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:206-Software Lab based on 201 (C++ and Data Structures)Questions ? Ques.1:WAP to perform the following operations on integer:i)To check if number i s prime or not.ii)To print the sum and product of the number s digits.iii)To rever se the number.Ques.2:Write a function that checks if a string is Palindrome orno t. Use this function to check user entered strings.Ques.3:WAP to perform the fol lowing on user entered array:i)Print the even valued elements.ii)Print the odd v alued elements.iii)Calculate and print the sum and average of theelements of the array.iv)Print the maximum and minimum elements of thearray.v)Sort the )Remove the duplicates from the ordered array.vii)Compact the array.viii)Print t he array in reverse order. The program should present a menu to user and ask for one of the options. The menu should also include options tore-enter the array an d quit the program.Ques.4:Create Matrix class. Write a menu-driven program toper form the following operations(2-D array implementation):i)Sumii)Differenceiii)Pr oductiv)TransposeQues.5:Write a program to search an element from a list. Giveus er the option to perform Linear or Binary Search. Use Templatefunctions.Ques.6:W AP to sort a list of elements. Give user the option toperform sorting using Inse rtion sort, Bubble sort or Selection sort. Ques.7:WAP that prints a table indicating the no. of occurrences of each letter of alphabet in the text entered ascommand line arguments.Ques.8:Write a macro th at calculates the area of a circle. WAPto use it.Ques.9:Write a macro that swaps two numbers. WAP to use it.Ques.10:WAP to perform the following operations on s trings:i)Show address of each character in string.ii)Concatenate 2 string withou t using strcat function.iii)Concatenate 2 string using strcat function.iv)Compar e 2 strings.v)Calculate the length of the string(use pointers).vi)To convert all lowercase characters to uppercase.vii)To convert all uppercase characters to lo wercase.viii)Calculate number of vowels.ix)To reverse the string.Ques.11:Create a class Rational for performing arithmetic withrational nos.Use integer variable s to represent numerator anddenominator. Write a constructor method that enables an object of class to be initialized when it is declared. Provide an argumentco nstructor with default values in case no intializers areprovided.Provide a copy constructor also. Write methods for:i)Addition, overload + operatorii)Subtraction, overload - operatoriii)Multiply, overload * operatoriv)Division, overload / operatorv )Increment, overload ++ operator(both prefix &postfix)vi)Decrement, overload -- oper ator(both prefix & postfix)vii)Overload operator == (to check equality of tworatio nal nos.) as a friend functionviii)Overload assignment operatorix)Printing in th e form a/b.WAP to test the above class.Ques.12:Create a class Triangle. Include overloaded functionsfor calculating area. Overload assignment operator and equal ityoperator. C++ Programs Add To Collection 2.5K Reads 23 Readcasts 16 Embed Views Published by Rinky Sachdeva TIP Press Ctrl-F to search anywhere in the document. Info and Rating Category:

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