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Provincial Grand Chapter of Surrey

Scribe E Handbook

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4


2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5


3.1 3.2


4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4



5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7


5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11

6.1 6.2 6.3


7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7


8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5


Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued August 2009



The Scribe E is the most important senior manager of a Chapter and as such has a number of responsibilities. For the purposes of this pack these have been divided up as shown in the following paragraphs. However many, if not most, of the responsibilities overlap to a greater or lesser extent.



The Scribe E needs to keep a finger on the pulse of the Chapter. He has obvious duties to ensure meetings proceed smoothly and to account to both Provincial Grand Chapter and Supreme Grand Chapter for the Chapters activities. The less obvious matters include being an information source for the Companions, being someone who encourages the Companions and a person who tries to ensure the harmony of the Chapter is maintained. In short the Scribe E is the fount of all knowledge!



The Principals and especially the MEZ need a high degree of support. After all, the Principals usually occupy their offices for a year at a time whereas the Scribe E tends to be a longer-term appointment. The Principals will need to have a programme of work outlined for their year. They will wish to receive applications for Exaltation or Joining. They will want to know that the administrative work of the Chapter is being carried out in a timely, efficient and accurate manner. They will also need to be assured that correct procedures are being followed. The Scribe E has a major part to play in all of these matters although responsibility also falls upon the Principals to assure themselves about them. Good and close communication between the Scribe E and the Principals is therefore essential.



The Scribe E of a Chapter is the main point of contact with the Province. He should communicate directly with the Provincial Grand Scribe E. He must ensure the appropriate returns are submitted on time, that Summonses are sent in well before each meeting and that any matters of importance are brought to the attention of the Provincial Grand Scribe E. This is necessary because the Province is, in turn, accountable to Supreme Grand Chapter for all the Chapters in its area. Communication with Provincial Grand Chapter is two-way and each can help the other. Advice can be sought from the Province and help given if required.



The responsibilities here are similar to those owed to the Province. The Scribe E is the main point of contact with Supreme Grand Chapter mainly for the annual overall returns and those relating to new members of the Chapter. In almost every circumstance however, correspondence is directed through the Provincial Grand Scribe E and not directly with Supreme Grand Chapter.

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued August 2009



Prepare a draft summons in consultation with MEZ and DC about six weeks before the meeting. This allows two weeks for printing and posting so that the Companions receive the summons at least three weeks before the meeting. Use an old summons and make the changes in black ink. The summons for Installation Convocation can show the triple tau above names of Principals. If there is a candidate for exaltation see Section 2.3 Prepare address labels and envelopes, including one to send a copy of the summons to Provincial Grand Chapter. Prepare attendance slips and addressed envelopes for their return and send out with summons. Prepare attendance sheet for Treasurer. Hand to him with the cheques at the meeting. One week (or whatever period your Masonic Hall requires) before the meeting advise the chef of your choice of menu. Advise chef at your Masonic Hall of the number dining. Prepare table plan and place cards. At the Convocation prior to Installation you will require voting slips, or if you are to make a declaration see section 5.6. Prepare a folder for each rising First Second Third Communications from Supreme Grand Chapter Communications from Provincial Grand Chapter. Other matters.

Try to prcis most items except those you are instructed to read in full. Remember to take a notebook to record notes for minutes. At the convocation prior to Installation you will require voting slips. After the meeting Write up minutes Complete returns see Documentation Section 4 Write any letters Update Chapter records see Chapter Records Section 2.5



All preparation notes in section 2.1 are applicable. In addition; The summons for the Installation Convocation can include the Triple Tau. Ensure J. Elect has made arrangements to change his regalia. Check with DC that he has arranged for the Companions to give the Robe addresses. MEZ to sign the Installation Return LP& A4 see section 4.2 Ensure J. is aware of his role at the festive board.

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued August 2009



The Registration Form P must be completed by the Candidate, not his Proposer or another Companion. When you receive the completed application form you must ensure that all sections have been fully completed as well as obtaining a clearance certificate from all Lodges where the applicant is a member and, for joining members, from all his Chapters. Full details of the applicant must be shown on the summons. Full name, date of birth, address, and occupation, date raised, rank and Lodge. (See General Regulations of Supreme Grand Chapter Rule 66.) You must see the applicants Grand Lodge Certificate and/or Grand Chapter Certificate. Send the applicant a summons with a covering letter instructing him how and when he should present himself, to bring his MM apron, and what dues will be required. Make sure he has obtained the necessary regalia. After the Exaltation send the completed Registration Form P with the registration fee to the Provincial Grand Scribe E for onward transmission to Supreme Grand Chapter. This must be done immediately after the Convocation in which the Candidate is Exalted. Note that any incomplete forms will be returned to the Scribe E by Supreme Grand Chapter thereby delaying the sending of the Supreme Grand Chapter Certificate.



At the end of the Chapters financial year liaise with the Treasurer so that you have audited copies of the accounts to send out with the summons for the convocation at which they are to be presented. Once the Chapter has approved the accounts, two copies must be sent to Provincial Grand Chapter.



If you do not have records for each Companion ask them to complete a form in the following format. Chapter Name....................................................... Chapter Number ............... Name............................................................................... Address........................................... ........................................ ........................................ Post Code........................................ Telephone No...................................... E. mail..................................... Fax................................... Occupation (shortly to be optional) D.O.B...................................... Lodge.......... Date Initiated..Date Raised.. Exalted............ Offices held................................. Year MEZ....................................... Provincial Honours. Honours in Craft. Other Information

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued August 2009



3.1 BY-LAWS OF THE PROVINCIAL GRAND CHAPTER 1. In addition to the Grand Superintendent, the Provincial Grand Chapter consists of the Deputy Grand Superintendent, the other Provincial Grand Officers and the Principals of all Chapters under the Provincial Grand Chapter and also (so long as they may respectively be both members of the Grand Chapter and subscribing members of a Chapter under the Provincial Grand Chapter) the Past Provincial Grand Officers and the Past First Principals of any Chapter under the Grand Chapter. 2. The Annual Convocation of the Provincial Grand Chapter shall be held on such day after the thirtieth day of April and at such place as the Grand Superintendent shall appoint. Companions who are not members of the Provincial Grand Chapter may be invited by permission of the Grand Superintendent but under no circumstances may they vote. Every Companion, on his first appointment to office in the Provincial Grand Chapter shall pay a Registration Fee of 10.00 Each Officer shall provide himself with the collar and apron proper to his rank and no Companion shall be invested with the clothing of any office to which he may be appointed until the fee of that office has been paid. Every Provincial Grand Officer for the time being shall be responsible for the safe custody of the Jewel of his office and unless otherwise agreed shall return it to the Provincial Grand Scribe E. at least 14 days before the Annual Convocation. Any motion or proposition for the Annual Convocation shall be delivered, in writing, to the Provincial Grand Scribe E., on or before the 15th day of March. The same to be inserted in the Summons to Provincial Grand Chapter, if so ordered by the Grand Superintendent. On or before the 31st January in each year the Scribe E. of each Chapter shall transmit to the Provincial Grand Scribe E. such returns made up to the previous 31st December, as shall be required by the Grand Superintendent together with the following fees: For the registration of every newly Exalted Companion 1.00 For every subscribing member per annum, or part thereof, the amount announced by the Provincial Grand Treasurer at the preceding Annual Convocation: the amount so announced not to exceed 10 per member. 7. The following fees shall also be payable: For the registration of a new Chapter 25.00 For each dispensation 10.00 inclusive of any tax thereon. 8. The Scribe E of each Chapter shall transmit to the Provincial Grand Scribe E:One copy of all summonses and membership lists (if not shown on the summons) to arrive at least one week prior to the relevant Convocation of the Chapter. Two copies of the annual financial accounts Annual Installation return 9. All communications, intended for submission to the Grand Superintendent or Provincial Grand Chapter, must be made through the Provincial Grand Scribe E.

3. 4.



Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued August 2009

10. Every application for a dispensation shall be made in writing to the Grand Superintendent, stating clearly the object thereof and transmitted, together with the fee, through the Provincial Grand Scribe E. 11. The Provincial Grand Treasurer shall be elected annually at the Convocation of Provincial Grand Chapter. The names of candidates to be nominated for the office must be sent to the Provincial Grand Scribe E., with the names of their proposer and seconder (who must be members of the Provincial Grand Chapter), on or before the 31st day of March in each year. Should no candidate be nominated, the Grand Superintendent may permit any duly qualified candidate or candidates to be proposed at the Convocation of Provincial Grand Chapter. 12. All cheques drawn on Provincial Grand Chapter funds shall bear two signatures, viz. those of the Provincial Grand Scribe E. or the Provincial Deputy Grand Scribe E. and Provincial Grand Treasurer; in the absence of two, the Deputy Grand Superintendent shall sign in their place. 13. The Provincial Grand Treasurer's accounts, made up to the 31st December, shall be examined and audited by a Committee consisting of five First Principals or Past First Principals to be elected by the Provincial Grand Chapter, to meet at least 28 days before the Annual Convocation of the Provincial Grand Chapter. The audited accounts shall be produced at that Annual Convocation for approval and a copy thereof transmitted to every Chapter under the Province. 14. The Provincial Grand Chapter shall have power of making grants or donations at its Annual Convocation. For any grant or donation involving a disbursement of over 500, notice shall be given on or before the 15th day of March to the Provincial Grand Scribe E. for insertion in the business paper for the Convocation. 15. No alteration or addition to these By-Laws shall be valid unless made at a Convocation of Provincial Grand Chapter (due notice having been given previously as provided for in ByLaw 5) and approved and confirmed by the ME First Grand Principal.

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued August 2009



7. Non-dining or Country Membership Any member who, for reasons acceptable to the Chapter, is not in a position to enjoy the privileges of the Chapter regularly, may on written application to the Scribe E and by resolution of the Chapter, be considered a non-dining or country member and shall pay a subscription annually in advance on ______# of such less amount than that provided for in By-Law No. 6 as the Chapter shall from time to time decide by resolution after notice on the summons at the previous regular convocation. When attending the Chapter and dining such member shall pay the current visitors fee. Admission of Candidates The admission of candidates for exaltation and joining shall be regulated by the provisions of Royal Arch Regulations 65 to 69. On the ballot for a candidate for exaltation or joining ___ black ball(s) shall exclude. Termination of Membership Any member desirous of terminating his membership of the Chapter shall tender his resignation in writing to the Scribe E, or orally in open Chapter, in accordance with Rule 183, Book of Constitutions, and he shall be entitled to the Certificate mentioned in Royal Arch Regulation70, stating the circumstances in which he left the Chapter. Should he at any future time wish to rejoin, he shall be subject to the rules relating to joining members. Payments from Chapter Funds Payment of any sum exceeding _____________if for other than ordinary purposes, may be made only by resolution of the Chapter, of which notice has been given on the summons, except in a case of emergency, when such payment may be authorised by the First Principal and reported to the Chapter at the next regular meeting. Amendment of By-Laws Except as otherwise required by Rule 141, Book of Constitutions, amendment of these By-Laws or of any of them may be made only in the following manner:(a) Notice of Motion in writing stating the precise amendment or amendments proposed shall be given in open Chapter at a regular convocation. (b) The Motion shall be set out on the summons for the next regular convocation or for an Emergency convocation summoned for the purpose, and shall at such convocation be put to the Chapter. (c) A resolution for amendment, of which notice shall have been given as aforesaid, shall be carried if a majority of the members voting shall vote in favour of it, but it shall not be effective until approved * [in Metropolitan Areas, Provinces ,Districts or Groups] by the Grand Superintendent, and if not substantially in accordance with the model by-laws issued from time to time on behalf of the First Grand Principal, by the First Grand Principal also *[in all other places] by the First Grand Principal [*delete words in italics and which ever clause is appropriate] Should there be any objection to the introduction of a Candidate for Exaltation, or a Companion for Joining, it is recommended that such objection be mentioned privately to the First Principal or Scribe who may communicate with the proposer and give him the opportunity of withdrawing his Candidate. N.B. - The numbers of the Royal Arch Regulations and Rules in the Book of Constitutions given above are as they appear in the editions current as at 31st July 2009.

Place and Dates of Convocation The Chapter shall meet at the __________________________ _________________________________________________(x) and shall hold regular convocations on the ________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ and at such hour as the Principals shall direct. Election and Installation Meetings The three Principals, two Scribes, Treasurer, Principal Sojourner and two Assistant Sojourners shall be elected by ballot at the regular convocation in ______________________. The other Officers permitted by Royal Arch Regulation 48 may also be elected. The Installation of Principals elect and investiture of Officers shall take place at the regular convocation in _______________. (Note:- a Chapter may, by annual resolution under Royal Arch Regulation 48, give authority to the Principals elect to appoint the rest of the Officers, with the exception of the Treasurer and (subject to para. 5 of Regulation 48) the Janitor. Such authority cannot be given by By-Law.)





Election of Janitor Subject to the provisions of Royal Arch Regulation 48, the Janitor shall be elected by show of hands at the regular convocation in _______________. 10. Chapter Committee The Chapter Committee shall consist of the Principals, Past Principals of [and in] the Chapter, two Scribes, Treasurer, Principal Sojourner and __________________Companions to be appointed by the Chapter at the regular convocation in ________________ each year. This Committee shall consider and report to the Chapter on all proposals for membership and on any other matters specially referred to it by the Chapter. _________members of the Committee shall form a quorum. Audit Committee and Annual Accounts The Audit Committee shall consist of _________________+ members of the Chapter who shall be elected annually by the Chapter at the regular convocation in _____________. The accounts shall be made up to the ____________________each year and shall be presented to the Chapter, duly audited, at the regular convocation in _________________++ A copy of the accounts and of the Audit Committees certificate that all balances have been checked and that the accounts Have been audited shall be sent to all members with the summons convening the convocation. Fees and Annual Subscription The Exaltation fee shall be __________and the joining fee_________ re-joining fee ___________such fees to be exclusive of subscription. In addition to these fees the candidate shall pay to the Chapter such registration fees as are payable to Grand Chapter and, if applicable, Metropolitan, Provincial or District Grand Chapter, together with any tax thereon, and the candidate shall before becoming a member be informed of the total amount due. The annual subscription (except for non-dining or country membership as provided for in By-Law No. 7), due and payable in advance on ______________* shall be of such amount as the Chapter shall from time to time decide by resolution after notice on the summons at the previous regular convocation. The Scribe Es services shall be deemed equivalent to payment of subscription. The visitors fee at dinners shall be such amount as the Chapter shall from time to time determine by resolution after notice on the summons at the previous regular convocation. Any member whose subscription is unpaid for ______** months shall be liable to be excluded from the Chapter, after due notice, in accordance with Rule 181, Book of Constitutions.





Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued August 2009

Notes to Model By-Laws 1. Forming a Committee is a domestic matter and, while the principal officers are obviously necessary, the inclusion of Past Principals of or of and in the Chapter may be omitted or their number restricted, e.g. two of and one in. Other members should only be included if the Chapter considers them essential. The most effective Committee is often small. If the subscription is exclusive of dining fees the reference to non-dining should be deleted from clauses 6 and 7. Lines 10 to 19 should then read:- The annual subscription due and payable in advance on 1st _____________________________and exclusive of dining fees, shall be of such amount as the Chapter shall from time to time decide by resolution, after notice on the summons at the previous regular convocation. The fees for members and visitors at dinners shall be such amounts as the Chapter shall from time to time decide by resolution, after notice on the summons at the previous regular convocation. 2. As an alternative to the last sentence above, and if appropriate, the wording may be amended to: The fees for members and visitors for dining shall be at cost. The members can be informed of the dining fee by a separate note included with the summons for each convocation. While Royal Arch Regulation 48 allows for the Scribe Es services to be equivalent to payment of subscriptions, this is an option for the Chapter to adopt. 3. If clause 6 is amended as shown above, the last sentence of clause 7 should refer to the current dining fee.

Guidelines & Notes Relating To Page 1 Para 1. Para 4. Para 5. (x) only a single place of meeting may be specified See note 1 above + A small number (say two or three) is strongly recommended ++ Not later than the third Convocation after the date to which the accounts are made up. Para 6. See note 2 above * ** Para 7. Subscriptions must be made payable on the 1st day of a specified month, e.g. 1st January and not simply in January. Minimum period three months maximum one year; see Rules 145 and 181, Book of Constitutions.

See Para note 6 above. See Notes 2 & 3 above.

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009



All correspondence, and in particular matters such as applications for dispensations, alterations to By-Laws, questions relating to formation of new Chapters, etc., should be sent to the Provincial Grand Scribe E. Summonses should be sent in accordance with Provincial By-Law 8, to the Provincial Executive and Secretariat. For ease of distribution they should be sent to the Provincial Grand Scribe E. as follows: For all Convocations please send ONE copy of the Summons, in a single envelope. If you issue a separate members list, please send ONE copy. When you issue your Annual Accounts, please send TWO copies. Full details of all Candidates for admission into a Chapter must be shown on the Summons see Rule 66 Royal Arch Regulations. The Triple Tau should only appear on Summons for occasions of more than usual importance, e.g. Installation of the Principals. Honorary Members should be listed in order of their Royal Arch Rank, although the M.E. Grand Superintendent, followed by the current Deputy Grand Superintendent, the current Second & Third Provincial Principals, if Honorary Members, take precedence.


3. 4. 5.

Form PGCS1 - Change of Address or Status (excluding resignation) One copy must be sent to the Provincial Grand Scribe E. Form PGCS2 Notification of Resignation (for resignation only) One copy must be sent to the Provincial Grand Scribe E immediately following resignation. Form PGCS3 Installation Return A copy of Form PGCS3 must be sent to the Provincial Grand Scribe E. immediately after the Installation ceremony either by email or by post. This form will be sent to Scribes prior to their Installation meeting. All three forms (PGCS1, PGCS2 and PGCS3) can be downloaded from the Provincial Website: or requested from the Provincial Office E-mail address:


Chapter Business. If a dispensation has been granted it should be read by the Scribe E. as soon as the Chapter has been opened. When the Minutes of two Convocations are to be read, those of the earlier Convocation should be submitted for approval before reading those of the second. Signing should be deferred until both have been approved. Matters to be dealt with on the Risings: First Report of the Proceedings of Supreme Grand Chapter Second Communications from Provincial Grand Chapter Third & Fourth Matters concerning the Chapter

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009


Financial Returns. Financial returns [Form PGCH3] will be sent to Scribes E. in mid December showing information on membership of the Chapter during the year, as notified to the Provincial Grand Scribe E, and requesting payment in accordance with the fees set out in Provincial Grand Chapter By-Law 6. The fees relate to the year about to end and are payable in respect of a Companions membership of the Chapter during the year for no matter how short a period. The return and fees should be sent to the Provincial Grand Scribe E. by 31 January as required by Provincial Grand Chapter By-Law 6.



It would be appreciated if, wherever possible Treasurers would prepare accounts in the form of a conventional income and expenditure account and balance sheet as distinct from a simple receipts and payments account. Accounts should be headed with the name and number of the Chapter and show the period covered by the accounts, including the year-end date. Comparative figures for the previous year should also be shown The accounts should be prepared in such a way as to make apparent the amount of subscriptions for the year, any arrears of subscriptions and the net excess of income over expenditure (or vice versa). It goes without saying that every effort should be made by diligent and sympathetic enquiry to avoid the exclusion of any Companion under Royal Arch Regulation 71. Accounts should be prepared and presented to the Chapter as soon as practicable after the end of the Chapters financial year, preferably at the Convocation immediately following the year-end. Once approved two copies should be sent to the Provincial Grand Scribe E. It is good practice to segregate Benevolent Fund monies, even if not a registered charity. A separate income and expenditure account and balance sheet should be prepared Annual financial returns requesting payment of fees to Provincial Grand Chapter are sent to Chapters in December of each year. Payment from Chapters is required by 31st January in accordance with Provincial Grand Chapter By-Law 6




5. 6.



Prior to the opening of the Chapter, the D.C. should check the arrangement of the Chapter room to see that all is arranged in proper order and everything required for the ceremony is conveniently placed. He should ensure that the companions enter the Temple so that the Chapter may be opened promptly at the same time stated on the summons. The First Principal must produce the Charter of the Chapter at every Convocation. (See Royal Arch Regulation 47.) The First Principal should not salute the V.S.L. after J in the opening and closing of the Chapter. A paper entitled Notes on Closing a Royal Arch Chapter is shown in Section 5 of this handbook. In the interest of reverence and accuracy, the Prayers should be read, the Scripture Readings rehearsed beforehand, with attention to the correct pronunciation of Proper Names. The Passwords, Chair-words and their import should be accurately transmitted, the Greater Lights must not be moved at any time and Principals and companions should avoid standing or kneeling with their backs to the Altar. (This particularly applies during scripture readings.)

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009


Exaltation Ceremony Where there are two candidates, each should be taken separately up to the time of his withdrawal after the obligation. The Assistant Sojourner should not remove his robe but should sit on one of the side chairs after the second candidate has retired. The V.S.L. must be open and held on the left hand when the obligation of Candidates and Principals is taken. Note the Candidate should not be wearing gloves. It is desirable that the candidate be S.S. for the first part of the ceremony. The Rs of I. should be put on outside the Temple. (see Section 5 of this handbook) When investing the candidate the clothing should be outside the robe and the sash outside the apron. The Janitor should not give any Craft K's except for the 3 M.Ms. If using the old ritual, the Mystical Lecture must be delivered in full on each occasion that an Exaltation takes place. There is no objection to the Historical or Symbolic Lectures being deferred. If using the new ritual, the Explanation of the Signs must be given. There is no objection to the Historical Symbolic or Mystical Lectures being deferred whenever the new Mystical Lecture is to be given in preference to the traditional version. Consideration should be given to sharing the presentation of the lectures, to encourage participation by a greater number of companions. Before the Symbolic Lecture is given, in order to provide a better view of the objects on the floor, the D.C. should move the K.S. to a position immediately in front of the Sojourners. It should be returned to its former position prior to the Mystical Lecture.


At the end of the Exaltation ceremony the candidate should be conducted to the First Principal to be shown the Charter of the Chapter and to receive a copy of the Royal Arch regulations, the By-Laws of the Chapter and a copy of the current Provincial Year Book. The Installation Ceremony The Installing Principal must always do the anointing. The Greater Lights must not be removed. It is the duty of the I.P.Z. to entrust the Charter of the Chapter to his successor prior to the investiture of the Officers. (See Royal Arch Regulation 47.)


10. Ritual Changes Particular attention is drawn to the recommendation of our M.E.Grand Superintendent, that the words our mysteries to keep should be used in the Opening and Closing of the Chapter. Supreme Grand Chapter and Provincial Grand Chapter have adopted the practice of allowing the Companions (with the exception of the Principals in the opening) to drop the Sign of R. immediately after the fourth agree in the opening and closing of their Convocations,. It is therefore in order for private Chapters to follow suit should they so wish.

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009

11. Proclamation of a Principal who is to continue in office for a second year [This Ceremony must be conducted by a P.Z] P.Z. Standing in the South East. Most Excellent, (or E. Comp..) as you have been elected to continue in the office of 1st Principal (2nd/3rd Principal) for a further year, it will not be necessary for you again to be Installed in the 1st Principals (2nd/3rd Principal) Chair of this Chapter. It will suffice, therefore, if you are proclaimed as MEZ (H/J). D.C. Companions, to order (Companions stand). P.Z. I now proclaim Excellent Companion (full Titles and ranks where applicable) 1st Principal (2nd/3rd Principal) of this the .Chapter, No..on the Register of Supreme Grand Chapter of England, for the ensuing twelve months and until a successor shall have been duly elected and Installed in his stead. D.C. Companions be seated. Where Companion Proclaimed is 1st Principal P.Z.Most Excellent, I must remind you that at your previous Installation in the 1st Principals Chair of this Chapter, the Charter of this Chapter, and a copy of the Book of Constitutions were entrusted to your special keeping. I trust that they will be transmitted to your successor pure and unsullied as you received them. You are also reminded of your duty to make a careful perusal of the Regulations of the Order and to enforce By-Laws of this Chapter which were presented to you at your Installation


There are no salutes to Principals or Grand Officers in the Royal Arch. (See Royal Arch Regulation 4.) It is recommended that the Sign should be given only when first entering or leaving the Chapter and should be directed towards the Altar. It should be given in two parts; the first part with the left hand and the second part with the right with a slight pause between each part after which the arms are lowered without flourish. The thumbs should not be squared but hidden. The Royal Arch Jewel must be worn by all companions including Grand Officers (See Royal Arch Regulation 82). A Past Principals Jewel may be worn in second place. The Royal Arch Jewel should also be worn by Companions in Craft Lodges. White gloves should be worn by all Companions, except the Principals, unless dispensation is given. The Royal Arch Certificate should be presented to the Companion concerned in open chapter by an experienced Companion or Official Visitor and an explanation of the symbols should always be given. Companions are urged to attend Provincial and Supreme Grand Chapter whenever possible and the appropriate Royal Arch Regalia must be worn. (See Royal Arch Regulation 82) If the Chapter does not have its own Chapter of Instruction it may be helpful to draw the newly exalted Companions attention to the list of Chapters of Instruction at the end of the Provincial Year Book. The newly installed First Principal is encouraged to seek membership of one of the First Principals Chapters (5888, 5905, 5965, 7388 and 8321), as a means of developing knowledge and aiding progress in the Royal Arch.


3. 4.

5. 6.


Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009



Before Banquet Benedictus Benedicat (May the Blessed One Bless) ***** After Banquet Benedicto Benedicatur (May the Blessed One be Blessed) ***** The Commemoration (i.e. questions before toasts)

The Toasts
The Queen and Royal Arch Masonry ***** The Most Excellent The First Grand Principal His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent, KG, CGMG, GCVO, ADC* ***** The Most Excellent Pro First Grand Principal Peter Geoffrey Lowndes The Most Excellent Second Grand Principal George Pipon Francis The Most Excellent Third Grand Principal The Very Reverend Neil Collings and the rest of the Grand Officers, Present and Past ***** The M.E. Grand Superintendent E. Comp. Eric Stuart-Bamford ***** Deputy Grand Superintendent E. Comp. Dr.Roger J Howland, PGSwdB Second Provincial Grand Principal E.Comp. David F R Lester, PAGDC Third Provincial Grand Principal E.Comp. David H Mingo, PGStB and the rest of the Provincial Grand Officers, Present and Past ***** The Principals ***** Toast to the newly Exalted Companion(s) ***** Toast to the Visitors ***** Janitor's Toast
*Note: Honorifics should be omitted when proposing these toasts [May 2009]

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009



Although not mandatory, Chapters may wish to follow the procedures adopted at the Opening and Closing of Supreme Grand Chapter and the Provincial Grand Chapter of Surrey. During the Opening of the Chapter: We three do meet and agree in peace, love and unity our mysteries to keep and never to divulge the same unless when three such as we do meet and agree (Z) Agree (H) Agree (J) Agree (Z) Agree * At this point after the fourth Agree* the Companions drop the sign. (The Principals resume the sign) Similarly, during the Closing of the Chapter: We all do meet and agree in peace, love and unity our mysteries to keep and never to divulge the same unless when three or three such as we do meet and agree (Z) Agree (H) Agree (J) Agree (Z) Agree * At this point after the fourth Agree* All the Companions, including the Principals, drop the sign. The relevant part of the above forms part of the recommended (but not mandatory) procedure for closing Chapters in Surrey. The revised procedure is as follows:MEZ Companions, assist me to close the Chapter Principals step down to floor of Chapter then H & J reveil* ADC (if any) passes behind Principals and takes position next to H facing South. Principals hand Sceptres to DC who places them on ADCs extended arms. SN places opened VSL on Principals left hands, which are formed in a triangle. As Principals right hands form a triangle on top of the VSL, MEZ (or DC) says To order Companions Principals We all do meet.. After fourth Agree Companions drop the sign. Principals salute VSL once each. SN removes VSL and replaces it. DC returns Sceptres to Principals who form them into a triangle. MEZ Companion PS, the labours.. Principals break triangle of Sceptres and give Knocks. Principals hand Sceptres to DC who places them on the ground in the form of a triangle with the point towards the MEZ. PS In the name of Principals show Fiducial sign. MEZ Glory.., H On earth. J Goodwill.. IPZ Nothing now.. DC places Sceptres parallel as words fidelity are spoken. *NOTE: DC can do Reveiling should the Chapter so wish.

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009



It is the M.E. Grand Superintendents suggestion and desire that the following procedures are adopted by all Chapters in the Province of Surrey to improve the arrangements for the robing of the three Sojourners during the Exaltation Ceremony: After the unveiling of the A. M.E.Z. My colleagues in office..... (to) .....Comps. E. & N. divest those worthy masons of the implements of labour that they may retire and clothe themselves with the Rs of I. and, on their return, you Comp S.E./S.N.* instruct them to advance hither that they may be further rewarded. The three Sojourners (two Sojourners and Candidate) remain in their places while Scribe E. and Scribe N. take the tools and cords and replace them upon the floor cloth. Scribe E. returns to his seat. The three Sojourners then retire from the Chapter the door is closed and Scribe N. returns to his seat. When the Sojourners are clothed the Janitor gives knocks (4) S.N. M.E.Z. S.N. Janitor S.N. S.N. M.E.Z. M.E. there is a report Comp. Scribe N. see who seeks admission (to Janitor) Whom have you there? The three Sojourners clothed with the R.of I. Wait while I report to the M.E. (closes door) M.E. the three Sojourners clothed with the Rs of I. Admit them (the three Sojourners take up their previous position) S.E./S.N.*, after closing the door, then directs the Candidate how to advance * Note: Scribe E. or Scribe N. according to the ritual adopted by the Chapter After the Obligation when the P.S., A.S., and Candidate retire, it is important that the D.C. or A.D.C. ensures that the P.S. and A.S. leave their surplices and R.A. regalia (including officers collars) outside the Chapter and, if necessary, to ensure that a third surplice is also outside by handing same to the Janitor at the time the three Sojourners retire.

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009



An occasionally asked question of the Provincial office is How do we carry out a double exaltation? There follows one method of exalting two candidates. However, it is emphasised that each candidate must receive due consideration and made to feel special in his own right. One method of Exalting two Candidates P.S. retires and entrusts the first Candidate The ceremony proceeds to You will now readetc. The first Candidate is then seated in the N.W. of the Chapter. P.S. retires and entrusts the second Candidate The ceremony proceeds to You will now readetc. The first Candidate is then conducted to the Point of Address by the 1st Assist. Soj. Who then takes a seat in the N.W. of the Chapter. The two Candidates and the P.S. stand in line at the POA. P.S. to the right of the first Candidate who stands between the P.S. and the second Candidate. The ceremony proceeds as for a single Candidate At the point where the P.S., Scribes E. and N. retire to share the Name the 1st Assist. Soj. Will take charge of the two Candidates, who remain at the POA facing East. After being divested of the implements of labour the P.S. and both Candidates will retire and clothe themselves with the Rs of I. and on their return Comp Scribe E.* will instruct them to advance hither that they may be further rewarded. The P.S. conducts the first Candidate to the East by the prescribed steps. The 1st Assist. Soj. Then conducts the second Candidate to the East in a similar manner. The 1st Assist. Soj. Remains in the East to hand the Jewel, Ribbon and Badge to the MEZ and the DC The Ceremony proceeds with the MEZ addressing the two Candidates simultaneously The robes etc. At the time the MEZ invests the first Candidate, the DC invests the second Candidate. When entrusting the Candidates with the Staff of Office it is held by the MEZ and both Candidates, first Candidate with the left hand and the second Candidate with the right hand. During the sharing of the Name it is not necessary for H to assist the MEZ. The third Candidate forms the third point of the Triangle.(The P.S. and 1st Assist. Soj. Prompt the candidates as needed) The Candidates, P.S. and 1st Assist. Soj. Return to the POA. The 1st Assist. Soj. Then takes a seat in the NW of the Chapter. The Ceremony proceeds with the P.S. standing between the Candidates. At the point of Be seated the P.S. sits on the right of the Candidates. During the Mystical Lecture the P.S. and 1st Assist. Soj. Conduct the two Candidates to the South of the Altar and stand with the Candidates in the centre. * or Scribe N. as appropriate

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009



Arising from various discussions and meetings, it has been apparent that few rituals cater for the calling-off and calling-on of a Chapter. The following is that suggested by the Aldersgate Chapter of Improvement, although it does not form part of the ritual. CALLING-OFF M.E.Z. (Ks. 4. The Principals rise) Comp. Scribe N., what is the hour? Scribe N. (Rises) It is the hour of meridian splendour, M.E. M.E.Z. Summon the Companions from the vault for rest and refreshment. Scribe N. Companions, it is the command of the M.E. that you leave the vault for rest and refreshment. (H. and J. approach the Al , reveil the plate of gold and then return in line with M.E.Z.; P.S. closes large V.S.L. The Principals place their scpts on their chairs *and all may retire) *Alternatively D.C. Companions will you please remain in your places until the Principals (and MEGSupt etc. have retired). The Comps. May then retire behind the Principals.

CALLING-ON (The Companions resume their places. D.C. closes and locks the door) M.E.Z. (Ks. 4. The Principals rise) Comp. Scribe N., what is the hour? Scribe N. (Rises) Past the hour of meridian splendour, M.E. M.E.Z. Summon the Companions from rest and refreshment [for a further explanation of their important discoveries]. Scribe N. Companions, it is the command of the M.E. that you return from rest and refreshment. (H. and J. unveil the Al P.S. opens large V.S.L. H. and J. return in line with M.E.Z. and the Principals sit.)

Note: It is suggested that the words in square brackets be omitted in the Installation Ceremony

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009



WORDING ON SUMMONS FOR DECLARED ELECTIONS The wording needed is as follows: In accordance with Royal Arch Regulation 48, unless a ballot is called for, the following Companions be declared elected to the following offices: MEZ H J Treasurer E. Comp. xxxxx E. Comp. xxxxx (E) Comp. xxxxx (E) Comp. xxxxx

The declaration is made by the current MEZ. Note: The above wording can apply to all or any of the stated offices. Should there be, for example, two candidates for the office of Treasurer a paper ballot would be needed for that position but the others could be declared by the current MEZ.



[This Ceremony must be conducted by a P.Z]


Standing in the South East. Most Excellent, (or E. Comp..) as you have been elected to continue in the office of 1st Principal (2nd/3rd Principal) for a further year, it will not be necessary for you again to be Installed in the 1st Principals (2nd/3rd Principal) Chair of this Chapter. It will suffice, therefore, if you are proclaimed as MEZ (H/J).

D.C. P.Z.

Companions, to order (Companions stand). I now proclaim Excellent Companion (full Titles and ranks where applicable) 1st Principal (2nd/3rd Principal) of this the .Chapter, No..on the Register of Supreme Grand Chapter of England, for the ensuing twelve months and until a successor shall have been duly elected and Installed in his stead. Companions be seated. Where Companion Proclaimed is 1st Principal Most Excellent, I must remind you that at your previous Installation in the 1st Principals Chair of this Chapter, the Charter of this Chapter, and a copy of the Book of Constitutions were entrusted to your special keeping. I trust that they will be transmitted to your successor pure and unsullied as you received them. You are also reminded of your duty to make a careful perusal of the Regulations of the Order and to enforce By-Laws of this Chapter which were presented to you at your Installation.

D.C. P.Z.

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009



Following the problems experience during a harsh winter when many Chapters were unable to meet due to severe weather, the following guidelines were produced: An Abandonment of a Chapter Convocation happens when a Duly Convened Convocation is unable to be proceeded with. There are several reason this can happen, i.e. insufficient numbers available to make a quorum on the day, the weather is so severe as to prevent Companions attending, or will be dangerous for Companions to attend due to local flooding etc, then the Convocation can be deemed as Abandoned. For the sake of regularity the following routine must have been followed:a. The Convocation must have been duly convened and the summons circulated in the normal manner. b. Every effort must be made to assemble at least five companions for a normal Convocation and Seven for an Exaltation (excluding the Janitor and candidate). If this is not possible on the day, then the Convocation can be deemed Abandoned. c. When weather conditions are so severe on the day, and the likely hood of Companions being unable to travel to the Convocation, coupled with the possibility of endangering Companions lives if they did attempt to attend, then the Principals are in a position to deem the Convocation Abandoned. A copy of the Summons should be inserted in the Minute Book and the Minutes to read Although regularly convened, the convocation had to be abandoned due to insufficient numbers/severe weather conditions/fire at venue etc An abandoned convocation need not be reconvened unless the Companions wish it. This information has been given for your guidance prior to a new directive being issued from UGLE later in 2009. Note that if a Chapter fails to meet for one year then it shall be liable to be erased.

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009



Acting Ranks

Those who are receiving Acting Ranks should note that it will be their duty to attend the Annual Convocation in the following year when they will be required to carry out the duties of the Office to which they are to be appointed.
First Appointments - Fee of Honour

Your acceptance form of First Appointment whether to Acting or Past Rank should be accompanied by the Fee of Honour (10) as set out at the foot of the letter with which these notes are enclosed. Cheques should be made payable to Provincial Grand Chapter of Surrey.
All Appointments and Promotions

When replying please confirm all the details on the acceptance form are correct and advise me of any Civil Honours to which you are entitled.
Attendance - all receiving Promotion or First Appointment

You should be in attendance at Freemasons Hall as soon after 1.45pm as possible, and in any case not later than 2.45pm. You should clothe in the PAST GRAND OFFICERS ROOM on the first floor, report to the appropriate desk, sign the attendance sheet and proceed to the seat which will be reserved for you in the Temple. You should be seated in the Grand Temple by no later than 3.15pm. If you are not able to attend you should advise me of the reason for your absence. Dress Dark lounge suit or morning dress. (Gloves will not be worn) Regalia
Apron, Sash and Jewel

The Apron, Sash and Jewel of the Order, appropriate to your New Rank should be worn. Collarettes and Collarette Jewels
First Appointments to Acting Rank

You will be provided with the Collarette Jewel of your Office which is larger than the Jewel for Past Rank. You may retain this Jewel, providing that you sign as having received it, for one year but it must be returned to the Provincial Grand Scribe E. no later than the 30th of April of the year following your investiture. You should provide yourself with the Collarette which should be carried in your right hand until you are invested with it.
First Appointments to Past Rank

You should provide yourself with the Collarette and Past Rank Collarette Jewel appropriate to the Office with which you are to be invested. The Collarette should not be worn but carried in your right hand until you are invested with it.

Your Apron should be altered by changing the central feature from that of your former Rank to that of the new one. In addition, you should provide yourself with the Jewel of your new Rank and wear it on your Collarette, which should be worn throughout the Convocation and not removed for your investiture.

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009



For those who have been Installed as a First Principal

Apron The Triangle on the flap shall be backed with dark blue. The ribbons supporting the metal gilt tassels shall be dark blue. The supporting belt round the waist shall be dark blue. The monogram on the centre of the apron shall be the Surrey badge with a Cornucopia. Sash The triangle shall be backed with dark blue. The tassels shall be metal gilt. Breast Jewel The Breast Jewel shall be worn with a Tri-Colour ribbon. Collar Jewel The Collar Jewel shall be of metal gilt and shall be worn on a Tri-Colour Collarette. The emblem on the Collar Jewel shall be a Cornucopia.

For those who have been Installed as a Third or Second Principal

Apron The Triangle on the flap shall be backed with dark blue. The ribbons supporting the metal gilt tassels shall be dark blue. The supporting belt round the waist shall be dark blue. The monogram on the centre of the apron shall be the Surrey badge with a Cornucopia. Sash The triangle shall be backed with dark blue. The tassels shall be metal gilt. Breast Jewel The Breast Jewel shall be worn with a Red ribbon. Collar Jewel The Collar Jewel shall be of metal gilt and shall be worn on a Tri-Colour Collarette. The emblem on the Collar Jewel shall be a Cornucopia.

For those who have not been Installed into a Principals Chair
Apron The Triangle on the flap shall be backed with dark blue. The ribbons supporting the metal gilt tassels shall be dark blue. The supporting belt round the waist shall be dark blue. The monogram on the centre of the apron shall be the Surrey badge with a Cornucopia at the centre. Sash The triangle shall be backed with dark blue. The tassels shall be of woven materials (not metal gilt). Breast Jewel The Breast Jewel shall be worn with a White ribbon. Collar Jewel The Collar Jewel shall be of metal gilt and shall be worn on a Tri-Colour Collarette. The emblem on the Collar Jewel shall be a Cornucopia.

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009



Arising out of a visit by the Pro Grand Master to South Africa, Western Division when the District Grand Lodge, having been opened in a private room, was called on while non-Masons were present, the Board affirmed that non-Masons should not be present during the ceremonies of opening or closing, or at any time that a Lodge is open. It has asked us for a view as to what constitutes Masonic business that may only be carried out while a Lodge is open. We have no hesitation in agreeing with the Board that so far as a Private Lodge is concerned no nonMason may be present while the Lodge is open. In support of this proposition we need look no further than the last of the Antient Charges in the Summary submitted to by every Master before his Installation: 15. You promise that no Visitor shall be received into your Lodge without due examination, and producing proper Vouchers of his having been initiated in a regular Lodge. Indeed we are not aware of any instance under this Constitution of a non-Mason having been admitted while a Private Lodge has been open. So far as Grand Lodge, or a Provincial or District Grand Lodge, is concerned, precedents exist for the meeting being called on so that Masonic business (of a purely administrative nature) could be carried out while non-Masons are present, the most notable instance being at Earls Court in 1992. Nonetheless we do not wish to disagree with the Board that such precedents should not be followed in future by Provincial or District Grand Lodges. We have no hesitation in expressing the opinion that no part of the ceremonies of Initiation, Passing, Raising and Installation should be conducted with non-Masons present; indeed, we consider that those ceremonies, to be valid, must take place in open Lodge. We believe that this must extend to those elements such as the Charge after Initiation, which some might argue are not strictly part of the ceremony. We note that the text of the Charge is already in the public domain, and in particular is sometimes recited at open days, but there is a distinction to be drawn between such event and a live ceremony and it is in our view wholly inappropriate to admit non-Masons to the latter. Similarly the administrative business of the Lodge, even ignoring the fact that it is of a private nature, if it is to be validly transacted must be conducted in open Lodge (i.e. without non-Masons present). Apart from those items of Masonic ritual and administrative business referred to above, it is our opinion that there is no compelling need to adopt a mysterious or secretive attitude towards other Masonic activities which can take place while a Lodge is called off or after it has been closed. For example the laying of Foundation Stones with Masonic ceremonial was once commonplace (and was recently revived at Beamish by the Province of Durham). Banner dedications afford another example where an impressive show of Masonic ceremonial (as opposed to ritual) can be given without in any way compromising Masonic principles. In such instances, an important test is whether the Lodge feels comfortable with such a display and, provided that the local Masonic authority has no objection either generally or in relation to a particular activity, we consider that Lodges should not be discouraged from (or, conversely, pressed into) admitting their ladies and friends on such occasions. It need hardly be said that no Masonic signs whatever may be given on such occasions, as the Lodge is not open.

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009

Precedents also exist for the admission of non-Masons to investitures. Clearly these do not of themselves involve anything that an outsider may not see and they are in any event conducted by or on behalf of a recognised Masonic authority. If we have any reservations it is because we question the overall value of what can be a relatively long and uninteresting ceremony as a PR exercise and because some Brethren may be reluctant to attend on such occasions to be invested because they do not feel comfortable at the presence of non-Masons. There will inevitably be some grey areas. For example, we cannot see anything especially esoteric in the Masonic ceremonial which accompanies a Private Lodges Centenary or Bi-Centenary celebrations and the associated presentation of a Warrant; nonetheless, we do not feel comfortable at the prospect of such business being transacted while the Lodge is not open in order to enable nonMasons to be present. We believe that a Centenary can be distinguished from a banner dedication in that it is an official ceremony, the essential elements of which have been laid down by central Masonic authority, whereas a banner dedication is an unofficial ceremony for which there is no formally authorised order of procedure. We therefore advise that non-Masons should not be admitted to Centenary or Bi-Centenary celebrations. Finally, there is a related issue, which is not usually addressed. Rule 178 prohibits the wearing of regalia when persons other than Masons are present unless a dispensation has been previously given. Such a dispensation was clearly implied at Earls Court, to which Brethren were summoned to appear in regalia, and similarly at the District Grand Lodge of South Africa, Western Division. It is clearly not so with a Private Lodge meeting, and we believe that it is desirable that the Rule should be either amended or enforced, rather than that a blind eye should be turned.

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009




These notes have been produced in response to requests from a number of different sources. As the title indicates they are for guidance and are not intended to be in any way prescriptive. Royal Arch Representatives in the Craft Lodges will usually be experienced Royal Arch Masons with indepth knowledge and understanding of the particular needs of those with whom they are communicating. The main purpose of these notes is therefore to ensure consistency of presentation i.e. to ensure that all Representatives are singing from the same hymn sheet. The content of individual presentations is for the Representative to decide but some, hopefully helpful, pointers are given below. 1. Role of the Royal Arch Representative. Actively to promote interest in the Royal Arch as a route to the completion of the journey commenced at Initiation. To show that the Royal Arch is the only way to attain a full understanding and appreciation of the teachings of Antient Free Masonry. Actively to encourage realisation that the Craft alone provides no spiritual framework for its teachings. To encourage Brethren to seek for that which was lost .., by their own industry, in the Royal Arch.

2. Duties of the Royal Arch Representative There are two components of the role of Royal Arch Representative; the specific and the general. The former relates to the role of the Representative following the presentation of a Brothers Grand Lodge certificate. This will normally be accompanied by a letter from the ME Grand Superintendent pointing out the existence of a future pathway to the new Master Mason and inviting him to consider aspects of that pathway which are given, in very general terms, in the letter. It is strongly recommended that the Representative speaks on a one-to-one basis with the new MM as soon as possible after the presentation emphasising that his Masonic journey can be significantly and meaningfully extended, recommending such extension very strongly to him. Some of the pointers given in the following section may well be useful in casting some light upon the road ahead. The second, general, component is just as important, especially in Lodges with a low proportion of RA Companions among the members. It is recommended that the RA Representative addresses the Lodge at least once in every year and this could provide opportunity for a more detailed exposition upon the Royal Arch and the desirability of seeking Exaltation in the Order. It is a regrettable fact that Lodge meetings will, on occasion, have no ceremonial work and a paper will often be given by a Brother. Such an occasion may provide opportunity for the RA Representative to make a more formal 15 - 20 minute presentation. It would be very appropriate, should the Lodge agree to such a presentation, for the RA Representative to suggest to the Master that the Lodge be opened in the Third Degree for the presentation. This would present three significant advantages. First, the full range of arguments in support of RA membership could be deployed as no EAs or FCs will be present. Second, the Opening in the Third Degree provides a timely reminder that something is missing. Third, if the Lodge were to be closed in the Third Degree (rather than resumed in the Second), the fact that something remains missing and substitutes for that something are being communicated would receive due and proper emphasis. An additional advantage is that the Lodge would have opportunity to work rather more ritual, hopefully to the satisfaction of the Officers and Members, than if a paper were delivered usually in the First degree. In the course of the presentation, there are a number of relevant points that could usefully be made. Representatives will doubtless select those that they consider most appropriate for their particular audience but the following are listed for guidance and/or assistance in building an address for a Representatives Lodge

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009

It is worth reminding listeners of the preliminary Declaration to the Book of Constitutions of 1813 Royal Arch is part of pure Antient Masonry, which consists of three degrees and no more, viz., those of the entered Apprentice, the Fellow Craft and the Master Mason including the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch. (Grand Lodge has now qualified this by additional wording. At the Quarterly Communication of 10 December 2003, the United Grand Lodge of England acknowledged and pronounced the status of the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch to be 'an extension to, but neither a superior nor a subordinate part of, the Degrees which precede it. This declaration thus makes clear that the RA is and provides an extension of all that has been taught in the three preceding Degrees. The following points arise largely from close examination of the Craft ritual. It may be worthwhile pointing out to Brethren that these, in some cases subtle, pointers are clear guides to what the complete Mason should seek to know. The three Grand Principles, brotherly love, relief and truth, introduced at a candidates Initiation, underlie our whole system and, in the RA, these close the loop back to a Candidates Initiation. However, the Craft teachings are silent upon the deeper meaning of Truth, especially in relation to the Deity Masonry is a progressive science. The EA progresses from the NE part to the SE part to mark the progress he has made in the science. The progressive nature is re-emphasised in the Third Degree in the Exhortation after the Obligation. The Candidates attention is drawn to a retrospect .. of those degrees ... that he may the better be enabled to understand and appreciate. The Third degree retrospect draws a parallel between the life of man from birth, through maturity to the close of existence, as exemplified in the three Degrees with the development of those working upon KST the Apprentice, the FC and finally the MM. This parallel concludes in the Craft with the completion of KST (in the 2nd Degree Tracing Board When the Temple at Jerusalem was completed; in the Inner Working at the Installation of a WM, reference is made only to the completion of the Temple) but note that nowhere in the Craft is its Consecration or Dedication mentioned apart from the FC Word and then only in terms of a name, not an event. Thus the Craft concludes with the death of H Ab and a physical building not yet dedicated to the praise and glory of the MH, i.e. with no spiritual quality. Likewise, it focuses the mind sharply upon the termination of our mortal existence. But what follows this? A clue to the answer to the above question is found in the quote that even in this perishable frame resides a vital and immortal principle . The Craft is almost solely concerned with our earthly life and our duties to one another as exemplified in the F. Ps. O F. and the WTs of each Degree. Life beyond the present receives scant acknowledgement except in three specific instances. In the unfortunately not commonly heard extended version of the 2nd Degree WTs, the candidate is advised that he should in all your pursuits, have eternity in view. In the 3rd Degree he is advised that the light of a MM serves only to express that gloom which rests upon the prospect of futurity. He is reminded that this mysterious veil can only be penetrated with the assistance of that light which is from above Again in the 3rd Degree, reference is made to that bright morning star whose rising , probably a reminiscence of the Christian origins of Masonry, before it was effectively de Christianised largely by the Duke of Sussex as Grand Master from 1813. This is the only direct spiritual reference in the Craft, as explained below.

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009

Today, the bright morning star alludes to the dawning of ones personal perception and full realisation of TGAOTU and His role in our being. The Masonic context is that our personal awareness of the GAOTU is what gives us our faith in what happens at and after the end of this mortal existence and which is nowhere mentioned in the Craft. The loss of our physical being, enacted in the ceremony of Raising could be held to parallel the destruction of the Temple by Nebuchadnezzar r in about 586 BC. In the Craft, the parallel finishes here but the in fact Temple was later rebuilt and came into a new existence some 470 years later. It also parallels the building of that inner temple for Gods eternal praise within ourselves. (This quote is not from the Craft ritual but is given as it is particularly apposite. A further hint of more to come is given in the explanation of the Three Great Lights immediately following the MM Obligation. In this, the whole is disclosed implying that you are now at liberty to work with both those points in order to render the circle of your Masonic duties complete. Note at liberty to work suggesting that having reached the distinction of being a MM, the journey is not complete. There is more to do with both those points. What does working with both those points produce? A geometrical figure not mentioned elsewhere in the Craft but of powerful import to the RA Mason and which symbolises the essence of the Royal Arch that which was lost. This is surely a clear and unequivocal indication that attainment of the degree of MM can not be the end of the journey. There is a quantum leap from being a Brother in the Craft to being a Companion of the Royal Arch. The teachings of the Royal Arch are on a completely a different plane to the Craft. To please each other and unite in the grand design of being happy and communicating happiness is still our aim, but it is one which in the Chapter we are enabled to view in a more rewarding and satisfying light than in the Lodge. When considering the transition from MM to RA Mason, it is worth reflecting upon what is implied by the descriptions of the means of gaining each degree, i.e. Raising and Exaltation. Exaltation implies elevation to a higher plane than that achieved by the simple physical act of raising Craft Masonry concerns itself with the relationships between ourselves and our fellow beings in the construction of the Temple, whether at Jerusalem or within ourselves, whereas the Royal Arch concerns itself with our relationships with the Supreme Being, by whatever name we call Him. If the completion of the journey is so strongly recommended, why is membership of a new and separate Order needed? History explains this. Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England dating from April 1808 originated from the Most Excellent Grand and Royal Chapter formed in January 1766. Membership was exclusively from the Grand Lodge of Antients, practising the three degrees of Craft Masonry together with the Royal Arch as the fourth degree, separately worked but within the Antients Grand Lodge. The Moderns did not recognise the RA and on the formation of United Grand Lodge, a compromise was reached and RA Chapters were constituted as daughter bodies of, but separated from, Craft Lodges. Masonry is Free, requiring a perfect freedom of inclination in every candidate for its mysteries. This is why there is no Regulation that every Brother will go on to take the next step in Freemasonry. A M.M. who has not been Exalted in the RA has not attained all that Pure Antient Masonry offers. He progresses in Craft Masonry without the extended knowledge and understanding of the whole system of Pure Antient Masonry given by RA. His understanding and appreciation of Craft Masonry cannot be as comprehensive as it would have been had he progressed into the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch. Finally, recall the words at the closing of the Exaltation ceremony which could usefully be quoted in an address to a Craft Lodge, that RA Masonry has virtue as its aim, the glory of God as its object and the eternal welfare of man is considered at every part point and letter of its mysteries. Thus, with the welfare of man to the fore, the loop back to the ceremony of Initiation is completed and the new RA Mason is therefore a complete Mason and, through growth in Masonry, the eternal themes of Brotherly Love and Relief are continued through the medium of Truth.

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009



Province of Surrey

Provincial Grand Master Province of Surrey

Grand Superintendent Province of Surrey

My Dear Brother .., Congratulations on having achieved the rank of a Master Mason. I wish you many happy years to enjoy that status and to progress in your Lodge and Freemasonry in general. Having taken your First, Second and Third Degrees, you may well be thinking that, having graduated as a Master Mason, you have achieved all that is necessary for you to fully understand and appreciate all that our system of pure antient masonry has to offer. However, if you look at the latest Book of Constitutions, you will see that under General Laws and Regulations for the Government of the Craft it states that pure Antient Masonry consists of Three Degrees and no more viz: those of the Entered Apprentice, the Fellow Craft and the Master Mason, including the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch. Now that you have received the Three Craft Degrees you are eligible to extend your Masonic knowledge and experience by being exalted in the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch. In the degrees which you received in your Craft Lodge you were taught that Freemasonry is a system of morality based on a belief in The Great Architect of the Universe and giving brotherly love, relief and truth as the rule for your earthly pilgrimage. The Ceremony of Raising implies that there is more to learn for it urges us to lift our eyes to that bright Morning Star whose rising brings peace and salvation to the faithful and obedient of the human race. The Royal Arch develops this theme and therefore follows on from where the Third Degree left off. It is concerned with truth in the context of eternity and so leads its members (Companions) to a higher understanding of the purpose of our mortal existence. The Ceremony of Exaltation is not carried out in a Craft Lodge, but in another Assembly called a Chapter. This is because the greatest mystery which Freemasonry invites us to contemplate requires a completely different setting in which to work one of the most beautiful ceremonies in Freemasonry and in which to illustrate the allegory and symbolism of its teachings. This may give the impression that the Royal Arch is something separate and apart from the Freemasonry practiced in a Craft Lodge. However, the status of the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch is as an extension to, but neither superior to nor a subordinate part of the Degrees which precede it. It is only natural that you will now also wish to concentrate on fulfilling your new responsibilities as a Master Mason and progressing in your Lodge. Let me assure you that, in a Royal Arch Chapter, you will find a unique atmosphere of tranquility and companionship. At the same time, you will gain a greater understanding and appreciation of your Craft Masonry. Most important of all, you will not be asked to take on any office in the Royal Arch until you feel that you have the personal time and ability to devote to that Office. Companions who have been exalted in the Royal Arch wear their Royal Arch breast jewel in a Craft Lodge so do not hesitate to ask for more information from the nominated Royal Arch Representative in your Lodge or from any Brother who is wearing a Royal Arch breast jewel. I hope that it will not be too long before you, too, have been rewarded with a Royal Arch breast jewel and enjoy the higher understanding of Masonry that it implies. Yours sincerely and fraternally,

Provincial Grand Master of the Craft Province of Surrey and Grand Superintendent in and over the Royal Arch Province of Surrey

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009



The M E Grand Superintendent as part of the recruitment and retention initiative has asked that each Chapter implements a mentor or guiding hand scheme. The aim is to avoid the situation of a newly exalted companion feeling ignored or sitting on the sidelines without anyone to help him. Mentors can guide talented newly exalted companions along the right paths and provide a solid source of support. It will be useful to the newly exalted companion to have someone he can discuss his options with off the record and the mentor can be described as having big ears and a small mouth. Most importantly the mentor should be prepared to devote the time required and to be challenged by his protg as the relationship develops. More often than not mentors will put in more to the relationship than they get out. Therefore each individual will need a personalised approach from a mentor but the following gives a flavour of some of the attributes of a good mentor. He: always stays neutral is approachable at any time is honest gives constructive advice gives guidance but leaves the decisions to the individual is open to the idea of learning from the relationship as well as teaching has a genuine interest in the individual takes rejections well

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009



During the year you will receive the following returns for completion:-


Form AR1 is received from Supreme Grand Chapter in triplicate. You are required to note in the remarks column those Companions who have died, resigned or have been excluded. Obtain a cheque from the Treasurer for the amount shown and the MEZs signature, and send the two top copies with the cheque to Provincial Grand Chapter. Keep the third copy for your records. If there have been any newly Exalted Companions, the appropriate fees must be added to the return. Do not deduct dues for companions who have died, resigned etc. Please note the instruction which comes from Supreme Grand Chapter with this return. Note that this form requires the signatures of both the Scribe E and the First Principal. NB if Supreme Grand Chapter fees are not paid within six months the Chapter may be suspended.



Form LP & A4 is received from Supreme Grand Chapter prior to the Installation Convocation. You are required to list the officers for the year and also PZs of, or in, the Chapter. (It helps if you have last years return for the list of PZs) Take a copy for your records and send the original to Provincial Grand Chapter, who will in turn forward this to Supreme Grand Chapter. Note that this form also requires the signatures of both the Scribe E and the First Principal.

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009

Supreme Grand Chapter Installation Return Form LP&A4 (page 1)

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009

Supreme Grand Chapter Installation Return Form LP&A4 (page 2)

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009


The Annual Financial Return is received from Provincial Grand Chapter prior to 31st December. It is computer produced and is similar to AR1 but does not require the signature of the First Principal. It should be paid by the 31st January. Obtain a cheque from the Treasurer for the amount due and send to Provincial Grand Chapter. Keep a copy. Note: if it is not paid by 31st July the Chapter may be suspended.



Form PGCS3 - Installation return is received from Provincial Grand Chapter prior to the Installation Convocation. The information supplied is used to update the records in the UGLE ADelphi database and in producing the Provincial Year Book. Only the officers for the year, Scribe Es details and amendments to PZs require to be completed. Send to Provincial Grand Chapter immediately following the Installation Convocation and keep a copy.

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009

PGCS3 Installation Return


Please complete this form and forward to the Provincial Grand Scribe E or e-mail to: Immediately after the Installation Convocation
Chapter Number Chapter Name

Complete this section only where changes have occurred

Meeting place Meeting days

Complete this section in full, especially telephone number(s) and email address for our records
Scribe E Name: Full postal address (incl post code) Telephone numbers: Home: Email address: Business: Mobile:

Return of the PRINCIPALS and OFFICERS invested on (exact date): ________________________ OFFICE FIRST NAMES

in block letters

Military / Civil only

(preceded by an asterisk if a Founder Member)

MEZ H J SE SN Treasurer DC Almoner Charity Stwd. P.S. 1st Asst.Soj. 2nd Asst. Soj. ADC ASE Organist Steward Steward Steward Janitor
Lodge /RA Rep.
FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date Adelphi updated Date Year Book updated

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009

PGCS3 Installation Return - Page 2

Corrections to and Omissions from the Provincial Year Book You need not complete this section in full: Check your Chapter entry in the Year Book Enter below only corrections and omissions Do not enter the MEZ or IPZ, these are known

Subscribing Past First Principals OF the Chapter - corrections

Year Installed Initials & Surname Honours Civil & Military Grand Chapter Rank Prov Grand Rank Surrey Prov Grand Rank Other Provinces

Other Past First Principals IN the Chapter - corrections

Installed in Chapter No Initials & Surname Honours Civil & Military Grand Chapter Rank Prov Grand Rank Surrey Prov Grand Rank Other Provinces

Past First Principals TO BE REMOVED from the Year Book

Reason for omission: D = Died R = Resigned H = Elected an Honorary Member C Ceased membership (2 years in arrears) E Excluded under Lodge By-Laws (less than 2 years in arrears) Initials & Surname Reason Date Initials & Surname Reason Date

Date form completed:


Note: If this form is completed electronically and e-mailed to the Provincial Office the name can be printed

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009

In addition the following documentation needs to be completed and returned on the occurrence of the specified events.


Registration Form P has to be returned to Supreme Grand Chapter in respect of every newly exalted Companion together with a cheque for the relevant fee. A similar form has to be sent for joining Companions but in this case no fee is payable. Please ensure that this form is signed by the newly Exalted Companion (as he is consenting to his data being held on Chapter, Provincial Grand Chapter and Supreme Grand Chapter records), is countersigned by the First Principal and the Scribe E. and forwarded to the Provincial Grand Scribe E, together with the appropriate fee, for onward transmission to Supreme Grand Chapter. It is most important that only forms which contain reference to the Data Protection Act 1998 are used in future.


Form PGCS1 (Change of Address or Status) has to be sent to Provincial Grand Chapter immediately after being notified of any change to a members details or status. Note: for Resignations use form PGCS2.



Form PGCS2 (Notification of registration) has to be sent to Provincial Grand Chapter immediately after being notified of a resignation of a member.

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009

Supreme Grand Chapter - Registration Form P (page 1)

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009

Supreme Grand Chapter - Registration Form P (page 2)

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009

PGCS1 - Change of Address or Status


Please forward to the Provincial Grand Scribe E or e-mail to: Scribe E: PLEASE USE BLOCK CAPITALS Members Surname: Change of Address: First Names: Chapter: No.

Post Code: E-mail: Tel: Date:

Change of Status: Deceased Excluded Ceased Membership Hon. Membership Date: Date: Date: Date:

Note: For Resignations use form PGCS2

Promotion or new Masonic Honours (London [Metropolitan] or other Provinces, excluding Surrey) New Rank: Date:

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009

PGCS2 Notification of Resignation


Scribe Es CONFIDENTIAL report
Please forward to the Provincial Grand Scribe E or e-mail to: Scribe E: PLEASE USE BLOCK CAPITALS Members Surname: Date of Resignation Type of membership (Please give date) Other Chapters of which a member: Attendance at this Chapter over last 2 years Is he leaving the RA (Please tick) Is leaving the Craft? (If known) Number of Convocations Completely Yes Number attended Only this Chapter No Exalted Joined Rejoined First Names: Chapter: No.

If previously a regular non attender, was contact made to find out why? (Y/N) Reason given for resignation (Please tick most appropriate): Age Ill health Change of work location ... Change of domestic location Other reason - please specify Costs of Masonry too high Dispute within Chapter Lost interest . Disenchanted with Masonry

Has the member been contacted (letter, visit or telephone call) by Almoner, Scribe or other senior Companion to discuss his resignation? Please indicate L for letter, P for phone call or V for visit. Please say who made contact and summarise briefly the outcome of such contact:

Do you believe that this resignation could have been avoided? Please specify how.

Any further comment that you may wish to add

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009



The official visitor will contact the Scribe E to advise the date of his intended visit. Full instructions how to proceed will come with his letter. E. Comp. E. Stuart-Bamford E. Comp. Dr. R.J. Howland, PGSwdB E. Comp. D F R Lester, PAGDC E. Comp. D.H. Mingo, PGStB ME Grand Superintendent Deputy Grand Superintendent Second Provincial Grand Principal Third Provincial Grand Principal



Asst. to Second Provincial Grand Principal Asst. to Second Provincial Grand Principal Asst. to Third Provincial Grand Principal Asst. to Third Provincial Grand Principal

E.Comp. Dr. D R W May, PAGDC E.Comp. C G Jones, PGStB E.Comp. R Low, PGStB E.Comp. G S Peters, PAGDC E.Comp. R A Bayliss, PAGSoj E.Comp. R J Wileman, PAGSoj E.Comp. C D Cradock, PGStB E.Comp. M A Winchester, PGStB E.Comp. D G Punt, PGStB E.Comp. A Long, PGStB E.Comp. C D Magee AGDC E.Comp. D A Harrington, PAGDC E.Comp. J R T Hockin, PAGDC E.Comp. R G T Elsey, PAGDC E.Comp. B G Johnston, PAGDC E.Comp. C W Eley, PAGDC E.Comp. C B Peak, PAGDC E.Comp. J A Taylor, PAGDC E.Comp. R C Ford, PProvGSN E.Comp. A L Wright, PProvGSN E.Comp. J Low E.Comp. B Perry E.Comp. R Willingale E.Comp. P J Caeiro

Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies

Provincial Grand Scribe N Provincial Grand Treasurer

Provincial Grand Registrar Provincial Deputy Grand Scribe E Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies

Reserves E.Comp. D G Dew, PAGDC E.Comp. A B Ford, PPGSoj

Provincial Assistant Grand Scribe E

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009


OVF1 (August 2009)


Name of Chapter: Name of Official Visitor: Number: Name of Scribe E: Date of visit:

PART A. The Chapter

Please tick box to confirm that all required accounts have been submitted to Provincial Grand Chapter If Accounts have not yet been sent to the Provincial Office, please attach two copies of your most recent Audited Accounts to the Summons you send to your Official Visitor.

Name: Raised in Lodge No: Date Raised: Exalted (E) or Joined (J): Date: (This enables the Province If Joined, Chapter of Exaltation to ascertain that the database is complete and No: fully up to date) and date Exalted: Please list Companions who have come into the Chapter during the last 12 months. Name: Raised in Lodge No: Date Raised: Exalted (E) or Joined (J): Date: If Joined, Chapter of Exaltation No: and date Exalted: Name: Raised in Lodge No: Date Raised: Exalted (E) or Joined (J): Date: If Joined, Chapter of Exaltation No: and date Exalted: E

D R Number of deaths (D), resignations (R) and exclusions (E) in the last 12 months Number of members at close of todays Convocation (include todays Exaltees and Joining Members)

3. CHARITY (Please specify supported Charities clearly and unambiguously). (For ProvGChStwds records)
Please list Charity Donations from 1 Aug 08 to 31 July 09 Please indicate whether Masonic (M) or Non-Masonic (N) 1 Charity: Sum donated: Date of donation: Charity: Sum donated: Date of donation: 2 Charity: Sum donated: Date of donation: 3


Appointments: Rank: Promotions: Rank: 5. GENERAL REMARKS AND FURTHER INFORMATION: Please identify particular strengths in or problems being experienced by the Chapter which you may wish to draw to the attention of the Provincial Executive. Please be as frank and explicit as possible. This report will be treated as CONFIDENTIAL unless you specify otherwise. (Continue on a separate sheet if necessary): 1 2 3 1 2 3

Does the Chapter share its work (e.g. some PS work allocated to 1st and /or 2nd Asst. Soj.) Please describe briefly if work sharing is regularly practised: Does the Chapter have a Mentor? If so, please identify him:

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009

PART B. The Companions

Companion Scribe E please note that if this report is to be done at an Installation Convocation, then the outgoing Principals are the ones we require to be listed below (not the new or incoming Principals)

OCCUPATION If retired give previous occupation If Company Director give type of business IS HE REGULAR ATTENDER? Please show the number of years the MEZ has served in any of the under mentioned Offices prior to going into the Principals Chairs. Offices Invested and served in prior to being Installed in the Principals Chairs Scribe E years Charity Steward years Scribe N years Principal Sojourner years Treasurer years Asst Sojourner years Dir of Ceremonies years ADC years Almoner years ASE years

Please show the number of years H has served in any of the under mentioned Offices prior to going into the Principals Chairs. Offices Invested and served in prior to being Installed in the Principals Chairs Scribe E .................. years Charity Steward .................. years Scribe N ...................years Principal Sojourner ...................years Treasurer ..................years Asst Sojourner ..................years Dir of Ceremonies .................. years ADC .................. years Almoner ................. years ASE ................. years

Please show the number of years J has served in any of the under mentioned Offices prior to going into the Principals Chairs Offices Invested and served in prior to being Installed in the Principals Chairs Scribe E .................. years Charity Steward .................. years Scribe N ...................years Principal Sojourner ...................years Treasurer ..................years Asst Sojourner ..................years Dir of Ceremonies .................. years ADC .................. years Almoner ................. years ASE ................. years

Scribe E comments upon MEZ: Please refer to ritual ability, chairmanship (Chapter & Festive Board), relationships with Chapter Companions and any special attributes. Please also mention any mitigating or extenuating circumstances that may have impaired his work

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009


Companions eligible for First Appointment

Only those who were first installed as MEZ on or before the 31st July 2005 are due for consideration.

Companions eligible for Promotion

Only those who were last appointed or promoted at the 2006 AGC or before are due for consideration

1st Candidate NAME IN FULL Please give full Forenames DATE OF BIRTH (dd/mm/yyyy) OCCUPATION If retired give previous occupation If Company Director give business DOES HE ATTEND REGULARLY? MONTH AND YEAR WHEN MEZ OFFICE HELD AT PRESENT

2nd Candidate

1st Candidate

2nd Candidate

Please show the number of years the First Candidate for Appointment has served in any of the under mentioned Offices since leaving the MEZ Chair for the first time. Offices Invested and served in since MEZ Scribe E .................. years Charity Steward .................. years Scribe N ................... years Principal Sojourner ................... years Treasurer ..................years Asst Sojourner ..................years Dir of Ceremonies ..................years ADC ..................years Almoner ................ years ASE ................ years

Please show the number of years the Second Candidate for Appointment has served in any of the under mentioned Offices since leaving the MEZ Chair for the first time. Offices Invested Scribe E Scribe N Treasurer Dir of Ceremonies Almoner and served in .................. years ................... years ..................years ..................years ................ years since MEZ Charity Steward Principal Sojourner Asst Sojourner ADC ASE .................. years ................... years ..................years ..................years ................ years Please show the number of years the First Candidate for Promotion has served in any of the under mentioned Offices since his last Appointment/Promotion. Offices Invested Scribe E Scribe N Treasurer Dir of Ceremonies Almoner and served in .................. years ................... years ..................years ..................years ................ years since last Appointment/ Charity Steward Principal Sojourner Asst Sojourner ADC ASE Promotion .................. years ................... years ..................years ..................years ................ years Please show the number of years the Second Candidate for Promotion has served in any of the under mentioned Offices since his last Appointment/Promotion. Offices Invested and served in since last Appointment/ Promotion Scribe E .................. years Charity Steward .................. years Scribe N ................... years Principal Sojourner ................... years Treasurer ..................years Asst Sojourner ..................years Dir of Ceremonies ..................years ADC ..................years Almoner ................ years ASE ................ years

Scribe E comments upon above Companions: Please refer to ritual ability, relationships with Companions; work in Chapter offices since leaving the First Principals Chair, any special attributes. What is each Companions greatest single achievement since leaving the First Principals chair?

SIGNATURE of Scribe E: ...................................................................................................

DATE: .................................

If returning electronically, then your printed name will be accepted in lieu of your signature

Scribe E Handbook

Re-issued: August 2009

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