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Issue 3, 2013

Heres to loving you!

Pg 3. + Greening Sacred Spaces + February is Farm Month schedule Pg 4. + How well do you know you nervous system? Pg 5. + Epigenetics: Scientific Breakthrough Backs Energy Healing! Pg 6. + Liquid Crystals: Part 1
Pg 7.

+ Moms Kitchen: Balance Cookies + Free Origami: Crown

Pg 3. Greening Sacred Spaces February is Farm Month schedule Pg 4. How well do you know your nervous system? Pg 5. Epigenetics: Scientific Breakthrough Backs Energy Healing Pg 6. Liquid Crystals: Part 1 Pg 7. Moms Kitchen: Balance Cookies Free Origami: Crown


Saint Valentines Day, commonly known as Valentines Day, or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is observed on February 14 each year . Usually we celebrate this day by giving our loved ones gifts, that show how much we really love and care for them. But what about the actual gift of love? A gift that can be shared with any person, and especially ourselves. To love unconditionally with compassion - without boundaries or limits - is the ultimate gift and act we can give to others. But by doing this small, thoughtful act we are also loving ourselves. You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. The thought manifests as the word. The word manifests as the deed. The deed develops into habit. And the habit hardens into character. So watch the thought and its ways with care. And let it spring from love, born out of concern for all beings. -Buddha -GUSTO MAGAZINE


WHO WE ARE Gusto is a free alternative publication aimed to create unity amongst Hamiltons holistic, green, and spiritual community. OUR PHILOSOPHY IS SIMPLE Educate, Inspire and Grow. We intend that GUSTO will provide readers with stories, interviews and information concerning holistic health and wellness shared by industry leaders in our Hamilton community. If you have a story you would like to share or would like advertise with us - please email us

@ or



FEB 2: 10AM Meet the Community Food Security Stakeholder Committee (CFSSC) Chicken Thyme Pasta is a Hamilton-inspired recipe featured in Lynn Ogryzlos The Ontario Table see how easy and tasty local fare can be! NOON Cooking with Councillor Maria Pearson, Ward 10 Dessert anyone? How about some Apple Sticky Toffee Pudding!! Check out this localized twist on a great British classic! FEB 9: Spotlight on Local Ingredients: after the harvest season, what do you eat? 10AM Cabbage is Cool! Come to this kid-friendly cooking demonstration to learn some fun facts about this underappreciated vegetable! NOON The Locavore in Winter How do you eat local when the fields have been frozen for months? FEB 16: The Global-Local Kitchen: international flavours & local ingredients NOON Hamilton Eat Locals International House of Pancakery Prepare for Pancake Day! FEB 23: Exploring Ideas About Farming 10AM An Introduction to Food & Farming for Kids What does a farm look like and what foods come from farms? NOON The Lazy Locavore In Winter Tips and techniques to help bring local food to your table in a hurry! FEB 27: Food n Farming Panel Discussion- Can HamiltonFeedItself? WHYFARMLANDPRESERVATION MATTERS @The Hamilton Public Library 7-10 PM

Greening Sacred Spaces

Hamilton-area faith groups are joining a worldwide movement that addresses conservation and sustainability within places of worship as well as in the home and wider community. Many faith organizations recognize their role as Stewards of the Earth and are increasingly seeking practical ways to implement these beliefs and encourage their members to do likewise. In Hamilton, local environmental organization, Environment Hamilton works with Faith & the Common Good (a province-wide, inter-faith network of religious communities) to deliver the Greening Sacred Spaces program. Greening Sacred Spaces (GSS) is a practical program that assists faith communities in taking concrete actions to create a more sustainable and energy efficient place of worship, and to educate members of the community about ecological issues. Whether the faith group wishes to focus on education, energy conservation, climate change action, or host a hands-on workshop such as container gardening or rain barrel making, GSS staff come out to the place of worship for free and engage the members. From environmental film screenings, to cleaning with non-toxic products, preserving fruits to organizing a walk and bike to your place of worship day, to starting up a green team, GSS is eager to assist. The program provides guides and resources (most of which are down-loadable for free from their site), facilitates fee for service energy audits of the faith structure, offers networking opportunities and ongoing support.

This winter, one of the goals for the GSS program is to focus on engaging youth around sustainability and Eco-justice issues. Youth voices are very important and valued and we want more youth contributions added to the discourse. The program is also focusing on the issue of food security. Traditionally faith groups have always been in the business of feeding the hungry. But environmental degradation and climate change present an unplowed terrain for food security action and we are witnessing more and more people of faith working to ensure that access to fresh, local food is not limited to the ones who can afford it (food justice). At the same time in their own diets, they are choosing to eat locally and responsibly. Over the last few years, GSS has been organizing the popular Nourishing Hamilton Fair: Food, faith and justice and featuring the many local food security initiatives that are taking place in our community both in the faith community.

By Beatrice Ekoko

Mark your calendars! Sunday, April 14th at Southgate Presbyterian Church, 120 Clarendon Ave Hamilton, ON for the next fair.
For more information contact Beatrice Ekoko, GSS Project Facilitator at Environment Hamilton Please visit the links to learn more! The General GSS website: http://www. Blog! http://greeningsacredspace3

Starts: February 2, 2012 Ends: February 27TH, 2012


By: Dr. Andria Hoda D.C, D.Ac

When was the last time you had to stop everything you were doing to remind your lungs to breathe? Your heart to beat? A cut to heal? Noticing a theme? The answer is never. Our body is innately configured to do that for us without conscious thought. These actions are controlled by the nervous system - our master controller. As long as there is a life force flowing through our body, our nervous system is in the command seat. Our nervous system is made up of two main parts: the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The CNS is comprised of the brain and spinal cord. The PNS connects the CNS to the rest of the body via nerves. There we have our bodys switchboard circuit, if you will. This is how your brain communicates with the rest of your body. So what happens when there is interference with this communication? What causes interference and how do we know if its there? Proper nerve supply is essential for life and vitality! When there is interference in our central nervous system it is called a subluxation. These subluxations occur from the day-to-day stresses our body endures to adapt and survive. Nowadays humans have many stresses to deal with and quite chronically. Physical, chemical and emotional stresses are absorbed by our body and take their toll decreasing the ability of the brain to communicate with the body at its best via the nervous system. Think of what you eat in a day - is it nutrient-dense or is it mostly sugary and processed? What about your posture? Do you perform repetitive movements daily? Are you sedentary? How often are you thinking or hearing about negative ideas or issues in the world? Those are just a few stresses that the body takes in on a daily basis. What have you done to help your body heal and offset the damage done? How can you tell just how stressed your nervous system is? Unimpeded, the nervous system does exactly what is necessary to survive in its environment. In order to function optimally, the body requires a balance of adequate rest, proper diet, regular exercise, positive thoughts, and of course, a clear brain-body connection. The best way to check your nervous system and its function is to have it assessed. Most state of the art chiropractic clinics have great technology to get a snapshot of exactly how your body is dealing with hidden body stresses. The Insight Millennium technology, for instance, scans your spine and nerves for deep changes. A series of precision sensors can detect tiny changes within your muscles, joints, temperature controls and even your heart rhythms. This powerful technology then takes all the data from these precise tests and calculates your spinal health score. These tests take only a few minutes to perform and will calculate an overall score of your spinal health. They are designed to determine how well your spine and nerves are working together. It is great to see this nervous system picture so you can take appropriate measures to make sure you are firing on all cylinders! Your body is programmed to survive and adapt in its environment. When the nervous system is given the best fuel and is well cared we all have the ability to live our lives to the fullest. Get out there and live up to your potential!! xo



Himalayan crystal salt is mined from a dried-up sea that existed 25 million years ago in the Himalaya mountains. It is a pure, high-quality salt that contains many as 84 trace minerals needed for optimum body function. Crystal salt is also purported to contain 84 trace minerals that your body needs to maintain proper body function. Trace minerals have been shown to regulate water absorption in the body

Scientific Breakthrough Backs Energy Healing!
By Amber Colbear
FOR the last twenty years, independent scientists and research teams have been working with an alternative health therapy, which has birthed a new science, hailed as Epigenetics. While, not necessarily new in relative terms, Epigenetics has existed under an umbrella of names, throughout the ages. Such as, Reiki, Energy Healing, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and Shamanic Medicine. Epigenetics literally means above the genes, which implies in itself, mind over matter! So, your thoughts not only rule your emotional reality as we once thought, but they do in fact; also create your physical reality. Therefore, we do not manifest disease (dis-ease, aka imbalance) because of a defected or damaged gene, but by an imbalance in our epigenome; it is our field of thoughts that crowns our body. This is likely the biggest discovery since the existence of DNA. And much like Jacobs ladder, the double helix of our DNA has set the entire science community into a spiraling frenzy! This breakthrough determines that our genes are like plasticine, which means we are literally capable of remodeling ourselves at will. No longer, are we stuck with the genetic hand me downs from our family tree. The implications that this has on our bodies, our health and the future of humanity is truly quite staggering and extremely exciting!

The big key in this breakthrough was

that scientists discovered that the methyl groups that lie on top of our DNA, act like on and off switches. When methyl groups adhere to the DNA, they inhibit the genes response or expression; essentially they shut down the potential of that particular gene or epigenome (cluster of genes). Since your epigenome controls disease and your thoughts control your epigenome, regardless of which ailments you may suffer, the cure truly is in your hands. This breakthrough has finally answered the age-old question that has boggled scientists for years; we now know why the placebo effect and spontaneous healing occur. Author Dawson Church, (The Genie in Your Genes: Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention report some very impressive facts:

All this leads to one conclusion, our minds and consciousness hold the key to healing. Mind your thoughts and you control your body. Science has finally answered the age old question of energy healing, since thoughts are energy! More research is definitely needed to fully explain and understand the ins and outs of energy healing from a quantum physics standpoint, but science has finally connected the dots between the bodys energy field, aka life force, prana, biorhythm, astral body, qi, the soul etc. Remember, epigenetics means above the genes, and the only thing above the genes is your mind! Every choice you make, what you do, say and how you react determines the health and physical limits of your body.

Meditating for 30 minutes a day can boost your mood more than anti-depressants. Elderly people who have upbeat attitudes have 23% lesser incidence of cardiovascular disease and 55% lower threat from all other causes. Patients recovering from heart surgery who have a strong spiritual foundation and social support have a mortality rate 1/7th of those who do not.

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Aid in nutrient absorption, regulate blood sugar levels, balance cellular pH, promote bone strength and support muscle function. Himalayan salt gets rid of heavy metals, such as mercury, lead, calcium, arsenic and amalgam, that are often trapped in the body by breaking up their molecular structures. Supports healthy respiratory function and reduces chances of developing gall bladder and kidney stones.

Liquid Crystal Love Part 1 In Loving Memory of Massimo Rosati

Hey Angel, do you want me to bring your bottle filled with Uxbridge Liquid Crystal Love? Little did I know that this would be one of the last text messages that I would receive from my good friend Massimo Rosati. At the time I didnt read much into his reference of Liquid Crystal Love. Prior to me meeting Massimo (loving referred to by everyone as Mo) in June 2012 I was approached by local Intuitive. She said to me you are going to be doing something with water. I said excuse me? She said this water is going to help people to strengthen their aura and energy field or something like that. I was puzzled but thought OK, if its meant to happen it will and then I forgot about it. About six months later, I was lead down a bizarre path of water related events. I was very confused and had so many questions. I had been introduced to Mo by e-mail through a friend, yet we had never met. I called him up and to make a long story short we ended up at a local spring that same day. I will never forget that magical day. The first time I drank real living Spring Water. As Mo very passionately, educated me about the value of drinking Spring Water, a friend of his drove up beside us. We were introduced, had a few sips of water and the next thing you know, me and his friend were doing yoga poses on the rocks and Mo was taking pictures of us. We were laughing, joking and time didnt seem to exist. The three of us became good friends from that point on. And so my journey with Spring Water began. I am ashamed to admit it to people but prior to drinking Spring Water I drank distilled water for over twenty years. Mo would always say to me I cant believe you drank dead water for that long. How do you look so good? Fortunately for me, I had youth on my side and at least I hadnt been drinking some of the harmful chemicals found in tap water. When I learned about the impact of mineral deficient water I was grateful that I had never broken any bones or experienced tooth decay. Usually, what people mean when they use this term is that the water has very little, if any, life-force energy. Dead water is actually a nautical term for a phenomenon that occurs when a layer of fresh water sits on top of denser salt water without the two waters mixing. When this happens, the ships propellers can slow down almost to a stop. The propellers make waves and turbulence between the two layers of water which can result in a 20% decrease in the ships speed. That made sense to me because the dead water with no life-force robs our body and bones of precious minerals and in-turn slows us down. The life force of the water is killed when we manipulate it with our man made contraptions and chemicals. The sad part is we only do this because the water is dirty and we made it that way. As I reviewed my last few text messages from Mo I was curious as to why he referred to the water as Liquid Crystal. Ken Rohla, the author of Beyond Raw Foods, offers up a good explanation. All soil on earth, on the surface of the earth everywhere is covered with soil and rock, its crystal. All soil is crystal. It can be large or it can be small chunks but its all crystalline. And if you know about crystals, they have real energy in them. Not some kind of new-age-woo-energy, they have real electrical energy in them. Crystals are resonators of energy, they are amplifiers of energy its quantum physics, and you can do real, 6 practical things with it.

By:Vanessa Pazzi

There are tons and tons and tons of things being done with crystals in science. So natures crystallography is in the soil! And these crystals pick up energy from the sun! Theyre picking up all kinds of photon-energy and turning it into all kinds of other energy, and then imparting it into the water that is flowing down through the soil and picking up the Ormus minerals The thing that has amazed me the most about this magical water is how it lifts peoples spirits. I have taken many people to various springs. I always watch how their energy changes after they drink right from the spring. They start giggling and laughing hysterically. I can feel their heart chakra opening. Being a Reiki Master I am always tapping into and feeling energy. Some have described their experience with the water as a buzzing feeling or they feel vibrations in their body. Once I served the water at a workshop that I was facilitating. I told the group it was Spring Water and that is all. Within a few minutes they were laughing up a storm. One woman exclaimed sarcastically maybe its the water! And everyone else laughed. I said no really, it is! Our physical bodies are made up of mostly water. We are taught the importance of drinking 8 glasses of water a day. But can water really make you feel that good? Can it cause you to vibrate or feel incredibly alive? Open your heart chakra and make you laugh? I am only sharing my experience. I will leave it with you to decide for yourself if the life-force of Spring Water is real for you. I am not well versed in the Bible however during my research I noticed that The Bible and water are very much connected. Water is mentioned 722 times in the scriptures. John 4:14 states But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life. Gen 1:2 states The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. Are you sensing any connections here? I could probably write a whole book about how water and spirituality are connected but that is a project for another time! After Mos passing two months ago I knew that someone would need to carry the water torch. I honestly feel that his soul lined me up for the assignment. We only knew each other for a short period of time but the universe brought us together so that his legacy and work could continue on in the physical world. I dont know nearly as much as he did about water (all the technical and science based facts) but I do share the same passion for Spring Water and educating that he did. You can watch a number of Mos videos on the You Tube channel Jow69 and on where you can also find out about the springs in your area. Hey Angel, do you want me to bring your bottle filled with Uxbridge Liquid Crystal Love? Liquid being water, Crystal meaning crystallized or magically charged by the earth and Love meaning pure lifeforce energy given to us by our creator.
Mo was notorious for nick naming people or calling them by a different name. He called me Angel (which means Messenger in Greek). Ironically, he is now my Angel. Vanessa Pazzi The Water Angel

The Harmonious Soul

Certified Reflexologist & Reiki Master

Vanessa Pazzi, CR, RM Ask me how you can get a 15% or more discount before ordering!


BALANCE COOKIES- Gluten free, egg free, and dairy free. Very yummy!
2 cups brown rice flour 1 cup ground almonds 3 tbsp. Sesame seeds, Lightly toasted whole almonds for garnish
Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Stir the rice flour, ground almonds, sesame seeds, cinnamon and salt in a large bowl . In a separate bowl, whisk the honey, vegetable oil and add to the rice flour mixture and blend. Scoop tablespoonfuls of dough and using your hands shape each into a ball. Place each ball of dough 2 inches apart on a parchment lined baking sheet. Press each cookie to flatten and press a whole almond into the center of each. Bake for about 15 minutes or until cookies start to brown a little on the bottom.

tsp cinnamon tsp. Salt 1/3 cup honey cup vegetable oil

Workshops/ classes
REIKI KIDS @ SYNCHRO-NICITES Ages 5 - 10 Saturday March 2, 11:00-3:00 $85 per child includes Reiki 1 Attunement, Reiki Kids Certificate, Reiki Kids book and small craft materials.RSVP @ susanprontack or 905 544 5115 ALL ABOUT THE WATER WE DRINK! Featuring Vanessa Pazzi on Spring Fed Water & Stop Fluoridating Hamiltons water on Feb 24th at 1pm at the Green Smoothie Bar: 236 James St N, Hamilton, ON L8R 2L2 FULL MOON PAST LIFE/ THIS LIFE GROUP @ SYNCHRO-NICITES RegressionSunday February 24, 1:00-5:00 $50.00 per person, space is limited We will be tapping into the subconscious mind with this session using a combination of hypnosis working at the theta level, and meditation.RSVP 905 526 9694, or 905 544 5115 SOUPFEST 11


Convention Centre Wed, Feb 6 2013

CHOCOLATE FEST: FEBRUARY 7 Hamilton Convention centre. Live entertainment, a silent auction and of course chocolates. ART CRAWL: Friday, February 8 Art shows, live music and more on James Street North, from approximately 7 to 11 pm. THE LAST ROMANCE February 6-23 Theatre Aquarius. Love in the older years. By Theatre Aquarius, at Dofasco Centre for the Arts. HAMILTON EAT LOCALS FEBRUARY IS FARM MONTH Featuring a month of fun weekends of cooking demos, panel discussions and much more! See full schedule @

VALENTINES DAY DINNER AND DANCE: ROMANCE IN BLOOM @ THE RBG Thu, 14 Feb, 2013 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM Enjoy an assortment of appetizers and a complimentary sparkling wine in our Mediterranean Garden and get a photo taken of you and your sweetheart. BOOBAPALOOZA4 STILL SAVING SECOND BASE Carmens Banquet Centre, 1520 Stone Church Rd E Hamilton Fri Feb 22 @ 7pm COME SEE BODYNSOL @ HEALTHY FOOD AND WELLNESS GATHERING February 23rd 4:30 to 7:30 at the Unitarian Church 170 Dundurn Street South. Tea and Gift Certificates for sale on site. second event ChiMotion Workshop at BodynSol 382 West 5th 1-3pm. For more details go to

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