Small Hydro Power Schemes Kerala

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Prepared by:

Small Hydro Promotion Cell Energy Management Centre (EMC)

Department of Power, Government of Kerala

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Govt. of Kerala Power Dept.Announcement of allotment of SHP`s through Bidding route(IPP/CPP) Small Hydro PowerScenario in Kerala Roll of private sector in SHP field in Kerala State Government initiatives Policy Highlights Small Hydro Promotion Cell Promotional Incentives
(i) MNRE (ii) CDM

2 3 34 45 5 56 6
6 67 7 7

8 9

Project Cost Purchase of Power

1 2 3 List of SHP Schemes opened up fro CPP/IPP Salient Features of Projects MNREIncentive Schemes

Power Department

Government of Kerala
Small Hydro Electric Projects for implementation thr bidding route to Captive and Independent Power Producers Government of Kerala intends to allow private Participation in the developing and running Small Hydro Power Plants. The State which has an abundance of natural streams has a large number of sites through the length of State with potential for Small Hydro Power generation, is also investor friendly, with its power sector reforms and labour reforms. Independent Power Producer (IPP)/ Captive Power Producer (CPP) initiative will be available to individual/ company/ partnership firm/ joint venture for a maximum capacity of 25MW on a Build Own Operate and Transfer (BOOT) basis for a maximum concession period of 30 years from the date of allotment. Selection of promoter will be through competitive bidding based on RFQ/ RFP to be issued. Developer will be required to offer bids within two months from the date of advertisement. The prospective bidders are advised to visit our website for general guidelines, and be ready to respond to the RFQ/RFP. The data of the schemes and a gist of incentives, project cost, etc. are detailed below: Contact Address: Small Hydro Promotion Cell
Power Department, Government of Kerala Energy Management Centre Sreekariyam P.O Thiruvananthapuram, Pin- 695017 Kerala. INDIA Tel : +91-471- 2594922 /2594924 Fax: +91-471-2594923 E-Mail : Web site:

On behalf of Governor of Kerala Sd/Secretary Power Government of Kerala

The State of Kerala is having a nonconventional energy potential (theoretical) of approximately 1715 MW. The Share of various sources is Small hydro 700MW, Wind 605 MW, Solar310 MW and Biomass 300 MW.

Small Hydro Power Government of Kerala has issued several guidelines from time to time for the development of small hydro development since 1992. The measures have encouraged private investment to harness green energy from natural resources. Till the end of March 2011, 19 Small Hydro projects with a cumulative installed capacity of 133.87 MW have been commissioned in the State. The State needs to evaluate the experience with them and to finetune policy so as to speed up investments in the area. The Mission under this Policy shall be to (i) Enhance the contribution of environmentally benign natural resources to the socioeconomic development of the State and to supplement rural energy needs through speedy and expeditious commissioning of Small Hydro Projects, (ii) Create an environment conducive to public /private /community participation and investment in Small Hydro Projects and (iii) Enhance the contribution of Small Hydro Projects in the total installed capacity of the State from 133 MW to about 300 MW by 2021. The Kerala Electricity Regulatory Commission (KSERC) has issued guidelines for purchase of electricity from Renewable Energy sources including SHPs, making it mandatory for the distribution licensees to source a certain percentage of their power purchases from Renewable Energy sources. Presently Renewable Energy (RE) sources contribute about 272 Mu of energy per annum (1.7 %) of the total 15437 Mu available from various installed capacities including share from CGS stations in the State. The energy demand is projected to attain 10% growth. Over the next ten years, the energy consumption is anticipated to be around 40,000 Mu per annum. If RE sources are to attain 10% of the energy supplies by 2021, they will have to contribute 4,000 Mu by 2021. As per KSERC norms, 40% share of RE sources is to be from Small Hydro Projects ie. 1,600 Mu. Considering average plant load factor of 30% from SHPs, this necessitates the SHP addition of ~ 500MW by 2021. Role of Private Sector in Power sector participation, their contributions in generation in Kerala At present the participation by Private Sector in power generation is mainly concentrated in the development of small hydro electric projects, wind electric generators and a few thermal power stations. The timely implementation of schemes by the allotees is also to be improved to have more confidence in them. The contributions from Private Sector so far in Small Hydro Power, Wind and major thermal generation are 43 MW, 28 MW and 187 MW respectively.


Power is the prime mover of the economic development of a State and one of the major infrastructure requirements for industrial, rural and agricultural development and it helps in linking rural population with the fast changing technological world. The State could achieve tremendous progress in the social and health fronts and the Kerala model is often referred as a good model in these fronts. The next focus has to be in capitalising this basic strength for the economic progress of the society at large. Energy plays a major role in the economic progress and tapping natural resources including renewable energy sources are important as these can ensure energy security. There are about 44 river systems in Kerala, all of them are rain fed. There are about 25 hydro stations totaling 1868 MW in the State. Mountains of Kerala with their topography are fascinating, and are rich in water resources. This provides ample opportunity for development of hydro stations and run of the river schemes in the state. There is a growing need for harnessing the nonconventional potential available in the State for long term energy security and to check the impact of spiraling cost of fossil fuels including imported coal. It is estimated that Kerala has gross small hydro potential of about 600MW, out which 94.10 MW (15%) only is tapped so far. State Government Initiatives and Policies Government of Kerala during 1990 had laid down conditions for allotment of Small/Mini Hydro projects to private developers. Government of Kerala announced an amendment to this policy vide GO(MS)No.5/92/PD dated 12031992. Based on the policy, certain small hydro projects were allotted to captive and IPP developers, out of which two projects viz. Maniyar (12 MW) and Kuthungal (21MW) have commissioned. Later, Government vide GO(MS) No.16/2002/STED dated 03042002 framed Kerala renewable energy policy as per MNRE guidelines. As per the policy, power generated from Small Hydro Power plants, if purchased by KSEB, will be at a ceiling rate fixed by the Kerala State Energy Regulatory Commission, the current rate being Rs.2.94 per unit (kWh). In 2003, Government of Kerala have announced guidelines for setting up Small Hydro Projects through private participation vide GO (MS)NO. 02/03/PD dated 16012003. Based on this policy, 11 projects totaling 43.75 MW were allotted to CPP and IPP developers. With the enactment of EA 2003, the guidelines were modified during 2006 to incorporate the provisions of Electricity Act 2003. The guidelines are being modified now to make more investor friendly. The schemes are allotted on BOOT basis under IPP/CPP mode. These schemes are allotted for thirty year period from the date of allotment. After the BOOT period, these projects are to be transferred back to the Government. The Small Hydro Electric projects commissioned under this policy are (i) 7MW Ullungal (Pathanamthitta District) and (ii) 3MW Iruttukanam (Idukki District). The additional capacity of 1.5MW allotted at Iruttukanam is poised for commissioning by the end of February 2012 and the first stage of 10.5MW Karikkayam SHP is scheduled for commissioning by the end of March 2012 under the One Year Programme of the Government.

Policy highlights Eligibility: Any Individual / Company / Partnership firm /Joint Venture

BOOT Period: 30 years from date of allotment. Selection Criteria: through competitive bidding route RFQ and RFP. Allotment is based on highest premium/MW of installed capacity. Evacuation facility and Grid Interface: Construction and Maintenance of transmission facility up to KSEBs Grid shall be Developers responsibility. Third party sale permitted in case KSEB is not purchasing energy from the project Water Cess: No water Cess will be levied by Government for the water utilised for generation. Group Captive permitted

Small Hydro Promotion Cell under Department of Power at Energy Management Centre (EMC) for Implementation, monitoring & Promotional Activities on SHP: In this connection, Govt. of Kerala has formed a technical cell viz. Small Hydro Promotion Cell (SHP Cell) (Ref: Go:MS:29/2002/PD21.1.02) under the direct control of Principal Secretary, Power, Govt. of Kerala for assisting the High Power Committee constituted by Government (Ref: GO:Rt:167/2003/PD29.4.03) and obtains approval of Govt. for projects open up for private participation under the captive and independent power producer categories. The SHP Cell offers SHP projects for implementation through competitive bidding route to investors on behalf of the Government, coordinates the project implementation schedules and monitors the various agreements of the investors with the Government. Prior to the Government guidelines on SHP issued vide GO(MS)No.2/2003/PD dated 16.1.2003, the allotment off SHP schemes to private investors were on MoU basis only. Consequent to the introduction of Electricity Act 2003, the above guidelines on SHP have been revised vide Government order GO(MS) No.5/2006 dated 17.3.2006. Further, the High Power Committee has been enlarged with the introduction of new members to speed up the whole process especially in the areas of forest and land acquisition vide Government order GO(Rt)No.203/2010/PD dated 20.8.2010. The SHP Committee Members are: (i) Principal Secretary Power, (ii) Secretary (Finance & Expenditure), (iii) Chairman KSEB, (iv) Additional Secretary (Law) and (v) Director, Energy management Centre. The newly introduced Committee members are (i) Principal Chief Conservator of Forest or his nominee, (ii) Principal Secretary Water resources Department or nominee and (iii) Principal Secretary Revenue or nominee. The Committee also monitors the SHP activities undertaken by Local Bodies, private builders who undertake such schemes in their own land and other Government enterprises. The

Committee meets frequently, invites the promoters and other stake holders to these meetings for monitoring and for solving the issues of the investors on a war footing basis. Promotional activities By availing capital subsidy from MNRE and carbon credits from UNFCCC, projects could be completed in a cost effective & commercially viable manner, thus producing power at a lower rate than the power available from the state utility.
MNRE Subsidies As per Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE, Government of India notification No. 14(1)/2008SHP dated 11.12.2009, there are incentives for the survey & investigation for SHP schemes and capital subsidy for project implementation subject to conditions stipulated in the notification. Survey & Investigation Financial support of Rs.2.00 lakhs for each project up to 1MW capacity and Rs. 5.00 lakhs for each project with more than 1.00MW & up to 25MW capacity.

Financial support for new SHP Projects (Pvt. Sector) Rs.12,000/kW for projects above 100kW & up to 1000kW Rs. 1.20 Crores for 1st MW + Rs. 20 Lakhs for each additional MW for projects above 1MW & up to 25MW.

CDM benefits Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is an arrangement under the Kyoto Protocol, which allows the industrialised countries to invest in greenhouse gas reduction projects in developing countries. It enables reduction of net global greenhouse gas emissions by financing emission reduction projects. The utilisation of small hydel resources will save the country crores of rupees worth of foreign exchange and will invite considerable investment even from developed countries due to the positive impact on GHG emissions. (Small Hydel Power Carbon dioxide abatement 1.02 Kg/kWh). There are a number of formalities for registering a project under the United Nations Frame work Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). A project registered and implemented under CDM is allotted credits called Certified Emission Reductions (CERs), commonly known as carbon credits, where each unit is equivalent to the reduction of one metric ton of carbon dioxide. The expected CERs from a 1.0 MW (3Mu ~ 35% PLF) SHP project is ~ 2500 CERs/annum. By the sale of these CERS, even at the prevailing prices which are low due to the global financial crisis, company may be in a position to reduce the cost of generation by Rs. 0.30/ Rs. 0.50 per unit. The 3.0 MW Iruttukanam SHEP (IPP), CERs have already been approved by UNFCC and the 7MW Ullungal SHP Project has been registered with UNFCCC.

Project cost The current approximate cost of implementation of the small hydro schemes in Kerala varies from Rs.55 Million to Rs. 85 Million. The cost depends mainly on the location, land acquisition cost, the civil constructions involved, the size of the turbine, generator & auxiliaries/ water head of the scheme, accessibility, the evacuation system involved etc. The average plant load factor varies from 25% to 40% or more depending upon the water availability. The commercial lending rate for these type of schemes is ~13% with a repayment period of 10 years with two years for moratorium for construction period. Purchase of Power Section 86(1)(e) of the Electricity Act 2003 mandates the Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission to promote generation of electricity from renewable sources of energy by providing suitable measures for connectivity grid and sale of electricity to any person, and also specify, for purchase of electricity from sources, a percentage of the total consumption of the electricity in the area of a distribution licensee. Section 62(1) of the Act empowers the commission to determine the tariff for the supply of electricity by a generating company to a distribution licensee in accordance with the provisions of the Act. The allottee is permitted to sell the generated power to any third party as well as per EA 2003. In exercise of the power vested in the commission under the above sections, the Commission has issued regulations on 24062006 for procurement of Power from renewable sources by distribution licensee. In its regulation, Commission has fixed 5% as purchase quantum from renewable sources by a distribution licensee, which is expressed as percentage of its total consumption during a year. The breakup of the 5% shall be 2% from SHP, 2% from Wind and 1% from all other sources except SHP and Wind. Commission has fixed the levelised tariff at 12% discount rate for 25 years at Rs. 2.94 per unit, as purchase rate of power from SHPs.

List of SHP Schemes Now Opened up for CPP/IPP

LIST OF SHP SCHEMES NOW OPENED UP FOR CPP/IPP Installed capacity (MW) Annual energy Generation (Mu)


Name of the Scheme



Projects for which DPR is available

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Parakkadavu Kalladathani Adakkathode Kokkamullu Onipuzha Mundakayam Chathamala Peruva Thirunelli Madatharuvi Malothi II Kakkadampoyil Stage-I Kakkadampoyil Stage-II (8+3MW) Arippara

Kottayam Kollam Kannur Kannur Kozhikkode Kottayam /Idukki Kannur Kannur Wynad Pathanamthitta Kasargod Kozhikkode Kozhikode Kozhikkode

Pamba Ithikkara Valapattanam Valapattanam Onipuzha Manimala Ar Valapattanam Peruva Bharathapuzha Madatharuvi Malothi puzha Chaliyar Chaliyar Chaliyar

10.00 3.50 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.25 1.00 2.00 1.20 1.00 0.80 21.00

21.58 9.50 7.70 4.80 3.16 3.08 2.08 5.00 2.60 2.00 1.50 52.22 19.87 10

Detailed investigations done 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Kozhiyilakuthu Panamkudantha Kishumam Malothi I Perimpala Kuthirachattam # Malothy III Fulongkara Pilachikkara Odanpuzha Peruthody # Pathankayam Anakampoil Idukki Pathanamthitta Pathanamthitta Kasargod Kannur Kasargod Kasargod Kannur Kasargod Kannur Kasargod Kozhikkode Kozhikkode Pooyankutty Pamba basin Pamba basin Malothi puzha Perumpuzha Payaswini Malothi puzha Kilikattthode Pilachikkara Bharathapuzha Chandragiri Iruvanchi puzha Iruvanchi puzha 1.00 0.50 3.00 2.00 0.80 2.00 0.45 0.35 0.35 0.30 0.85 4.00 6.75 4.57 1.69 7.78 4.70 1.94 10.20 0.92 1.04 1.00 0.98 1.95 10.62 21.98

29 30

Keezharkuthu Chittur upper** Kuliramutty

Preliminary investigation done Idukki Kaliyar basin Idukki Chittur Kozhikkode Perumboola

15.00 6.00 3.00

49.80 14.24 6.58


32 33 34 35 36

Urulikuzhi (Mamalakandam) Thoniyar** Urumbini Thuval Thanniyadi Haritheerthakkara

Ernakulam Ernakulam Pathanamthitta Idukki Kasargod Kannur

Periyar basin Thoniyar Kakkad Eastern Kallar Kuyangad thodu Peruvamba

3.00 2.60 2.20 1.00 0.50 0.10

7.82 8.40 10.97 3.00 1.57 0.25

Feasibility studies conducted Kaithakolli diversion Kanjirakolly Ezhamthala Mukkadavu Anakkal Kazhuthurutti Meenmutti Muthappanpuzha Uruttipuzha Lower Marmala Kozhichal Cheruvakkilchola Aruvikkal Anavilasam

37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Wynad /Kannur




Pathanamthitta Kollam Kottayam Kollam Wynad Kozhikkode Kannur Kottayam Kannur Thrissur Ernakulam Idukki

Pamba /Kallar Mukkadavu Ar Azhutha Kazhuthuruthi river Kabani Iruvanki puzha Cheruthi puzha Meenachal Kariyamkode Mangad Valiathodu Periyar

3.50 2.25 2.00 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.00 0.90 0.75 0.74 0.50 0.30

16.47 5.83 8.64 2.27 3.30 3.59 3.43 4.20 1.82 1.36 1.15

Other Identified schemes 51 52 53

54 55

56 57

Chembukatti Koodam Inchavarakuthu Chemmannar Kangapuzha Randamkadavu Aruvikuzhipara/ Marangattupally

Palakkad Palakkad Idukki Idukki Idukki Kannur Kottayam

Palakkuzhipuzha Siruvani/Kallanthode Periyar Chemmannur Panniar Randamkadavu

6.50 4.00 3.00 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.30

14.32 9.76 6.00 2.62 3.00 0.99 1.32


Total MW/Mu *


Incentives sanctioned by MNES to KSEB for DPR preperation Incentives sanctioned by MNES to KSEB for survey and ** investigation # Salient Features not available/investor to conduct studies ************ May add more schemes based on inputs from KSEB before floating tenders

Salient Features of the Project


Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Parakkadavu Kottayam The site is 13 km from Erumeli (Railway station Kottayam) Investigation Division, Konni, Phone : 0473 - 242217 Investigation Circle, Kothamangalam Phone : 0485 - 822364 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) A diversion weir of length 126m and height 15m above bed level. Spillway length (80m) Height of non-overflow section 22m, b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) A main penstock of 4.8m dia & 20m length and three feeder pipes of length 10m c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details 10MW (2 x 2.5MW + 1 x 5MW) 21.58Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB. Nearest Substation Ranni, (tentative). f. Design Head Land particulars ( Excluding right of way for transmission line) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Nil Nil 6Ha (approx) 12m DPR

Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc.

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Ithikkara Kollam In Vellenoor panchayat, 7km from Ayoor and 26 km from Kottarakkara Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Investigation Division, Konni Phone: 0473 - 242217 Investigation Circle, Kothamangalam Phone : 0485 - 822364 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) Diversion weir 120m length, 10m tunnel 2.9m dia and height. Power 390m length. b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details Penstock 2.9m dia 15m length 3.5MW (2 x 1500kw + 1 x 500kw) 9.5Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.Nearest Substation Ayoor, 5km, (tentative). f. Design Head Land particulars( Excluding right of way for transmission line) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details 90Ha 15m DPR

Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc.

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Valapattanam Kannur 65 km by road from Thalassery Investigation Division, Padinjarathara Phone : 0493 - 693507 Investigation Circle, Thrissur Phone : 0487 - 380343 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) Diversion weir of length 61m and height 5m. b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) Power channel 2200m length, 1.5m bottom width, 2.1m depth with side slope 1:1, forebay- frustrum of a cone top dia 26m. bottom dia 4m,Penstock length 1.7m dia c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity 2.5MW (2 x 1000kw + 1 x 500kw) 3 nos. d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details 7.7Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.11kv line 10km away from project site, (tentative). f. Design Head Land particulars( excluding right of way for transmission a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) 6.5Ha 35.4m 175m DPR

Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc.

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Valapattanam Kannur 35 km from Thaliparamba Investigation Division, Padinjarathara Phone :0493 - 693507 Investigation Circle, Thrissur Phone : 0487 - 380343 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) Diversion height. b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) Power channel 750m long bottom width 2m, side slope 1:1, depth 2m, forebay- 15m.dia. Penstock 1 no. 1.4m dia and 73.5m long c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details 2MW (1 x 1000kw + 2 x 500kw) 4.8Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.Nearest 11kv line 1.5km away, (tentative). f. Design Head Land particulars( excluding right of way for transmission line) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc. 5 families (approx) Nil 10Ha 32m weir 59m length and 5m DPR

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Onipuzha Kozhikode 60 km from Kozhikode in Quilandy taluk Investigation Division, Padinjarathara Phone : 0493 693507 Investigation Circle, Thrissur Phone : 0487 380343 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) Diversion height. b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) Power channel 515m length, 1.95m weir 29m length, 4.6m DPR

bottom width, 2.45m depth, side slope 1:1 forebay 22m dia. ,Penstock 65m long and 1.3m dia c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details 1.5MW (3 x 500kw) 3 nos 3.16Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.11kv line available near the P. H site (tentative). f. Design Head Land particulars( excluding right of way for transmission line) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc. Nil 6Ha 31.3m

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Manimala Ar Kottayam / Idukki 65 km from Mundakkayam Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) Diversion height. b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) Penstock of 14m length and 2.5m dia feeder pipe of 8m long 1.5 and 1m dia c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details 1.25MW (2 x 500kw + 1 x 250kw) 3.08Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.Nearest Substation Kanjirapally, (tentative). f. Design Head Land particulars( excluding right of way for transmission line) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc. Nil 6Ha 8m weir 70m length, 10m Investigation Field Division, Konni Phone : 0473 - 242217 Pathanamthitta and about 1.5 km from DPR

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Valapattanam Kannur 67 km from Kannur Investigation Field Division, Padinjarathara Phone :0493 693507 Investigation Circle, North, Vydyuthi Bhavanam, Thrissur Phone : 0487 380343 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) Diversion height. b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) Power channel 720m long bottom width 40cm and depth 2.0m, side slope 1:1 forebay 10m dia. Penstock 1 no. 127m length, 0.8m dia, feeder pipes 2nos. 0.7m dia 10m length c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details 1MW (2 x 500kw) 2 nos. 2.08Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.11kv line 3 km from the project site, (tentative). 63m weir 41m long and 5m DPR

f. Design Head Land particulars( excluding right of way for transmission line) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc.

Nil 3Ha

Approx. 5 families

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Peruva Kannur 30 km from Thalassery Investigation Field Division Padinjarathara Phone 0493 693507 Investigation Circle North, V. B, Thrissur Phone : 0487 -380343 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) Two weirs of height 5m, length 29m and 43m, b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) 2 power channels 950m and 170m length, forebay 13.5m dia. Penstock 610m length 1.2m dia c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity 2MW (1 x 1.5MW + 1 x 0.5MW) 2 nos. d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details 5Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.66kv Substation at Nedumpoil 5 km from project site, (tentative). 74m Draft DPR

f. Design Head Land particulars( excluding right of way for transmission line) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc.

10.5 Ha

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Kabani Wynad 34 km from Mananthavadi Investigation Field Division Padinjarathara Phone 0493 693507 Investigation Circle North, V. B, Thrissur Phone : 0487 -380343 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) A diversion weir 70m length and 5m height, b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) Power channel 1710m, bottom width 2m, depth of flow 1.5m, side slope 1:1 forebay 13m dia. Penstock 40m, 1.2m dia c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details 800kw (2 x 400kw) 2.15Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.11kv line 300m away, (tentative). f. Design Head Land particulars a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc. 2.5Ha 1.5Ha 24m DPR under preparation

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Madatharuvi Pathanamthitta The site is 6 km from Ranny Investigation Field Division Konni Phone 0473 242217 Investigation Circle South, Kothamangalam Phone : 0485 822364 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) A diversion weir of 41m length and 5m height, b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) Rectangular channel 1.4m width and 2m depth, 350m length, forebay 12m dia. Penstock 1m dia, 150m length c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details 1MW (Single machine) 2.04Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer.Evacuation DPR under preparation

Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.Nearest Substation Ranny, (tentative). f. Design Head Land particulars ( excluding right of way clearance for transmission line) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc. 3.2Ha 38m

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Malothipuzha Kasargod About 70km away from Payyannoor Bheemanadi, Konnakkad Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Investigation Field Division Padinjarethara Phone 0493 693507 Investigation Circle North, V. B, Thrissur Phone : 0487 380343 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) A diversion weir of 49m length and 5m height, b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) A power channel 1060m length, 1.2m bottom width, 1.3m depth, 1:1 side slope, a circular forebay tank 12.5m dia c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details 800kw (2 x 400kw) 1.5Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.11 kv line 1 km length, (tentative). f. Design Head
Land particulars( excluding right of way clearance for transmission line)

DPR under preparation

via Neeleswaram,


a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc.

Nil 4Ha


Name of the project River Basin District Access to site Main Project Components VIZ.

: kakkadampoyil : Chaliyar : Malappuram/Kozhikkode : From Kozhikkodevia Omessary

a) Dam/Weir with dimen.(appr.): Concrete gravity type leangth170.00m bed levelEl 498.00

b) Water conductor system with dimen. (appr.) : Leangth 75m, Diameter2.8m Surge shaft dia 7.00m, Height28m Penstock1.85m dia, 437m leangth c) Power house with No.of machines and capacity d) Annual average generation Potential : 52.22 Mu ( 54.54Mu considering 10% Over loading provision during monsoon) : 21MW (3 x7MW)

Design Head

: 308m


Name of the project River Basin District Access to site

: kakkadampoyil : Chaliyar : Malappuram/Kozhikkode : From Kozhikkodevia Omessary

Main Project Components VIZ. a) Dam/Weir with dimen.(appr.): Concrete gravity type Length66m, bed level EL 404.00 b) Water conductor system with dimen. (appr.) : Length500m, dia0.9m, surge shaft dia3m hight410.135m, penstock0.9m dia,578m length

c) Power house with No.of machines and capacity : 3MW(2 x 1.5MW)

d) Annual average generation Potential : 6.34Mu (6.56Mu with 10% overload)

Design Head

: 308m

Name of the project River Basin District Access to site :Arippara : Chaliyar : Kozhikkode : 60km from Kozhikkode via (Kunnamagala, Omassery, Kodanchery)

Main Project Components VIZ. a) Dam/Weir with dimen.(appr.): Trench type weir, length 45m,bed level+116.5 b) Water conductor system with dimen. (appr.) :

c) Power house with No.of machines and capacity : Over ground, installed capacity3.0MW (2 x 1.5MW)

d) Annual average generation Potential : 10.00 Mu @ 50% dependable year

Design Head

: 30m


Name of the project River Basin District Access to site : Kozhiyilakuthu : pooyamkutty : Idukki :15km from Kallar up to Mankulam, then 12km jeep road from Mankulam to PH site via Anakkulam, then 3km from PH site and then Footpath of 400m to weir site.

Main Project Components VIZ. a) Dam/Weir with dimen.(appr.): Gravity Weir with ungated overflow portion. b) Water conductor system with dimen. (appr.) : Desilting chamber Rectangular with slopping bottom.Diameter of the penstock pipe0.60m leangth700m

c) Power house with No.of machines and capacity : Over ground leangth 9m width 7m installed capacity 1000kW, 2x500kW

d) Annual average generation Potential Design Head : 4.57Mu : 216m

Name of the project River basin District Access to site : Panamkudantha : Pampa : Pathanamthitta : 22km from Ranni up to Chathanthara, then 1.5km jeep road to Kurumpanmoozhi, then 0.5km by foot path to weir site.

Main Project Components VIZ. a) Dam/Weir with dimen.(appr.): Gravity Weir with un gated overflow portion b) Water conductor system with dimen. (appr.) : With concrete column support and steel racks Penstock pipe dia0.5m leangth 340m

c) Power house with No.of machines and capacity : Over ground leangth9m, width7m installed capacity500kW, 2 x 250kW

d) Annual average generation Potential Design Head : 1.69Mu : 165m

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Pamba Pathanamthitta Perinadu Panchayat in Pathanamthitta Dist Investigation Field Division Konni Phone 0473 242 217 Investigation Circle, South Kothamangalam Phone : 0485 822 364 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) Height of weir 10m, top length of weir 95m b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) Power house at the toe of dam , penstock 2 Nos. length 50m, dia 2.75m and 0.75m c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details 3.3MW 9Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.Nearest Ssubstation is Kanjirappally, (tentative). f. Design Head Land particulars( excluding right of way clearance for transmission line) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc. 4Ha 3Ha 10m Detailed investigation completed

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Malothipuzha Kasargod The project site is about 2km away from Konnakkad town which is about 45km from Neeleswaram via, Vellarikkundu, Bheemanadi and Malom Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Investigation Field Division Padinjarethara, Phone 0493 693507 Investigation Circle North, V. B, Thrissur Phone : 0487 380343 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) Non overflow section length 15m, height 6.1m, overflow section length 30m, height 5m, bottom width 5m, Length of intake canal 87m, size of rectangular chamber 8 x 6.2 x 4, length of power channel 1615m Penstock length 150m, dia 1.70m 18 x 7 x 11 Installed capacity 2000kw (2 x 800 + 1 x 400) d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details 4.70Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.Generated power is proposed to be conveyed to the nearest 11kv feeder at Konnakkad, (tentative). 31.5m Detailed investigation completed

b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx)

c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity

f. Design Head Land particulars( excluding right of way for transmission line) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc.

Nil 5Ha

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Perumpuzha Kannur 44km East of Thalipparamba via Manakkadavu by road, nearest Railway Kannur. Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Investigation Field Division Padinjarethara Phone 0493 693507 Investigation Circle North, V. B, Thrissur Phone : 0487 380343 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) Length 40m, height of overflow section 4m, desalting chamber 3.5 x 3.5. b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) Power channel 750.75m trapezoidal bottom Detailed investigation completed

width 2.5m , depth 1.4m forebay tank 17m dia, circular. Penstock 1.2m dia, 45m long c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details 800kw (100+ 300+ 400kw) 1.935Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be

prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.It is proposed to feed to substation at Sreekandapuram (proposed), (tentative). f. Design Head Land particulars (excluding right of way clearance for transmission line) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements 4Ha 16m

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Malothipuzha, Kariangad river (basin) Kasargod Road 68 km from Payanoor town, Rail Nileswar (nearest) 42km Investigation Field Division Padinjarethara Phone 0493 693507 Investigation Circle North, V. B, Thrissur Phone : 0487 380343 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) Concrete gravity weir, length 47m height 6.35m, intake canal 55m long , 3 x 25m rectangular. b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) Rectangular chamber 5 x 5 x 3.5m, power channel Trapezoidal 340m long forebay tank 15 x 15 x 8.5 m. Penstock 25m length c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details 1.2m dia Detailed investigation completed

1 x 100+1x 150 +1x200kw =450kw 0.9203Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.Stepped up to 11kv and conveyed to 11kv feeder at Malom, 1 km from the power house by a single circuit 11 kv line, (tentative).

f. Design Head Land particulars ( excluding right of way for transmission line ) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc.


3 Ha.

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Kilikattuthode / Kuppam basin Kannur The project site is approximately 30 km from Thaliparamba via Alakode. Nearest Railway Kannur Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Investigation Field Division Padinjarethara Phone 0493 693507 Investigation Circle North, V. B, Thrissur Phone : 0487 380343 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) Length 37m, height 5m. Desilting chamber 3.5m wide and 2.5m deep, length 10m, Power channel 1342.50m size 0.7m bottom Detailed investigation completed

width 0.7m height forebay 7m dia height 6.25m penstock 137.5m long, 70cm dia c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details Power house 350kw (1 x 200 + 1x 100 + 1x 50) 1.043Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.The 11kv line now available at Alakode has to be extended by 4km to the project site, (tentative). f. Design Head Land particulars a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc. 3Ha 50.0m

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Pilachikkarama, Karangot river basin Kasargod Project site is at Bheemanadi which is 67 km from Thaliparamba and 25km from Neleswaram Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Investigation Field Division Padinjarethara Phone 0493 693507 Investigation Circle North, V. B, Thrissur Phone : 0487 380343 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) Concrete gravity weir, overflow type, height 5m length 34m b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) Desilting chamber 50m length, conduit channel 3m dia 198m length forebay tank 15m dia and 10.6m height, penstock 1.4m dia 40m length c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details 1 x 250kw +1 x 100kw =350kw 1.004Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.11kv line at Bheemanadi, (tentative). 6m Detailed investigation completed

f. Design Head Land particulars a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc.

Nil 3Ha Nil


Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Bharathapuzha Kannur 51 km from Thalassery Nearest Railway station at Thalassery Investigation Field Division Padinjarethara Phone 0493 693507 Investigation Circle North, V. B, Thrissur Phone : 0487 -380343 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) Over flow type concrete gravity ungated Ogee weir of 35m long and 5m high b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) Concrete lined open channel of 275m long (Trapezoidal ) having bottom width 1m c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details Overground 300kw (1 x 200 + 1 x 100) 0.9843Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.11kv line is available at Tondy at 6 km from site, (tentative). f. Design Head Land particulars( excluding right of way for transmission line) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc. Nil 2Ha 40.81m Detailed investigation completed

Name of the project River Basin District Access to site : Pathankayam : Chaliyar : Kozhikkode : 45km from Kozhikkode to Kodenchery and 8km to Narangathode from kodenchery by Road and 400m to the river near weir site by Coup road on right bank.

Main Project Components VIZ. a) Dam/Weir with dimen.(appr.): Trench type length 35m, bed level +235.290m

b) Water conductor system with dimen. (appr.) : Length of disiliting chamber60m, size5m wide, 4.5m deep, Penstock length140m dia1.60m

c) Power house with No.of machines and capacity : Over ground power house, installed capacity 4000kW (1 x 1000kW & 2 x 500kW)

d) Annual average generation Potential Design Head : 10.92Mu : 36.50m


Name of the project River Basin District

: Anakkampoil : Chaliyar : Kozhikkode

Main Project Components VIZ. a) Dam/Weir with dimen.(appr.) : Trench type, bed level463.00m

b) Capacity d) Annual average generation Potential

: 6.75MW

: 21.78


Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Kaliyar basin Idukki Weir site is about 12km from Udumbannoor. P.H site is about 8km from Udumbannoor Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Investigation Field Division Idamalayar Phone 0485 583228 Investigation Circle, South, Kothamangalam Phone : 0485 822364 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) Weir of 6m high, 40m long Power tunnel 2500m, forebay tank. Penstock 1m dia, 1750m long c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details 15MW 47.94Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.The tower line from Sengulam power house is passing over the proposed Substation near Udumpannoor. Length of Tower line comes to 6km, (tentative). f. Design Head Land particulars( excluding right of way for transmission line) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc. 30Ha 470m Preliminary investigation completed

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Chittur Idukki The area locally known as Averkuth, approachable by a coup road taking off from 6th mile from Neriamangalam in Alwaye Munnar road. Total distance from Kothamangalam to site is 43km. Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Investigation Field Division, Idamalayar Phone 0485 583228 Investigation Circle South Kothamangalam Phone : 0485 822364 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details Weir 5m high, 35m long Penstock 600m long 2m dia Installed capacity 6000kw 14.24Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.66kv line passes through the right bank ridge of Devi Ar and crosses the coup road at about 2km away from 6th mile and Arial distance from the site is about 8km, (tentative). f. Design Head Land particulars( excluding right of way clearance for transmission line) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc. Chittur lower scheme capacity 6000kw, Energy 14.75Mu Reserve forest 8Ha 39m Preliminary investigation completed

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Perumboola Kozhikode 43 km from Kozhikode to Perumboola via Koduvalli, Omassery, Thiruvanmbady and Karimutti junction to left bank of weir site Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Investigation Field Division Padinjarethara Phone 0493 693507 Investigation Circle, North, V. B, Thrissur Phone : 0487 -380343 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) Trench weir, height 2.6m, length 21m, Power channel 1405m, penstock 1.2m dia and length 285m, forebay tank circular 15m dia height 8.94m c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity Over ground type, 18m x 7m size, no. of machines3,capacity 3000kw (1500+1000+500) d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details 6.579Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.Power can be evacuated through 11kv line to a centrally oriented switching station near Koodaranhi , (tentative). f. Design Head Land particulars ( excluding right of way for transmission line) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc. Private land 70m (net head) Preliminary investigation completed

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Periyar Ernakulam The weir site is approachable by 10 km long coup road from 6th mile Mamalakandam road starting from 6th mile from AlwaysMunnar road- it is 40km from Kothamangalam Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Investigation Field Division Idamalayar Phone 0485 583228 Investigation Circle, South Kothamangalam Phone : 0485 - 822364 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details Length of weir 77.0m, height 5.0m Penstock length 789m 2m dia 3000kw 7.82Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.Nearest 11kv line is 6th mile about 14 km from the power house, (tentative). f. Design Head Land particulars( excluding right of way for transmission line) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Eviction of encroaches and acquisition of involved. Forest clearance required Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc. Ha (forest) 1.5Ha 64m Preliminary investigation completed

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Thoniyar Ernakulam The weir is located at Chelakkadu about 20 km away from Thodupuzha and 62km from Kothamangalam PH site is very near to Malayinchi Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Investigation Field Division Idamalayar Phone 0485 583228 Investigation Circle, South, Kothamangalam Phone : 0485 - 822364 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details Length 70m, height 6m Penstock 2 nos 700mm dia length 1500m Size 30 x 15 capacity 2600kw 8.4Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB. f. Design Head Land particulars( excluding right of way for transmission line) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc. 3 Ha 65m Preliminary investigation completed

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Kakakad Pathanamthitta 40 km from Pathanamthitta by road 1km upstream of Seethathode power house, nearest railway station Chenganoor 66km Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Investigation Field Division Konni Phone 0473 242217 Investigation Circle, South, Kothamangalam Phone : 0485 - 822364 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) A concrete gravity overflow type weir with height 15 m and length at top 62m b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details Dam toe PH 2.20MW 10.971Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the Preliminary investigation completed

developer.Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.To link with 110kv Substation at Seethathodu, (tentative). f. Design Head Land particulars( excluding right of way for transmission line) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc. Nil Ullunkal, Karikkayam, Maniyar, Maniyar tail race scheme down stream of Seethathodu Nil 12 Ha 15m

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Eastern Kallar Idukki 7 km coup road from Irattayar North, Nedumkandam village, Nedumkandam taluk Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Investigation Field Division Munnar Phone 0485 530388 Investigation Circle, South, Kothamangalam Phone : 0485 - 822364 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity Height 3m length 40m Pipeline 205m long, dia 34cm Installed capacity 1MW (500kw, 400kw,100kw) 3 machines d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details 3Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB. f. Design Head Land particulars( excluding right of way for transmission line) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc. 2 Ha 85m Preliminary investigation completed

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Kuyangad thodu / Chandragiri basin Kasargod The site is approximately 20km east of Kanhangad near Eriya in Kanhangad - Iriya road Investigation Field Division Padinjarethara Phone 0493 693507 Investigation Circle, North, V. B, Thrissur Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) Height of weir 5.0m length 36.0m Desilting chamber 40m long size 3.50 x 3.50m power channel length 1005m bottom width 1.5m, forebay 19m dia circular height 3.5m, penstock length 36m, 1.2m dia c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details Power house 450kw (200+150+100kw) 1.57Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.Power produced can be linked to the existing 11kv line at Thanniyadi, (tentative). f. Design Head Land particulars( excluding right of way for transmission line) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details 12Ha 10.5m Preliminary investigation completed

Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc.

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Peruvamba river basin Hariyilthodu Kannur 15km north east of Payyannoor town Investigation Field Division Padinjarethara Phone 0493 693507 Investigation Circle, North, V. B, Thrissur Phone : 0487 -380343 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) Trench type diversion weir. Desilting chamber, Trapezoidal power channel to lead water from desilting chamber to forebay, circular forebay 7m dia Penstock 50cm dia 35m length c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details 2 x 50kw Horizontal shaft frances turbine = 100kw 0.251Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.11kv line upto Chooral nearly 1km from project site, (tentative). f. Design Head Land particulars a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Nil 2Ha Nil Net head 13.50m Preliminary investigation completed

Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc.


Present Status of the Project:


DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted

Feasibility study conducted

River basin District Access to site Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.)

Kabani Wyanad and Kannur 10km from Mananthavadi Investigation Field Division, Padinjarathara Phone : 0493 693507 Investigation Circle, Thrissur, Phone 0487 - 380343

Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) Trench type diversion weir 25m length LPP 1.5m dia and 560m length forebay 210m x 35m size. Penstock 1.2m dia 1900m length c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details 10MW (2 x 5MW) 2 units 25Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.Nearest Substation Mananthavadi (15km), (tentative). f. Design Head Land particulars( excluding right of way for transmission line) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from 1.75Ha 0.05Ha 0.7Ha 323m

the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc.

39 kanjirakolly Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Valpattanam basin Kannur 10 km from Manikkadavu Bazaar, which is 13km from Iritty. Iritty is 40km east of Kannur town Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Investigation Field Division Padinjarethara Phone 0493 693507 Investigation Circle, North, V. B, Thrissur Phone : 0487 380343 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) A trench type diversion weir of 45m long and 3m high b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) LPP 2m dia for a length of 1620m. A penstock of length 66.5m, dia 1.70m and thickness 10mm c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details 2 machines (1x 2000kw +1 x 3000kw), 5MW 11.182Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.33kv Substation is proposed at Madathil near Iritty at a distance of 17 km from project site, (tentative). f. Design Head Land particulars(excluding right of way for transmission) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc. Nil 8Ha Nil 45.675m Feasibility study conducted

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Pamba/Kallar Pathanamthitta 5km from Thekkuthode which is 20km from Konni Aruvappulam panchayat in Kozhencheri taluk Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Investigation Field Division Konni Phone 0473 242217 Investigation Circle, South, Kothamangalam Phone : 0485 822364 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details A diversion weir of about 11m height Dam toe 3.75MW 12Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.Nearest Substation Koodal 35km away, (tentative).. f. Design Head Land particulars( excluding right of way for transmission) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc. Down stream of proposed Chelikkall Ar and Vakkal Ar schemes Not Not assessed 11m Feasibility study conducted


Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Chittar Kollam The site is 3km from Punalur towards Pathanapuram Investigation Field Division Konni Phone 0473 242217 Investigation Circle, South, Kothamangalam Phone : 0485 -822364 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) Concrete overflow weir height 8.5m length at top 41m b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details Power tunnel of clear dia 2.25m 3 nos. 750kw each, 2.25MW 5.83Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.11kv line is available at about 1km from the station, (tentative). f. Design Head Land particulars(excluding right of way for transmission line) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc. 7Ha 15m Feasibility study conducted

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Azhutha Kottayam The project site is accessible by road from Mundakkayam to power house site. Nearest Railway Kottayam 70km Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Investigation Circle, South, Kothamangalam Phone : 0485 -822364 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details Dam toe power house, capacity 2MW 8.64Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared and get it approved from KSEB.Nearest Substation Height of weir 13m Feasibility study conducted

Kanjirappally 66kv Substation, 1km, 11kv line to be constructed, (tentative). f. Design Head Land particulars( excluding right of way for transmission) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc. There is a proposal to use the tail water again for Parakkadavu low head scheme Nil 13m

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Kazhuthurutti river, Kallada Ar basin Kollam The sites are accessible and nearby Kollam Shenkotta Road Investigation Field Division Konni Phone : 0473 - 242217 Investigation Circle South Kothamangalam Phone : 0485 -822364 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details 2MW 2.27Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.Power can be transmitted to Thenmala Substation, (tentative). f. Design Head Land particulars( excluding right of way for transmission line) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc. 32m To be finalised Feasibility study conducted

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Kabani / Cauvery basin Wayanad 30km from Vythiri in the Kozhikode Kalpatta road Investigation Field Division Padinjarathara Phone : 0493 -693507 Investigation Circle, North, V. B Thrissur Phone : 0487- 380343 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) A trench type diversion weir of 5m height and 12m length b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) LPP of 320m length, 1.1m dia. A single line penstock of 0.6m dia and 620m length c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details 2 turbines (1 x 0.5MW+1 x 1MW), 1.5MW 3.3Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.The power generated can be evacuated to 33kv Substation at Padinjarathara (under construction), (tentative). f. Design Head Land particulars( excluding right of way for transmission line) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details 0.5Ha 2 Ha 145m Feasibility study conducted

Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc.

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Chaliyar Kozhikode Road 52km from Kozhikode via Omassery, Thiruvampadi and Anakkampoyil through left bank of Mundathodu Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Investigation Field Division Padinjarathara Phone : 0493 693507 Investigation Circle, North, V. B Thrissur Phone : 0487- 380343 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) Trench type weir of length 30m Power channel of length 488m trapezoidal side slope 1:2 bed slope 1 in 2000 base width 2.35m top 5m c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details 18m x 7m with machine 1 x 1000, 2 x 250, 1.5MW 3.59Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB. f. Design Head Land particulars ( excluding right of way for transmission a. Extent of Forest lan)d required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from 0.5Ha 2 Ha 16m Feasibility study conducted

the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc.

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Charuthipuzha, Valapattanam basin Kannur 60km from Kannur by Road Investigation Field Division Padinjarathara Phone : 0493 -693507 Investigation Circle, North, V. B Thrissur Phone : 0487- 380343 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) Diversion weir, concrete gravity of 50m length 5m height b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) Power channel 1230m length, forebay, penstock 90m length 1.1m dia c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details 2 x 400+1x 200 = 1000kw 3.426Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.11kv feeder at Aralam which is 4km from the project site, (tentative). f. Design Head Land particulars( excluding right of way for transmission line) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) 30m 4Ha (Reserve forest) Feasibility study conducted

c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc.

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Meenachal Kottayam Located at Marmala in Theekoy Village, Meenachal taluk of Kottayam Dist. Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Investigation Field Division Konni Phone : 0473 242217 Investigation Circle, South, Kothamangalam Phone : 0485- 822364 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details Height of weir 20m Free flow conduit, forebay tank, penstock 900kw 4.20Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.Nearest Substation at Palai, (tentative) f. Design Head Land particulars( excluding right of way for transmission) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) 28m Feasibility study conducted

c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc. Scheme envisages to utilise tail race water available from Marmala Small HE Scheme

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Kariyamkode Kannur 55km from Thaliparamba Investigation Field Division, Padinjarathara Phone : 0493 693507 Investigation Circle, Thrissur Phone : 0487 380343 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) Diversion weir 25m length and 5m height Power channel 500m length 1m bottom width 0.75m depth side slope 1:1, forebay tank 7.5m x 7.5m size, penstock 1 no. 550m length, c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details 0.75MW (1 x 500kw + 1 x 250kw) 1.82Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the 0.75m dia Feasibility study conducted

developer.Evacuation scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.11kv transmission (tentative). f. Design Head Land particulars( excluding right of way for transmission line) 108m line 1.5km away is available,

a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc. 2.5Ha (approx)

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Mangad Thrissur 12 km from Vadakkancheri, Thalapilly taluk Investigation Field Division V. B Thrissur Phone : 0487 380486 Investigation Circle, North, V. B Thrissur Phone : 0487- 380343 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer evacuation and get it approved from KSEB.Nearest Substation Vadakkancheri 14 km away, (tentative) f. Design Head Land particulars ( excluding right of way clearance for transmission line) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) Reserve forest 80m Diversion weir of 91m length and height 17.8m Penstock to be finalised 700kw Feasibility study conducted

b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc.

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Valiathodu Ernakulam 14km from Muvattupuzha via Pambakuda Investigation Field Division Idamalayar Phone : 0485 583228 Investigation Circle, South, Kothamangalam Phone : 0485- 822364 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) Length of weir 12m and height 3.5m at Mavolimuttam and a weir of length 80m and 3m height at Aruvikkal b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) Channel 215.7m from weir I to weir II, penstock pipe 110m length and 0.7m dia from weir II c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details 500kw 1.36Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.11kv line is Feasibility study conducted

available 100m away from P.H, (tentative). f. Design Head Land particulars( excluding right of way clearance for transmission) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc. 5Ha 40m

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Periyar Idukki 2 km of jeep road from Anavilasam and 200m of footpath Investigation Field Division Munnar Phone : 0486 530388 Investigation Circle, South, Kothamangalam Phone : 0485- 822364 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB. 11kv line is available at 2km, (tentative). f. Design Head Land particulars( excluding right of way for 40m Weir about 30m length 5m height Pipe line of about 50m in length 300kw Feasibility study conducted

transmission line) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Less than 1Ha



Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Bharathapuzha Palakkad 21km from Mannarkkad and 7 km from Thiruvizhemkannu Investigation Field Division V. B Thrissur Phone : 0487 380486 Investigation Circle, North, V. B Thrissur Phone : 0487- 380343 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) A concrete gravity overflow type weir of height 10m b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) A contour canal of 1800m length. A single penstock of 0.8m dia and length 1200m c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details 2 turbines (1 x 2.5 + 1 x 4MW) 6.5MW 14.324Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.The power Identified

generated can be fed into the 33kv Substation at Alanallur which (tentative). f. Design Head Land particulars( excluding right of way for transmission 0 a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc. 240m is now under construction,


Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Bhavani Palakkad 10km away from Agali near to Siruvani estate of Bharani Plantations Ltd Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Investigation Field Division V.B Thrissur Phone : 0487 380486 Investigation Circle, North, V. B Thrissur Phone : 0487- 380343 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) A concrete gravity dam 10m height and 180m length b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details A surface penstock of 1080m length and 0.75m dia 2 turbines of 2MW each, 4MW 9.76Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer Identified

and get it approved from KSEB.The power generated can be fed into the 33kv Substation at Agali which is now under construction (10km), (tentative). f. Design Head Land particulars( excluding right of way for trasmisisonline) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc. Nil 20Ha Nil 180m

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Periyar Idukki 20km from Idukki, Thodupuzha, Chelachuvadu Investigation Field Division Idamalayar Phone : 0485 583228 Investigation Circle, South, Kothamangalam Phone : 0485- 822364 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details Weir and penstock Investigation to be done 3MW 6Mu (approx) Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Identified

Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared and get it approved from KSEB. f. Design Head Land particulars(excluding right of way for transmission line) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc. 2Ha 15m

Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Chemannar Idukki Project site is near the Kuthungal HEP Investigation Field Division Munnar Phone : 0486 530388 Investigation Circle, South, Kothamangalam Phone : 0485- 822364 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) A diversion weir of about 6m height a penstock of 200m length 0.8m dia b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential 1.2MW 2.6Mu Identified

e. Evacuation details

Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB. 11kv line is available near the site (tentative).

f. Design Head Land particulars(excluding right of way for transmission) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc.


Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Panniar Idukki Downstream of the bridge under construction across Panniar near Kangapuzha Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Investigation Field Division Munnar Phone : 0485 530388 Investigation Circle, South, Kothamangalam Phone : 0485- 822364 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity A weir of 8m height with penstock Investigation to be done 750kw Identified

d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details

3.5Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.

f. Design Head Land particulars( excluding right of way for transmission line) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc.


Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Randam kadavu Kannur From Thalasseri or Kannur Iritty Edoor Angali kadavu, Vaniappara Random kadavu 60km Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Investigation Field Division Padinjarathara Phone : 0493 693507 Investigation Circle, North, V. B Thrissur Phone : 0487- 380343 Main project components viz. a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx) Diversion weir gravity type 5m height Power channel length 400m Identified

c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details

Overground 1 x 200, 1 x 100lw 0.985Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.11kv line from Chavasseri Substation is available (tentative).

f. Design Head Land particulars(excluding right of way for transmission) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc.



Present Status of the Project: DPR Ready/ Detailed Investigation completed/Preliminary Investigation completed/Feasibility study conducted River basin District Access to site Meenachil river / Aruvekuzhy parathode Kottayam Accessible by PWD road from Kurianad to Uzhavoor. Nearest township Kuravilangad is about 5km from the site. Nearest KSEB investigation field office (Address and Telephone No.) Investigation Field Division Konni Phone : 0473 242217 Investigation Circle, South, Kothamangalam Phone : 0485- 822364 Main project components viz. Identified

a. Dam/ weir with dimensions (approx) b. Water conductor system with dimensions (approx)

Dam 3m, length at top 37m, bottom 11m Penstock 240m long, 50m long penstock contour channel 200m and

c. Power house with No. of machines and capacity d. Annual average generation potential e. Evacuation details

Installed capacity 300kw 1.32Mu Alignment of transmission line will be surveyed and finalised by KSEB at the cost of the developer. Evacuation Scheme shall be prepared by developer and get it approved from KSEB.Nearest Substation is at Kuthattukulam, (tentative)

f. Design Head Land particulars(excluding right of way for transmission) a. Extent of Forest land required (approx) b. Extent of Private land required (approx) c. Extent of Government land required (approx) Particulars of any upstream/ down stream structures from the proposed scheme (existing / proposed) Rehabilitation / resettlement issues, if any, with details Litigations or any other issues including previous agreements etc.

Three/f our permanently settled families

MNREIncentive Schemes

For further details contact Energy Management Cell

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