EDEL453 Spring2013 SandraCARRILLOPINEDO Unit 1 History Day 6

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Title of Unit: Americas past Title of Lesson: Communities Change Submitted By: Rachel L. and Sandra C.

A. Summary of the Lesson Plan: This social studies lesson is designed for 2nd grade students to learn about the first Americans to live in our community. This lesson uses the 2nd grade Houghton Mifflin Social Studies textbook Neighborhoods. (Pg. 260-263) B. Target Population: Grade Level: 2nd Skill Level: students at all learning levels Grouping: whole group reading & discussions, independent for activity and assessment C. Materials: 2nd Grade Houghton Mifflin Social Studies textbook Neighborhoods. (Pg. 260-263) Reading Skill (Unit Resource 77) 24 copies Vocabulary and Study Guide (pg. 78) 24 copies Paper and pencil D. Objectives: NV State Social Studies Standards H1.2.4 Recognize similarities and differences of earlier generations in areas such as work, dress, manners, stories, games, and festivals.

Student-Friendly Standards H1.2.4 I can recognize similarities and differences of people that used to live in our community before us.

E. Procedure: 1. Refer to notes on TE 260- Get Set to Read. Explain the Study Guide students will complete as we read. Call students attention to the timeline on pages 262-263 Identify and discuss how transportation changes how people live in a community Introduce vocabulary (transportation, technology) 2. As a class, read p. 260-265, stopping to ask questions as indicated in the margins of the TE. 3. Students should take notes and record information on their study Guide when we finish reading. 4. Ask questions listed in the margins of the TE as an ongoing check for understanding.
Nevada State College

(TE 261) What is a way that technology helped inventors? (TE 261) What have new kinds of transportation changed?
EDEL 453 - Spring 2013 Karen Powell- Instructor page 1

Title of Unit: Americas past Title of Lesson: Communities Change Submitted By: Rachel L. and Sandra C.

(TE 261) Compare the two maps of Plainfield today. What does the key on the map of Plainfield identify that is not on the key for plainfield 100 years ago? (TE 262) In what year did stagecoaches bring people to Plainfield? (TE 262) What are two changes in transportation that brought more business to Plainfield? (TE 262) What is Plainfield like today?

5. CLOSURE: the two statements in the Review/Asses section TE 263 F. Assessment: What will you use to measure student understanding? To measure students understanding I will have them complete the activity on p. 263. Student will have to name a kind of transportation that people use today and explain how it helps people. Explain how you will know students understand the concepts from the lesson. Students must identify transportation used today and clearly explain how it helps people. G. Reflection: 1. Which part of the lesson do you think will be the easiest for you to teach? I think the easiest for me to teach is the definition of technology, since kids these days are surrounded by more advanced technology and use it every day. 2. Which part will be most challenging for you to teach? I think the most challenging part for me to teach is the part about stage coaches. 3. How will you follow up or extend this lesson? For an extension to the lesson, I would use Extend lesson 6 (p.264-265) about Two Inventors. 4. What will you do for students who dont grasp the concepts? For the students who dont understand the concepts in this lesson, I would use the Reteach Minilesson described at the bottom of p. 263. I would work with individual struggling students as needed, working together to fill out an organizational chart that helps clarify what the mode of transportation was and how it changed the community of Plainfield. 5. Which part of the lesson, if any, do you think might need to change?
Nevada State College EDEL 453 - Spring 2013 Karen Powell- Instructor page 2

Title of Unit: Americas past Title of Lesson: Communities Change Submitted By: Rachel L. and Sandra C.

I think the whole lesson would be more effective if the content was used with the community the students are living in today in comparison to how the community they live in was, and how transportation changed their community. I think for effective learning sometimes the textbooks are best used as more of a guide for a more student relatable or more student engaging way of teaching the same content. This lesson could be one of those. Though if youre insistent on following strictly by the Teachers Edition, then I recommend also relating the content from this chapter, to the community your students live in. 6. When you were writing this lesson plan, what was the most difficult part? Actually typing it up was the most difficult part of writing this lesson plan.

Nevada State College

EDEL 453 - Spring 2013

Karen Powell- Instructor

page 3

Title of Unit: Americas past Title of Lesson: Communities Change Submitted By: Rachel L. and Sandra C.

Nevada State College

EDEL 453 - Spring 2013

Karen Powell- Instructor

page 4

Title of Unit: Americas past Title of Lesson: Communities Change Submitted By: Rachel L. and Sandra C.

Nevada State College

EDEL 453 - Spring 2013

Karen Powell- Instructor

page 5

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