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Exercise 13-6 AP style

Edit the following story so that it conforms to AP style. Make sure you deal with other problems in the story. You should discuss with your instructor any additional information you need and incorporate it into the story.

A majority of people in the state favor the raising of Federal taxes on cigaretes and alcoholic beverages, according to the poll conducted by the states lagest newspaper. The propsed sin taxes were endorsed as a means of raisng tax revenues and to discourage smoking and drinking, according to the Oct. 25-26 telephone poll of 1,598 adults in a scientific random sample. Fifty-two per cent said they think state taxes on cigarettes should be raised, while 41% said they should not. The 52 per cent who said cigarettes taxes should be raised broke down this way: 5 percent said taxes should be reasied to increase revenues, 10 percent to discourage smoking and 33 percent both. Fifty-five per cent said Federal taxes on alcoholic beverages should be raised broke down this way: 11 percent said taxes should be raised to increase revenues, 9 percent to discourage drinking and 35 percent both. The state Senate Budget Committee recently drew up a number of proposals to raise taxes next year, including one which would double the excise taxes on cigarettes, liquor, wine and beer. The proposed increases, which Senate leaders say will be considered next year, would raise the price of a pack of cigarettes by 8 cents, the price of a gallon of

liquor by $10.50, a barrel of beer by $9 and a gallon of wine by 34 cents. These increases will riase the prices of cigaretts and alcohol significatly over the price in neighboring states. Sixty-two percent of the poll respondents said they drink alcoholic beverages, while 32 percent said they smoke cigarettes. the results of the polls can vary from the opinions of all Americans because of chance variations in the sample. For a poll based on about 1,600 interviews, the results are subject to an error margin of 3 percentage points either way because of chance variations.
Exercise 13-7 AP style

Edit the following story so that it conforms to AP style. Make sure you deal with other problems in the story.

The Green County Comission borrowed more than $500,000 from restricted accounts to meet current expenses. Thats according to a state audit released last Friday. Much of the indebtitude remains in an unpaid condition, according to county officials. Loans totaling at least $320,000 were made from the countys road fund to the gasoline tax fund according to the audit that covered the period from October. 1, 1990 through September 301994. By law, the county's road fund -- called the ``RRR fund'' only can be used for resurfacing, restoring and the rehabilitation of county roads. The other loan totaling $100,000 was made from proceeds of the county's 1998 general obligations warrant to the general fund to meet current expenditures. The money from the warrant can be used only for capitol outlay expenditures. --

The county was notified at the end of July by the state and started a repayment plan then, officials said. Examiners found the county did not follow the bid law on the purchase of cleaning supplies for 1998 and the minutes of county commission meetings was not indexed from June 1997 through Sept., 1998. ``Several county funds had deficit fund balances,'' the audit states. County Commission Clerk Tony Sanks says that steps were taken to repay the loans, with about $175,000 of the road fund loan already repaid. "Were taking steps now to pay it off, he said.

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