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The Myth of Zu Zu, or Anzu, was the Akkadian name of a monstrous bird that was probably known as Imdugud

in Sumerian. Zu was conceived as birdlike but having the head of a lion, and of gigantic size so that the flapping of its wings could cause whirlwinds and sandstorms. Other descriptions of Zu indicate that it had a beak like a saw, and so presumably a birds head.

It came to be that Enlil entrusted to Zu the entrance to his shrine to guard the Tablet of Destinies of the gods. Now whoever possessed this tablet was set to rule the whole world and all the gods. Zu had to watch over this tablet day after day and eventually thought to himself I will take the divine Tablet of Destinies, I, and the decreed of all the gods I will rule! I will make firm my throne and be the master of the norms, I will direct the totality of all the Igigi. The Igigi being the counsel of the gods. Having plotted his aggression Zu waited till early morning, the start of the new day, and when Enlil went to bathe, he seized the Tablet of Destinies in his hands and flew away to his mountain.

After this, when Enlil discovered that the Tablet of Destinies was stolen by Zu, he was speechless and all the gods of the lands rallied when they heard the news. Anu came forward and said to the gods, his sons Who will slay Zu and make his name the greatest? They called the Adad the storm god, the son of Anu and said You potent one, bring lightning on Zu with your weapons! Your name will be the greatest in the assembly of the great gods and you will have no equal! Adad came forward and replied Who will hasten to the

mountain of Zu? Who is like Zu among the gods? The Tablet of Destinies he has seized in his hands, his utterance has become like that of a god. The one who opposes him will become like clay. Anu went on to call on other gods to slay Zu and retrieve the Tablets of Destinies, but none were willing, all were frightened by Zu.

Eventually Eninnu, the son of Ekur, a hero experienced in battle came forward willing to slay Zu and retrieve the Tablets of Destiny. The hero Eninnu was given the following orders Launch your full attack, let your harmful winds go against him. Vanquish the fugitive Zu, and bring peace to the earth while bringing chaos to his abode. Heap up things that frighten him, let your terrifying offensive rage against him, cause the entire whirlwind to attack him, draw the bow and let the arrows carry poison. Let your face become like a monsters and send out a fog so he cannot recognize your face. My the sun not shine over him, may the bright day turn to gloom over him. Slit his throat, vanquish Zu. Let the winds carry away his wings to a secret place.

After the hero Eninnu hear his orders he raged and departed for the mountain of Zu. Eninnu hitched the seven ill winds and met with Zu on the mountainside. When Zu saw Eninnu he raged at him, he ground his teeth like a monster and his brilliance covered the mountain. He roared with anger and called to Eninnu I have carried off everyone of the norms, and therefore the decrees of all the gods I direct, who are you to fight with me? Explain yourself! The hero Eninnu answered Zu I have received orders from Enlil, the king of the destinies and I have come to fight with you.

When Zu heard this he let loose a piercing shriek. Eninnu advanced and let loose a fourteen storm floods and loaded his bow with an arrow and he loosed the arrow at Zu. The arrow could however not approach Zu, it turned back because Zu called to it O arrow that has come, return to your bow. While Zu had the Tablet of Destinies of the gods in his hand the arrows could not approach his body. The battle was stilled and the conflict ceased.

The hero Eninnu returned to Enlil reporting what happened. Enlil encouraged Eninnu In battle do not tire, prove your strength. Eninnu was told to subdue him by the onslaught of the south wind, which would cause Zus wings to be pinned to his back exposing his chest Drae your bow and let your arrows fly like lightning Enlil said Slit his throat, vanquish Zu, let the winds carry his wings to a secret place, and let the Tablets of Destinies return to me. On hearing this words Eninnu raged and departed for Zus mountain and vanquished Zu and returned the Tablet of Destinies.

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