ball mood. Samus does too, said Bo with a grin. It makes her sexier. You cannot violate Samus with your eyes as such, said Jin with a dark glint in his eyes. Mario and I will never allow such an evil deed to befall her. I might have one life left, said Bo, humming to a song every time Jin talked. But I will not die that easily unless- What the hell are you wearing bitch? The minute Bo heard Rin's comment about Jezebelle he accidentally killed his own character in which he simply grinned at Jin like he did that on purpose. Jin was unaffected by Rin's words unlike Bo because he was in game mode. However, now that Bo's Samus lost her last life, Jin managed to remove his eyes off the screen and at his girlfriend. At the sight of her, he lost all color in his face. By this time, Bo had already made his way to her. What? asked Jezebelle innocently at a glaring Rin. It's hot in here. I agree, said Kristian, almost drooling. Maybe I should join you in your- Rin grabbed a hold of Kristian's arm with a threatening glare at him before he could take off his shirt. Or not. Fi, said Jin, exasperated. The Korean boy stood in front of his girlfriend and held his arms in front of her protectively in front of his friends. Why are you wearing your sleeping clothes now? I said it already, said Jezebelle, annoyed. It's hot in here. Go back in your room and change, said Jin with a sigh. No, said Jezebelle, wrapping her arms in front of her loose black shirt that only covered her chest. I wear whatever I want whenever I want. You can't make me change. Yeah, Jin, said Bo, pushing Jin aside and holding Jezebelle's hand in a knightly way. You may wear whatever you like Fi. May I suggest that clothes are optional as well? Clothes are mandatory, shrieked Rin who now turned to Vance behind Jezebelle. You're the reasonable one, Vance. Say something! Outer appearances are pointless, said Vance, glancing at Jezebelle who smirked at him. More importantly, I find it unfair to have a real match if Tilly doesn't at least practice her character for an hour or so. This is her first time touching a video game after all. Fair enough, said Kristian, shrugging. I'll win no matter what. That's fine with me, said Jin, smiling at his girlfriend. Now about your clothes... I'm not changing, said Jezebelle stubbornly, forcing her way through the crowds. She was wearing black shorts that was too skimpy for both Jin and Rin. The others didn't mind though. I need to practice to whoop your sorry asses. You're both going to be my bitches tonight. Scary, said Jin, hiding behind Bo. I'll join you, said Vance, sitting down next to Jezebelle despite Rin's protest. What should we do now? asked Kristian to Rin when suddenly his cell phone started ringing. Checking the call ID, Kristian paled slightly and laughed uneasily. I need to take this one for a second, okay my cute fidanzata? What does 'fidanzata' mean? asked Rin after Kristian as he left the room. Hello there, baby, said Kristian, laughing and closing the door behind him. Long time no talk. Speak to me. Fidanzata means girlfriend in Italian, said Bo with a firm nod. Why do you always know such random stuff? asked Rin in awe at Bo. He called me 'ragazza' before too. What does that mean then? Ragazza literally means girl but since it's Kristian, its slang meaning is also girlfriend, said Bo, rubbing his chin. Kristian can speak Italian? asked Rin with a dropped jaw.

Kristian's trilingual, said Jin, interrupting the other two. He can speak Italian, Japanese, and English fluently. According to him, he can also speak Spanish, Chinese, and Korean but I never heard him speak myself. Why is that bastard such a genius? groaned Rin, slamming her head against the nearest wall in defeat. But no, he has to waste his intelligence like this! It drives me nuts. Why won't he use it for the good of humanity? Back, said Kristian in a sing-song voice. Who was that? asked Jin curiously. My ex, said Kristian carelessly. She still loves me. What's up? You can speak Korean, Chinese, and Spanish? asked Rin angrily. I'm in your Spanish class, said Kristian in reminder. I know some Korean and Chinese, yeah, why do you ask my fidanzata? Do you want to know more about me? No, just wondering, said Rin, slightly grouchy now. If you must know, said Kristian, picking up Rin's chin. I can say 'I love you' in twenty different languages. You want to hear Rin-chan? No thank you, said Rin, smacking his his hand away. I see how it is, said Kristian, noticing the stares from Jin and Bo at him. Kristian lowered his head over Rin's ear and lowered his voice. I'll tell you another time when we're alone. I promise. Flirt, said Rin, rolling her eyes. Excuse me, said Vance, suddenly standing behind the four of them. I hate to be rude but- In a matter of minutes, Vance managed to have all four of them outside of the Master Bedroom. Tilly needs to concentrate and as her trainer, I have to ask everyone to leave her alone until forty minutes later. Blinking at the closed door, Kristian was the first one to react by slamming and banging on the locked door. Bo was shaking his head and muttering how lucky Vance was to have Jezebelle all for herself. Rin was plain annoyed. Jin did not know what to think so he did not know any visible reaction to this. Before any of them could do anything, Kristian's cell phone started ringing again. However, this time, Rin snatched it from him in time. Lizzy, said Rin, reading the name out loud. Who's this? My other ex, said Kristian, blinking innocently. How often do they call you? asked Rin in a stern voice. I don't know, said Kristian, pouting. I don't keep count. How many girlfriends have you had before me? asked Rin, raising her voice slightly. Ten? Eleven? asked Kristian, thinking. Bo and Jin slowly backed away from the two and began to walk down the stairs. No, twelve. Yes, I had twelve girlfriends before you, Rin-chan. Why? How many of them call you this often? asked Rin, lifting a brow. Eleven of them, said Kristian bitterly. Oh? What happen to Miss Twelfth? Suddenly, Kristian's eyes lost its previous playfulness, causing Rin to jump back in defense. Glancing away, Kristian abruptly took his cell phone back from Rin and hung up on Lizzy. He turned off the cell phone immediately afterwards. Lastly, he pocketed it and turned his back on Rin. For your info, she's Miss One, said Kristian in a low tone. And I never want to hear her fucking voice again. Kristian... said Rin with wide eyes. Forget it, said Kristian, facing Rin with a playful smile on his face. It's nothing. How about we talk while Vance and Tilly are training? I mean that's the point of me staying over right? I promise I won't do anything funny to you.

Okay... said Rin, guilty for asking him about his former girlfriend. Rin-chan, said Jin, climbing back up the stairs with a black bag in his hands. Yes, said Rin with a sigh. You can plug your 360 to the television downstairs. All right! Halo! Watching Jin retreat downstairs, Rin glanced back at Kristian who now went inside her room with his hands in his pockets. Worried about him, Rin followed him inside. Kristian laid down on her bed and held his hands up to shield his eyes from the bright light bulb. Slowly, Rin moved up to him and sat on the empty spot on her bed. About that... I don't want to talk about it. I know, said Rin slowly, reddening slightly. I didn't mean to be nosy. I wasn't trying to be aggressive on purpose either, said Kristian apologetically. I... said Rin and Kristian in unison. They both glanced away. Kristian, said Rin, blushing slightly out of embarrassment at the thought. May I ask you about your family? Kristian returned his eyes to her in surprise. If you don't want to talk about it, it's perfectly fine! I don't want to be too nosy! If you want someone to listen to you talk, then- Suddenly, Rin found herself against Kristian's chest. Usually, she would smack him or attack him in any physical way to rid of him. But earlier, Kristian told her that he would not do anything funny to her. He promised this and Rin believed him. So timidly, Rin wrapped her arms around him and held him close to her. Despite his personality, he had such a warm body... so warm that it surprised her. I'm a... Kristian paused for a second before he sighed. I'm a bastard child. A bastard child? Jinx is too, said Kristian, releasing his hold on Rin slightly. She's a bastard child too. My cousin Rex is also a bastard child. Almost my entire family are in bad terms with my great grandfather, including my parents. I guess I just come from a hell of a messed up family but whatever, it's cool. Is that why you don't have any motivation to work hard in school? No, said Kristian, chuckling. My family has nothing to do with that. Then, said Rin, frowning. Why are you like this... Because I feel like it? asked Kristian, shrugging. I mean Jinx has a more messed up childhood than me because unlike me, she doesn't have a dad and she does well in school nevertheless. It has to do with the person I guess. You have a mother and a father, said Rin in realization. Then why do you call yourself a bastard child? Doesn't a bastard child mean your mother and father never legitimately got married and had you? Or is my definition outdated? Yeah... said Kristian, standing up now. That's the definition... Kristian? I really don't want to talk about that, said Kristian quickly, smiling. All I know is that I love my parents and they love me. That's what matters right? My family background has nothing to do with how I act. I act like this because I want to. I don't want you to think that some sort of shitty outside force is motivating me to do this. I understand, said Rin, almost sadly. I'm born a rebel and I like it, said Kristian, winking at her. When you rebel against an authority figure, you're basically saying 'I don't give a shit about how much power you have'. Wouldn't it be boring if everyone were to listen to everyone else? Can you imagine how much teachers can and will abuse their powers without students like me? Rin's eyes widened, speechless. I actually never thought about it that way... I'm actually helping students like you from being overpowered by stupid authority

figures, said Kristian, gasping and shaking his head. He grabbed Rin's hands and pressed them close to his chest. You should thank me Rin-chan! I'm your savior! Oh my God, said Rin, hitting the palm of her hand against her forehead. You see? asked Kristian, grinning now. I'm such a nice, selfless person in order to sacrifice myself for the sake of good students like you. We're perfect for each other, Rinchan. Isn't this so cool? I can't believe you Kristian. What did I do wrong? Somehow... said Rin, stopping and shaking her head frantically. How in the world did you convince me even for a split of a second that a class clown like you is actually good for school? Easy, said Kristian with a sparkling smile. Rin-chan, my poor fidanzata, you've just experienced what I call a 'Kristian logic bomb'. A Kristian logic bomb? Yeah, said Kristian, laughing at the blank expression on Rin's face. When people bombard you with twisted, faulty logic, you can't help but agree until you realize it's too late. Why do you think I'm in Speech and Debate for? To get into Harvard? You should become a lawyer, said Rin, pouting. But that means I have to stay in school for, said Kristian, shivering at the thought. A minimum of eight more years. Why the hell would I do that for? Kristian, you really- said Rin, pausing. Kristian stared at her in question. For a second there, Rin was sure she heard noises outside her window. Maybe it's a cat. A cat? asked Kristian, confused. I'll check, said Rin, passing Kristian and moving toward her window. However, Kristian blocked her way. What? I'll check, said Kristian, petting her on the head. I don't want anything to happen to my cute Rin-chan. You just sit your flat butt back on your bed. Rin fumed. My butt is not flat! By this time though, Kristian had already opened the window and checked the surroundings. Then, in a matter of seconds, Rin gasped to see Kristian pulling in Wendy Wilshire from the tree outside her window. Wendy fell on the floor with a box in her hands. Kristian was more shocked than Rin at the sight of the blonde girl. What were you doing outside my window? asked Rin, gaping. I'm supposed to deliver Slim Fast to a certain demanding leader, said Wendy, picking out leaves from her hair. But Jesse told me in a text message that I can't knock on the front door so I'm trying to figure out which room she's in. Wendy, said Kristian, staring at Wendy with wide eyes. What happen to you? What Kristian? asked Wendy, irked. Can't a girl change her hairstyle and clothes once in a while? What have you done to Wendy? asked Kristian, amused. Why are you two in the same bedroom then? asked Wendy, placing her hands on her hips with a smirk on her face. Suspicious... It's obvious isn't it? asked Kristian, pulling Rin to his side. She's my lover. Oh man, said Wendy, gaping. I can't wait to tell Jules about this! Jules? asked Kristian out loud. You don't mean... Let's see... said Wendy, checking her cell phone's address book for a certain phone number. It should be under the J section... Let's not Wendy, said Kristian, plucking her cell phone out of her hands and holding it high in the air. We don't need to get Juliet involved. How about I return your cell phone and never mention to anyone about you climbing trees outside Rin-chan's window if you

promise not tell Juliet? Deal? What's wrong with telling Juliet? asked Rin suddenly in a low growl. You know, complications, answered Kristian quickly. Uh-oh, said Wendy, picking up her box and walking toward the door. Lover's quarrel. I better leave before it gets nasty. Hand me my cell phone once I deliver the Slim Fast to my Leader. Ta-ta. She's in the Master Bedroom, said Rin after Wendy. It's across the hallway. Much appreciated, Rin Hamada, said Wendy with a quick wave before she closed the door behind her. Now, said Rin, grabbing a hold of Kristian's shirt. Explain yourself. You're scary for such a short girl, Rin-chan, said Kristian, backing away from her but finding it impossible to escape with her grip on him. We can talk things out in a civilized manner. It's not like I'm planning to switch to Juliet the minute we break up. Kristian! Shiratori! I'm popular, said Kristian, using this lucky opportunity to run to Jezebelle who was standing in the doorway with Wendy by her side. What is this? Feminist country? I'm sick of training, said Jezebelle in declaration with intense eyes and a daring smirk on her lips. Kristian lifted a brow. Come. I'll kick your sorry ass now. Kicking is overrated, said Kristian smugly. In your opinion, said Jezebelle, taking a drink of her Slim Fast. Fact, my dear Tilly, said Kristian, amused. Kristian passed by Jezebelle with his shoulders hunched upwards. What's so great about opinions? Everyone has one anyway. A better way to face reality? asked Rin curiously, following Kristian to the Master Bedroom. I don't accept other people's perception of reality, said Kristian, smirking at the sight of Jin and Vance ready in the room. The two were glaring at each other like always. I make my own and stick with it. Then, said Jezebelle, poking Kristian hard in the shoulder. You better get a reality check because this girl will prove that she can do anything as long as she tries whether you like it or not because- Jezebelle wrapped an arm over Wendy's shoulder. -I'm Jezebelle Phoebe Tilly.

Answers to the Character Music Game

1. Jin Song- Video Game Music 2. Rin Hamada- Japanese Boy Bands 3. Bo Sungwoo- Romantic Ballads 4. Jezebelle Tilly- Korean Hip-Hop 5. Kristian Shiratori- Rap 6. Jordan Greene- American Pop 7. Tiffany Wu- Disney Songs 8. Wendy Wilshire- Heavy Metal 9. Vance Gray- Techno 10. Edwin Gilliam- Classical Music 11. Xuan Lan Nguyen- Children Lullabies 12. Cory McCarter- Opera Hopefully, the only one that's a real shocker is Vance's since that one is hard to know ahead

of time unless you use process of elimination :)

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