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Page 3:
+ How does everyday stress affect you? + The power of flower essences in healing.


ISSUE 4, 2013



Page 4:
+ Liquid crystal love: Part 2 + The hype about hypnosis.

Page 5:
+ Muscle Strain & Spasm: Just what is going on in there?! + What you say is true.

Page 6:
+ Hear your healing. + Did you know? Baking Soda


Page 7:
+ Moms Kitchen: Curried Sweet Potato Soup + Tahini Cheese!


Page 3: How does everyday stress affect you? Page 4: Page 5: Page 6: Page 7:
+The power of flower essences in healing. Liquid crystal love: Part 2 + The hype about hypnosis. Muscle Strain & Spasm: Just what is going on in there?! + What you say is true. Hear your healing. + Did you know? Baking Soda Moms Kitchen: Curried Sweet Potato Soup + Tahini Cheese! + Poems from Florence Dwelling

Letter from the editor,

Gusto Magazine has been such an exciting journey over the past four months! I have met so many incredible people who share Gustos vision of unity within our community.! Hamilton is home to a plethora of holistic practitioners, doctors, agriculturists, spiritual practitioners and organic lifestyle experts. We are so fortunate to have such an abundance of experts at our fingertips. Gusto was created to help bring together all of these experts and give this health-minded community a voice. A place where we can help educate the people in our city with stories from our own experiences and expertise - without judgement or force. Keeping in mind that true health is not just about taking care of our physical bodies, but also taking care of our mind and spirit. It is so exciting to see Gusto grow more and more each month - we now have over 8 article contributors! Who would think that within four months (four issues) Gusto would be over-flowing with such high-quality, amazing content? Thank you to all of our advertisers, article contributors, friends and family for sharing the dream and your support!

GUSTO is a free alternative publication aimed to create unity amongst

Hamiltons holistic, green, organic and spiritual community. OUR PHILOSOPHY IS SIMPLE Educate, Inspire and Grow. We intend that GUSTO will provide readers with stories, interviews and information concerning holistic health,wellness and environmental awareness shared by industry leaders in our Hamilton community. We are looking for article submissions, interviewees and businesses that wish to advertise with us , or wishing to carry our magazine.

Please contact us at for submission guidelines or advertising information.

Editor, Amy Bonin

How Does Your Everyday Stress Affect You?

By: Dr. Andria Hoda
If I asked you to rate your daily stress (occupational, relationship, etc) on a scale of zero to ten, with ten being the highest, where would yours be? What would you consider to be an average, normal score? Surprisingly, most new patients at my office usually rate theirs around a seven or eight out of ten. Even more surprising is that they feel that that is just normal stress. For me, that raises some flags. Ok, so we arent talking about bad stress vs. good stress here - we are talking about the physical, chemical and emotional stress that your body has to endure on a daily basis just to live. Our bodies are hard wired to do whatever it takes to make sure you have the capability to survive in your environment. That being said, whenever your body encounters an environmental stressor it has to adapt and do it quickly! The human body is an amazing machine. It knows when to turn up certain systems and inhibit others, depending on its survival needs at any given moment. If, for example, your doorbell rings and its a tiger on the other side of the door you have some quick choices to make! I guarantee your brain is not focused on digesting your dinner or how efficiently your immune system is working at this point in time. Priorities! You need some energy to run or some power to fight! Man vs. tiger... quick feet it is! So we know that the human body has the instinctive capability to do whats necessary in order to keep us alive. Our body does this best when it is in a state of homeostasis. Homeostasis is when our body is free from all stressors and it has the ability to use any and all energy to perform the functions required to grow healthy cells and repair damaged ones. So now lets add in some stressors. Stressors take us away from our optimal state of homeostasis and take us into a state of adaptation. Some examples of these toxic stressors are physical traumas, drugs, environmental pollutants and chemicals, processed foods, and negative thoughts. So now, if our bodies have to deal with those chronically on a daily basis, how much energy is expended on regeneration and repair? Not very much, unfortunately. And so the disease processes in the body begin. Many people suffer from chronic diseases in todays society and we must be aware of exactly what could be causing them. We are, after all, products of our environment. We are responsible for our own health and well being. There is a flip side to this stress coin: De-stressing is so much fun! Lets face it, we live in a busy, not-enough-hours-in-the-day world and we consistently put ourselves last on the priority scale. It is imperative to have some YOU time. In this time, try to do things that make you happy and forget about any stress you may be under. Never underestimate the moments you have that truly make you happy. They are exponentially powerful in keeping you healthy. Spending time with family and friends, reading a good book, yoga, spa treatments, getting outside on a beautiful day...these are just a few things that we fail to recognize as being stress relieving and relaxing. Your body clings and adapts to the stress that it faces. It is not a subject to be taken lightly. There are many books and websites that provide a plethora of ideas for stress and lifestyle management tips and ideas. My favourite book that encompasses not only this subject but also how to live a wellness lifestyle in todays world is by my mentor, Dr. James Chestnut . The book is called The Wellness and Prevention Paradigm. Dr. Chestnut coined the phrase Eat Well. Move Well. Think Well. Exactly what we need to do to live optimally! I always welcome any questions regarding your health and wellness! Please feel free to contact me at my office or via email at
Remember, TODAY is the best day ever!

The Power Of Flower Essences In Healing

However every flower can be made into flower remedies that contain there own unique essence and healing properties. These remedies treat the seven basic categories of emotions, fear, uncertainty , insufficient interest in present circumstances, loneliness, over sensitivity to influence and ideas of others, despair, over care for the welfare of others. They are gentle and powerful homeopathic medicine for the mind and soul.

By: Juliana LaChance

Flower essences are considered to be the soul of the plant and heals us on an emotional and energetic level. The highest purest energy of the flowers is contained in flower essence remedies. They treat emotional imbalances that in turn balance physical ailments. They promote emotional well being and are first aid for the spirit. They are gentle, safe and enhance other modalities of healing. Dr.. Edward Bach a surgeon, doctor and immunologist, developed these simple and effective flower essences to go beyond treating the physical disorders and get to the root of disease. With a more simple and deeper understanding he began treating the personality and balancing the emotions using flower essences. Dr Bach proclaimed that there is no true healing unless there is a change in outlook, peace of mind and inner happiness. Disease is the consolidation of mental attitude and the physical manifestation of imbalances brought about by the various negative states of mind that so plague mankind.He was a holistic physician treating the whole individual rather that external symptoms of disease. Flower essences are prepared from wild flowers in their local habitat. The original 38 remedies were found in the area where Dr. Bach lived in the English countryside.

Flower essences can contain up to 6 different remedies. The recommended dosage is four drops, four times a day directly under the tongue or in a little water. There are dozens of books dedicated solely to flower essence, that contain case histories to validate their effectiveness. I have been graced with 5 years experience with flower essences taking them, and making them. I love making blends and sharing their gifts. I am a flower essence practitioner that uses Genuine Bach Flower Remedies made by a company in England called Creature Comfort. I would love to create a unique and specific blend for your needs.

Please contact me to make an appointment at 289 389 5070 or email me at

By: Vanessa Pazzi

Liquid Crystal Love Part 2

for use by consumers. The water can come from a variety of sources including springs, aquifers, or municipal supplies and the water may be treated to make it fit for people to drink. Municipal water supplies? So in other words, tap water. Health Canadas site ( says the following, Bottled water that is not labelled as spring or mineral water may be from any source and can be treated to make it fit for human consumption or to modify its original composition. What exactly does any source mean? So, the company can treat the water and it can be from any source, interesting. The water is also stored in plastic bottles. Plastic is unstable for a year and needs that long to off-gas otherwise BPAs and other structural fibers leach into the water. Do you think these companies are letting their plastic Off-gas? Temperature changes in the plastic can also cause it to Off-gas into your water. What do you think happens when the water sits on a truck on the highway in the middle of the summer? I do not need to go into the discussion about plastic causing estrogen dominant cancers because I am sure you already know about that. Drinking Bottled water is not the same as collecting Spring Water yourself. Liquid Crystal Love- collected by my own hands, is the best choice for me, alive with energy from the earth! Listen to what your heart tells you and do your research you will make the choice thats right for you. Are you going to trust the government and commercial bottled water companies or trust in mother earth?

In my last article I explained why Natural Spring Water is referred as Liquid Crystal Love. Liquid being water, Crystal meaning crystallized or magically charged by the earth and Love meaning pure life-force energy given to us by our creator. My observation was that somehow this magical Spring Water (from a spring or artesian well) seems to make people feel joyous and alive. Why doesnt bottled water or tap water have this same effect? Any water that has been filtered or manipulated by mans contraptions or substances loses it natural structure and life force energy. These waters are likely to have been sitting in rusty pipes, storage tanks and plastic water bottles. In addition, they are filled with chemicals and medications. An article written by CBC News ( states the following: birth control pills, cancer drugs and a host of other pharmaceuticals that people flush down the drain every day are showing up in our drinking water. Fluoride (along with other chemicals) is added to our local tap water. There is evidence that supports that Fluoride, a waste product of the aluminium and phosphate fertilizer industry, is a neurotoxin. The Physicians Desk reference lists dental fluorosis, skin interruptions, gastric distress, immune system problems, Down Syndrome and more as side effects of Fluoride. In its concentrated form it has been used as rat poison, pesticide and for de-worming pigs. If want to learn more Google: Fluoride. So Brand Name bottled water comes from a Natural Spring just as if you had collected it yourself right? No, not exactly. According the Canadian Food and Drug Administration, bottled water is water which has been packaged in sealed containers

Vanessa Pazzi The Water Angel

By: Linda Benson

The Hype about Hypnosis

How to choose a hypnotist:
In my opinion, choosing a hypnotist is like fitting your hand into a well worn glove. Take advantage of free consultations. Ask questions, e.g. which form of hypnosis is used, their expertise, fees, hours, how many sessions, etc. Before you commit, try a relaxation session first, this is always a great indicator of how things will proceed. Do you like their voice, the way they speak, clarity, tone, pitch. Are they attentive, loud or softly spoken? Dont assume that every Hypnotist is the same. Find one that you are comfortable with and who fits your needs. Hypnosis is non-threatening and incredibly safe. Most people can be hypnotized; however, there is a small population that hypnosis may not be the correct therapy, i.e. those with diminished cognitive awareness, or extreme mental illness. During hypnosis, you always remain in control. You decide how far you wish to proceed, what you need to uncover, retrieve etc. You can end a session anytime you wish. There is absolutely no mind control involved. Try a deep relaxation session and see what you think... Angels Whisper & Hypnosis2heal Linda Kraan-Benson is a practicing Master Hypnotis
Specializing in: Past Live Exploration and Womens health.

What is the first thing that comes to mind when hearing the word, Hypnosis? Many people think of others acting like chickens and making us laugh. This is indeed one form of hypnosis, but it goes much deeper than that Hypnosis is a focused, trance like state, characterized by extreme suggestibility, relaxation and heightened imagination. It is also a very gentle method of uncovering your skills, talents, goals, dreams & aspirations. Whether you suffer from pain, anxiety, stress, insomnia, eating disorders, weight issues, fears or phobias, lack of self esteem, motivation, bad habits, a debilitating health issue, relationship breakup, home or career move, or simply wishing to advance through life in a more positive and fulfilling manner, hypnosis will help you.

HYPNOSIS can be extremely healing and cathartic.

Transformational, Therapeutic, Medical, Metaphysical & Forensic Hypnosis: As with any other form of medicine, healing or energy work, there are different areas of hypnosis. Hypnotists are skilled practitioners, some remain general hypnotists and others go on to specialize in their field. Some work with the police force, others with doctors and/or other health care practitioners, others with a particular population or demographic. Some hypnotists go into the counseling field of 4 Hypnotherapy, and others into the entertainment field., 905-515-3206 W ant to see your business in Gusto Magazine? Email us for a quote: or go to

Muscle Strain & Spasm: Just what is going on in there?!

By: Jen Fleming
Weve all had that annoying tweak or super painful stopme-in-my-tracks wrench of a muscle spasm. Presently I am nursing a spasm in my right hamstring. I did it at the gym doing dead lifts; the first set went well, but the lunges and squats I did before the second set of dead lifts was not a great idea. And I was dehydrated. And the muscle has been spasming on me rather frequently as of late. You could say it was in a state of readiness. So what causes muscle spasms? How exactly do they happen? What makes it hurt so much and, please, what can you do about it?! Read on my friend, be demystified as we learn about muscle spasms. There are about as many causes of muscle spasms as there are types of spasms. Generally though, the type of spasm we are thinking about is the painful I cant move type of spasm. To shed some light on this, a little neuro-anatomy Neurologically, the muscles have two main proprioceptors, the muscle spindle and the Golgitendon-organ (GTO). The muscle spindle is located deep in the muscle belly and monitors changes in muscle length. When the muscle spindle is fired, a spinal reflex arc called the stretch reflex occurs. This happens when the length of the muscle changes suddenly, like when the doctor taps your knee with a reflex hammer or when you reach for something suddenly at an awkward angle. The GTO is located in the tendon of the muscle and monitors muscle tension. When triggered by a sustained increase in tension, the GTO will initiate the tendon reflex and cause relaxing and lengthening of a muscle. This is what we experience when we hold a stretch for a minimum of 30 seconds. Holding a stretch for longer will re-trigger the reflex, thus increasing the muscles length. This reflex feels good. The stretch reflex does not feel good. If its just a reflex hammer test its not so bad but, if one is lifting something too heavy, watch out! It can produce a very powerful contraction with a sudden jolt of pain causing you to stop what youre doing. In some instances, the contraction can be so powerful it can cause bones to momentarily come out of alignment for the sake of preventing fracturing! This is usually what is meant when someone says, I threw my back out. So what does one do when laid up with a really bad muscle spasm? Keep the muscle off tension. A muscle spasm is a guarding mechanism, mucking around with that only re-triggers the stretch reflex. Step two is a cold pack. And that doesnt have to mean ice. A towel run under the coldest tap water you have, or a bean bag stored in the freezer is great. You just need it cold enough to be a lower temperature than the area of concern. The greater the disparity in surface temperatures, the stronger the reaction. Cold will decrease the presence of fluids and slow down nerve activity. Win win! Leave the cold pack on for a max of 20 minutes, or rotate it 5 minutes on 5 minutes off to allow fresh fluids to come in and old fluids to go out. And if its really bad, you can always call in the Professionals.

What you say is true

Words are powerful creators. Words transform our thoughts, feelings and ideas into real time and space thus creating them into physical form. What we think, feel, hear, believe and speak is the reality we step into. These truths become our story. The story you believe and tell is what you live. Are you happy with your story? What if your story was manic depression? You experienced low times and high times. During the low times you would stay in bed. You would not answer the phone, open the mail or go to work. During the high times you loved the world, socialized and went to work. Your truth in this story is during the low times you are uncontrollably sad and during your high times you are uncontrollably happy and energetic. Your doctor said you suffer from manic depression. Your employer said we dont really like or understand why you need so much sick leave. Your spouse said many things but never the right things so he/she stopped speaking to you and gave you your space. Now the story includes the feeling, thoughts and truths of other people which your manic brain assembles into a logical story that is based on past experience and the perceptions of others. You are diagnosed with a medical disorder. It is a misunderstood condition in most workplaces and during your low times you are alone and disconnected from your spouse, family and friends. The new story is that when you have low times you are extremely unhappy which makes others distant and judgmental. This expands your feeling of sadness and you also begin to feel distant, judgmental and angry with your Self.

By: Kathy Corbett -King

What you say is true. I am sad. I cant go to work. I am not normal because I dont want to get out of bed. There is something wrong with me because I dont want to speak to people and I dont want to go to work. I just want to curl up, hide and be in my own little world. This is the dialogue in your manic brain and in your sad heart. You believe this story, this is your truth. What if you changed the story. What if you believed something different? What if someone gave your manic brain new words, perspective and truth about your experience? What if someone told you that you are beautiful and all the pieces of you are beautiful because they are a part of who you are. What if you learned to understand and love all the aspects of your Self. What if you learned how to use your low times to balance the high times and therefore live a different story. Words are powerful but also plentiful. If the words or story that you are telling do not ImPower you than choose different words and rewrite your story. It may not cure a medical disorder but it will definitely change how you live with it.

Kathy Corbett-King ~ BodynSol Healing & ImPowerment Coaching 382 West 5th

Fun Fact: There is evidence that honey is the only food that cannot spoil. Archaeologists have tasted honey discovered
in ancient Egyptian tombs, reporting that its edible.

Hear Your Healing

By: Amber Colbear
At first mention, the term Vibrational Sound Medicine, often surprises or strikes a chord of curiosity in most folks. While, it sounds seemingly unconventional, it is actually an ancient and modern healing modality that we can observe every day consciously and unconsciously. Since, innately we all respond to the resonating rock and rolls of rhythm and blues, in a variety of our own everyday ways. Physically, we see this in the tapping of our foot alongside a tune on the radio. Even more so, in the occasional air guitar or finger drum session that jams out when a special song starts thumping. In contrast, theres always that one or two songs on standby that let lose the ol shoulder tension when we need to unwind. Mentally, a song can bring back a catalogue of sensory acuities; like smell and memory, moreover the use of classical compositions lend to analytic concentration, cognitive therapies and aid in unearthing and harnessing ones true creative potentials. Meanwhile, emotionally, we can become nostalgic, romantic, amped or even moody over a melody or a bass line. In the same turn, we all have that one special song that will turn our frown upside down. From a spiritual standpoint, in modern day we see the use of music to inspire; uplifting a myriad of universal truths and imploring philanthropic causes. Ancient civilizations, indigenous cultures and modern day religious forums commonly employ the use of music, as a cornerstone in entertainment, celebration and healing. In kind, some people find specific types of music to be quite off-putting. Generally speaking, the music, static or sounds that people find most disconcerting usually have jarring, pitchy or tinny sounds or spikes within its hum or frequency. By and large, the sound produced in these instances usually has very low EMF (electromagnetic frequency) that runs in disharmony with the natural frequency of the human body. Ever wonder where walking to the tune of your favourite song came from? This turn of phrase speaks amply towards the power of sound, as it stirs the surreal and real, affecting the temperaments of at least, four known states of being.

To keep it simple, these four main realities intermingle to carry the weight of balancing health in the realms of our physical, spiritual, emotional and mental wellbeing. Vibrational Sound Medicine like the Law of Physics validates the foundation that everything in existence is in a constant state of vibration. The frequency at which a person, place or thing most naturally vibrates at is called resonance. Our energy field is an intricate mosaic that finds its purest expression in a symphony of sound, frequency, matter, and of course, energy! The auric field, Chakra centers, organs and skeletal system in the body, all hold a different resonance frequency. When we are off balance physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually; a part of the body is vibrating out of tune creating dis-ease or disease due to vibrational disharmony. Our body is in a healthy state of balance when each cell, organ and Chakra create a resonance that is in harmony with our whole being. Vibrational Sound Medicine works on the premise that all illness or disease is a blockage in one or all of these four realities. When there is a blockage, the reciprocal cell, organ and/or chakra in query stops vibrating at a healthy frequency and results in a malady of the body, mind, heart or soul. Thus, through the intentional application of pure tonal sound in helix with the bodys natural resonance, we can balance and release any blockages in our etheric and physical bodies to maintain total health and wellbeing. Tune into Gusto Magazines next issue to find out more about Vibrational Sound Medicine and how to tune up your body with your favourite tunes!

DID YOU KNOW? Baking Soda: 10 uses

1. Exfoliate skin. Wash your face, then apply a soft paste made of three parts baking soda and one part water. Massage gently with a circular motion, avoiding the eye area; rinse clean. 2. Erase crayon, pencil, ink, and furniture scuffs from painted surfaces. Sprinkle soda on a damp sponge, rub clean, and rinse. 3. Unclog a drain. Pour 1/2 to 1 cup of baking soda down the drain, then slowly pour 1/2 to 1 cup of white vinegar after it. Let sit for five minutes (covered, if possible). Follow with a gallon of boiling water. 4. Remove tough stains from enamelled cast iron and stainless steel. Scrub enamelled cast iron with a soft nylon brush and a thick paste of baking soda and water. Clean stainless steel with a soft cloth and 4 tablespoons of baking soda dissolved in 1 quart of water. Wipe dry with a 6 clean cloth. 5. Scrub pans. Sprinkle soda on crusted casseroles and roasting pans and let sit for five minutes. Lightly scrub and rinse. 6. Brush teeth. Use a paste of baking soda and water. 7. Fight class-B fires (flammable liquids, such as gasoline, oil, and grease). Baking soda can be used to smother only a small flame. 8. Deodorize. Dust baking soda under your arms to absorb body odor. 9. Clean up minor oil and grease spills on a garage floor or driveway. Sprinkle baking soda on the spot and scrub with a wet brush. 10. Settle a stomach during occasional indigestion. Stir 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda into 1/2 cup of water and drink for a safe and effective antacid.

As posted on

Curried Sweet Potato Soup A warm and savoury soup that sticks to your ribs! Not only delicious, this vitamin-rich delight is full of flavour and works great as an appetizer or entree. 1 onion, chopped 1 clove garlic, minced 2 stalks celery, chopped 1 tbsp. Olive oil 1 lb. Sweet potatoes, peeled and chopped cup plain Greek yogurt (optional) 1 lb butternut squash, peeled and chopped cup chopped fresh cilantro 6 cups vegetable broth 2 tsp. Curry powder tsp. Turmeric 1 tsp. Fresh lemon juice

Hear Me
Splicing words in order to be heard. Verbal contact is over rated. As you struggle to read my mind I radiate light to you. Let go this mind space. Read my heart. Read my soul As I open to you in truth. Hold this light of ours. Sense is void of hypocrisy. And words create a barrier. I speak to you From the pores of my Spirit. Sanctify me. Enlighten me through your Aura. Osmose with me As we travel higher. Diffused Into the next dimension.

Rise Up
Seek out the truth On the field of this mantle. Hold all our light in the midst of all charm. For the time is now. Rise up in harmony. Sing our new song And dance in the joy Of all that is love. Drink in the ecstasy As our rhythm vibrates to the Heavens. And the Angels Sing back to us in return.

In a large pot over medium high heat , saut onion, garlic and celery in the olive oil until soft, about 5 minutes Add sweet potatoes, squash, broth, curry powder and turmeric and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer until sweet potato and squash are tender , about 20-25 minutes Remove from heat, cool slightly and transfer mixture to a blender or food processor and puree until smooth. Stir in lemon juice and serve with 2 tbsp. Yogurt and - 1 tbsp. Cilantro (or to your taste) Enjoy!

My truth is all I see and it makes me question every truth I know. -Florence Dwelling

Written by: Terry Atkinson Florence Dwelling

Guest cook : Juliana LaChance

One of the most wonderful things about the vegan diet is finding new flavours and tastes, replacing old foods with new foods. Tahini is one of the most amazing treasures to discover. It is healthy, delicious, and inexpensive. Tahini has high levels of protein and calcium, B vitamins, that make it ideal for replacing dairy. It is a staple food made from ground sesame seeds, originating in the Middle east and makes sauces, nut milks, creamy salad dressings and cheeses. Tahini is simply made from ground sesame seeds which is very affordable and healthier alternative to peanut butter. The following recipe is a simple delicious a delicious topping for wraps, salads, and anywhere in the kitchen, a great cheese for any of your preparations. Quick and easy. Stores for 21 days in the fridge. Add ingredients to blender, in order of ingredients listed: 1 cup cilantro pinch of salt. cup cilantro Juice of four lemons. 4 cloves of garlic Blend it to great a nice puree, nice and well mixed. While the mix is running add 1 cup of Tahini All Finished. Enjoy

Drum Making Workshop
@Synchro - Nicities
Saturday March 9th @ 12:45 pm 219 Ottawa St N 905-544-5115

Usui Reiki Level 1

Sunday March 17
The Harmonious Soul 382 West 5th Street 9:30 am - 5:00 pm $189 Level 1 Attunement, Certificate, Notes 905-318-1724 Rsvp:

Medium and Channelling

Sessions with Kerri Fargo Monday March 18 4 pm to 10 pm 382 West 5th Street Rsvp: /theharmonioussoul March 23

Learn to make Natural Skin Care

Products @Synchro - Nicities

Saturday March 23rd @12:45 pm 219 Ottawa St N 905-544-5115

EVENTS BodynSol Nutrition A Designer Evening March Group Consultation 18....ask decorating questions 382 West 5th
@Synchro - Nicities Monday March 18th @ 7pm 219 Ottawa St N 905-544-5115 April 2 7pm - 8:30pm $20/person BodynSol Nutrition helps your body, mind and sol to heal and repair itself. In less than 30 days you will feel less stress and more energy. To RSVP go to bodynsol or call Kathy at 905-975-2836

W ant to see your business in Gusto Magazine? Email us for a quote: or Go to

Spring Soulstice Celebration March 21

@Synchro - Nicities Thursday March 21st, @ 5pm 219 Ottawa St N 905-544-5115

Medit8 ~ Activ8
March 26, April 9, April 23 7pm-9pm at BodynSol 382 West 5th , $60 This is 3 part interactive workshop that teaches the body and sol of the chakras and how to consciously communicate and use your energy to stay focused, calm and create harmony in all aspects of your life. To RSVP call Kathy at 905-975-2836 or go to

BodynSol Anniversary Open House

Sunday April 7th from 12 - 3pm 382 West 5th ~ Hamilton Free Parking, Snacks, Beverages and Vendors. Draws for prizes and gift certificates. To RSVP or get more information go to bodynsol - Vendors interested in participating please contact Kathy 905-975-2836

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