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How-To Submit Your Paper

Please submit all documents by May 6, 2013 Following is a step-wise description for circulating your paper, poster, presentation, or extended abstract among the ISSST participants, and for publishing it as part of the Proceedings in an indexable, searchable, and archival record with its own Digital Object Identifier (DOI). 1. Download the full paper MS-Word template. (A LaTex template is not yet available). 2. When youve finalized your submission upload your file to (on or before 6 May) using the passcode in your acceptance email. 3. To disseminate the papers in advance of ISSST2013, our staff will create a account for those participants that dont already have one, and upload the symposium papers and extended abstracts behind a password-protected wall. They will not be searchable nor accessible to the public, but everyone at ISSST2013 will be able to get them. 4. Read the full papers on, especially those in your session. 5. Using Box, comment directly on the papers that interest you. These comments are not anonymous, but are part of peer-review. 6. Authors may revise their papers at any time by uploading a new version to Box. (The old version will be automatically saved on Box when you write a new file with the same name to the same folder). Authors are expected to respond to comments, explaining how theyve revised their paper or why they will not. 7. Present your paper in real life (IRL) at ISSST2013. 8. Use the IRL comments and questions that you receive from the audience, your Session Chair, and other participants as review feedback. 9. When participating as an audience member IRL, make constructive comments on the audience review form and ask probing questions of the papers that others present. 10. If you prefer that your work does not circulate beyond ISSST2013, then you do not need to do anything further. 11. For those that want to publish their work in the Proceedings, upload a final version of your conference paper prior to 17 June. Grant permission to ISSST to publish your paper (or poster) under a Creative Commons license (CC-BY) on (ISSST staff will create an account for you if you dont already have a figshare account). 12. Record your unique DOI and update your c.v.! (Note that readers can make additional comments on figshare and that you can discover how often your paper is downloaded by using the analytics provided by figshare). The entire process is summarized in the Instructions for Authors. Its OK to post questions on the blog here about anything that isnt clear at this stage. The Editors and I will address them as quickly as we can.

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