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INTRODUCTION Millions of tones of waste are created by households, businesses, and the construction industry worldwide each year. Engineers work to manage waste effectively and efficiently by reusing and processing waste materials, exploiting waste to produce alternative sources of energy, and managing and disposing of residual wastes. The government of the Philippines has been keeping an open eye about the country's waste management problem. The nation's supervision towards the end of this mounting dilemma is to build biosphere facility sites to every municipality nationwide, facilities which diminish waste to generate green energy. Improper Waste Management in the Philippines is never ending unless the initiative of every individual will be awakened. It is just a matter of care plus a kick of inventiveness in order to resolve this infinite quandary.

DISCUSSIONS OBSOLETE, SURPLUS AND SCRAP WASTE Waste can be categorized as obsolete, materials and equipments which are not damaged and which have economic worth but no longer useful for the companys operation. Obsolescence is the state of being which occurs when an object, service or practice is no longer wanted even though it may still be in good working order. Obsolescence frequently occurs because a replacement has become available that has, in sum, more advantages than the inconvenience related to repurchasing the replacement. Obsolete refers

to something that is already disused or discarded, or antiquated. Typically, obsolescence is preceded by a gradual decline in popularity. Items are identified surplus when the materials and equipments has no immediate use but have accumulated due to faulty planning, forecasting and purchasing. Scrap waste are identified as materials left over from product consumption, such as parts of vehicles, building supplies, and surplus materials. Unlike waste, scrap has significant monetary value. Scrap metal originates just as frequently between businesses and homes as well. The proper disposal and recycling of scrap metal is typically done by a business or service. Typically a "scrapper" will advertise his services to conveniently remove scrap metal for people who don't need it, or need to get rid of it. Scrap is often taken to a wrecking yard (also known as a scrapyard, junkyard, or breaker's yard), where it is processed for later melting into new products. Great potential exists in the scrap items for accidents in which a hazardous material, which is present in scrap, causes death, injury, or environmental damage.

REASONS FOR GENERATION AND ACCUMULATION OF OBSOLETE, SURPLUS AND SCRAP ITEMS CHANGES IN PRODUCT DESIGNS obsoletion RATIONALIZATION initiative for variety reduction leads to surplus or obsolete items CANNIBALIZATION parts of one idle machine are fitted on another machine needed urgently during maintenance, results into obsoletion of parts and at times even scrap








procurement, surplus generation. FAULTY PURCHASE PRACTICES sub-optimization in buying to utilize available discounts and transportation economy, surplus and obsolete stocks are generated. OTHER CAUSES parts kept aside for insurance claims, bad storage system, bad material handling, bad manufacturing and badly maintained machines are other causes for spoilage and scrap.

HOW TO PREVENT GENERATION OF OBSOLETE, SURPLUS AND SCRAP ITEMS? Identification significant 15% to 20%items responsible for 80% of value for close management control selective management control Effective management of inventory results in short span of time Allocation of management resources to significant items, reduction in clerical work and time. Helps in selection of appropriate inventory control models or systems. 5. Helps in formulation of inventory policy IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL OF WASTE Process of combining the stocks records and movement analysis has been found an effective technique in identifying and controlling of waste, by means of issuing stock cards and checking the records, products that are not moving for over a year should be separated or isolated. Through this, list can easily put and give priority for disposal action.

Close coordination of the management results in controlling and minimizing obsolete and surplus items. Another effective way is by using Effective Point Advice or EPA system help in better coordination for profitable introduction of changes. EPA required the details of the product, details of materials and the product which will be invalid/obsolete when the change occurs and the date when the changes are expected to be introduced. EPA is used to calculate the cost factor in material management this is for the purpose of maximizing the profit by minimizing the cost

DISPOSAL OF SCRAP Disposal actions of scraps can be made to the end users not to the middle man who leads to the lower returns. Before disposal scraps must be segregated according to metal, size, etc. Not sorting of scraps can be an additional cost tot the buyers and another loss to the sellers. Everyone in a company or organization should support and show commitment in sorting and disposing of scraps, some companies have found displeasure when their new product competing in scrap this is a results when the companies not give enough attention in dismantling and disfiguring the scrap before the disposal. SOME TIPS IN DISPOSING SCRAP ITEMS Contact a local scrap-metal business to pick up the material. Larger communities have businesses that deal with scrap-metal pickup. These can be located in your local phone book or online. They will come to your home and pay you a sum for the scrap metal, on a per-pound basis. Take the scrap metal to a scrap-metal yard in your area. Again, the phone book will help you to locate a scrap-metal yard or recycler near you. Some of these recyclers can weigh your car or truck when the metal is in it, then weigh the vehicle after the load of scrap has been removed, to give you an accurate weight of the metal and how much it is worth. The amount paid for scrap metal varies according to the type of metal. Advertise smaller pieces of metal in local papers, hardware stores, bulletin boards or on Craigslist. There are many metal sculptors, auto remodelers and other hobbyists that need odd pieces of metal for their projects. Advertise the type, length and size of the metal on one of

these forums, and you may find that your scrap is a desirable commodity for others who work in metal. Contact your local waste-disposal company to pick up large pieces of metal, like household appliances. Most communities will pick up large metal appliances if you arrange in advance for the pickup. For smaller pieces, you may be required to bundle the metal or place it in containers for easy pickup. BENEFITS OF RECYCLING SCRAP METALS According to research conducted by the US Environmental Protection Agency, recycling scrap metals can be quite beneficial to the environment. Using recycled scrap metal in place of virgin iron ore can yield:

75% savings in energy 90% savings in raw materials used 86% reduction in air pollution 40% reduction in water use 76% reduction in water pollution 97% reduction in mining wastes 1,115 kg of iron ore 625 kg of coal 53 kg of limestone



Aluminum savings of 95% energy Copper savings of 85% energy Lead savings of 65% energy Zinc savings of 60% energy

The metal recycling industry encompasses a wide range of metals. The more frequently recycled metals are scrapped steel, iron (ISS), lead, aluminum, copper, stainless steel and zinc. There are two main categories of metals: ferrous and non-ferrous. Metals which contain iron in them are known as Ferrous where metals without iron are non-ferrous. (ISRI Common non-ferrous metals are copper, brass, aluminum, zinc, magnesium, tin, nickel, and lead. Non-ferrous metals also include precious and exotic metals. Precious metals are metals with a high market value in any form, such as gold, silver, and platinum. Exotic metals contain rare elements such as cobalt, mercury, titanium, tungsten, arsenic, beryllium, bismuth, cerium, cadmium, niobium, indium, gallium, germanium, lithium, selenium, tantalum, tellurium, vanadium, and zirconium. Some types of metals are radioactive. These may be naturally-occurring or may be formed as by-products of nuclear reactions. Metals that have been exposed to radioactive sources may also become radioactive in settings such as medical environments, research laboratories, or nuclear power plants. OSHA guidelines should be followed when recycling any type of scrap metal to ensure safety.

CONCLUSION Proper disposal of waste has been the problem for many years. Lack of knowledge and ideas on proper disposal and recycling end in thousand tones of garbage everyday. Government introduce and give preferential attention in Waste management in which the waste are properly collect, dispose, process or dispose, managing and monitoring of waste materials. The term usually relates to materials produced by human activity, and the process is generally undertaken to reduce their effect on health, the environment or aesthetics. Waste management is a distinct practice from resource recovery which focuses on delaying the rate of consumption of natural resources. All wastes

materials, whether they are solid, liquid, gaseous or radioactive fall within the remit of waste management Waste management practices can differ for developed and developing nations, for urban and rural areas, and for residential and industrial producers. Management of non-hazardous waste residential and institutional waste in metropolitan areas is usually the responsibility of local government authorities, while management for non-hazardous commercial and industrial waste is usually the responsibility of the generator subject to local, national or international controls. Whoever the responsible agency in waste management is not anymore an issue, our concern here, is that we are all responsible in our action because we all suffer in consequences. Companies as one of the source of waste, obsolete and scrap materials should also be responsible in disposing their waste, proper disposing means acquiring more profits by means of minimizing the cost.

REFERENCE: Benefits of Recycling Scrap Metal". Retrieved 2011-04-04. American Scrap Coalition Crisis". Retrieved 2008-08-28 US EPA Information on Hazardous Waste for Publicly Owned Treatment Works September 1985 (833-B-85-202) Google _ Waste Management

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