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Gorgeous Geek Chapter 13: The Beauties vs the Brainies Part II

Chapter 13: The Beauties vs the Brainies Part II

Eunie, said Jennifer, creating heart shapes with her hands and gaining the other girl's attention. I have breaking news for you in regards to Kristian! Jennifer and Eunice were hanging out in the mall. They were at a table, sipping strawberry smoothies. Because of her brooding mood lately, Tiffany had been unable to participate in any activities planned by Jennifer and Eunice. They felt that it wasn't as fun without Tiffany around but then again, neither of them had been heartbroken so they thought it was best to give Tiffany room to recover. It's okay, said Eunice as bouncy and hyper as ever. I'm over him now! That's great news too, said Jennifer, grabbing Eunice's hands and holding up her cross to Eunice. May Jesus Christ be with you Eunie. Thank you Jenny, said Eunice, hopping up and down on her seat. What about the news? What is Kristian up to? Even though it's only been a rumor up to now, said Jennifer, dangling her cross pendant around for fun. It's been confirmed. Rin Hamada and Kristian Shiratori are going out for real. Isn't that just so... freaky? It is! cried Eunice with a dropped jaw. Where did you hear this from? Tiffy herself, said Jennifer with a firm nod and thumbs-up. From what I heard, Kristian went up to her and asked her to spread the news to everyone as soon as possible. Why? asked Eunice immediately, standing up now. Knowing Rin Hamada's reputation, isn't Kristian worried at all about his own sinking with hers? It's love I tell you, shrieked Jennifer. Everyone nearby stared at them. They were in the middle of the food court after all. Jennifer threw his arms dramatically around. What other reason can it be? Kristian is in love for real with Rin Hamada! It must be the Japanese blood or something. How romantic, said Eunice with sparkling eyes. The two clasped hands. To think, Rin Hamada has the power to change Kristian. It's like one of those fantasies from romance novels! The good girl walks into the bad boy's life and changes him from the inside! But usually the girl is pretty, said Jennifer, patting her chest. Rin Hamada is not. She's cute enough I suppose... Kristian is an eight on my scale, said Jennifer, twirling her thumbs in thought. If I have to rate Rin Hamada, she's a solid five. The difference is too great. Rin Hamada is better off with Vance or Bo in my opinion if based on looks alone. But Jenny, said Eunice, pouting. Isn't it more romantic if it's an unattractive girl that has the power to change someone as bad ass and cool as Kristian? I suppose, said Jennifer, tapping a finger against her cheek now. The thing is I don't get why guys are attracted to Rin Hamada. She's a nerd, a valedictorian, an otaku, a musician, and a cynical girl. What's so great about that? I don't know, said Eunice, wavering on her feet due to confusion. She has a baby face, but I don't think that's attractive... Not at all, said Jennifer, nodding. Boys prefer girls with a more mature face. Like Jezebelle Tilly or Monika Sampson. Exactly, said Jennifer in agreement. Maybe Kristian has a thing for innocent girls with innocent faces? He has strange tastes. He's into virgins after all and Rin Hamada fits that pretty well I suppose. If he wants someone like that, said Eunice, sitting down and sighing. I'm much

more fitting than Rin Hamada. Rin Hamada has argued with him for the past two years. How can he date someone like that? It's okay Eunie! cried Jennifer, wrapping her arms around Eunice and hugging the usually exuberant girl. This relationship won't last long. Even if it's love, Rin Hamada will mess it up somehow. She doesn't have feelings for him back. I'm sure of it. I'm over Kristian already! said Eunice loudly, wailing against Jennifer's shoulder now. I really am... I told myself so a million times already... And to think, said Jennifer, patting the teary Eunice on the back. Eunie is only infatuated with Kristian and already she can't forget him. How is Rin Hamada going to be like when they break up whether they're in love or not? **************************************************** Before Kristian and Jin teamed up against Jezebelle and Vance on Super Smash Brawl, Kristian called a time out and dragged Jin with him with his arm across the shorter boy's shoulder. Kristian lowered his voice just in case anyone tried to eavesdrop on their conversation. He would not put it past Jezebelle to do such a thing. I have a problem, said Kristian honestly, pocketing his hands. Oh no, said Jin, gaping. Did you break your wrist? Did you break your arm? Did you eat something bad? Are you sick? Are you getting a stomachache? Should I call the emergency room? Your parents? Hold your horses, Drama Queen, said Kristian, chuckling. And no, nothing of that sort. It's just- Kristian wavered from side to side. Your girlfriend Tilly... she... What about her? asked Jin worriedly. Is she sick? No, said Kristian, removing his arm from Jin and holding onto his shoulders. There is nothing wrong with her besides her selfish personality okay? I'm relieved then, said Jin, sighing and patting his beating heart. While we were picking characters, said Kristian, continuing on. I had a hard time concentrating on the screen thanks to her overexposed body. Chances are you might not have noticed this Jin but she's pretty hot. A real gamer never lets anything get in their way of gaming, said Jin solemnly. Kristian laughed uneasily. I'm not a real gamer, Jin. I just play because I own. If Fi's outfit is bothering you that much, said Jin sincerely, smiling at his friend. You should ignore it. Easier said than done. I'm not you Mr. Immune-To-The-Female-Species. I know, said Jin happily, hitting a fist to the palm of his hand. Pretend Fi is Rinchan. Problem solved. Problem made worse, said Kristian, scowling. He licked his lips and combed his hair once. If I pretend Rin-chan in those clothes, I might just- Kristian noticed Jin's lifted brow. -hug her. How safe do you think it'll be to hug a demon queen like Tilly? Fi is not a demon queen. Defend her all you want, Jin my friend, said Kristian, smirking. Your girlfriend is a demon queen. That is officially her new title. Wait a second, said Jin, gaping at Kristian. Do you find Rin-chan... Jin lowered his voice into a whisper. Attractive? Where did that come? And why are you so slow? Answer the question! How do I describe this in terms Jin can understand... I am not stupid, Kristian, said Jin with one, deep sigh. I just want a yes or no. I find Rin-chan as attractive as you find loli's in anime, said Kristian, thinking. Before Jin could say anything, Kristian laughed and quickly added, Without the cute part. How does that work then? asked Jin, scratching his head out of confusion.

You figure it out, said Kristian, amused. What's taking so long, leeches? asked Jezebelle, glaring at the two from the doorway. She had her hands on her hips. You're not planning on running away are you? How pathetic. I knew Asian boys were useless but not this useless. Fuck this, Jin, said Kristian, irked now. I'm taking her down now. Explain to me that loli comparison first! cried Jin after Kristian but it was already too late. Kristian had went back inside after Jezebelle. Oh well... Entering the Master Bedroom, Jin noticed that Rin and Bo were on top of the Queensize bed with a manga in front and in between the two of them. They were enjoying themselves since they both lost early on. Bitter at first, Rin was fine now. As for Bo, he was grinning like always. Jin steadied himself as he tried to concentrate and become mentally prepared for battle. He must be Mario. He must be one with Mario. Why Wolf? asked Jezebelle, jerking a brow at Kristian. Why not? asked Kristian in reply. Sometimes, you take the wolf symbolism a bit too far, said Jin grumpily, sitting down next to Kristian and picking up his controller. What's with hamburger bun? asked Jezebelle to Vance, who shrugged. He's in game mode, said Rin automatically, keeping her eyes on her manga. He becomes a completely different person when he plays a video game seriously. I guess you can say, said Bo with a gleaming grin. Jin has a split personality. A split personality? asked Jezebelle, gawking at her serious boyfriend. Only with video games though, added Rin quickly, noticing the devious look on Bo's face. Don't listen to this closet pervert. He likes to play around with words to his liking. That's not the only thing I like to play around with, said Bo, poking Rin's shoulder. Shut up, said Rin, smacking him on the head with her manga. Why stall? asked Jin suddenly, gaining everyone's attention. There were fire in Jin's eyes. How long does it take to pick your character? I'm getting impatient here. Illogical, said Vance before he moved the cursor over his character. Snake? asked Kristian out loud. You can't be serious, Vance. Because I love to joke around ever so often, said Vance sarcastically. Without talking, Jezebelle picked her character and twisted her lips into a smirk. At the sight of her character, both Kristian and Jin turned their heads over to her. She was hugging the controller so close to her chest that Kristian had to look away and calm himself down. As for Jin, he continued to stare at Jezebelle's face. You're a beginner, said Jin, unimpressed. You can't use him. I can too, rotten seed, said Jezebelle, sticking out her tongue. Don't whine to me later, said Jin, smirking at Jezebelle. It almost scared her to see him like this. You choose to be demised yourself, Fi-Fi. Fi-Fi? repeated Jezebelle. She glared at him. That sounds cute, said Bo, leaning down in between the two teams. May I call you Fi-Fi too, Fi? No! shrieked Jezebelle, moving onto the stage selection now. We're picking. Who cares, said Kristian. We're going to win anyway, said Jin right after. Is it just me or is Jin in game-mode exactly like Kristian? asked Wendy, who was sitting against the wall to the other side of Vance and playing with her bracelet. Why are you still here? asked Jin, exasperated at her. Man, he has no sense of humor anymore, said Wendy, pouting. I'm here to watch the two scariest people I know play on the same team. Is that such a crime? Jesus. Jin in game mode is sexy anyways, said Bo, amused. I bet Hamada-sama likes

that, doesn't she? You idiot, said Rin, ignoring Bo temporarily. She picked her eyes up at the screen and gaped. Bitch, are you serious? I don't even play Brawl that often and I know you can't use Ganondorf at your level. He's a top tier character. Only experts can use him! Just because I haven't picked up a video game in my life doesn't mean I'm a beginner, said Jezebelle, clicking at last on a certain stage with green grass. Green Greens? asked Kristian, lifting a brow. Are you sure Tilly? A small stage can really hurt you. I'll worry about myself, thanks bitch, said Jezebelle, flinging her hair backward. Leave the newbie alone, Kristian, said Jin, uncaring. You're really starting to piss me off, said Jezebelle through gritted teeth. Welcome to the party, said Jin, pressing quickly. Shit, said Jezebelle, clicking buttons frantically. Both of their characters are fast, Vance! Crap. Stick with the plan, said Vance quietly. Do not panic. Oh right, said Jezebelle, regaining her calmness. Hey Shiratori! Did I mention what a loser you are? I mean you're going out with Shortie over there. You know what, said Kristian, tossing Jezebelle a glance. Insult me all you like but don't drag Rin-chan into this. Kristian... said Rin, picking up her eyes at them. Two days and you're already a protective boyfriend? asked Jezebelle, laughing diabolically. Lame, Shiratori. I am not a protective boyfriend, Tilly, said Kristian through gritted teeth. Oh sure, you're so not dumb ass, said Jezebelle, running and dodging on the screen instead of attacking. Because only a dumb ass would go out with the school nerd right? Who ask who out? It must be you, Shiratori. Shortie doesn't have the guts. What do you mean by that? asked Rin angrily. Stay out of this Rin-chan, said Kristian, barking at her. I'll handle Tilly by myself. Protective boyfriend alert, said Jezebelle, shivering slightly. So uncool, Shiratori. Why are you giving off nerd vibes now? Is she affecting your head already? I guess even class clowns can be swayed by baby faces. I am not taken in by baby faces, said Kristian, smirking. Oh Tilly. You're just jealous because no guy wants you. You're tainted, bitchy, and selfish. You'll die alone and everyone will be singing out of joy! Look who's talking, said Jezebelle, unaffected by Kristian's words. This is coming from the wannabe nerd who's messing around with the real nerd. You little- Kristian, said Jin dangerously, tossing Kristian a glare. What the hell are you doing? Why haven't you been attacking anybody? Fuck that, said Kristian, fuming. You shouldn't boss him yourself, orange peel, said Jezebelle, pouting. You're no better. You are so fucking retarded that you can't even figure out the way to the restroom half the time. I can find the restroom fine, said Jin in retort. Except someone always spend over an hour in it, staring at herself in the mirror. Oh pumpkin pie, said Jezebelle cutely. That's not very nice to say about your mother. How awful! Leave my mother out of this, said Jin, tensed. Tilly, shut the fuck up will you? asked Kristian quickly. You're getting on my nerves. You and your stupid outfit is very distracting.

I can't believe you said that out loud, dummy, said Jezebelle innocently, keeping her eyes on the screen the entire time. Did you hear that Shortie? Your boyfriend just admit that he's been eye raping me this entire time! You're going to let him get away with that? Such a nice, submissive girlfriend you are. Kristian, said Rin under his breath with a low growl. Rin-chan, are you serious? asked Kristian, giving Rin a puppy look. You're going to believe her over me? I caught you staring before you cheater! That was before! You admit it! You bastard! Kristian, said Jin, clearly annoyed and upset. Would you pay more attention to the game? You haven't landed a single kill in the past how many minutes? What the heck are you doing? This isn't like you to mess up like this. Stop pressuring me, said Kristian, glaring at Jin. You're not so great yourself. What's taking you so long to kill that annoying Snake? That's because you can't keep Fi-Fi in one spot, said Jin, glaring back at Kristian. She's a freaking newbie. Can't a pro like you kill her off? It's hard to kill something that keeps dodging and running away! You can do that easily! You're faster than her! If you haven't noticed, Jin, said Kristian, shaking slightly. I am kind of busy with an accusing girlfriend here. Ignore the girl, said Jin, exasperated. You're playing here! What did you say Jin? asked Rin, smacking Jin on top of the head with her manga. Jin groaned. You are really insensitive in your game mode you idiot! My, my, said Bo, watching Rin and Jin get into an argument now with amusement on his face.. What is going on here? And why am I enjoying this so much? What the fuck? asked Kristian, breaking through Rin and Jin''s argument. Where did Snake come from? He keeps appearing out of nowhere and killing me without warning. You can't even see your opponent? asked Jezebelle, laughing evilly. And you call yourself a pro? Oh my fucking God. You're even more of a loser than I thought, Shiratori. That's it, Tilly, said Kristian, irked. I'm going full force on you. Like you can even land a blow on me, said Jezebelle tauntingly. Watch me, said Kristian, focusing his attention on the screen now. Don't be ridiculous, Kristian, said Jin, smacking his head with the controller the minute the sound of a certain smash ball rung. You shouldn't be chasing Fi-Fi when there's a smash ball right over Wolf's head! You suck then, said Kristian back to Jin. I left it to you. Yours is way better than mine, said Jin grumpily. Boom, said Vance, pressing a single button on his controller and blowing both Jin and Kristian's characters off the screen. Did I mention how much I hate Snake? asked Jin to Kristian. I can tell, said Kristian, sighing. Fucking Snake. Boom, said Vance again the minute the two characters landed after a kill to be damaged again. I love you Vance, said Jezebelle sweetly. Sure you do, said Vance, unaffected by her. Now, do your thing. Fuck yes! Before either Jin or Kristian's characters could recover from the shooting earlier, Jezebelle's character Ganondorf hit a certain bomb in the middle of the piling bricks. In a matter of seconds, both the other two boys' characters were caught in the everlasting fire

set off by the bomb. Jezebelle moved Ganondorf to the edge to watch until she thought it was safe enough to finish them off, judging from the damage. What the hell was that? asked Kristian the minute Wolf lost his last life. A glitch, said Jin, narrowing his eyes as his character came back with its last life. Glitch? asked Kristian, confused. Brawl is not perfect, said Vance in explanation. It has a couple of glitches in several maps. One of the most devastating glitches is at Green Greens. The timing and placement of the bomb has to be perfect though, said Jezebelle gleefully, dodging from Mario. I see, said Bo, rubbing his chin. So all that time Vance has been training you- Giant's right, said Jezebelle, smirking. He did not train me how to kill. He trained me how to dodge and run away, even with a slow character like this dude. He also taught me the glitch so I knew how to execute it perfectly. You two never planned to fight us head on from the start, said Jin in a low voice. No shit Sherlock, said Jezebelle, sticking her tongue out at Jin. How am I supposed to beat two pros? Duh. I had to use my head. I had to think of a strategy. That's my Leader, said Wendy, clapping her hands. Damn it, said Jin, frustrated. Even I can't win against two characters against me with twice the amount of lives. I have to give it to you, Tilly, said Kristian, laughing now and relaxing against the bed. You used everything to your advantage- the small stage, the shit talking, and the luring maneuver. I can't believe I fell for that. Fi probably knew ahead of time that you wouldn't think as much while you're playing a video game, said Bo, shrugging. And being so emotional. I admit our lost, said Kristian, placing a hand on Jin's tense shoulder. Jin was still playing his hardest. Come on, Jin. Give up and spare us some time will you? A real gamer never gives up, said Jin fiercely. He dies trying. Literally? asked Vance, watching Mario fly off the screen. No Mario! cried Jin, tearing up and smacking his forehead with his controller. I fail you my friend! I fail you! I can't believe I let you down like that! I'm sorry my buddy! It's all my fault. It's definitely not your fault. You need a worthier player to play you... Is he all right? asked Wendy worriedly, watching Jin continue his rant. This is normal for him, said Bo, grinning and petting Jin on the head. The worst player beat the two best players, said Jezebelle, laughing loudly and spinning on her feet now. Take that bitches. I can see your bra, said Vance calmly. Jezebelle winked at him. Your reward, Computer Nerd. Thank you? asked Vance, uncertain. Good game Fi, said Jin with a soft smile and his hand out to her. You defeated Mario and I. When did you revert back? asked Jezebelle, backing away from him. I wanted to talk a bit longer with the insensitive jerk you! What do you mean? asked Jin, tilting his head to the side. Gray, said Jezebelle, ignoring Jin and forcing Vance by the arm. Off you go to pick up that movie we agreed on. Right, said Vance, nodding and leaving the room. I'm hungry, said Jin suddenly. The pizza's been here for a while now right Bo? I left it on the kitchen table, said Bo, watching Jin head toward the door. Are you eating now Jin? No, said Jin, laughing softly. I need to set up the plates for everybody.

As chivalrous as ever, said Kristian, amused. I'll help, said Rin, jumping off the bed. Stay with me, said Kristian, grabbing her arm suddenly. He lowered his dark eyes at her. I'm hurt Rin-chan. I've been defeated by shit talking and glitch. Comfort me. Are you insane? asked Rin, gaping. Then, she glanced to find Wendy, Jezebelle, and Bo trying to sneak out together. And where are you people going? I promise Wendy and Fi that I'll show them a horror game, said Bo, tossing Rin and Kristian a grin over his shoulder. With lots of blood and killing? asked Jezebelle, excited. And lethal weapons? asked Wendy, also enthusiastic. How did you two know, said Bo, motioning for the two to leave the room. The minute they left and closed the door behind them, Bo continued, Fi, you played that Brawl game, expecting to lose didn't you? Hells no, said Jezebelle. I never plan to lose. Your plan was almost flawless except for one thing, said Bo, rubbing his chin in thought and leading the two girls downstairs to the living room. If Jin were to stay normal Jin, he would have not been affected by your taunting or run and hit battle tactic. Fortunately for you and Vance, Jin was like a more serious Kristian copy when he was in game mode. You worked that to your advantage and won. We had more than one plan in case, said Jezebelle, smirking. How can you doubt little old me? I never fight a match I can't win. Your plan wouldn't have worked against me, said Bo, sitting down on the couch and turning on the television screen. That's why I didn't play against you did I? asked Jezebelle, sitting down next to Bo and shrugging innocently. Wendy sat on the other side of Jezebelle and held onto her. If I did, Vance and I would have made up a different plan to work against you and Shortie. You made Hamada-sama part of your plan too, said Bo, chuckling. Not only did she fight with Kristian, she fought against Jin too in the middle of the match. Know your friends well, said Jezebelle softly. Know your enemies even better. I want to be your enemy then, said Bo with a grin. Oh man, said Wendy, laughing hard like always. She was holding onto her stomach and hitting her head against Jezebelle's shoulder. This guy's so funny! What's your name again? I know you're Rin Hamada's bodyguard or some shit like that. Bo Sungwoo, said Bo proudly. You're Wendy right? While the two talked, Jezebelle simply picked up the video games on the table and stared at a certain bloody one that she wanted to play. Then, it occurred to her. Even though she hated video games and admitted that they were for nerds like Jin, she couldn't help feel flatter that she might be a natural gamer. She mastered the controls awfully quick for a first timer after all. At the last minute, she wiped the smile on her face and sat back, drinking her Slim Fast. There was no way she would enter his world... willingly. Kristian, said Rin shyly, glancing away with red cheeks. Thanks. For what? asked Kristian, lifting a brow. He was turning off the white game console at the moment. Everyone else left but the two of them. For defending me against that bitch's attacks earlier. It was a ploy Rin-chan, said Kristian, chuckling. And you fell for it. What? asked Rin, widening his eyes. My ploy to make you fall in love with me, said Kristian, amused. You're so lying, said Rin suddenly, shaking her head. Oh? If it were a ploy, said Rin slowly. You wouldn't tell me that now.

Jesus, Rin-chan, said Kristian, placing his head on the edge of her bed and staring at her with her manga. You can't even let me have my fun. What are you reading anyway? Nothing! You don't have to hide it, said Kristian at the sight of Rin shoving the manga under a pillow. I've been to your room. I know you're into that stuff. What stuff? Guy on guy stuff, said Kristian, giving Rin a suspicious look. Rin blushed bright red and denied it many times before Kristian held his hands up. It's cool. Disgusting but cool. I have no right to judge anybody since it doesn't matter unless I'm an official judge anyway. Plus, if I'm an official judge, I wouldn't stop you from reading that. Kristian grinned. I would sentence a restraining order against all possible love rivals from you instead. Stop joking around, said Rin, removing the manga from under her pillow. Keep thinking that, said Kristian quickly. I can't believe I lost to Tilly. You must really think lowly of me now, Rin-chan. No, said Rin with a deep sigh. I thought you're someone who doesn't care about other's opinions of you? But I care about yours, said Kristian. Because it actually matters. Even pro gamers lose once in a while, said Rin understandably. It's not to work yourself over, especially not you Kristian. I suppose, said Kristian with a thoughtful look on your face. I hear you translate mangas for online readers. Who told you that? asked Rin in demand. Jin. He tells you everything I swear! A very honest person that boy is, said Kristian, agreeing with Rin. Well, I do translate mangas, said Rin admittedly. But I also translate for anime episodes too. I'm actually working for two anime fan sub groups. You're so devoted, said Kristian, staring at her intently. You're also very good at managing your time and dividing your time perfectly for both fun and school work. Jin told you that too? No, said Kristian with a smirk. It's based off my own observations. You've only observed me for two days or so, said Rin with a lifted brow. I'm more preceptive than you believe, said Kristian quickly, causing Rin to toss him an accusing look. But for this anime fan sub thing, you need help? We can always use more people to help out. Translating is probably out of the question, said Kristian slowly. But I can help you with like... graphic work and such. You're good with graphics? asked Rin in awe. I can become a graphic designer if I want to, said Kristian, jerking a brow upwards at how surprised Rin sounded. Why are you staring at me like that? Didn't I mention to you I can make my own web page within a few hours? No, said Rin, exasperated. Now, I feel stupid for not knowing. Oops? Is there anything you can't do? asked Rin dramatically. Yes, said Kristian with a playful smile. Which is? That's a secret, said Kristian, widening his smile. I see, said Rin. A wolf must not reveal his weaknesses right? No, said Kristian, pulling himself higher on the edge of the bed. I just want Rinchan to believe that I'm perfect for now.

But you already revealed that you're not perfect! Only to leave you guessing, said Kristian, obviously gleeful at the idea. You're awful, said Rin, pouting. I know, said Kristian, climbing further. Now, half of his body was on top of the bed. Do you remember how we first met in ninth grade? That was a long time ago, said Rin, thinking back. All I remember is that for the past two years, you've been in four of my classes. This is the first year that we have five classes together thanks to Jazz Band. I'm heartbroken, said Kristian, frowning. I remember clearly. How did we meet then? On the first day of school during first period, said Kristian, closing his eyes. Rin watched him as he paused for a bit. Our first period was history that year. The most boring class ever I recall. It was, said Rin, agreeing immediately. Outside the classroom before the period even began, I told Mrs. Gilmore off for being unable to find her key to the classroom, said Kristian, opening his eyes and staring straight at Rin. Instead, you told me off by saying that I should help her instead of insulting other people. I called you short. You called me arrogant. I called you a teacher's pet. You called me a disgrace to Japanese people. I don't remember this, said Rin, sighing. Though I do remember Mrs. Gilmore having us stay stranded outside the classroom that first period. You're right, said Kristian, smirking. I lied. You- Here's the real truth, said Kristian, interrupting Rin completely. We didn't talk for all four periods we were in together on the first day of school. We didn't talk at all for the first week of school actually until the Monday the week after. Even though we didn't talk, you must have noticed me goofing around your classes because one day, you suddenly waited for me at the end of fifth period and told me something I can never forget. And that is? During that fifth period, I insulted Mr. Nelson so bad that he kept the entire class after the bell rang, said Kristian. Suddenly, realization dawned on Rin. You were so angry with me... so angry that you waited after class to speak to me. You said and I quote, 'I swear you're born to make me miserable! I hate people like you!'. I did say that, said Rin, glancing away. I was so angry. I never thought I would hate someone so much until I met you and then later Alejandro. I thought it was romantic, said Kristian suddenly. Rin paled now. I would marry the girl who tells me that she's born to get on my nerves. Rin reddened extremely at his words. I want to marry someone who is born just to meet me and go out of her way to bring me misfortune. There's something very fun at the idea of it. I said it out of spite you know, said Rin in reminder. It didn't work on me did it? I guess not, said Rin with a carefree shrug. The irony, said Kristian, chuckling. Yes, I noticed, said Rin, sighing. You didn't say anything in return though. Then, what were your first words to me? You have such a good memory and all. I didn't have a reply at the time so I thought of one the following day, said Kristian proudly. I found you before first period and said something like, 'Unlike you, I know for sure you're born just to say that line to me'. I believe you, said Rin, amused now. That sounds exactly like you. And ever since that first line of yours, I've always been able to counter every single

insult you have thrown at me, said Kristian, nodding. Not true! cried Rin in protest. You bet it's true, said Kristian. Remember today? After first period? Shut up, said Rin, folding her arms in front of her chest now. Remember when you call me a cockroach? A termite? A flee? A mosquito? A- Must you remind me? asked Rin, glaring. I'm only doing what I'm born to do, said Kristian in defense. I wish I never said those stupid words then, said Rin, scowling. Too late for that, said Kristian innocently, completely on top of the bed on his stomach now. He had been moving up this entire time. I must carry out my fate for the rest of my life now. Aren't you all about defiance? asked Rin suddenly, grouchy. The definition of defiance is an open contempt for something or a resistance to an authority figure, said Kristian sternly as if scolding Rin. One, why should I disregard the words of my future girlfriend when I actually like the idea. Two, you're so not the authority figure in this relationship. I'm not Bo or Jin, Rin-chan. Are you saying that you're the... authority figure here? Precisely, said Kristian happily. Because I'm always right. Kristian you- He wasn't always the authority figure, said Jezebelle suddenly from the door. She opened the door and went inside without either of the two noticing. A smirk played on her lips. You two love birds should go eat already. The pizza's getting cold. Love birds? asked Kristian, amused. More like a wolf and its prey. Who are you calling your prey? asked Rin, smacking him on the head. Who says I'm the wolf? asked Kristian with a smirk. Wait a second, said Rin, gaping at Jezebelle. What do you mean by your first statement anyway Jezebelle? Oh, he didn't tell you? asked Jezebelle, smiling deviously. About Cammy? Who's Cammy? asked Rin, surprised. Rin-chan, said Kristian in a deadly serious voice. Go on ahead. You should eat. Who's Cammy Kristian? asked Rin, even more curious. Grabbing her arm, Kristian dragged Rin across the room and out the door. However, he gently kissed her on the forehead before he closed the door and returned his attention to the still smirking Jezebelle. Quickly, Kristian went over and slammed Jezebelle against the nearest wall with his hands next to her head. Jezebelle was not scared though. Who told you? asked Kristian in a low voice. No one, said Jezebelle, shrugging innocently. It doesn't matter, said Kristian calmly yet in the same low tone. He moved his head closer to Jezebelle. What do you want? You didn't even try to wiggle your way out of this! What do you want? asked Kristian, nearly barking at her. I don't want anything right now, Shiratori, said Jezebelle cutely. I just want to see how far you'll go to keep this little secret of yours a secret. Apparently, whatever it takes. Tilly, said Kristian suddenly, laughing loudly and removing his hands from her head. I realize something that's been so glaring obvious this whole time. You're shit? asked Jezebelle innocently. Takes one to know one, said Kristian quickly before he indicated at her. You remind me so much of Cammy. I hate it. Except I'm not a whore, said Jezebelle, rolling her eyes. I didn't say you remind me completely of Cammy, said Kristian in defense.

Fair enough, Shiratori. I knew you'll blackmail me with this eventually, said Kristian suddenly. Now, I want to know what you want in return for keeping your mouth shut. At least, tell me so I can be at ease, especially since this is my girlfriend's house. I told you already, loser, said Jezebelle teasingly. I haven't thought of it yet. When I think of something, I'll tell you. Like I'm going to trust you until then. You have Jezebelle Junior to keep my mouth shut, said Jezebelle, scowling. True, said Kristian, amused. Kristian went straight to the door and opened it. I changed my mind. You're different than Cammy, Tilly. Should I feel happier and crap? asked Jezebelle, rolling her eyes. You're a hard one to please, Tilly, said Kristian in respond. Not that I'm trying to please you anyway. I mean, it's you Tilly. Before the two could continue their conversation, a grinning Bo entered the room and revealed that their runner Vance had come back. Excited now, Jezebelle ran off, bumping both Kristian and Bo out of the way. So, said Bo with a grin. Did you do anything inappropriately to Hamada-sama? Maybe, said Kristian, smiling back. You didn't, said Bo decisively. Good because I would have to step in. I'm her boyfriend though, said Kristian innocently. Not for long if anything happens, said Bo, still grinning. Point taken, Bo, said Kristian who gave Bo a shaky smile. The two of them went downstairs only to find Jezebelle kicking Wendy out of the house with a plate of two slices of pizza with her toppings. Jin and Rin watched with wide eyes at how Jezebelle treated the person who went out of her way to bring Jezebelle Slim Fast by climbing trees. This was how Jezebelle treated her friends after all. As for Vance, he didn't care much and took over a spot on the couch. When the movie began, reactions were very clear for every one in the room. Vance and Jezebelle decided on a horror movie with the lights off. To the far left, Jezebelle was laughing so hard that she almost dropped her pizza slices multiple times. She seemed to enjoy the blood, the violence, and the screaming girls very much. As for her boyfriend sitting to her right, the poor gamer was shaking in fear and hiding his face against Bo's arm. Bo, himself, was grinning as always. How can you smile at a time like this? cried Rin, scared half to death too. I'm scared too, said Bo, still with that wide grin. Really! Liar, said Rin, closing her eyes quickly. Hamada-sama, you need my free arm? asked Bo, offering his right arm since his left arm was occupied by his other best friend. No thank you, said Rin with her eyes still shut tightly. I am definitely not scared! Shortie, watch your butt, said Jezebelle in the middle of her fit of giggles. What? Rin soon learned that she was tricked into opening her eyes just in time to see the creature killed its latest victim. Screaming, Rin hugged herself and closed her eyes again. Kristian who was sitting beside her was about to comfort her when Vance grabbed her shaking hand first from above. Both Kristian and Rin were sitting on the floor while Vance sat on the couch behind them. Noticing this obvious threat, Kristian lifted his eyes glaringly at Vance, who blinked innocently back before he used his other hand to pat Rin on the head. Rin calmed down at this simple gesture. Vance was unaffected by the movie the entire with no obvious sign of fright on his face. He looked like he was watching a history commentary or something similar.

Wake up, mouse tail, said Jezebelle, pinching Jin hard in the shoulder right when Vance turned on the lights. Jin picked up his watery eyes at Jezebelle, who showed him no sympathy. You play gory games before but you can't take a horror movie? B-Because, said a pale Jin defensively. The beginning narration said based on a true story... This is coming from someone who said he'll protect me no matter what, said Jezebelle in feigned awe. What does horror movies have anything to do with protecting you Fi? asked Jin, confused. At these words, Kristian laughed without warning. What? Kristian? Nothing, said Kristian, suppressing his laughter. I just find the idea of you protecting Tilly ridiculous. No offense. Really. I mean it. That's not nice, said Rin angrily. But then, she sighed. Though I must agree... Epic fail like always, said Vance, shaking his head. Sadly, Jin left the room with everyone watching after him. Rin was about to follow him but Bo held her back and grinned, telling her with the expression on his face that it was time to leave Jin alone. Kristian and Vance went back to their dinner. For someone so thin and pale, Vance ate more everyone except for Bo, who added a ton of spice to his. Jezebelle made a quick excuse about needing to take a hot bath soon and went upstairs. In the Master Bedroom, she saw Jin was sitting by himself on top of the bed. Crab meat, said Jezebelle loud and clear, gaining his attention. Prepare my bath for me. Okay, said Jin in a depressing voice. The two of them were in the restroom now with Jin working with the water temperature while Jezebelle sat on the toilet and watched him at work silently. A bit sad, Jin was a bit surprised that Jezebelle didn't pick him apart for his sudden mood swing. Finally, Jin was done and turned around to Jezebelle who was paying attention to her nails instead. Without saying anything, he left the room. Jezebelle did not stop him though. Back in the Master Bedroom, Jin rearranged a sleeping spot for himself on the ground besides the bed. Then, he returned himself to the world of video games. Many times he felt eyes staring at him from the door but no one dared to bother him. Jin was thankful this way. For some reason, the thought of being useless made him restless. He always wanted to protect Jezebelle no matter what. Kristian, Bo, and even Vance could protect Rin easily but he was not as strong as them, physically or mentally. Suddenly, Jin jerked slightly at the touch of wet hair. It was Jezebelle with her wet hair over a towel around her shoulders. Jin greeted her softly before he returned his eyes to the screen. Jezebelle leaned back against the bed and didn't say anything for a while. Then, she clicked on the start button for him to pause his game. I don't hate video games, said Jezebelle suddenly. You don't? asked Jin with wide eyes. Nope, said Jezebelle, shaking her head. I realize I hate people who have nothing nothing better than to spend hours on it instead. It's like blaming the cigarette for hurting people instead of the stupid people themselves. That's good, said Jin with a soft smile. I'm glad you understand. It doesn't mean I'll play video games or anything! But Fi, said Jin, frowning now. You'll make an amazing Ganondorf player! I'm not wasting my time on some stupid video game, said Jezebelle acidly. If you say so, said Jin with a sigh. You can waste time on it instead, stupid person, said Jezebelle with a playful smile. Suddenly, she held something up to him. Play this for me. I want to watch. Resident Evil? asked Jin, accepting the video game.

Do you have any other gory ones? asked Jezebelle excitedly. A lot of them actually. Play them all! cried Jezebelle, shaking his shoulders. Jin smiled at her. Anything for you, Fi. I like you better in game mode anyways, said Jezebelle under her breath. What did you say Fi? Nothing coconut milk! Back downstairs, Rin gathered up the dishes after everyone had left. She went to the kitchen and stacked them in the dishwasher. Squirting soap and water, Rin wore gloves and readied herself to wash the dishes. However, she noticed a shadow to her left. Lifting her eyes, she met with Vance's as he stared at her blankly. Hey Vance, said Rin with a smile. Hey, said Vance, a bit uneasy. Thanks for earlier, said Rin awkwardly. Heh... I'm so glad you're warming up to everybody, said Rin happily, causing Vance to look away. I know you don't like to socialize with people but it's hard when we're under the same roof right? I suppose, said Vance, leaning against the counter. Need help? No, it's fine, said Rin quickly, shaking her head. Rin-chan definitely does not need help when she has me, said Kristian, emerging from the garage. Rin's jaw dropped. Move along now, Romeo. May I borrow one of your blankets for the night? asked Vance softly. Sure, said Rin, shifting her attention back to Vance. Ask Bo. He knows. Later, said Vance, tossing Kristian one look. Have fun. I heard sarcasm, said Kristian the minute Vance disappeared upstairs. That's Vance for you, said Rin, returning her attention to the dishes. Why were you in my garage? I went out to park my car in there, said Kristian smoothly. Without my permission? We're family aren't we? Since when? asked Rin in dismay. Since your mother accepted me, said Kristian, shrugging. Then, he pointed at the dishes. You really do wash the pots and pans first! Why would I lie about that? asked Rin, flushing bright red. I'll help, said Kristian, bumping Rin aside and washing his hands quickly. We make a perfect team, Rin-chan. You always wash pots and pans first. I always wash chopsticks and spoons first. You don't have to help, said Rin dryly. You should just run off and play. I like washing the dishes, said Kristian suddenly, staring at the chopsticks in his hands. He washed them while he rubbed the chopsticks against one another. Especially when I do it with someone else. Like I believe you, said Rin, pouting. You only did that to chase Vance away. Now, why would you think that? asked Kristian innocently. Gut feeling, said Rin, washing the pot harder. Guts, said Kristian, amused. Nice things aren't they? I knew it, said Rin, sighing. Then, answer me this. Who's Cammy? A good girlfriend would have forgotten by now. I never proclaim myself as a 'good' girlfriend, said Rin, kicking the side of Kristian's leg. Tell me who this Cammy is.

I promise I'll tell you if you kiss me, said Kristian, finishing most of the forks now. Before Rin could answer, Bo popped his head in the kitchen with a loud scary cry and scared Rin thanks to the horror movie she watched a few minutes again. Shaking from top to bottom, Rin watched as Bo went in and chuckled before he went to her cabinets and took out a couple of items, including a Starbucks coffee bottle. You're drinking coffee, now Bo? asked Kristian in disbelief. Coffee makes him sleepy, said Rin, rolling her eyes I spent all day on the football field today, said Bo, explaining while pouring the coffee into a mug. I need to sleep early so coffee will help put to sleep instantly. It's like sleeping medicine to me. Good night my Queen and her King Consort. I'm only a King Consort? screamed Kristian after Bo. He interrupted us on purpose to buy you some- Kristian caught Rin sneaking out of the room. Where do you think you're going Rin-chan? There's only one plate left, said Rin innocently, indicating at the sink and dashing out of the kitchen right after. Come back here! Noticing that Jin failed to shoot the nearest zombie to him, Jezebelle shrieked and pushed his arm to make him click faster. Jin was frustrated and told her to shut up. The two started arguing before it was revealed that Jin was done with the chapter at last. Sighing, Jin returned to normal and noticed the item in Jezebelle's hands. Where did you get that Fi? Found it on the bed, said Jezebelle, not lifting her eyes from the manga. So this is the crap Shortie reads. Interesting. I never would have thought based on appearances. Rin-chan hates most guys in real life, said Jin suddenly, glancing at the manga covers. She prefers guys in fiction better. What a man hater, said Jezebelle, flinging her hair back and closing the manga. She finished anyway. Why is she going out with Shiratori then? I have reason to believe he's a woman hater. Isn't that too ironic? Kristian's a woman hater? asked Jin in complete surprise. We talked in the car, said Jezebelle, thinking back. I forgot about what but I figured he must be a woman hater. I'll bet fifty dollars on it at least. My fifty dollars, said Jin with a sigh. Cheap ass, said Jezebelle, rolling her eyes. I need to take a shower since I saved, said Jin, standing up and glancing back at Jezebelle as she stood up. Er... Fi? I need to remove my makeup, said Jezebelle, announcing out loud. Er... said Jin uneasily. I'll be changing though... So? asked Jezebelle irritably. Never mind, said Jin quickly. Let's hurry before anyone sees us. The two left the room and closed the door behind them. They were steps away from entering the bathroom when Jin tripped over someone's leg and tumbled down. Muttering about how useless he was, Jezebelle found Vance sitting in the corner with a book in his hands. It was none other than a fantasy novel. You read fantasy novels? asked Jin, gaping. That's one of my favorites. You read? asked Vance, not bothering containing the sarcasm in his voice. Yes, I read, said Jin through gritted teeth. Books are for losers, said Jezebelle before she went inside the restroom. Your comics don't count, said Vance suddenly. They're not comics, said Jin, frustrated. They're mangas. Same thing.

Not the same! cried Jin. Vance was the only person who ever annoyed him this much. They are definitely not the same. They don't even look alike. How can you make those two words synonymous? It makes no sense. Fine, said Vance with a sigh. They're Japanese comics. They are not just Japanese comics! Is that you Jin? asked Bo sleepily, yawning and climbing the stairs. Bo fell against Jin without warning and knocked the smaller boy over slightly before the two managed to stand up again. However, Bo was still unstable with drowsy eyes. Vance sat even closer to his dark corner by himself while Jin tried to make Bo stand still. Is he okay? asked Vance carefully. This is Bo when he's sleepy, answered Jin quickly, pushing Bo against the nearest wall. The giant collapsed on the ground. I smell coffee. He must have drank a lot to get this drowsy this fast. Interesting, said Vance. Jin was unable to tell if he was sarcastic or not. Miss Bautista... said Bo, falling asleep on the ground. Joyce... I better take him back to his room and then take a shower, said Jin, sighing. Who is Joyce? asked Vance, standing up and helping Jin with carrying the heavy Bo. His ex-girlfriend, said Jin, carrying Bo on his right. Vance helped on the other side. They went out before summer vacation and she broke up with him without telling him a valid reason why. It probably had to do with her brother passing away. Bo probably still has feelings for her even after all this time... Mental note, said Vance under his breath. Never fall in love. Er... Right when Jin muttered that word, he and Vance caught Rin stomping up the stairs with a scowl on her face. She went in her room and slammed the door close. A few seconds later, Kristian went up the stairs and thought she went in the restroom instead. Because Jezebelle was expecting Jin to enter right after her, she left the restroom unlocked. Soon enough, a loud scream was heard from inside the restroom. And it wasn't Jezebelle. God, said Vance, closing the book and smiling to himself. I hate people. ******************************************* You cheat! In the backyard of a large, white house, two Koreans were screaming at each other from opposite sides of the net. One was flinging her tennis racket around with bright pink strings. The other was pulling his hair out in frustration. In the meantime, four others sat on two benches nearby and watched the exchange go back and forth. Bored at watching them fight, a dark-haired male with black-rimmed glasses moved his head to the side and held his hand out to the two Chinese girls to his right. The two girls had blank looks on their face. Forcibly, he shook both their hands at once. Sorry for not introducing myself sooner, said the cool-looking male with glasses. We had a doubles match earlier. Yeah... said the two Chinese girls in unison. My name is Grim, said the male with a smooth smile. I am a senior. I am fifth ranking in the entire school. My GPA is 4.3. I am the humor editor of the Hitching Post. Hitching Post? asked the girls shyly. The school newspaper. Oh... I am also the President of the Writing Club, a part of Number Two Varsity Male Tennis, and a couple of other positions of various clubs, said Grim without taking a breath. The young girls eyed him with wide eyes. I receive a perfect on the English and Writing portion of the SAT. I early apply to Yale University. I am born on March 3 rd.

That's enough Grim, said Venus, yawning loudly and lifting a brow at Grim, who sat to her right. You don't have to scare the Freshies. It is my duty as Senior though, said Grim innocently. Sorry girls, said Venus, slamming Grim's head down with her hand. He likes to list his data. There's nothing valuable in anything he says, except for maybe his name. Okay... Yvette, said Venus in a whiny voice. The Team Captain returned her attention to her doubles partner. How long are you going to argue with stupid David Shin? Not anymore, said Yvette, jerking her head upward and returning to Venus's side with her racket twirling. Finally, Yvette forced herself into a seat next to Venus. David gawked after her in disbelief that she would ditch him in a middle of an argument on whether the tennis ball was out or not. However, Yvette ignored him. Before David could say or do anything to her, Grim quickly stood up and dragged David indoors without a word. The two Chinese girls stayed where they were. Have you e-mailed all the girls about the tennis meeting tomorrow at Jumbo Juice? asked Yvette, pulling tennis ball fur from her racket. I did, said Venus, beaming. Have you ordered the new tennis uniforms yet? I have a problem with the skirt being too short, said Yvette, still staring at her racket. We also need to ask for everyone's measurements tomorrow. The shorter the better, said Venus, almost drooling. You are one dangerous tennis player, Venus, said Yvette, amused. She pursed her lips and glanced at the two quiet girls. Has everyone replied to the e-mail? Everyone except for three, said Venus with a frown. Who are theses girls who are defying my authority? asked Yvette fiercely. Let's see, said Venus, pulling out Yvette's checklist. Joyce Bautista... Call her then, said Yvette, impatient. I will, said Venus, scanning the list. Roselle Young... That lazy slacker, said Yvette angrily. She never picks up her phone no matter how many times I call her! She tries to type in between breaks and take the longest to return on the courts! I've asked Coach so many times to kick her off the team but no, he said that she's really good when she's competitive. That's true, said Venus, nodding. She's really good when she's into it. Which is like less than fifty percent of the time, said Yvette, growling. At least Tasha's consistent! We can depend on her at least! Agreed. And who's our last rebel? asked Yvette, grabbing a hold of her water bottle and drinking it down in large gulps. Jezebelle Tilly, said Venus, blinking at the name. I called her three times already and still no reply. What a bitch, said Yvette, annoyed. She placed her hands on her hips. She just joined the team and she was ready to argue with Coach about giving her the first Singles position! I really can't stand her. Is there no way to get a hold of her? I can always call Jin, said Venus with a smile. Why Jin? asked Yvette with wide eyes. They're dating, said Venus quickly. He probably can get a hold of her. Try that then, said Yvette, standing up and stretching. She smiled at the two, quiet Chinese girls. I need to practice my serves. These two need the extra practice too. What about Roselle and Joyce? asked Venus, uncertain. I'll take care of Joyce, said Yvette with a smirk. Ask Grim for Roselle.

Why Grim? asked Venus, confused. Duh, said Yvette, rolling her eyes. He's into that geek. And to think I want Roselle to myself, said Venus, pouting. You should find a new hobby, Venus, said Yvette cruelly. Venus stuck her tongue out at Yvette. Anyways, hurry up and figure things out with that unmotivated Roselle. I need to practice and hold onto my position as Captain of this team full of slackers. Seriously, said Venus, leaving the courts. I didn't mean you two, said Yvette, noticing the stunned expressions on their faces. In a week, you two will become our perfect Number Three Doubles because, Yvette smirked. Our Doubles haven't lost a single league match during the last three years I've been on the Varsity team. Oh... said the two Chinese girls in unison. And I won't let anyone mess that up, said Yvette with an innocent smile now. Let's practice. It's bonding time. Inside, Venus rushed to find the two boys that found themselves in the kitchen, talking about stupid stuff that Venus knew boys usually thought up. David didn't see anything at the sight of Venus but Grim smiled and asked her if she needed anything. This was David's house but Grim felt compelled to greet nevertheless. Grim, said Venus with a pout. I need help. She needs your help, said David to Grim if it weren't obvious enough. I am sorry Venus, said Grim, putting his hand up and shaking his head. I am already interested in someone else. Er, said David, lifting a brow. Fuck no. She's not interested in you. I am compelled to give that answer whenever a woman asks me for help, said Grim automatically, smiling softly. You two are stupid, said Venus, grumpy. Stupid, woman-beating Korean boys. Look at that, said Grim, clicking his tongue. She's stereotyping us. Korean pride forever, said David proudly, wrapping his arms in front of his chest. Don't diss the Koreans, stupid Filipino. Let's stop before this gets out of hand, said Grim soundly. What is it Venus? What is the best way to contact Roselle Young? asked Venus immediately. At this time, said Grim, checking his watch. She should be typing non-stop in her office along with a cup of coffee under a dim white light. The best way to contact her is to send her a message through one of her writing websites. Dude, said David, staring at Grim. You're scaring me. How so? asked Grim calmly. You sound like a fucking stalker, said David, scratching his head. I believe that in the game of love, you need to be completely prepared to know everything about a person and figure out your game plan before you make your move, said Grim, clicking his tongue again. Is there anything wrong with that? Grim, said David, exasperated. You may turn stalking into something pretty by mincing words but stalking is stalking. I'll give you the URL to her website, said Grim, completely ignoring David and scribbling down a quick note to Venus. She checks her website frequently. That is the best method to get in touch with her. Thanks, Grim, said Venus happily. But knowing that obsessed writer, she'll probably ditch the team meeting tomorrow in order to type chapters at home. Most definitely, said Grim without a doubt. How can I convince her to come? asked Venus, groaning. That's simple, said Grim immediately. First, you assure her that the meeting will

not take very long, regardless if this is true or not. Second, you offer to drive her there because she hates to drive herself. Third, you must say something about yam candy. Yam candy? asked both David and Venus. If there is one guilty pleasure Roselle has, said Grim solemnly. It's eating a box full of yam candy. Those are nasty, said David, sticking out his tongue. Where the hell do you buy yam candy? asked Venus, groaning louder than before. You don't actually have to buy yam candy, said Grim in awe. You just need to bribe her with yam candy that doesn't exist. She'll come for sure. Wow, Grim, said David. You are really... Thanks, said Venus, shaking Grim's hand before running off to the computer room. If you know so much about Roselle, said David suddenly, leaning toward Grim suspiciously. Why don't you make your move already? I must wait for the perfect opportunity, said Grim with a firm nod. For example, after she's been cheated on my her boyfriend or depressed after a bad-selling novel. Now, I'm just worried for Roselle being liked by someone like you. You shouldn't speak ill of other people's business, said Grim, taking off his glasses and cleaning it quickly with the provided cloth. You are a servant to Yvette Kwan. I am not! Then, said Grim, staring sternly at David. Why is she using your tennis courts to help her new freshman teammates to become a perfect Doubles team? Because she fucking lives down the street in this gated community! Excuses, said Grim, shaking his head and patting David on the shoulder. I don't think you've realized it but, Grim sighed. You've become Miss Kwan's puppy. Puppy? asked David, dropping his jaw. Her adorable, obedient puppy, said Grim, grinning. David fumed. Now, tell me. Does she at least feed you? Or leave you to fend for yourself? I listen to her because she's fucking scary okay? asked David, tensed. Her parents know each other for a long shit ass time and if I don't listen to her, she'll spread crap to her parents about me and the whole Korean community will know about it. Excuses again, said Grim, clicking his tongue and sitting on top of the kitchen counter. I can't believe a Korean male like you take this sort of shit from a Korean girl. What kind of crap are you spewing? You talk to her too, said David defensively. Good point, said Grim, snapping his fingers at the idea. How about we put up a strike against Yvette Kwan? A strike? Yes, said Grim firmly. After today, we will ignore and never speak to her again. We will cut all contact with her in school and online. No messengers. No social network. No nothing. Knowing Yvette, she will come begging us to talk to her again. Then, said David, excited. We'll have her listen to our demands. We need to put that woman back in her spot, said Grim, placing a firm hand on David. I believe in you, David. If you need someone to talk to, you can talk to either Patrick or I during tennis. There's no need to suck up to that bitch. I got it, said David, fired up. I won't speak to her until she becomes nicer! I will join you on your cause, said Grim happily. I won't leave you by yourself in your Non-Speaking Yvette campaign. All right, said David, wrapping an arm across Grim's shoulder when he got off the counter. But for now, let's act normal okay? The two started walking toward the backyard when Grim stopped. About Venus...

She's a lesbian, said David in a dead-panned voice. That explains everything! *********************************************** On top of the bed and under the sheets, Jezebelle watched Jin played video games despite the clock ringing midnight. She was busy reading mangas she borrowed from Rin's room. Happily, Jezebelle read through three volumes of Eyeshield 21 already. The reason why Kristian screamed earlier was because he had never seen her without her make-up on. Innocent Jezebelle was something no one in this house except for Jin expected under that make-up. Pouting, Jezebelle placed down the last volume she finished. I can't sleep with the lights on! shrieked Jezebelle, annoyed. Will you shut it? I'm almost done, said Jin in his deep voice. Psh, said Jezebelle, rereading the last volume. Venus called me three times in regards to you, said Jin suddenly. I got their e-mail, said Jezebelle. I'm not going. It's a team meeting, said Jin grumpily. You have to go. No thank you, cotton candy, said Jezebelle, wrapping her arms in front of her chest. I am definitely not going to see bossy Kwan, crazy Tasha with her stinking long last name, and crybaby Bautista who can't even talk correctly half the fucking time. Well, said Jin, upset. At least freaking tell them to stop freaking calling me. It's more fun this way, said Jezebelle innocently. Woman, said Jin, clicking on the button to save his game. The moment he turned the game console off, Jin smiled at Jezebelle sweetly. Sorry. I didn't mean to say that. Rapid personality change is some scary shit, said Jezebelle with a lifted eyebrow. Jin gave her a puzzled look. I'm still mad at you for earlier. You're not forgiven yet, you dummy bear. Oh, said Jin, glancing at the teddy bear sitting next to Jezebelle. Then... Winning the forgotten battle, Jezebelle patted the spot next to her on the other side of Jezebelle Junior. Awkwardly, Jin climbed up the bed and sat on the spot. Jin glanced down twice at the pillows on the floor that he laid out. Sighing, Jin scouted closer to his girlfriend with the teddy bear still in between them. Much better, said Jezebelle happily, hugging the blanket to her. Jin picked up a certain black cloth on the pillow. Why is your shirt- At last, Jin realized exactly what situation he was in. Shooting Jezebelle a look, she was still hugging the blanket to her hidden body. Jezebelle smiled innocently at him. The response was immediate. Jin fell off the side of his bed, forced himself up, and ran outside the room without looking back. Jezebelle lifted the blanket off herself to reveal a black bra underneath and giggled at what just occurred. Then, she turned off the lights and hugged Jezebelle Junior to sleep. In the meantime, while Jin escaped into a different room, Rin got out of the bathtub. The bath before bedtime was always the best for Rin. She spent all night, translating anime episodes and manga chapters before she decided to reward herself with a long bath. Breathing a sigh of relief, Rin picked up her dark pink nightgown. Should I... said Rin, lifting her white bra up to her face. In the end, the Japanese young lady decided against the idea of wearing that undergarment since she was more comfortable without it. Yawning, Rin wore her nightgown and her underwear. Then, she took care of everything else from brushing her hair to brushing her teeth. Rin closed the light and went straight to her dark bedroom. Happily, Rin threw herself on her bed, only to hit against something. Thanks to the horror movie, Rin shrieked, only to have a hand covered her mouth. How long does it take to shower, Rin-chan?

Rin started making a lot of weird noises due to her covered mouth. The male next to her laughed softly at her reaction but refused to remove his hand. There was no doubt that this person was none other than Kristian, who had the nerve to sneak in her bedroom at this hour at night. I can't have you screaming and waking everyone up now, can I? asked Kristian in a low whisper. Rin could tell he was delighted at how he had captured her. She tried to mumble against his hand. What did you say Rin-chan? You're going to stay quiet? Okay! Why are you here? asked Rin fiercely in a whisper once she was freed. I planned out the perfect weekend for us, said Kristian quietly, frowning. But your two best friends have to ruin everything by being here. Then, let's throw in Tilly and Vance too for the sake of having a full house! You did? asked Rin shyly. I'm not someone who comes into these types of situations unprepared. Yeah, said Rin, sighing. I get that. That's why I don't want them to destroy everything I've planned. Finally, Rin caught onto his plans. Wait a second! Again, Kristian enabled her voice useless. Fumbling around underneath the blanket, Kristian was entertained at the struggle of strength between the two Japanese. Unfortunately for Rin, she was failure when it came to physical education while Kristian was the President of his Karate Club. In the end, she lost but she revived at the touch of his hand. Jerking up, Rin was once against held back by his other hand. I'm not being perverted, said Kristian innocently at Rin's deadly glare. Didn't you know? It's breast awareness cancer month! I'm only checking for tumors. I'm being a good boyfriend by finding them for you. Suddenly, at a certain touch, Rin froze and gawked wide-eyed at Kristian, who dropped his jaw at her. The two of them didn't say or do anything for one whole minute. Then, at the same time, Rin fell backwards into the wall behind her and Kristian rolled and landed on the ground, the same style as Jin did earlier except on his back. Rin did not say anything even after Kristian stumbled around to find the exit; she just laid still on the bed with her eyes wide open, unblinking. At the sound of the door closing, Rin continued to stare blankly into the darkness. That morning, Jezebelle was furious. Extremely furious. What the fuck is going on with everyone in this fucking house? shrieked Jezebelle, throwing her brush against the nearest wall. For once, Jezebelle had a valid reason for losing her temper on that particular morning. The other five in the room were spooked out. They all sat in different areas of the living room with the same dazed expression. Vance took claim to the corner. Rin huddled up against the television. Bo was leaning against the wall next to a painting with Japanese girls in school uniform. Jin was shivering on the couch. Kristian was in the middle, poking the coffee table. Forget it, said Jezebelle, fling her hair backwards. I'm out of here! I'll go to that stupid tennis meeting by that stupid team captain! It's better than sticking around here! Crazy lunatics! That's a redundant, said Kristian in a low tone. You're a redundant, said Jezebelle angrily, stomping out of the room. I hate people, thought Vance to himself. Suddenly, Vance remembered last night how he was peacefully sleeping on the pulled out bed in the living room when Kristian came out, tumbling around. Kristian accidentally fell on top of Vance, causing the pale boy to escape and sleep in a nearby tree for the duration of the night. Vance wanted to hit his head against the wall now.

I really hate people. That idiot! That pervert! That dog! That scoundrel! That bastard! thought Rin on the verge of tears. Out of nowhere, Rin recalled where Kristian touched her inappropriately. Blushing bright red, Rin rocked back and forth and tried to block the image out of her head. It didn't help that when Jezebelle went in her room to check on her this morning, Rin was frozen in the closet to hide from Kristian just in case he decided to come back. How in the world did Kristian touch her in the same spot twice in the same day? How was that possible? I knew I should have wore that bra last night. I was dreaming of Ms. Bautista again, thought Bo sadly. Immediately, Bo thought of last night when he was deep in sleep when suddenly the door banged open. From the dark, he sat up and thought that he must be dreaming because the person who stood there had the same height as Joyce. Unfortunately for Bo, the person who ran in and clung into him, crying, was none other than Jin. Why did Jin have to be Joyce's exact height? Why did Jin have to look like a girl in the dark? What am I? A shoulder to cry on? I can't live with myself now, thought Jin, shaking even harder. Hearing Jezebelle's voice in the kitchen, Jin instantly remembered how last he panicked and left the room right after he slowly figured out that Jezebelle must be wearing nothing on that bed. In the past, Jezebelle told Jin that she slept naked so she had to lock the door. At the thought of Jezebelle naked, Jin couldn't take it since his body was reacting oddly to the image. He had to run to Bo for help who was being too helpful. I have to stay responsible for Dad's sake no matter how tempting. Do girls sleep without bras on often? thought Kristian, tossing Rin a look and returning his attention to the table. Out of the blue, Kristian felt the sensation in his body at the thought of a certain touch. Last night, Kristian groaned his way out of the room until he was at a safe distance from Rin. This was the first time he had to force himself out of the room in order to not do anything reckless with a girl. If he had done anything to Rin, he was never going to hear the end of it. It wasn't his style and this was Rin out of all people. Before now, Kristian and Rin never got along, especially since she had this unknown hatred towards him. More than that, Kristian never saw Rin as attractive until... now. And that scared him half to death. There's no way I have feelings for Rin-chan. I mean she's a nerd. Right? Right? A minute later, Jezebelle popped her head back in the room to see that the atmosphere had not changed one bit. Actually, it might have gotten worse. Sighing, Jezebelle returned to the kitchen and enjoyed a nice drink of Slim Fast for breakfast with Eyeshield 21 on the table and Jin's DS Lite in her hands by herself.

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