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Reason The desire to take control of Jerusalem away from Muslims.

The belief that fighting in a crusade would give you forgiveness of sins. The chance to travel and make money. The desire to defend the Byzantine empire from the Turks. The opportunity for younger sons of European nobles to get new land in the Middle East. The possibility of opening up new trade routes between Europe and the Middle East.

Religious, Political or Economic? Religious, political Religious Economic Political Economic, political


The Power of the Church - Church was most important unifying force in Europe o Pope in charge of religious matters, emperor over political o However Pope often tried to influence politics - Middle Ages was the Age of Faith o People bound by their beliefs o Church was a religious and social center of the community - Churchs canon law set standards for peoples conduct o Applied to everyone o Harsh punishments Excommunication banished from the church Interdict couldnt get sacraments Couldnt get into heaven - 1075 Pope Gregory VII banned lay investiture o Lay investiture Emperor could name bishops Angered Emperor Henry VI, was excommunicated by Pope o Agreement Pope names bishops, Emperor can overturn Church Reform and the Crusades - 1000s Popes began a reform movement o Popes Leo IX and Gregory VII enforced laws against priests and bishops getting married o Other Popes reorganized church structure Curia advise Pope and make/enforce canon law

o Collected taxes Friars poor Christians that moved around studying the Bible and begging for food Gothic cathedrals new large, magnificent churches were built Rise of religious power lead to war o Byzantine Emperor was being attacked by Turks Asked Pope for help protecting Constantinople and recovering Jerusalem o Pope urged Western leaders to join the Crusades, lasted over 200 years People joined Crusades out of religious faith 1096 First Crusade, poorly organized but won Jerusalem o Later Crusades were continued conflict between Muslims and Christians o Fourth Crusade Western Crusaders attacked Constantinople, solidifying the split between the churches Spanish Crusade Spain tried to recover land from Muslims o Lasted over 300 years until Muslim Spain fell o Thousands of Jews converted to Christianity to stay in Spain Effects of Crusades o Popes lost power o Death of many knights reduced power of nobles o Trade was increased because of contact with East o Continued tension between Muslims and Christians

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