Ellen Pickett CV - April 2013

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Ellen Pickett

> ellenjpickett@gmail.com > 021 251 9082 > @ellen_pickett > www.ellenpickett.com > nz.linkedin.com/in/ellenpickett

Motivated, creative individual with excellent communication skills and high attention to detail. Passionate about the web and digital marketing industry. Perfectionist at heart, and will put 110% into anything I take on.

Skills and Specialties

Digital Marketing o Search Engine Optimisation o Google Analytics o Google Adwords o Web Content and Copy-writing o Social Media Strategy o Email Marketing (including iContact, Campaign Monitor and MailChimp) o Online Advertising Campaigns, Affiliate Marketing Web Design and Development o CMS Knowledge, in particular Umbraco and Wordpress o User Experience (UX) Design o Practical Experience with Front End Development; HTML and CSS Project Management Four years experience in New Zealand Tourism Industry

Durham University, County Durham, UK Music BA with honours Graduated in June 2007 with a high 2:1. Glossopdale College, Derbyshire, UK A levels: 3 A grades in Maths, Geography and Music. AS levels: 2 A grades in Psychology and General Studies. Sullivan Upper School, Holywood, Northern Ireland GCSEs: 6 A* and 4 A grades. 2004 2007 2002 2004

1997 2002

Employment & Work Experience

Terabyte Interactive, Auckland, NZ Nov 2011 - present Support Manager Terabyte is one of New Zealands leading web agencies, with a high reputation for quality of design, development and service. The majority of clients are corporate, for example NZTE, New Zealand Parliament and Foodstuffs. There are also many tourism clients including Tourism New Zealand, Christchurch & Canterbury Tourism and Trojan Holdings.
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Terabytes Support department is responsible for clients and their websites following go-live. I manage a small team of designers and developers and look after projects under $25k. A large part of my role is to provide consultation on digital marketing (strategy, SEO, analytics, PPC, social media and user experience). I also provide training and assistance to clients with using their CMS. Most websites use the Umbraco platform. The role requires detailed knowledge and familiarity of 50+ clients, their brand and their websites. I also lead the daily studio meeting and twice-weekly production meetings. When possible, I contribute to the companys social media channels and advise on SEO strategy. I regularly attend seminars and conferences, such as Webstock, Aucklands Social Media Club and Gather. www.terabyte.co.nz

Self-Employed Sabbatical

July October 2011

Freelance Digital Marketing Consultant For four months I took a sabbatical in the UK, in order to expand my digital marketing and web development skills whilst deciding on my next career direction. During this time I accepted freelance consulting work for various people and businesses. This included web design, social media strategy and SEO. One such business was Experience Travel. I worked with their team in London for 2 weeks, advising on social media and SEO. Part of this work included re-designing their increasingly popular blog.

Haka Lodge Ltd., Christchurch, NZ

April / May 2011

Digital Consultant Designed and built the website www.hakalodge.com, including all content and initial SEO. The site uses Wordpress CMS. The business currently receives 80%+ of its bookings via the website (most referred from Google).

Haka Tours NZ Ltd., Christchurch, NZ

October 2008 June 2011

Digital Marketing Manager Full-time role with adventure tour operator, with an innovative business model based on going direct to the consumer online. I was employed shortly after Haka Tours began operating as part of a three-person team. I therefore played a key part in helping the company go from a new business to the awardwinning, recognised brand that it is today. The company now employs 15 staff members. Through my role I was responsible for designing and implementing marketing strategies, primarily through online channels. In particular:

Managed Search Engine Optimisation for the Haka brands three websites. Over a period of 6 months I was successful in doubling visits to Hakatours.com. Managed and wrote all content for Hakatours.com, including blog posts. Used Google Analytics to monitor the website(s) and regularly ran customer surveys to identify areas of improvement and increase conversions. Was responsible for all social media communications and campaigns, building a strong presence on Facebook (2500+ fans), YouTube and Twitter amongst others. Ran seasonal Google Adwords campaigns, e.g. promoting Snow Tours.
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Project managed the re-design of Hakatours.com (with a budget of N$80k) in 2010/11. Co-ordinated brochure design and content. Built strong relationships with accommodation and activity suppliers.

In addition to the above, I managed the business when the companys director was on leave (for up to 6 weeks at a time). It was an incredibly autonomous role with a large amount of responsibility. www.hakatours.com, www.newzealandschooltours.com, www.hakalodge.com

Haka Tours Ltd., Manchester, UK

Sept 2007 Sept 2008

Marketing Assistant Initially a four month contract for the company when it was barely 3 months old. I established and developed marketing strategies including online communication and social media, and ran a large promotional competition aimed at students in Britain via YouTube and in association with STA Travel. For this I travelled around UK universities to promote Haka Tours, whilst writing and distributing press releases. This was widely regarded as our introduction to the UK market and 50% of the following 12 months bookings were attributed to the campaign.

School of Mathematics, Manchester University, UK

January March 2008

Secretary Temporary role working in administration / marketing position. Acted as PA to several academics, organised conferences, seminars and meetings, was in charge of editing and coding website pages, and assisted with external communications / marketing.

MUSICON, Durham Universitys Professional Concert Series: 1) Administrator 2006 - 2007 Manager of 20 people working for the organisation, which held 20 different music concerts throughout the year. Responsibilities included chairing regular meetings and overseeing all aspects of the organisation, including the marketing, publicity and box office teams. This was the highest position a student could hold. 2) Concert Manager 2005 2006 Managed all the concerts that the organisation runs, in varying locations including Durham Cathedral and Gala Theatre. Audiences would range from 200 to 1,000 people. Robson Brown Public Relations, Newcastle, UK September 2006

PR Work Placement Worked within the Marketing / PR office for a month. Wrote press releases, researched information over the internet and phone, and contacted companies as part of organising Londons Ski and Snowboard Show. BBC, Classical Music Television Department, London, UK August 2006

Runner, The Proms 2006 Unpaid work experience on location (outside broadcast) at the Royal Albert Hall in London, often working late into the night. Durham University Media and Public Affairs October 2005 March 2006 Marketing / PR Assistant Assisted the head of Media and Public Affairs during the term-time (part-time).
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Whilst my passions centre around the web, I am most happy when I am being creative. This includes making movies of my friends, blogging, playing the piano, and cooking. I am proud of my inner-geek and taught myself HTML as a young teenager. I have travelled various parts of Europe, Asia and have been round New Zealand countless times. For the future, I hope to undertake an MBA, start my own business, and own 10 cats.

Ryan Sanders Director, Haka Tours ryan@hakatours.com +64 3 980 4252 Employer: Sept 2007 June 2011 Sam Clark Director, Experience Travel sam@experiencetravelgroup.com Contractor: October 2011

I would ask that you please gain permission from me before contacting the referees above. Other references are available via LinkedIn: http://nz.linkedin.com/in/ellenpickett

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