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Doe zelf onderzoek en laat het niet af hangen van derde German expedition to Antarctica the report about the Tibet expedition As a result of death of each of the civilizations. Earth s axis shifted counterclockwise from Easter iland (the first prehistoric north pole during the ( protogireyan civilization ) As a result of the coming Armageddon next north pole will be north America ! Next refers to the monetary content of the expedition, about the necessity hire porters and other financial and organizational issues of the second soviet expedition in Tibet ( which was planned ) Record of everyday many hours of interrogation of yakov blumkin unfortunately I have only one page of these interrogations, but it very important! OGPUinvestigator asked,he asks blumkin Question : WHAT ABOUT THE DATA REFERRED TO IN THE PLAN THAT YOU RECEIVED in Tibet ( say in brief ? ) Reply blumkin : in Tibet,I received information about the Hyper-Technologies,which are hidden under the ice of Antarctica in de underground cities, remnants of former civilization that are hundred of thousands of years old ! These ( flying apparatus ) that move silently through the sky at gread speed,and weapon capable of a few seconds to destroy cities.investigator in signature with red pencil at the bottom of the interrogation wrote : To comrade semenov Carefully and thoroughly question him again about all these TECHNOLOGY what he saw ? What he received ? This is amazing !! This is amazing yes it is amazing Since the Earth is hollow The Hollow Earth.Participants of the soviet Tibetan expedition 1925 Yakov Blumkin.Tibetan leader said about 2014 year water will be pushed to the main land ( On to the continents )

The tsunami wave height will be up to 7 km in height !,And the speed of the waves up to 1000 kilometers per hour !. The last ( third cycle ) the alien planet s rotation around the sun was in 1586 BC. The next occurrence of the planet in de solar system is expected in 2014 According to blumkin last worldwide noa s flood was in 12 386 BC,and these world wide floods Earth.already had 4 pieces! ( The first flood ( Of nibiru was in 55 586 BC ) ( may be in year 2012 re In year 2014 ) will be the world s cyclopean titanic flood with the total destruction ( extermination ) of all life on the Earth surface ( on land ) Pacific ocean. ( such as the ocean tide and low tides generated by the moon ) Nibiru will rush to the surface Through a hole near the north pole. Information about the planet nibiru,and about the hollow Earth have become available of the German government in 1932 and Than 1938 39 the German government , ( The Third Reich ) and scientific organization Anenerbe sent an expedition ( Ernst Schaefer). Planned that the expedition will be working within the framework of the Theory of eternal ice of Hans Gerbiger to find her confirmation.overall essence of the theory- in recurring cataclysms on earth,which have their periodicity Tibetan lama in the hand holding the symbol of the destructive energy VRIL Year 1939 Parallel to the German expedition in to Tibet in 1931 and year 1938 39 ( To get some information from the Tibetan Monks )The German government sent a full-scale expedition to Antarctica. Details of these expeditions, especially the Tibetan expedition ,archival document which fell in to the hands of the British- are classified ( kept Secret ) until 2045 It is a nonsense and a crime to withhold information from the people. At a distance of 150 A 200 km from the point of the south pole Trans Antarctic mountains -German pilots discovered a passage in the hollow Earth ( Agharta ), or as it is called the inhabitants of the hollow Earth Arianna ,Lands of highly developed race of the anciens Aryans ( prehistoric white race ),who survived after the worldwide Noah s flood ( deluge ) and gone in the cavity of the Earth ( hollow Earth ) and created a wonderful world out there.German map of the Third Reich in year 1944 only for the captains of submarines A class whit out convoy of fuhrer. The only one place where you can escape it s A hollow Earth .inhabitants in de hollow Earth have a very high technologies. The have survived in de past WORLDWIDE floods

( deluges ) And out live that too ! Jewish masons know about the threat they are building underground bunkers on the money of Microsoft built a giant bunker in svalbard.and this is what awaits all does not matter, or in December 21,1212 or in 2014,it was before it will in the future nobody and nothing this huge planet will not ( can not ) stop! I still very much hope that nibiru will not come in ( 2012 2014 ) And god forbid,that it turned out fiction,or so that nibiru did not affect the Earth if it is stil true for the humanity on the Earth surfaces,threatening total extermination ! No need to panic,let s hope that the higher intelligence will help to people to overcome Those events. map of flooding in Europe and in the world,these lands for thousands of years will be under the water. Herodotus mentioned his personal conversation with the Egyptian priests. They told him one more interesting fact : 341 generations ago ( conversation with Herodotus by the Egyptian priests took place about 450 BC ) Since the death of the Last god in Egypt the Sun 4 times change its direction of motion across the sky. ( 2 times was rising in the west and 2 times going down to the east ! This means that they have seen the red planet Nibiru 2 times ), She moves in the opposite direction to the rotation of Earth around the Sun I compared these data with other data obtained during the Tibetan expedition And I received a complete similarity.The death of the last god in Egypt was during the last the fourth cycle Approach of the planet NibiruThe Egyptians could not see the planet itself, but they knew that the gods were killed at this time, their ancestors they told about it.Then they saw the 2 times that something like the sun a giant red planet was raised in the west and settled on the east It could be the only planet Nibiru ( this lasted only one day or half day ) That is Nibiru visible sky only half a day.Nibiru should be close to the planet Earth at the end of year 2014 and also must be visible too the sky as a second- sun only one day. This will be the fourth cycle ( of rotation Nibiru around Sun ) the next deluge ( World flood ) ! Fifth Armageddon on Earth. But this time, Nibiru will be visible as second Sun- Twice, Nibiru will pass near the Earth twice too.Nibiru approaches to the orbit of the earth at an angle of 30

degrees, and Will pass near the orbit of the earth will turn around the Sun, and again will pass near the Earth again.The Earth oceans will boil and all most all humans and animals and birds will die. Bron vermelding :

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